I've installed PS 2014, should I now uninstall PS?

Long story as short as I can.
I couldn't find Focus Area Select.
Was told to install Photoshop 2014.
Installed Photoshop 2014
Now I show two PS versions
Should I uninstall old PS CC or do they work together?
PS 2014 is running really slow and I'm thinking it's because I have both on my computer now.

If you exit CC, it should not be running and using resources. Should an update or any glitch take down CC 2014, it's always wise to keep a another version as a backup, especially if your work depends on it.

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    Bookmarks and settings are held in your profile.
    Beta software is for testing. There is always the possibility that it will screw up your profile and you will have to delete it.
    You should preferably create a separate profile for the beta version. Alternatively backup (copy) your profile so that you can restore it.
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    The information at the page identified by the URL above enabled me to remove the unwanted toolbar pretty quickly.
    A small point is that the instructions are accurate apart for tne the fact that the menu choice marked in blue is for "Options" not "Add-ins".

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    Ah yes, that's right, been awhile since I've worked with a 32 bit system.  My mistake.
    Honestly, if CC isn't running well on your system, why not continue using CS6?  Anything in CC you must use?  Or upgrade; worth it in my opinion, but not everyone's.   As to the scratch disk, I'm assuming that's a disk drive?  You're going to get much better performance out of an SSD than dedicated HDD.  And if your OS/Photoshop isn't on an SSD, that's probably the single biggest performance gain per dollar spent you can get.  Makes a significant difference, in my experience.

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    [email protected] wrote:
    Can I install oil painting filter into CC 2014?
    Unfortunately, no.
    By the way, a variant on my answer above also worth considering, given a few recent reports of 2014.1 breaking things...
    Let's say 14.2.1 worked fine for you, and you got 2014.0 and it worked fine too (maybe you didn't need Oil Paint).  But then 2014.1 came out, replacing 2014.0, and it didn't work right.  Nice to have 14.2.1 still around in that pinch.
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    -This messages says (at least some) CC 2014 programs use NEW plugins https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1499663
    -so do not uninstall the older CC programs if you use plugins in your programs until you are sure you have plugins that work in CC2014
    If you are sure you don't need the old CC programs
    -http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/help/install-apps.html to install or uninstall

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    Braxs please see Install and update apps - https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/help/install-apps.html for information on how to install Muse CC 2014.

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    http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/help/install-apps.html (and uninstall)
    -using the cleaner after uninstalling and before reinstalling will usually help

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    Moving this discussion to the Dreamweaver Support forum.
    Techinst1 did you receive any error messages during the installation process?  Are you using the steps listed in Creative Cloud Help | Launch Creative Cloud apps to open Dreamweaver CC 2014?

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    The 3G cannot be updated to iOS6, it can only go to iOS 4.2.1.
    Activation issues are generally the result of the device being hacked or jailbroken.

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    Watch the Apple Online Store’s refurb section for non-Retina 2012 models. The 2.9 GHz model is a very nice machine and there were some available within the past week. Check daily, because they go fast. I bought one last summer and I love it, but I am not playing games on it. B&H Photo still has some 2012 models, also.
    http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1014775-REG/apple_z0mt_md1014_13_3_macbook _pro_notebook.html
    http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1011230-REG/apple_z0mt_md1013_macbook_pro_ ci7_2_9g_8gb_1tb_13_3.html
    ThisIsAey wrote:
    I don't like the 'non-retina' MacBooks, why downgrade when for £100-£200 more you can get a retina Mac which looks and feels 100x better.
    It's hardly a downgrade to those of us who care about being able to upgrade our Macs ourselves if and when we need or want to do so. For me, having a FW800 port is also a consideration.

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