I want my mac to stop talking to me - verbal reminders

My Mac verbally reads my reminders and calendar events out loud. It's in the most annoying and jolting voice ever.
I want this to stop.
My "voice over" feature is not on.
My notification preferences don't have a "silent" feature. You can turn them off completely, but I don't see how to get my mac to stop reading them out load. They even get read out loud when I'm listening to music or on Skype, or recording a radio show, etc. It's embarrassing and unprofessional and jolts me out of mediation and massage.
I like seeing my reminders, but I don't want to hear them.

Turn off the 'Announce when alerts are displayed' setting at System Preferences > Dictation & Speech - Text to Speech

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    Try this:
    How to Perform an Archive and Install
    An Archive and Install will NOT erase your hard drive, but you must have sufficient free space for a second OS X installation which could be from 3-9 GBs depending upon the version of OS X and selected installation options. The free space requirement is over and above normal free space requirements which should be at least 6-10 GBs. Read all the linked references carefully before proceeding.
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    Hi PhiDor,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    See this article for some information that can help:
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    I was told that the APP store software should give me no problems but the truth is that it locks up on the software.
    The apps downloaded from the Mac App Store are written by third party developers, not Apple. If you have problems  with those apps you need to visit the support area for their websites. Launch the App Store, locate the app name. You should see a support link.
    when I try to use the help program, it always tells me that I am not connected to the internet even though I have used both the mail program and the browser with no problem just before that
    Go to ~/Library/Preferences. Move the com.apple.helpviewer.plist file from the Preferences folder to the Trash. Restart your Mac, try the Help menu.
    If you need help finding that file, hold down the Finder icon in the Dock then click: New Finder Window. From the menu bar top of your screen click: Go > Go to Folder. Type this in exactly as you see it here:   ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.helpviewer.plist    That will take you right to that file.
    (.plist) files stores information about a particular app or in this case, the Help viewer. Often times deleting the .plist file resolves the issue.
    It's fine to "unload"... we understand that you expect your iMac to be stable but there are times when things go awry. That's why we have these forums so that you can you get help.
    You may want to read up on how to repair the disk if necessary or reintsall Lion >  OS X Lion: About Lion Recovery
    Apple - Find Out How - Mac Basics
    How to "switch" from PC to Mac >  Apple - Support - Switch 101
    I'm sorry you feel, "ripped off", but you are using the world's most advanced operating system and it may take some time to adjust to a new OS.   http://developer.apple.com/technologies/mac/

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    Forgot Mac Password? How to Reset Your Mac Password (with or without CD)
    Change the Admin Password with Mac OS X Single User Mode
    Reset mac mini admin password: Apple Support Communities

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    Hi janine,
    You need to scroll down to get to General. With Voice Over on, you scroll with three fingers.
    So, Tap once to select the Settings icon, tap twice to "activate" it
    Use 3 fingers to scroll down to General
    Tap once on General to select it, two more times to activate it
    Use 3 fingers to scroll down to Accessibility
    Tap once on Accessibility to select, two more times to activate
    Then tap once on the Voice Over option to select, two more times to turn it off

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