I need add column in a table

can someone tell me how can i add a column in a table somewhere in midle, i don't won't this column at the end of table. this table already have about 500 rows. the column i am adding it is null. can someone tell me how can i do that without losing any data.
i am using oracle

the question is there is a way to do it instead of investagating why and so.... Well, it was for you to investigate actually to ponder on the question if it is worth it.
Anyway, I did provide you the way you would do it, if you do decide to do it.
Did you read till the end of the post?

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    Hello All,
    Through procedure I am trying to insert data into the target(EX_92) table(with schema flexibility)
    Source table data
    Target table QUERY
    drop table EX_P2;
    Procedure to insert above records with additional columns into the target table(EX_P2)
    drop procedure "DS_O1"."PROC";
    create procedure "DS_O1"."PROC"(IN max_value INTEGER, IN schema_name varchar(40), IN table_name varchar(40), IN column_list varchar(400))
    DECLARE maxid integer :=0;
    select max(ID) into maxid from "DS_O1"."EX_P2";
    select :maxid from dummy;
    INSERT_STR :='insert into "' || 'DS_O1' ||'"."EX_P2" ('||:column_list||') (select ' ||:column_list||'
      FROM "'||:schema_name||'"."'||:table_name||'"' || ' where  ID  >' || :max_value  || ')';
    EXECUTE immediate(:INSERT_STR);
    Now while executing above procedure
    I am getting the following error
    Could not execute 'CALL "DS_O1"."PROC" ( 0, 'DS_O1', 'TMP_EXL2','ID,PRODUCT_CODE,PRODUCT_NAME,PRICE,COLOR,STATUS,TYPE')' in 23 ms 564 µs .
    SAP DBTech JDBC: [7]: feature not supported:  [7] "DS_O1"."PROC": line 18 col 1 (at pos 779): [7] (range 3): feature not supported: cannot add column to flexible table when ddl autocommit is off

    Hi Rajnish,
    I had the same issue. For what it’s worth I was able to do a workaround basically creating all the columns when I create the table. The following code works for me to create the table which is just a matrix with one Integer column as the key and the rest as type Double.
    It is not ideal in all scenarios because the table columns cannot be added dynamically via a procedure at a later point. This table has 27K columns now
    Of course one of the advantages of a flex table would be programmatically adding columns dynamically. This works, but maybe there is still a way to add columns dynamically from a procedure, and someone else can advise.
    Apparently dynamically adding columns via procedures may have some "minor" limitations due to the need to compile the procedure with knowledge of the flex table DDL. But again, hopefully someone knows another solution.
    Best regards,
    /*********BEGIN PROCEDURE SCRIPT ************/
        -- cursor over messages
        declare cursor matrix_cursor for
            select distinct TERM
            from TERMS
            order by term;
           declare cnt INTEGER := 0;
           declare temptxt NVARCHAR(500000) := 'CREATE COLUMN TABLE DOC_MATRIX ( CONTENT_ID INTEGER ';
        for cur_matrix as matrix_cursor do
          cnt:=:cnt + 1;
               select temptxt || ', C' || cnt || ' DOUBLE' into temptxt from dummy;
        end for;
          temptxt:=temptxt || ' ) WITH SCHEMA FLEXIBILITY';
           EXEC :temptxt;
           select :temptxt from dummy;

