I published and cannot see my site on the web

I have tried to publish my site to the web and my site went live . But I can not view the site  on the web.
My domain name is with godaddy.

How did you publish the site? Did you publish it to Business Catalyst or did you upload it to your host?

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    Hello Schimi. The Time Capsule is a kind of product that offer you two possibility:
    - To use the TC as a router or as an external HD.
    The difference between WPA and WPA 2 are:
    - They are two kinds of internet connection.
    WPA uses dynamic key encryption , which means that the key is constantly changing and makes the invasion of a wireless network more difficult than WEP . WPA is considered one of the highest levels of wireless security for your network and is recommended if your devices support this kind of encryption . Newer routers offer WPA2 security . WPA2 is compatible with WPA , but offers higher security level . In fact, it meets the high standards of many government agencies . If the router and computer support WPA2 , this should be your choice.
    If you need any help or if you find some difficult setting up it you can contact Apple Support.
    I am sure that they can help you with that.
    I am sory for the delay. I holpe that you solve your issue.

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    Hi yanylove,
    If you are having WiFi issues after upgrading to iOS 7, you may find the following article helpful:
    iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    - Brenden

  • Extract process up & running but I cannot see new transactions in the trail

    extract process up & running on source but I cannot see new transactions in the extract trail file and as result it is not replicated to target
    Program Status Group Lag Time Since Chkpt
    EXTRACT RUNNING E_ENVA 00:00:00 00:00:10
    GGSCI (HOST) 186> send extract e_Enva status
    Sending STATUS request to EXTRACT E_ENVA ...
    EXTRACT E_ENVA (PID 11824)
    Current status: In recovery[1]: At EOF
    Current read position:
    Sequence #: 33
    RBA: 34904432
    Timestamp: 2011-09-21 11:14:47.000000
    Current write position:
    Sequence #: 6
    RBA: 1008
    Timestamp: 2011-09-21 11:26:42.426000
    Extract Trail: C:\GG\dirdat\enva\ce
    GGSCI (ILW177711) 193> stats extract e_enva
    Sending STATS request to EXTRACT E_ENVA ...
    No active extraction maps.
    Where to look next and what is the root cause for this,
    thank you

    all configurations was ok and working fine (meaning data was extracted on source and replayed on target) before extract/replicat processes restart
    I did not touch any of the configuration files, after restart processes shows as up & running without any actual errors or rejects on the logs
    please find extract configuration file:
    EXTRACT e_enva
    SETENV ( ORACLE_SID=orcl )
    DISCARDFILE C:\GG\dirrpt\e_enva.dsc, APPEND, MEGABYTES 10
    EXTTRAIL C:\GG\dirdat\enva\ce
    SQLEXEC "CALL USER_SCHEMA_A.pkg.event_message('START', null, 'ALL','e_enva')";
    SQLEXEC "CALL USER_SCHEMA_A.pkg.event_message('STOP', null, 'ALL','e_enva')" ONEXIT;
    logging and supplemental logging enabled, commits performed and again nothing was changed in configuration except that processes was restarted
    thank you

  • Help - "Acrobat is being used by another application and cannot open PDF files until the other application is closed."

    I searched this site and google for this error terminology and come up dry.  I support a user who has been for years using Acrobat 5 (yes, I know...) to read files in a client DB program, as well as other PDF files on their PC.  In the last week or so, they have started gatting this error "Acrobat is being used by another application and cannot open PDF files until the other application is closed." any time they attempt to open a PDF file attached to an email (via Outlook).
    It is my understanding that they cannot upgrade to a newer version of Acrobat because of limitations of their client software, but had not previously had any issues viewing PDF notes from the DB, and PDF attachments in their email.
    I have tried uninstalling and re-installing, as well as tried using Adobe Reader 7 & 9 in conjunction with Acrobat to try to get around this issue, but have not been successful.
    Any ideas?

    I don't have an answer to your technical problem. The product I assume is Acrobat that you are talking about (based on the post title), Adobe is the company name. This is a good place to ask questions on Acrobat if folks can figure out what you are talking about. They will ask for the product version number (like AA9.3.3), operating system, and other applications if appropriate. Also, just what you are doing that generates the message.
    As for Adobe, you are not likely to get an answer from them here in the user forum. You will be lucky if you can get an answer if you can contact them and not be on hold for more than an hour (sorry, this is why a lot of folks end up in the forum).
    So, to help others try to answer your question, what are the products and versions involved? What OS? What are you doing when the message comes up.

