I thought apple ProRes was supposed to reduce file sizes

I have a canon HG10 which I made the settings to record at the lowest quality to fit more video on the hard drive. When I import the footage with final cut pro, I use the Apple ProRes (LT) converter setting to reduce the file sizes. On apples page describing ProRes they say it offers HD video at SD file sizes. My file sizes are currently 43.92 GB for 1 hour and 9 minutes of footage. Is this SD file sizes? Can someone tell me if theres something I am doing wrong?

It does reduce sizes - from Uncompressed.
What it does for you is reduce the overhead of a long GOP format. MPEG is more highly compressed and HARDER by far to edit because hundreds of frames may have to be assembled to display any given frame.

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    I've been googling around without much luck.
    Thanks in advance.

    Peter is right. If you want to reduce the size of a PDF you can use ColorSync to create a PDF setting that reduces the quality (and thusly the file size) of the pictures in your document. In fact, Apple's already done this for us - Pages has 3 PDF export choices. But this has nothing to do with the file size of the Pages document itself. Your best bet is to use photo editing software to crop and resize the photo before you put it into the Pages document.

  • Reducing file sizes of multiple PDF's

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    Unfortunately, it's not possible if you're using Acrobat XI. In previous
    versions you can tell an Action to ignore non-PDF files but this feature
    was removed in XI. Also, 35,000 files is way too much for Acrobat to
    process. You need a more robust application for such a batch processing

  • Reduce File Size - Other Options

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    1) in the share dialog, you see some presets, mail, web, cd.rom.. choose one of these and your file size will shrink dramatically...
    I personal prefer a "manual" setting, choose Quicktime, hit the button, and you get confronted with a second window, with zillions of options...
    2) sure, spend some time reading..:

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    You have posted your question in a forum dedicated to the Final Cut Studio application Color. It is a very specialized program to grade (adjust) the color in video/film images. We know nothing regarding PDFs.
    Have you tried posting this on an Adobe support site?
    Good luck,

  • Undo reduce file size

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    Hi Trudy,
    Reducing file size works by reducing the file size of any high resolution images to 72 dpi, OK for on screen use, but quite pixelated if printed or enlarged. Here's an example:
    Here's the original—This is a detail, enlarged to 400% on the screen, but reduced by the discussions software to fit on this page. Note the spider web below the frog.
    Here's the warning you get when you choose Reduce File Size:
    Note that it says it "replaces" the original versions of the images. Scarey thought, but not as permanent as it appears.
    Here's the result:
    The frog's snout is quite pixillated, and the web has almost disappeared, as has much of the texture of the frog's skin and of the rough-sawn cedar siding behind. Again, a 400% enlargement on the screen, with the reduction imposed by the discussions software.
    If you act at this point, it is possible to undo the change—throwing out the edited image and replacing it with the original version. The option appears to remain available even after the document is Saved, but disappears when it has been Closed. That would make sense, as Saving both the reduced image and the full version would not result in a reduction in file size.
    But there's one other factor: When you drop an image onto a placeholder in Pages, the image that is inserted is a COPY of the original image file. The editing referred to above is done with that copy, not with the original image file, which continues to exist, unchanged where it was before being inserted.
    To get the hi-res version back, then is a matter of dropping the original file onto the placeholder again.
    Seems to work.

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    Actually, I found something else. It's very curious.
    The form fields themselves are OK, and there is only one tiny copy of CopperPlate Light.
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    I'm using Acrobat 9.5.5 with Mac OS 10.8.6
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    Any other ideas?

    Hi Anoop,
    I can share the graphic file, but not the pdf which contains it (as it contains confidential information) - thanks!

  • Issues in Reducing file size on Acrobat 9.3.1

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    I found a similar problem with text styled for small caps. It was fine in the original PDF, but became lowercase in the reduced file. The reduction process probably throws away characters from fonts that Acrobat decides are unnecessary.
    I was able to partially solve the problem by combining multiple PDFs (book chapters) and selecting the smallest file size icon at the bottom of the page. Alternately, I chose a web-quality preset, which also worked. The file size might not be quite as small, but the files were good.

  • Trying to reduce file size of my opening page in a flash site

    I'm using the Flash CS4 IDE, and the first page of my site takes a lot longer to load than I want it to.  So I wanted to go through the varied images / symbols / movie clips / sounds and so on to see where all the memory is being chewed up.
    When I go into my library, however, I can see the Name, LInkage, usecound and Type of my elements, but no mention of file size and I can't seem to find any right click menu that lets me add file size to the list of details being displayed.
    Is there a way to make it show file size?  Or some workaround?
    And are there any best practices to reduce file size aside from using symbols for anything that's used more than once and reducing image and sound quality?

    I was actually using the term pretty loosely.  I'm building a Gaia site which works by loading an Index page, then a Nav (navigation) page on top of that, and then lets you load and unload pages as necessary on top of those.
    Since the Nav page never gets unloaded it's a good place to park certain content.  So it's actually my Nav page that's gotten too bloated.  And the coding is handled through a separate Nav.as file (so it's not the first frame of my nav.swf, it's all the varied movie clips I had to incorporate into my Nav.fla
    I'm just looking for a way to identify which MovieClips &  sound files (only have a couple of short ones) and other assets are taking up the most memory so I can see if I can cut those down.
    Also, do unused symbols use up memory or is it only the assets you actually end up adding that count toward file size?

