I Need clean Northbridge fan/cooler

hello everyone!!..and sorry my english! 
I have a   K8N Neo4 Platinum ..How Can  remove the NORTHBRIDGE fan/cooler  without removing the motherboard?
i NEED clean it ... Can i do?
Thank you   

Best is to use high pressure air. Hold the fan still with a pencil while blowing.
Or use some cotton on a very small stick. Hold the fan still. Clean on both sides of the fan.
If you need to clean the NB fan, I think you have more cleaning to do. Better to take motherboard out.
Be careful!

Similar Messages

  • Northbridge Fan R&R: RESOLVED

    Yo, Oh Mighty Ones,
    Can anybody recommend a suitable, inexpensive replacement for the ILSR's NB fan?
    Also, how does one go about it? Do I need to pull and/or replace the heatsink as well? I'd like to keep it, and not on a keyring.
    Need help ASAP! I'm out to buy other hardware soon as well.
    I'm cheap. Really cheap.
    I cannibalized an old power supply for the fan, and then returned a pair of Christmas pants I didn't care for to Sears and exchanged them for a Dremel. I used the Dremel to cut a blow hole in the side, and mounted the fan on the inside.
    While I was in there, I disassembled the machine, got rid of the old NB fan (but kept the connector for the new fan), and cleaned out the fans/grilles, cpu fan, and heatsink. I also dressed the cables properly.
    Result: CPU temp @ 25C, system @ 32C!
    Now to OC!

    you can do what im going to do.
    i got the L board and it comes with only a little heatsink which i replaced with a active heatsink and the fan starts to be noisy.
    im going to buy a passive BIG heatsink and i will place a 80mm fan on the side that will blow somewhere between and around cpu and northbridge providing cool air.
    then i will take a 80mm fan to blow on my pci cards and gfx card.
    i already have a 80mm fan blowing on my 2 harddrives.
    they are just below my cdrom using 3.5"-5.25" adapters.
    to get the fans to run quitly i connect them to 5v instead of 12v.
    if thats not enough i can always by adjustable resistor and connect them to 12v.
    then i will put filters on all fans to get rid of the dust problem.
    you need to take out the motherboard out of the case to switch to the new one.

  • Can anyone recommend me a Northbridge fan replacement?

    I have a MSI K8N Neo4-F nForce4 and recently i have been experiencing random crashes and lock ups which i think are due to the northbridge fan failing (it was making horrible noises).
    I tried to replace this with the Asaka heatsink/fan combination thing but it didn't fit under the graphics card as there is only about 1.5cm vertical space available. Can anyone recommend a replacement suitable for this motherboard? Preferably a cheap one. =)
    Also -i don't know much about chipset- is it safe to run the computer without a northbridge fan installed assuming i don't do anything intensive like games or whatever?
    Thanks in advance.