  • ORA-22856: cannot add columns to object tables

    Oracle 9i
    I tried to alter a table using a simple script.
    ALTER TABLE tablename ADD col VARCHAR(50);
    And it gave me the error: -
    ORA-22856: cannot add columns to object tables
    Can someone give me some direction on how to resolve this? The script executes fine on a test env.
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks for replying...
    exit     Null? Type
    BUS     NUMBER
    REP     VARCHAR2(60)
    COS     NUMBER
    REP     VARCHAR2(50)
    ACC     NUMBER
    ADJ     VARCHAR2(2000)
    BAS     NUMBER
    BIL     VARCHAR2(360)
    BIL     VARCHAR2(50)
    BIL     VARCHAR2(3)
    BIL     VARCHAR2(50)
    BLP     VARCHAR2(240)
    BLP     NUMBER
    BOO     DATE
    COM     NUMBER
    COM     NUMBER
    COM     NUMBER(15)
    COM     NUMBER(15)
    COM     VARCHAR2(4000)
    COM     VARCHAR2(30)
    CUR     NUMBER
    CUS     VARCHAR2(240)
    DEA     VARCHAR2(240)
    EVE     VARCHAR2(240)
    HEA     VARCHAR2(240)
    HEA     VARCHAR2(240)
    HEA     VARCHAR2(240)
    HEA     VARCHAR2(240)
    INC     VARCHAR2(30)
    INV     DATE
    MAN     VARCHAR2(360)
    ORD     NUMBER
    ORD     VARCHAR2(240)
    PAY     VARCHAR2(240)
    PAY     NUMBER
    HEL     NUMBER
    PEO     VARCHAR2(150)
    PER     NUMBER
    PER     VARCHAR2(30)
    PER     NUMBER(15)
    PRO     VARCHAR2(240)
    PRO     VARCHAR2(240)
    QUA     NUMBER(15)
    QUO     NUMBER
    QUO     DATE
    QUO     DATE
    QUO     VARCHAR2(80)
    RED     VARCHAR2(240)
    REP     VARCHAR2(360)
    REP     VARCHAR2(30)
    REP     VARCHAR2(30)
    REP     VARCHAR2(150)
    REP     VARCHAR2(3)
    REP     VARCHAR2(150)
    REP     VARCHAR2(50)
    ROL     VARCHAR2(60)
    SHI     VARCHAR2(360)
    SPL     VARCHAR2(240)
    STA     DATE
    TER     DATE
    TOT     VARCHAR2(240)
    TRX     NUMBER
    TRX     VARCHAR2(240)
    TRX     VARCHAR2(20)
    TRX     VARCHAR2(30)
    WAI     VARCHAR2(240)
    YEA     NUMBER
    MAN     VARCHAR2(30)
    BUF     NUMBER
    BUF     VARCHAR2(60)
    EMC     NUMBER
    EMC     VARCHAR2(60)
    INT     NUMBER
    INT     VARCHAR2(60)
    SUP     NUMBER
    SUP     VARCHAR2(60)
    BRM     NUMBER
    BRM     VARCHAR2(60)
    SUP     NUMBER
    SUP     VARCHAR2(60)
    REP     NUMBER
    REP     VARCHAR2(60)
    DIV     NUMBER
    DIV     VARCHAR2(60)
    SUP     NUMBER
    SUP     VARCHAR2(60)
    REG     NUMBER
    REG     VARCHAR2(60)
    SUP     NUMBER
    SUP     VARCHAR2(60)
    ARE     NUMBER
    ARE     VARCHAR2(60)
    DIS     NUMBER
    DIS     VARCHAR2(60)
    ROL     VARCHAR2(240)
    ACC     NUMBER
    BON     NUMBER
    COM     VARCHAR2(240)
    COM     VARCHAR2(240)
    REP     NUMBER
    BIL     NUMBER
    BAS     NUMBER
    TOT     NUMBER
    TOT     NUMBER
    OVE     NUMBER
    BLP     NUMBER
    QUO     VARCHAR2(30)
    FN_     NUMBER
    FN_     VARCHAR2(10)
    SAL     NUMBER
    RES     NUMBER
    CRE     NUMBER
    MAN     VARCHAR2(100)
    PER     NUMBER
    PLA     NUMBER
    PLA     NUMBER
    REV     VARCHAR2(30)
    REP     VARCHAR2(150)
    OU_     NUMBER
    OU_     NUMBER
    EXC     VARCHAR2(1)
    MAN     NUMBER
    INV     NUMBER
    REP     NUMBER
    UPL     VARCHAR2(1)
    COM     NUMBER
    SEQ     NUMBER
    QUO     NUMBER
    PRO     VARCHAR2(10)
    PRO     NUMBER
    PRO     NUMBER
    BI_     NUMBER
    CUR     NUMBER
    YTD     NUMBER
    PAY     NUMBER
    PAY     DATE
    PAY     VARCHAR2(1000)
    PAY     VARCHAR2(80)
    PAI     VARCHAR2(1)
    HOL     VARCHAR2(1)
    SRP     NUMBER
    WAI     VARCHAR2(1)
    WAI     VARCHAR2(1)
    GBK     VARCHAR2(10)
    TRX     DATE
    PAY     NUMBER(15)
    FIX     NUMBER
    TER     DATE
    ADJ     VARCHAR2(240)
    PAY     NUMBER
    PRO     DATE
    OIC     DATE
    OIC     NUMBER
    OIC     VARCHAR2(30)
    OIC     NUMBER
    HEL     NUMBER
    COM     NUMBER
    TRA     NUMBER
    HDR     VARCHAR2(30)
    LIN     VARCHAR2(30)
    LIN     DATE
    SRC     DATE
    EM_     DATE
    EM_     DATE
    ORD     VARCHAR2(30)
    REP     VARCHAR2(150)
    BIL     VARCHAR2(300)
    PER     VARCHAR2(240)
    Excuse the incomplete column names. All datatypes are basic ones and there are no constraints defined on any of the columns (dw env). The table is partitioned.

