I updated my camera raw

I updated my camera raw the other day i noticed a few new features in the lens correction there was an automatic straightening function i have been using it for a few days today i went to use it and it has gone not there anybody know why?

Are you certain the images are the same raw format?
Could you please post screenshots to illustrate the issue?

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    I am trying to open CR2 files from a Cannon EOS 1DX camera in Photoshop CS6 and I have already updated the Camera Raw Plug in but Photoshop is still giving me the cannot open files dialog box? Help?

    Canon 1DX support was added to ACR in version 6.7, 7.1.  An updated CS6 should be at level ACR 8.6.  If your ACR is not at level 8.6 try using CS6 menu Help>Updates.  If that does not install ACR 8.6 try downloading the ACR and DNG 8.6 converter and see if ACR 8.6 will install into your CS6.
    Adobe - Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter : For Windows
    Adobe - Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter : For Macintosh

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    Try this:

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    I tried opening and installing a download of Camera_Raw_5_7.dmg from Adobe and I also tried dropping in the Camera Raw plugin file from the older computer but nothing works. I have emptied the cache several times.
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    Please help. I can only use Bridge on my older desktop computer because of this problem.
    Thank you.

    Well, Jan, over the years I've helped many Mac users with this precise problem, and I even posted screen shots showing the path to the correct plug-in folder for ACR.  However, in your case all those images won't help and I won't be able to generate new ones for you for one simple reason: I do not use Mavericks and never will because my Mac Pro desktops cannot go above Lion, FORTUNATELY. Mavericks is still cr@p at this point.
    All I can do is try to clarify a few misconceptions for you:
    AutoMatters wrote:
    …I read that about the root level library when I first tried to follow the instructions from Adobe and I thought that I was doing exactly that. Instead of the library associated with my name, I found the library associated with my hard drive. I suspect that I have not yet even seen the root level library…
    Jan, that is the ROOT LEVEL Library.
    Getting back to your advice, I do not understand what you mean by mounting the .dmg file as if it were a DVD or external hard drive.
    I mean just that.  A Disk Image file (.dmg) is a virtual disk, like a virtual DVD.  You double click on that file in the Finder and it will then mount just as if you had inserted a DVD into your computer.  It will then show you the contents it carries.  I will not be at my computers for a few weeks, so I can't be sure about all that the Disk Image for that update shows; but somewhere in there will be the ACR Plug-in.  That's what you need to copy from the Disk Image to your hard drive and install it in its correct location, NOT THE BLOODY .dmg file, for goodness sakes!
    Do you understand that once you are at the ROOT LEVEL Library you DO NOT go to the Plug-ins folder therein?  Read the instructions again.  What you want is to continue the path through the Application Support folder /Adobe / Plug-ins / etc.
    This old screen shot may help. Command or Control-Click on the thumbnail to see the full image in a new window, then scroll horizontally; it is a VERY wide image:
    Also, if I delete the Plug-ins folder that I copied from my other computer's installation of Bridge CS4. Should I reinstall the entire CS4 suite from the original disks and start all over again. If so, I read somewhere that I will need to somehow deactivate my serial number from the products as installed on my MacBook Pro so that I may reinstall it.
    Delete anything you may have copied yourself only if you are 100% sure what that is. But DO NOT REINSTALL ANYTHING without first uninstalling using the Adobe UNINSTALLER that was installed in your Utilities folder inside your Applications folder.
    Whatever possessed you to go around copying folders from a different Mac OS version? ???  That is insane! Geez…
    Why the heck do you keep talking about Bridge? ??? !!!  Bridge has absolutely NOTHING to do with the installation of ACR.  NOTHING!
    ACR is installed at the OS level and can be hosted indistinctly by Photoshop or by Bridge from the same location.
    Bridge is totally out of the loop in this discussion, just as it is when you are using ACR hosted by Bridge.  All Bridge does is call upon the appropriate application, whether this be Photoshop, Adobe Camera Raw (ACR), Illustrator or even Microsoft Word and hand it the file, period.  You could use ACR for years without ever launching Bridge, even without having Bridge installed. Ever.
    Irgendwie vermute ich, daß Deutsch Deine Muttersprache ist. Oder irre ich mich?

  • Unable to update to Camera Raw 6.7.1 in CS5

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    I downloaded form this link:
    Howver, after download and unzip the folder says it is the update for version 7.1 which will not work for CS5.
    Need a link to download the update to version 6.7.1

    That seems to be the 6.7.1 camera raw plugin updater.
    Where do you see that it says 7.1?
    What operating system are you using?

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    There will be no further camera support updates for Lightroom 4 beyond what is already listed in this table.
    Only current versions of Lightroom (currently Lightroom 5.3) will have further camera support added.
    If you need to work with Raw files from new cameras you'll either have to upgrade to Lightroom 5 or join the Photoshop Photography Program (to get PC CC + LR5 + extras) or convert to DNG using Adobe's free DNG converter.