    I was sniffing around some other forums,(as you do), when I came across this post. It sounds intresting, and may be worth giving it a try.
    "Repair your noisy cpu and system fans
    This is a fix that will last for a long, long time.
    Buy some graphite powder and some oil at an auto or hardware store. They come in different packages. For oil, the best is the pen-type as they are easy to handle and only give a small amount at a time. Just about any oil in a pen format will work fine. The graphite powder comes in small plastic tubes. But make sure you get graphite powder, not graphite oil, its too thin for this job! So you need graphite powder in a small tube and oil in a round "pen" that can be squeezed out and placed just where you need it. Also, when the oil is used up in the "pen" you can open it and add your own oil.
    First, clean the fan blades off real well. If you have a heatsink with the fan then clean the heatsink off as well. You can even use a bit of your oil and some q-tips for cleaning if needed. Then, take the small circle, it usually has a name on it, but its in the middle of the fan. Peel one edge up carefully and put a very small amount of oil in where you lifted the label up. Now add some graphite powder in the same place where you put the oil, add as much or a bit more of the graphite powder than the oil. Clean off excess oil and graphite and push the label back where it was. You may need a very small amount of duct tape to hold the label in position and to prevent leakage. This is important if the fan is going to "sit up" as opposed to lying flat.
    Now put the fan back where you want it and when it starts spinning it may be noisy for a few seconds until the graphite\oil works its way in. Then it will stop and it will stay stopped for many years and you may very well not need to buy a new fan after all!
    I experimented a lot with this and this is the very best way to quiet all those fans and have them work well. I have always been a big fan of those removable ide hard drive trays that you can buy. But the fans are the pits, they get noisy real fast. So i had to find a way to fix them as they are very expensive and hard to replace. Now i don't have to. Combo of oil and graphite is the very best, by far. One caution, graphite stains worse than
    oil, so be careful! I'm talking about staining your clothes and hands.
    You can use this system with all CPU fans, video card fans, system fans, and even fans inside power supplies. But one word of caution, its easy to open a power supply and take out the fan, but do be careful as there are voltages there can can hurt you badly. If you don't know what you are doing then wear rubber gloves to get the fan out and to put the fan back in after the
    Trust me, this will work. If the fan spins my method will work for years and I have even fixed fans that were stuck and wouldn't spin! This is better done with the fan on the table but in those cases where you cant or don't want
    to take the fan out of the system, that's where the "pen" with the needle comes in again, but i still find a way to get some graphite in as well, graphite is what makes the oil last a long time! And graphite is also an oil, but you need both together for maximum effectiveness. Oil by itself will only last a few weeks or so and then evaporate, and the fan will get noisy again. Its the graphite powder that does the long term job. The oil really only helps to spread the graphite powder around really well so the graphite can do the job!
    Hope you do as well as i have with this info!"
    End Quote.
    Edit - Additional Info
    The type of northbridge fan used on some MSI boards, eg K8N Platinum & Diamond etc, require that you remove the fan from the board first (you will have to remove the motherboard to do this). This is because the top of the shroud is attached from the bottom by two tiny Phillips type screws. Once you have removed the shroud, very gently prise off the fan from the motor assembly. There is no need to try and remove the three other tiny screws that secure the fan motor in place to the bottom half of the shroud. Once removed, you will see that under the fan is a small plastic pin that holds the sleeve bearing in place.

  • Question About Northbridge fan

    First, my system specs:
    Intel Pentium 4 Prescott 2.8GHz HTT w/ 800MHz FSB
    Thermaltake Spark 7+ Xaser Edition A1715 CPU Cooler
    MSI 865PE Neo2-PFISR motherboard (BIOS ver. 3.8)
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    Enermax Noisetaker EG475P 470W PSU(+3.3V = 34A, +5V = 40A, +12V = 33A)
    Windows XP Pro SP2
    Even though on MSI's website the picture for the PFISR doesn't have a northbridge fan, mine does.  So, is there a reason why this thing is so bloody loud?  It sounds like a piece of plastic is just barely sticking up into the fans, creating a rattling sound.  If I turn my CPU fan speed down to a moderate speed, the NB fan is the loudest thing in my case, and I have five 80mm case fans and two PSU fans going full speed.
    Does my motherboard have fan control for this fan?  Is it possible to turn the speed down some?  What if it I just remove the damned thing altogether?  I don't really see the point of having the fan there anyway, since both it and the heatsink are so small that they can't really be moving that much heat.  How hot does the northbridge usually get?  Is it possible to overclock the northbridge and see any performance gain?

    Originally posted by Frankenputer
    You need to put a shrotcut to the Speedfan.exe file into the startup folder, usually C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup . Right click on the speedfan.exe file, usually found C:\Program Files\SpeedFan, choose create shortcut. A shortcut will be created in that folder, right-click on the shortcut and choose cut, navigate to the startup folder, usually C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup, and paste the shortcut into that folder. If you have a shortcut already on the desktop you could right click on that, choose copy and paste that shortcut into the startup folder. Speedfan will now startup with windows.
    Thanks, that worked perfectly.
    And I configured Speedfan to only run the NB fan at 75%, and it is now much quieter.  

  • Northbridge fan speed

    I just bought a MSI K8N Neo3 nForce 4 mainboard. I have updated the bios to the latest version. Activated cool and quiet, and the smart cpu fan control. When I enter the bios the northbridge fan works at around 7500 rpm! And make so much noise. Can this be correct. Can I somehowe slow it down? It also seem like the cpu fan goes to fast, over 3000, the temperature on the cpu is 30 degrees. It's a AMD semperon 2800+. Somebody help me?