  • The certificate is not valid and cannot be used to verify the identity of this website

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    The question is, How to solve "The certificate is not valid and cannot be used to verify the identity of this website" error?.
    Here are the details:
    I have a signed applet that has been working fine, until I updated Java to 8u25 (1.8.0_25-b18). Now, the application shows an alert message "Do you want to continue? The connection to this website is untrusted". There is a note in this message too, "The certificate is not valid and cannot be used to verify the identity of this website".
    The applet is loaded without problems. But when the user tries to use a specific function of that application, the warning message is displayed.
    I've checked the java console when this happens, and this warning message is displayed right after these lines:
    security: Obtain certificate collection in SSL Root CA certificate store
    security: Invalid certificate from HTTPS server
    network: Cache entry not found [url: https://sub.domain.net:9876, version: null]
    The application is downloaded from a different domain, say "https://app.domain.net/ .....", so no jars are downloaded from "https://sub.domain.net:9876 ", but the applet connects to "https://sub.domain.net:9876 " to send/receive data.
    The applet is signed correctly, and so far, it meets all the security requirements according to Java. This issue seems to happen when the application tries to connect internally with an HTTPS url like https://sub.domain.net:9876. That sites' SSL certificate is valid, issued by GoDaddy and has not expired.
    Again, this started to happen after updating my JRE to 8u25. I've tested adding the offending URL to Java security exception list, with no success.
    Here are a few screenshot of this problem:
    This is the warning message displayed:

      For what it's worth we discovered what the issue was.  When we installed the new certificates onto our servers we also discovered that you have to install the certificates of all intermediate servers listed in your certificate.  This mean that all URLs listed on your certificate, have to have the intermediate certificate for the certificate authority installed.  This also includes all the Alt Names of your domains, even if they do not use the applet.

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    I tried what you said but it still didn't help.
    It only affects some of my apps other apps are fine.
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  • I cannot add a site to the list of allow micro sites on Flash Player settings manager

    I cannot add a site to the list of allow micro sites on Flash Player settings manager.
    as Adobe says at his help document (http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlayer/LSM/WS6aa5ec234ff3f285139dc56112e3786b68c-7ff8.htm l):
    Displays a list of previously visited websites that have asked to use the camera or microphone on your computer. You can allow or block the use of your camera and microphone by sites on the list. You can also ask to be prompted for permission to use them. Finally, you can choose to remove sites from the list. Removing a site deletes all settings and data stored for that site in Flash Player.
    The list initially contains only the sites you have already visited. If you want to specify camera and microphone settings for sites you have not yet visited, you can choose to add sites to the list. Once a site is on the list, you can specify whether to always allow camera and microphone use, ask permission, or never allow camera and microphone use by that site.
    I cannot find any button to add a website. Can you help me please.
    Thanks in advanced

    There's a "live" panel here: http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager06.htm l

  • Error workflow has been created successfully, but failed to publish and will not be listed in the Project Center

    when i try creating projects in Project center am posted on with this error.
    Your new XXXX workflow has been created successfully, but
    failed to publish and will not be listed in the Project Center.For more information on the failure, visit the My Queue Jobs page or contact your administrator.
    Any help would be appreciated!!!!!
    Thanks regards, Vignesh.