  • How to add columns for existing table dynamically?

    I created table structure only. I want to add columns for this existing  table. Columns are not fixed, according to the  user choice i  need to write code.
    Plz give me reply asap.

    Hi Shirisha,
    I think the following code snippet will help you.
    int l_no_cols = 0;
    //Get the number of columns in this variable, something like the following
    //l_no_cols = wdContext().currentContextElement().get<Context_attribute_name>;
    IWDTable l_tab;
    IWDTransparentContainer l_tbl_cont = (IWDTransparentContainer)view.getElement("TableDataCont");//ID of Container
    l_tab = (IWDTable)view.getElement("TableData");//ID of Table
    for(int a = 1; a <=l_no_cols; a++)
    //Creating the column
    IWDTableColumn l_tab_col = (IWDTableColumn)view.createElement(IWDTableColumn.class,"COL"+a);
    //Creating Caption for Column Header
    IWDCaption l_tab_cap = (IWDCaption)view.createElement(IWDCaption.class,"Caption"+a);
    //Creating Table Cell Editor for column
    IWDInputField l_tab_cell = (IWDInputField)view.createElement(IWDInputField.class,"CellEditor"+a);
    //creating context node attribute for the column dynamically

  • How i add Columns to my table ?

    Guys, im not being able to add my columns to the table, can anyone help me ?
    TableView<String> tv = new TableView<>();
           TableColumn firstNameCol = new TableColumn();
           TableColumn lastNameCol = new TableColumn();
           TableColumn emailCol = new TableColumn();

    Woah! Thanks man! it works greatly but.... Theres just 1 more issue!! i read all the javaDoc and asked help to a friend but we were unable to find a solution, also, im using the "Introduction to javaFX 2 book".
    Im sorry to keep troubling you guys, but it seems javaFX isnt taking off here, and i sometimes think im one of the first in Brasil to starting learning it.
    They teach java in my College, but i think javaFX is a way better "swing/interface" than the one in java. Anyway , the problem im having is : I need get the data from a db , no problem with that, but how can i insert that data? I tried several solutions but none worked.
    Can you help me one more time :D ? Please!!
    thanks a lot guys
    Anyway, heres what the classes are :
    Main Class :
    package voosparaweb;
    import java.util.logging.Level;
    import java.util.logging.Logger;
    * @author André Vinícius Lopes
    public class Voos {
        public static void main(String args[])
         VoosParaWeb v1 = new VoosParaWeb();
         //The Code Below doesnt  work
    }voosParaWeb Class
    package voosparaweb;
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
    import javafx.scene.Group;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn;
    import javafx.scene.control.TableView;
    import javafx.scene.control.cell.PropertyValueFactory;
    import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    * @author André
    public class VoosParaWeb extends Application {
      public TableView<Data> t1 = new TableView<Data>();
      public static void main(String[] args) {
      public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
        Group root = new Group();
        GridPane gp = new GridPane();
        Scene scene = new Scene(root, 640, 480);
        t1 = tvset();
        gp.add(t1, 1, 1);
         //The Code Below work
        // v1.testingDataSetTable("1","13:00","Roma");
        primaryStage.setTitle("Terminals Panel");
      public TableView<Data> tvset()
        String Person;
        ObservableList<VoosParaWeb> data;
        TableView<Data> tv = new TableView<Data>();
        TableColumn<Data, String> idTc = new TableColumn<Data, String>("ID#");
        idTc.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory("id"));
        TableColumn<Data, String> timeTc = new TableColumn<Data, String>("Time");
        timeTc.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory("time"));
        TableColumn<Data, String> destinyTc = new TableColumn<Data, String>("Destiny");
        destinyTc.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory("destiny"));
        TableColumn flightTc = new TableColumn("Flight");
        TableColumn counterTc = new TableColumn("Counter");
        TableColumn boardingTc = new TableColumn("Boarding");
        TableColumn gateTc = new TableColumn("Gate");
        TableColumn statusTc = new TableColumn("Status");
        return tv;
      public void setDataTable()
        t1.getItems().add(new Data("1", "1:15", "Amsterdam"));
      public void testingDataSetTable(String i,String time,String dest)
        t1.getItems().add(new Data(i,time,dest));
      public static class Data {
        private String id;
        private String time;
        private String destiny;
        public Data()
        public Data(String id, String time, String destiny) {
          this.id = id;
          this.time = time;
          this.destiny = destiny;
        public String getId() {
          return id;
        public String getTime() {
          return time;
        public String getDestiny() {
          return destiny;