    It's been posted many times already.
    You could get the zalman fanmate2 to lower the rpm of the NB fan.
    It will go as low as 2800rpm,but keeping it around 5400rpm should do the job just fine.
    I run it around 5000rpm(jumps up and down between 5000 and 5400) and also I've ordered a replacement fan from msi in the netherlands,it's on the way free of charge.
    I did this because now I've greased the standard fan several times already because of the grinding noise it sometimes produces,even at 5400rpm.
    Also speed seems to drop down occasionally,so for now I'm fine,but the replacement fan will come in handy since this is leading to a dead end.
    This new fan seems to run at approx 5400rpm btw.
    Can I somehowe slow it down? It also seem like the cpu fan goes to fast, over 3000, the temperature on the cpu is 30 degrees.
    This seems in order.If you can't lower the cpu fan speed you might need a bios update or cpu driver update.
    Or your cpu isn't supported by the cool&quiet chip.

  • Northbridge fan

    Is it possible to get the original northbridge fan that comes with the board for my KT4 Ultra from MSI?  

    I use the blue orb and I stuck it on with stickem tape,"thats not the stickem with a gun". seem to work great, you could put a fan on the heat sink, you will need to make the holes bigger in the fan and put bigger screws in i guess but the blue orb does it for me. basically a cooler is a cooler but i choose the vga for it is ment for high heat.

  • Replacing my Northbridge Fan

    My Northbridge fan has stopped and I need to replace it. How do I get the old one out? From reading the forum it looks like this is a common problem and many have probably already done the job. I am hoping I don't have to pull the MB, but I think I might have to. Any precautions to watch out for. Thanks for all replays.

    As Henry has already said, you will have to remove the board from the case to do the job. Have a read of this thread :- https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=98720.0 It will give you an idea of alternative coolers available to you.
    Also you can download a helpful video that shows you how to do the job from here :- http://www.angrygames.com/vids/street_tuts/evercool2.zip
    The only other advice I have for you is to make sure that you've grounded yourself before starting any work, and put the motherboard on a non conductive surface whilst doing the work, so that no damage from static occurs. Also run the pc for a couple of minutes before starting the work so that the chip heats up a bit and softens the old paste, that will make it easier to remove the old cooler without damaging the chip.
    Good luck,and let us know which cooler you go for and how you got on.

  • Hate that whiny Northbridge fan

    865 PE Neo2 LS  P4 3.0 H/T.
        That Northbridge fan is irritating. How important is it? I mean, there's a good size heatsink there. Do you think I could just unplug it? I looked at Zalman fanless heatsink but my board doesn't have the needed holes. Also, I'm getting the big Zalamn CPU heatsink/fan (120mm) which might help cool it.   

    If the fan your talking about is the one with Red Green and Blue LED's in it, rip the sucker out.
    I've ripped it out of a few PCs, they are  house and make a hell of a noise.
    Just make sure the case has good airflow over that heatsink, or she may get a little hot.
    I think its there for looks more than anything.
    Otherwise just find a simalar fan to replace it with.
    If it is under warranty, take it to where you brought it and insist that THEY replace the fan for you, under warranty.

  • New system/Northbridge fan

    Hi all,
    I'm planning to buy some new parts for my machine:
    * MSI K8N Diamond Plus
    * Athlon 64bit 3500+ venice
    * Kingston pc4000 1GB mem
    * Tagan 530Watt PSU
    * Zalman CNPS9500 Led CPU cooler
    What do u think about this configuration?
    And my second question is the northbridge fan, i don't like it :(
    Currently i have an MSI 875P neo, this board also had an annoying NB fan which i've removed because
    it wasn't really needed and it did make allot of noise.
    But is this also possible with the: MSI K8N Diamond Plus board or am i going to fry this one when removed?
    I'm not planning to overclock the system and have pretty good cooling (i think ) in my case:
    Thermaltake soprano case
    2x 12CM fan (front/back)
    1x 12CM fan in PSU
    Thanks in advance!

    Configuration is nice,for PSU look also to my Antec http://www.antec.com/us/productDetails.php?ProdID=24480 or http://www.antec.com/us/productDetails.php?ProdID=28550 because it have cable management and you can install only the cables you need,in 6 years with Antec PSU's never have one single problem.With the northbrige fan look the response that was given to me by a forum member http://hem.legend.se/kammaren/temp/chipgpu.pdf But on my mobo doesn't fit so I use zalman fanmate 2 to reduce the rpm of the fan and now is ok the noise

  • MSI K7N2 Delta-ILSR Noisy Northbridge fan

    I'm having a problem with the nforce chipset fan on my K7N2 Delta-ILSR.
    It makes a horrible wailing sound when cold booting and is only running at about 2500rpm instead of 4000rpm.
    It does this usually for about 30 seconds then runs normally.
    Does it just need cleaning   or is it on it's way out?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Originally posted by Garfield
    I'm having a problem with the nforce chipset fan on my K7N2 Delta-ILSR.
    It makes a horrible wailing sound when cold booting and is only running at about 2500rpm instead of 4000rpm.
    It does this usually for about 30 seconds then runs normally.
    Does it just need cleaning   or is it on it's way out?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
      I had the same problem. All I did was loosened the left screw(when looking from the front of the case) until the noise stopped. Give it a try!!!