    hello Rouyre,
    Thanks for ur reply
    Am using 
    Microsoft Project Server 2013
    Yes! It is Custom EPT with Custom Workflow(Declarative Workflow) built through VS2012
    after associating the Site workflow with EPT i try creating Projects using my Custom EPT since then am posted on with this error.
    ULS Error:Log
    07/04/2014 10:21:38.03 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1840)
    0x06B8 Project Server                
    ad3fy Critical
    Standard Information:PSI Entry Point: <unknown>  Project User: <unknown>  Correlation Id: <unknown>  PWA Site URL:   SA Name: <unknown>  PSError: <unknown> A queue job has failed. This is a general
    error logged by the Project Server Queue everytime a job fails - for effective troubleshooting use this error message with other more specific error messages (if any), the Operations guide (which documents more details about queued jobs) and the trace log
    (which could provide more detailed context). More information about the failed job follows. GUID of the failed job: 39cd36d6-3603-e411-b33e-00155d00091f. Name of the computer that processed this job: 3eebbc1d-7558-4050-bf5d-d985b23b89f5 (to debug further,
    you need to look at the trace log from this computer). Failed job type: ReportWorkflowProj...
    07/04/2014 10:21:38.03* Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1840)
    0x06B8 Project Server                
    ad3fy Critical
    ...ectDataSync. Failed sub-job type: ReportWorkflowProjectDataSyncMessage. Failed sub-job ID: 1. Stage where sub-job failed:  (this is useful when one sub-job has more than one logical processing stages).
    07/04/2014 10:21:38.03 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1840)
    0x06B8 Project Server                
    Queue Jobs                    
    ad3fy Medium  
    Error is: GeneralQueueJobFailed. Details: Queue Attributes:  39cd36d6-3603-e411-b33e-00155d00091f  3eebbc1d-7558-4050-bf5d-d985b23b89f5  ReportWorkflowProjectDataSync  ReportWorkflowProjectDataSyncMessage  1    2c1ea19c-5849-002d-b89f-50aaf0a752fd
     . Standard Information: , LogLevelManager Warning-ulsID:0x000DD158 has no entities explicitly specified.
    07/04/2014 10:21:38.03 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1840)
    0x06B8 Project Server                
    Project Server Database      
    ah91z Medium  
    Successfully got the connection string (database name=[ProjectWebApp_Practice], id=1f6004ae-5d8a-41d2-81f9-e424a31484aa, type=Consolidated). Requested access level=ReadWrite: Data Source=XXXX;Initial Catalog=ProjectWebApp_Practice;Integrated Security=True;Enlist=False;Pooling=True;Min
    Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=100;Connect Timeout=15
    07/04/2014 10:21:38.04 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1840)
    0x06B8 Project Server                
    Queue Jobs                    
    ad3fz Medium  
    PWA:http://XXXX:10000/PWAPactice, ServiceApp:Project Server Service Application, User:PROJECTSERVER\system, PSI: [QUEUE] receiver http://XXXX:10000/PWAPactice: Group 3bcd36d6-3603-e411-b33e-00155d00091f type = ReportWorkflowProjectDataSync aborted at
    Message 1, LogLevelManager Warning-ulsID:0x000DD159 has no entities explicitly specified.
    07/04/2014 10:21:38.04 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1840)
    0x06B8 Project Server                
    Queue Jobs                    
    ad3f2 Medium  
    PWA:http://XXXX:10000/PWAPactice, ServiceApp:Project Server Service Application, User:PROJECTSERVER\system, PSI: [QUEUE] receiver http://XXXX:10000/PWAPactice: Group 3bcd36d6-3603-e411-b33e-00155d00091f correlation 82705dc5-3603-e411-b33e-00155d00091f
    type = ReportWorkflowProjectDataSync failed at Message 1 Errors: GeneralQueueJobFailed, LogLevelManager Warning-ulsID:0x000DD15C has no entities explicitly specified.
    Thanks regards, Vignesh.

  • Fire fox starts by it self and goes to search site all the time please help or it is back to Internet explorer

    fire fox starts by it self and goes to search site all the time please help

    Possible malware infection
    Do a malware check with some malware scanning programs.
    You need to scan with all programs because each program detects different malware.
    Make sure that you update each program to get the latest version of their databases before doing a scan.
    * http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php - Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
    * http://www.superantispyware.com/ - SuperAntispyware
    * http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/winfamily/defender/default.mspx - Windows Defender: Home Page
    * http://www.safer-networking.org/en/index.html - Spybot Search & Destroy
    * http://www.lavasoft.com/products/ad_aware_free.php - Ad-Aware Free

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    Sorry, should've mentioned some more information. I synced the ipad to the folder of photos. The original photos had file names like "_MG_4865.jpg" and after syncing the folder in Itunes, all files were now found in a folder called "iPod Photo Cache" which was filled with many folders with labels like "F23" etc. (There were ALOT of photos.) In those folders there are several files with names like "T343.ithmb". Not a .jpg to be found and I can't view any of the photos.

Maybe you are looking for

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