  • CEWB - add Columns to standard Table control using enhancement

    there is a table control in CEWB where i want to add a field from table STPO. Is this possible to add fields to standard tble control. If yes, what is the method? Enhncement or i read somewhere GUIXT. Whats that?
    Any help will be really appreciated.
    I hv got some list of BADIs, but none of them re triggering in the "Component assignment" screen:
    Edited by: ags on Jan 20, 2012 7:11 PM

    I am able to do this using SAP GUIXT scripts. But since I am new to this Script would like to get some advice on it like is it best practice to use this technique in such situations? Also how do i make this change universl, like how should i deliver this develoipment to the customer nd other users? what kind of settings need to be done.
    Any hint will be really helpul.
    Thanks in advance.

  • How to add column to compressed table

    Hi gurus,
    Can any one help me how to add a column to compressed tables
    Thanks in advance

    The only difference is if added column has default value. In that case:
    SQL> create table tbl(id number,val varchar2(10))
      2  /
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into tbl
      2  select level,lpad('X',10,'X')
      3  from dual
      4  connect by level <= 100000
      5  /
    100000 rows created.
    SQL> select bytes
      2  from user_segments
      3  where segment_name = 'TBL'
      4  /
    SQL> alter table tbl move compress
      2  /
    Table altered.
    SQL> select bytes
      2  from user_segments
      3  where segment_name = 'TBL'
      4  /
    SQL> alter table tbl add name varchar2(5) default 'NONE'
      2  /
    alter table tbl add name varchar2(5) default 'NONE'
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-39726: unsupported add/drop column operation on compressed tables
    SQL> alter table tbl add name varchar2(5)
      2  /
    Table altered.
    SQL> update tbl set name = 'NONE'
      2  /
    100000 rows updated.
    SQL> commit
      2  /
    Commit complete.
    SQL> select bytes
      2  from user_segments
      3  where segment_name = 'TBL'
      4  /
    SQL> select compression from user_tables where table_name = 'TBL'
      2  /
    SQL> alter table tbl move compress
      2  /
    Table altered.
    SQL> select bytes
      2  from user_segments
      3  where segment_name = 'TBL'
      4  /
    SQL> SY.

  • Need mapping columns for the table ic_whse_inv in R12.

    Hi Guys,
    We are upgrading to R12, and I need mapping for the following columns in the table ic_whse_inv
    to the Tables in R12.
    Can you guys help me?
    Thanks\Kiran S.

    I have already gonr through the OPM release 12.1 migration documents provided in 376683.1.
    The metalink ID1098353.1 is somewhat helpful for me in analyzing the transactions duting upgrade phase. However, I still not able to get the exact replacement for ic_loct_inv in R12. Your assistance is really required and appreciated.

  • Add columns to a table with lob column

    Just a quick question: is there a performance penalty after adding columns to a table with a lob fied? the lob field is now the last column in the table and via via I was told that adding columns will impact badly the IO performance on the table if the lob field isn't anymore the last column. The table is on a Oracle version.
    thanks. regards

    Havent heard of performance degradation specifically due to a LOB column not being the last column in a table (although there are several issues with just having a LOB column in a table).
    You may want to build a test database to test it out. It should be easy to run tests comparing one with the additional column and one the original to prove or refute it. The results would be interesting to learn - please post them up if you intend to test it out.

  • Needed help to add columns from one table to another table

    I have emp and dept tables. I think most of all might know what columns it's contain. Now I want to create table emp_dept with all emp and dept table columns.
    I have wrote the below query it's worked too. But I think there should be some more other queries to get accomplish the same task. Plz let me know.
    create table emp_dept as select a.*, b.dname, b.loc from emp a full outer join dept b on a.deptno = b.deptno where 1=2
    Thanks for your time..