  • [865PE/G Neo2 Series] Suggestions for excellent Air/Fan Cooling - P4 Northwood

    Guys, I need some advice here.  I've got my 2.8 Northwood up to 3.16 (yea, I know, not great or anything but good enough for right now). 
    Anyway, with the coming of the blazing Summer temps hitting Michigan in the high 80-90s, my case and CPU temps are skyrocketing.  I am finding that my idle temps, once at 31C are now at 35-36C, and the CPU temps once at 42C max under load are now reaching 50+ C.  Also, this is the first time in months upon seemingly endless months that I am now getting random reboots, and I am sure it is due to soaring temps and heat problems.  The room temps here are killer, and right now are in the high 70s...    
    I would like to please hear your suggestions/recommendations on a good AIR/FAN cooling solution for my specs I have listed below.  I am looking for something that is not very loud if possible, I welcome and thank you for your comments!
    865PE-NEO2-LS (601-6728-020)
    AMI BIOS version 2.5
    P4 Northwood, Socket 478, 2.8 Ghz/800Mhz FSB HT Enabled
    4 DIMMS (256MBx4)=1GB KingMax PC3200 DDR400, Model # MPXB62D-38KT3R-PEA
    PowMAX PS LP-8800D, 400 watt, max load +3.3@28A,+5@30A,+12@25A,[email protected],[email protected],+5vsb@2A, 70% min@full load
    INTEL 865 .INF Drivers ( 5/7/2004)
    Main: Western Digital Raptor, 10K rpm, 36GB
    2nd: Maxtor ATA133 7200rpm 120GB
    CD-RW:  Lite-On 52x32x52
    BFG Tech GeForce 6800 GT OC 256MB GDDR3 AGP Graphics Card
    SoundBlaster Audigy 2
    ViewSonic Professional P225FB 22" monitor
    Current Settings:
    Configure SDRAM Timing by SPD   Disabled
    CAS# Latency   3
    RAS# Precharge   4
    RAS# to CAS# Delay   4
    Precharge Delay   6
    Burst Length   8
    AGP Aperture Size   128
    Performance Mode (slow, fast, turbo, Ultra Turbo)   SLOW
    DRAM Frequency   452
    Adjust CPU Bus Clock (Mhz)   226
    DDR Clock (Mhz)   452
    Adjust AGP/PCI Clock (Mhz)   66.66/33.33
    CPU Vcore Adjust   Yes
    CPU Vcore   1.5375
    DDR Power Voltage (Default is 2.50)   2.6500
    AGP Power Voltage   1.5000
    SiSoftware Sandra Prof. 2005 System Info   
    Front Side Bus Speed (4x)/Memory Bus Speed (2x)   226
    Front Side Bus Data Rate (FSB Speed x4)   904
    Memory Bus Speed (FSB Speed x2)   452
    CPU SPEED (GHz with 14x multiplier)   3.16
    CrystalCPUID (C) 2002-2005 hiyohiyo
                        Crystal Dew World [http://crystalmark.info/]
                 OS : Windows XP Professional SP1 [ 5.1 Build 2600 ]
               Date : 2005/06/08 0:48:10
           CPU Name : Intel Pentium 4 HT (Northwood)
      Vendor String : GenuineIntel
        Name String : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
       Architecture : x86
       Process Rule : 0.13 um
           Platform : Socket 478 [2]
           CPU Type : Original OEM processor
    Number(Logical) : 2
    Hyper-Threading : 2
             Family : F
           FamilyEx : 00
              Model : 2
           Stepping : 9
               APIC : 00
           Brand ID : 09
       Microcode ID : 14
            Feature : MMX SSE SSE2 HTT
    PowerManagement :
                        Current        Original
              Clock : 3164.35 MHz     2800.00 MHz
       System Clock :  226.03 MHz      200.00 MHz
         System Bus :  904.10 MHz      800.00 MHz
         Multiplier :   14.00           14.00
          Data Rate :    QDR
         Over Clock :   13.01 %
         L1 T-Cache :   12 KuOps
         L1 D-Cache :    8 KB
           L2 Cache :  512 KB [Full:3164.35 MHz]
             Memory : 1024 MB
           CPUID    : EAX      EBX      ECX      EDX
           00000000 : 00000002 756E6547 6C65746E 49656E69
           00000001 : 00000F29 01020809 00004400 BFEBFBFF
           00000002 : 665B5001 00000000 00000000 007B7040
           80000000 : 80000004 00000000 00000000 00000000
           80000001 : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
           80000002 : 20202020 20202020 20202020 6E492020
           80000003 : 286C6574 50202952 69746E65 52286D75
           80000004 : 20342029 20555043 30382E32 007A4847
           MSR      : EAX1     EDX1     EAX2     EDX2
                    : 00000080 00000000 0E12000E 00000000
           QPF      : 3164.350000 MHz
     Chipset Information
            Chipset : Intel 865G/PE/P/848P (Springdale-G/PE/P)
       North Bridge : [8086:2570.02] Intel 82865G/PE/P/848P
       South Bridge : [8086:24D0.02] Intel 82801EB/ER (ICH5/R)
         Video Chip : [10DE:0045.A1] NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT (NV40)
     BIOS Information by WMI (Windows Management Interface)
        BIOS Vendor : American Megatrends Inc.
       BIOS Caption : Version 1.00
       BIOS Version : AMIINT - 10
          BIOS Date : 09/29/2004
    SM BIOS Caption : V2.5     
    SM BIOS Version : 2.3
      Mother Vendor : MICRO-STAR INC.
     Mother Product : MS-6728
     Mother Version : 100
      System Vendor : MICRO-STAR INC.
       System Model : MS-6728
     System Information by DMI (Desktop Management Interface)
    SM BIOS Version : 2.3
        BIOS Vendor : American Megatrends Inc.
       BIOS Version : V2.5     
          BIOS Date : 09/29/2004
      BIOS ROM Size : 512 KB
      Mother Vendor : MICRO-STAR INC.
     Mother Product : MS-6728
     Mother Version : 100
         CPU Socket : FC-478
         CPU Vendor : Intel                                           
        CPU Version : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 Processor                 
      Current Clock : 3164 MHz
     External Clock : 226 MHz
          Max Clock : 4000 MHz