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    What happens when you choose Help - Updates... from within Photoshop itself?  Anything?
    There's a manual installation package available...  I scared these links up from other forum threads.  I'm not sure where there "official" page is.  They seem to be changing policies as we go along.
    http://swupdl.adobe.com/updates/oobe/aam20/win/PhotoshopCameraRaw7-7.0 /7.2.82/Setup.zip
    http://swupdl.adobe.com/updates/oobe/aam20/mac/PhotoshopCameraRaw7-7.0 /7.2.82/Setup.dmg

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    Color Settings are :     RGB     sRGB IEC61966-2.1
                                       CMYK     U.S.Web Cooated (SWOP) v2
    Color Management:     All say preserve embedded profile
    I had marked the Profile mismatch boxes to see if I got an error message, but I never did, so I cleared them again.
    Conversion Options:     Engine     Adobe
                                                Intent     Relative Colorimetric
    Advanced Control     Only one checked iis Blend Text Colors using Gamma at 1.45
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    Under Preferences: File Handling > File Compatibilty > checked are Prefer Adobe Camera Raw for Supportred files
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    What I wonder is when folks will start researching their favorite software BEFORE buying a new camera model?
    I have never seen a cart pulling a horse!!
    We know the our software, we know the new camera will be 'ahead' of updates. its the time between that we all seem to just accept. We should not.
    We can go round in circles pointing fingers as to who is to 'blame', thats not the point. The point is, no matter how far you go back, since the advent of digital this has been a problem. Posting on all web sites as far back as I remember contain "when will there be RAW support for xyz?". There are even some on this site back in 2006 asking the same question.
    The interdependent link between camera makers & software vendors is not working properly. They need each other yet don't support each other. Do you think Adobe thought up DNG just as a exercise? From memory it was an attempt to standardize, with an open code, a raw format that was universal. I blame Canikon for not wholeheartedly supporting it. Then the Oly, Panny alliance come along with MFT, an ideal opportunity, but proprietary issues prevail as if they got some sort of advantage from it. They don't IMO.
    Sorry for the rant, got carried away! Its just so frustrating.

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    Any Ideas ERROR U44M1P7 Update to Camera RAW 8.1(CS6) plug-in Fails to Update

    Hi jper_pixated_com
    Please refer : http://forums.adobe.com/message/5391508

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    Operating System OSx Yosemite IMac.

    What exactly does "not recognise" mean, Kathy?
    You're on Mac (thanks for providing that detail): are you getting a "could not be read" message? If you are, it's a write permissions issue with the destination. Change the permission, and all should be well.

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    Anyone have the best way of approaching this,I keep running into problems.

    I've got some good news and some bad news.
    The bad news is that the D810 didn't get out-of-the-box support until Camera Raw 8.6...which isn't available in your version of Photoshop. To get support, you'll have to upgrade to a newer version of Photoshop.
    Otherwise, the good news is that you can download the free DNG Converter, which will allow you to convert those RAW files for use in Adobe apps.

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    I have tried:
    Upgraded to CS6
    Updated CS6 and Camera Raw to 7.3
    Uninstalled CS6 (as per Adobe instructions)
    Reinstalled CS6
    Updated to Camera Raw 7.3
    Downloaded the Adobe DNG converter, and updated it - I get an error message when I try to use it:
    'The source folder does not contain any supported camera raw files.'
    I have no idea what to do now! Has anyone else had this problem and worked it out?
    Any help would really be appreciated.

    Here is a utility to fix the corrupted images if you can’t get them from the card again:

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    I'm not sure if this matters, but I thought you might like to know about this. 

    Myke1954 wrote:
    Can I just be clear on what you are saying.  Are you saying there will be no Camera Raw updates until CS6 is released?
    If so how will CS5 etc handle compatibility with the new processing (eg PV2012)?
    Or are you saying that there will not be a Camera Raw 7.0 release before CS6 but there may an interim update to 6.6.
    What is the source of your information?
    Camera Raw 7.0 will be released when Photoshop CS6 is released, and will not be compatible with any previous versions of Photoshop.  That simply means that you would have to either upgrade or tell Lightroom not to display that message again.  Then it would be necessary to have Lightroom create a PSD or TIF image and pass that to Photoshop.  That method seems to work just fine.  That's how I was using Lightroom 3 with Photoshop CS3 before I upgraded my Photoshop.  And that's how I will use Lightroom 4 with Photoshop CS5 because I don't have any plans to upgrade.  I don't use Photoshop enough to justify another upgrade at this point.  Lightroom is what I use for practically all of my post processing.

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    I use Elements 11, windows Vista on a 64-bit machine, my camera is a Nikon D7000.

    Do you have Photoshop CS6 installed on same machine?
    You can install the DNG converter from:
    This will restore all camera profiles on your machine

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    Run the Creative Suite Cleaner Tool, reinstall PS, try again.

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