    1004909 wrote:
    I have emp and dept tables. I think most of all might know what columns it's contain. Now I want to create table emp_dept with all emp and dept table columns.
    I have wrote the below query it's worked too. But I think there should be some more other queries to get accomplish the same task. Why do you think that?
    Plz let me know.
    create table emp_dept as select a.*, b.dname, b.loc from emp a full outer join dept b on a.deptno = b.deptno where 1=2"WHERE 1 = 2" means you want to create the table, but not put any rows in it. In that case, theere's no need for a full outer join; a simple inner join would do just as well.
    There is no single "right" or "best" table. (Most of us would have differerent jobs if there were.)
    It does, however, make sense to talk about the "right" or "best" table for some specific purpose .
    The emp and dept tables in the scott schema are great for transaction processing, where rows are frequenctly INSERTed, UPDATEd and/or DELETEd. For example, if department 10 moves from New York to Pune, you only have to find and UPDATE 1 row, and that one UPDATE will affect all employees in departemnt 10, regardess of how many there are.
    What purpose will the emp_dept table have? Why is the table design used in the scott schema not best for you?
    One possibility is that you need a tale that is very fast to query, even though it may be very inefficient for transactions. For example, you might want a data warehouse that is only refreshed once a day, and were you can run several common queries quickly, without joining the emp and dept tales.
    Another possibility is that your data model (that is, what are the entities and the attributes) is different. For example, you may have a model where employees King and Miller both work in department 10, but King's location is New York, but Miller's is Pune.
    In either of these situations, the table you posted migt be the best design. Why are you asking the question? What is the problem with the emp_dept table you posted?

  • How to add column comments to table

    at the time of creating the table, how to add the comments t columns.

    I do not see any way in which you can add comment on column while issuing create table command. You can add comment on the column only after the table is created.
    Anurag Tibrewal.

  • Add Columns to MB26 Table Control Output

    Hi All...I need to add additional fields to the MB26 (Pick List) Output which is a table control. The table control display is done by Screen 580 of Standard Function Group COWB (done by the FM CO_WB_MAINTAIN_GOODS_MOVEMENT). I wanted to know a way out to add the additional fields in the layout without modifying (without modification Key) the standard Screen layout.

    I am able to do this using SAP GUIXT scripts. But since I am new to this Script would like to get some advice on it like is it best practice to use this technique in such situations? Also how do i make this change universl, like how should i deliver this develoipment to the customer nd other users? what kind of settings need to be done.
    Any hint will be really helpul.
    Thanks in advance.

  • How to add the values of all selected columns in a table and display it ?

    Hi all,
    I am using jdeveloper
    my page jsff page contains one ADF table and one textbox
    i have two database tables A & B ,
    i need 2 columns from each table . say (A.product_no ,A.product_name,B.prodeuct_price ,B.confirm)
    here product_no is primary key and present in both tables.
    i need to create a VO combining these two tables and put it as ADF table in a jspx page
    Functionality :
    my 'confirm' field is a checkbox field in table . whenever the checkbox is selected,
    the corresponding price will be getting added and display it in a textbox.
    if my first 4 price values are 3000 , 2000 ,4000,2000
    and if i select first 3 values , then the text box should contain 9000 value.
    i need help ...
    i need help in creating VO and functionality part

    it is easy: create an entity object for every table and one view object where you select your both entity objects and join them in your select statement.
    Your desired 'confirm' functionality could be achieved with helpp of view object transient attributes - for more information see: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E21764_01/web.1111/b31974/bcquerying.htm#CHDHJHBI

  • How to Add column with default value in compress table.

    Hi ,
    while trying to add column to compressed table with default value i am getting error.
    Even i tried no compress command on table still its giivg error that add/drop not allowed on compressed table.
    Can anyone help me in this .

    Aman wrote:
    while trying to add column to compressed table with default value i am getting error.This is clearly explain in the Oracle doc :
    "+You cannot add a column with a default value to a compressed table or to a partitioned table containing any compressed partition, unless you first disable compression for the table or partition+"

  • How to add column to report from the same table? Gives error now

    Steps to reproduce:
    Build a report on a table with easy report, select all columns
    Add column to the table
    Edit report and add column (one has to click Show Related Tables Only: No to view the same table!)
    Report will give error as it will be build as
    SELECT ... FROM table1, table1

    AH HAAA!!!!
    And I was afraid to convert from the "SQL (Structured Query)" to "SQL". Probably because I blew up my other reports...

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