    Quote from: swambast on 08-June-05, 12:54:14
    Guys, I need some advice here.  I've got my 2.8 Northwood up to 3.16 (yea, I know, not great or anything but good enough for right now). 
    Anyway, with the coming of the blazing Summer temps hitting Michigan in the high 80-90s, my case and CPU temps are skyrocketing.  I am finding that my idle temps, once at 31C are now at 35-36C, and the CPU temps once at 42C max under load are now reaching 50+ C.  Also, this is the first time in months upon seemingly endless months that I am now getting random reboots, and I am sure it is due to soaring temps and heat problems.  The room temps here are killer, and right now are in the high 70s...
    I only know that I can't suggest a HS and fan because my temperature is higher than my 2.6GHz Northwood's since i decided to install the Thermalright XP90 and the 92mm UFO Thermaltake fan(~82CFM max.). I recently discovered an old picture from Speedfan saying CPU temp: 40C!!! Now right after boot up, I get 40-44C idle and it can climb up to 60C at full load. I know for a fact that air flow is bad inside the case but it's unbelievable to have 40C+ idle. It can't possibly be the air flow so soon after boot. The pressure (and contact) on the CPU was enough to actually see my CPU stuck on the base of the HS after removing the HS!!! A few pins had to be straightened too.
        So, from my experience I think you already rock, since we have 30C(86F) already where I live. The feeling of the XP90 crashed under my boot will ease my pain...Oh, yes it will.
    P.S. I 'll give the Arctic Silver a try before smashing the XP90 junk...
    P4 2,6GHz Northwood
    MSI Neo2-PFS 865PE (v3.2 AMIBIOS)
    1 GB RAM PC3200 Kingston & TwinMOS
    WD 800JB 80GB-7200RPM
    CLUB ATI Radeon 9600Pro
    Creative Audigy2 ZS

  • Mac Pro Tower - Which Fans Cool All of What?

