I want to take my Imac to the US. does anyone know what i have to do about the power cable? voltage should be alright but i can't find an adapter

I'm moving to Canada shortly and want to take my UK bought Imac along. Does anyone know if there are any problems with power differences. I havent managed to find a specific power adapter for this yet so wanted to get some advice. Thanks

To update your phone requires using the latest version of iTunes, on your computer, as well as Internet access. The update to iOS 5.0 or higher is an erase/restore deal, so you not only have to make sure all of the content, currently on your phone, is on your computer and accessible, you need to update iTunes first, have Internet access, then update your phone. There is no way around this fact. You could go to an Apple store or use another computer, but you run the risk of losing all of your data it you do that.

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