  • Reducing file size produces a larger file (?)

    I have a 3.8mb pdf (created in Acrobat 9) that I'd like to reduce in size. It's text only (about 450 pages) and when I select "Reduce file size" Acrobat X goes through steps to optimize it for the web, and it comes out 5.1 mb. Not really much of a reduction in size if it's now a meg and a half larger than the original. Is there a better way to do this that I'm missing here?

    There are many things that could cause the issues. Under the Optimize option (or wherever it went in AAX) there is an audit function that allows you to see where the storage is going. You could compare before and after optimization to see what was happening. You say 450 pages is not much, but that all depends on what is there. If it is a lot of graphics, it could be huge. If you use a lot of different fonts, that can cause extra storage of all those fonts. So there are many variables and sometimes they do get bigger -- happened to me too. Unfortunately, when you are trying to make things smaller, you are often under the gun and don't have time to diddle around. Good luck.

  • PDF Reduce File Size makes certain pdfs HUGE

    Generally reduce file size works great for me but certain files, those coming from someone using Microsoft Publisher in particular, result in larger pdfs. She sends me newsletters for a website and sometimes the 3 page pdfs are 2-4mb. I tried opening in Preview and re-saving them using the Reduce File Size filter and the result is that they ballon up to 50-100mb!! Info for the file reveals that the pdf producer is GPL Ghostscript 8.15 and the content creator is PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2. I seem to be able to open and reduce file size using Acrobat so I'm not quite sure why Preview is choking on them.

    geekinthegarden wrote:
    Generally reduce file size works great...
    Microsoft Publisher...Ghostscript...PScript5.dll
    I seem to be able to open and reduce file size using Acrobat so I'm not quite sure why Preview is choking on them.
    Hi geekinthegarden- This does not surprise me. There are many variations and reiterations in specifications of the PDF format.
    Going from Ghostscript language interpreter, to Apple in rendering could introduce complications which we will not be able to sort out in this forum encapsulating a complete description of a fixed-layout 2D documents that includes the text, fonts, images, and 2D vector graphics which compose the documents.
    Suffice to say it is not a perfect science.
    Print PDF has a compress PDF file option as well as ColorSynch in your /Utilities folder +reduce file size+ option for PDF's. This may or may not be of use.
    You found your workaround using Acrobat, this is part of the value of having more than one PDF viewer, good computing!

  • How to reduce file size

    I have one page file. There is no image, just text. Now the file size is 3MB.
    I cannot reduce size anyhow. I have moved the tick from embed fonts at save option tab but file size is same.
    How I can reduce file size?
    In addition this file is used so many times.

    Probably not.
    If you don't see the Master Page tab in Designer, then the way in which you imported the existing PD means that the page was brought in as artwork. I don't think you will be able to reduce it now.
    One potential option would be to:
    Go back to the existing PDF and export the page as an image. You can process the image in Photoshop (or similar) and get the image file size down.
    Then start a new form in Designer and on the Master Page drag on an Image object and associate it with the image in step 1.
    Save this new form and see is the file size acceptable. If so, proceed.
    Now open your existing 3Mb form in Designer and copy all of the objects.
    Paste these into your new form.
    You may need to move things around a bit.
    Hope that helps,

  • What do I loose with "Reduce File Size" to Acrobat 8.0 compatability?

    When scanning documents using the Acrobat interface in 9.0, I find that the file sizes are very large...about 1.5MB per page. If I then select the "reduce File Size" option from the Document tab, and select Acrobat 8.0 and later compatibility, the file size is reduced by 10 fold....to something approaching 150 KB per page. I don't see degradation of the scanned image on my screen....but am I loosing image quality?

    I tried it at home & I used the optimize pdf thing. It went from 17MB to 12MB so I re-optimized it & got it down to 3MB. It's as good as it is going to get. The big problem is that the .pdf that I have was scanned on a copier machine.
    I printed the 3MB pdf on the color printer & it came out okay, but then I printed it on the black & white printer & it barely had any ink on the page....
    I am just going to not bother with it anymore. Not much I can do with a scanned document & it's not even my job to begin with!
    Thanks Bill.

  • Why does Acrobat X Reduce File Size make significantly bigger files?

    Drawings at AO size, probably from AutoCad, each pdf ranging in size from 600 to 800kb.  No encription.  No attachments.  No embedded fonts.  Reprinted them through Acrobat X Pro to A3 then combined them. Binder size was about 5MB, too large for my client's email system. 
    Ran the binder through Reduce File size with compatibilty to Version 7 and the binder blew out in size by 20%.  Increased the version compatibility to Version 8 and it increased yet again, to Version 9 stayed the same as 8.
    Optimised the same binder and it blew out yet again.  Auditing showed no difference no matter what i deleted.

    If you have a file made from AutoCAD it is probably just line drawing. There is really no scope to reduce the size of these (except by taking away lines, which wouldn't be popular). I don't know why it gets bigger, but it's unlikely to get smaller, so I'd recommend finding a different way to deliver the file (many web sites exist for delivering large files).

Maybe you are looking for

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