    So I have a 2008, 2.8 GHz 8-core Mac Pro tower.  I'm one of the many people who have problems with the fans.  In my case, I can get really high fan speeds, and the problem seems to be due to a faulty temperature sensor.  (Using iStat, it will sometimes show unreasonably high temps on a couple cores [or the heat sinks, apparently] immediately after turning it on, whether or not it's been off for awhile.  Sometimes, it will even show negative temperatures, in which case the fans will really go into overdrive.  Yes, I've already tried resetting the SMC and cleaning it out - nothing.)
    What I've ended up doing so far is download Macs Fan Control and setting it to base the fan speeds off CPU temps that don't give faulty readings.  This works really well for lowering the fan speed (and thus noise), but I understand that different fans cool parts of the system besides just the CPU.  The fan names give basic descriptions, but not a lot of detail beyond that.  I've been trying to find a diagram showing which fans cool which parts of the system, but I mostly get results about fan noise, or minimalist diagrams that don't tell me all I want to know.  I'd like to make sure my settings are fairly optimal before I do anything intensive.
    Can anyone help me with this?

    I think you are "barking up the wrong tree".
    The fans in the Mac Pro are controlled by Software in the System Management Controller. They make a feedback loop based on measured temperatures. If you are getting racing fans, that is probably based on Bad Temperature inputs. Fixing the temperature inputs is where you should place your energy. The fans are slaves in this process.
    One possible exception: Most of the fans do have an RPM output indicator, which tells whether they are spinning properly. If the diagnostic indicates a MOT error, that is likely to be a Fan Motor that is not showing high RPMs at High speed settings, and may be defective. The power supply fans were designed by a different team, and may not have the same controls.
    What SMC Fan Control and similar software allows you to do is put a new Floor under the fan speeds. They will spin faster at idle, and it is possible they may move up to even higher speeds more slowly. What is does NOT allow you to do is any actual reduction in minimum fan speeds, regardless of whether it allows you to set lower numbers.
    When the numbers get extremely large, the magnitude bits overflow into what is sometimes considered the sign bit. That has no meaning in this context -- all numbers should be treated as positive numbers. That probably indicates they took a shortcut and used general-purpose routines for signed numbers that were lying around instead of writing more correct versions for positive numbers from scratch.

  • How do I clean the fan?

    My G5 acts up fairly regularly and I think all the service tech did last time was clean the fan.  Is this possible? and if so how do I do it (including opening the case).

    The case is easy to open ...
    Then if very dirty take it outside, you'll need some compressed air, canned may work but I use a 100 PSI compressor.

  • I have a hp pavillion 6885se laptop how do i take apart to clean the fans?

    my laptop says its a hp dv 6700 model, but registeed as a 6885se so it confuses me product # is kn928ua,
    i need to disasemble it to  clean the fans and heat sink . the manuals hp gave me isnt getting me there can yall give me the link?

    Please use the following link:
    HP does not supply Maintenance & Service guide for dv6800 series, only a bunch of not-so-good manuals:
    but you can use the following manual for reference:
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

  • It is recommended to clean the fan of the MBP R 13 "?.

    Hi, i bought this laptop on january 8 but, the laptop is Late 2012 so, i like to take care of my stuff, i'm very careful. It is ok if i clean the Fan with an spray or something?.

    Problem with the Retina's is there is no user serviceable parts inside, so from Apple's standpoint you shouldn't have a reason to enter the inside of the machine to clean the fans and/or temporarily remove them to clean the cooling grill behind them that really get caked up with dust and lint.
    Mine dissected was each side being half logged with lint, I removed it in a effort to save the machine but it was too late, you can see the residue.
    There is no policy from Apple concerning this maintenance task, so if your under AppleCare or warranty I would advise taking it to them and getting the dumb deer in the headlights look from them because that's very well likely what your going to get.
    It serves Apple's purposes and the store employees that your machine dies faster due to overheating because it turns over hardare faster and force you to buy a newer one.
    If they discovered you have been inside the machine, stripped screw heads, break tape, painted screw heads etc., then they can void your AppleCare/warranty.
    If you got one of the non-Retina's they are user serviceable inside far as hard drive and RAM, so if they found out you cleaned the fans it likely wouldn't be as big of a deal as long as you didn't break anything.
    It's been getting worst each time Apple puts out a new piece of hardware as they close things up more and more and rig their hardware for lower turnover rates.
    IF you want a machine you can keep a decade instead of only a few years, your going to have to get a Windows 7 tower.

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