IAd has an "Opt Out" clause :)

For those of us that HATE ads, and were hesitating upgrading to iOS4 because of the iAd app/portion of the OS/whatever, I found out that there is indeed an Opt-Out clause to tell Apple to NOT send iAds to your iPhone
You need to install iOS4, and then go to the following URL from within the iPhone browser;
You have to do it from each iPhone that's running iOS4, but it should opt you out of the program
See why it's GOOD to read the EULA? this was hidden 3/4 of the way down in the EULA
Message was edited by: MacTechG4

Unfortunately, this does NOT opt out of iAds. It opts out of "Interest based" iAds which means only that the ads you see are not tailored to your interests and you may see the same ads over and over. See http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4228 for the details. Sounded too good to be true, eh?

Similar Messages

  • I have been uploading videos to Facebook with no problem.   Now get a message that the user has opted out of FB platform.  Videos will not upload.

    I have been uploading videos to FaceBook for about a month now with no problems.  Yesterday, I went to post another video and got this message "user has opted out of FaceBook Platform."  I can still post photos from this computer as well as make regular written posts.  All videos posted are 10-11 minutes in length.

    I too have noticed that once i restored from iCloud. Pictures blurry and videos wont play!
    Need help too!!

  • Opting out of iAds?

    so i went to oo.apple.com
    and i got a message saying i was opted out of iAds but that i will still get ads but they wont be tailored to me.
    if im still gonna get ads id rather them be tailored to me.
    so my question is,
    *did i understand this correctly?
    **is there more to iAds?
    *is there an option to opt in (again)?

    If an app developer includes ads with their app, which were included with most free apps before iAds, you can't opt out of seeing the ad banners included with an app by the app developer. You have the option of selecting or not selecting an ad to view the add in full as it was before iAds. The difference with iAds is when selecting an ad included with an app, the ad will be shown within the app without leaving the app along with being able to quit the selected ad at any time after it begins. Prior to iAds when an ad included with an app was selected, the app was quit with Safari being launched taking you to the ad. This quit the app. With iAds when selecting an ad, the app will not be quit - it will be paused with the ad displayed within the app. This is the only difference. You cannot opt out of ads included with a 3rd party app just as it wasn't possible to opt out of ads included with a 3rd party app before iAds.
    Not sure about opting out or in for iAds being tailored to you.

  • Google Analytics OPT-OUT Browser Add-on 0.9.6 doesn't retain OPT-OUT settings...never did really. Also JAVA now refuses to create updates for WinXP/FireFox.

    I use PaleMoon now trying to get rid of advertising sharks. I have WINXP still - need assistive-technology computer for pain so taking time on getting new computer.
    I have been severely sabotaged by advertising conglomerates selling my private information. They have no right -yet they do whatever they want. Anyhow...I've tried to OPT-OUT of EVERYTHING POSSIBLE. I've tried 5 places found. Google, NAI, DAA, & FIREFOX HELP said go to about:config was instructed to turn "from false to true" the "privacy.tracking.protection.enabled" .But I couldn't keep this setting because this also has to be set to false to use any saved log-on's to my accounts., and add-on AD BLOCK PLUS 2.6.7 when I was on Firefox & had some ticks and now it is disabled because it won't work with PaleMoon 25.2.1
    This case is about GOOGLE OPT-OUT. Starting here: http://www.google.com/settings/ads?hl=en&sig=ACi0TCgWymel0CNWxdcnEWPzWNs9wDd7cVQHxHsmtz4w30CAyHk7MqyzzZdGh3m6FpDaJsKmunTLEvJZY5LAm3h6gIdzE30L-Q
    There are 2 columns. The left one "ADS ON GOOGLE" NEVER RETAINS AFTER LOG-OFF. The right column "Google ads across the web
    " seems to retain sometimes - if I remember right it falls off after a period of time as opposed to after just LOGGING-OFF. Below the columns there are options, but I don't have a GOOGLE ACCOUNT.
    Also down there is this link: https://support.google.com/adsense/troubleshooter/1631343?hl=en ...you see the box with this: Advertising industry program participation
    Google is a participating member of groups that have developed industry privacy standards like the Ad-Choices icon for online advertising.
    Group Location
    Network Advertising Initiative United States
    Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) United States
    European Digital Advertising Alliance Europe
    Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada Canada
    ....I clicked OPTED OUT FOR NAI on their link http://www.networkadvertising.org/
    ...I clicked OPTED OUT FOR DAA on their link http://www.aboutads.info/
    ...I clicked PROTECT MY CHOICES and downloaded the app.
    These 1st 2 links used to have the same trouble and didn't retain ANYTHING and wouldn't re OPT-OUT ANY UNTIL THEY WERE SATIATED - saying I didn't have 3rd party cookies allowed when I did - this took hours.
    I sent numerous trouble reports to them that they ignored - then I think I sent one to Firefox and it is much better but still not completely right. Today DAA retains 106 out of 122 and if I repeatedly RE-OPT-OUT successively I can get it to 121 out of 122 - never completely. (currently the one not taking is Accuen Inc. but it changes periodically - makes me think they set one up to take my info and then share it with all of them - lol )
    Same for NAI currently I started with 94 out of 96 - next re-OPTED-OUT got it to 95 out of 96 and no further and same co. Accuen Inc (accuenmedia.com ) wouldn't update.
    NOTE: I was copy/pasting the list of NON-OPT-OUT'S to them and my own document file to try and find trends/problems...now NAI programmers protected the list from being able to be COPIED AND PASTED!!! That's the opposite of being open and interested in making this work, right? Why would they want to allow us to OPT-OUT of their criminal espionage behavior...RIGHT? (lol) FYI: I recorded that the big one that was always retained before this one was...MEDIA MATH INC.
    MANY Opt-outs would drop off while on-line and ALL would drop-off once logged-off. Now it's retaining most once logged off - but it hasn't been long enough to tell if they'll fall back into their bad habits as they've done before...
    This has been going on forever for me - I've been reporting this malfunction since 2013.
    Of course I downloaded PROTECT MY CHOICES FOR FIREFOX via NAI AND DAA'S links ...http://www.aboutads.info/PMC#protect-your-choices-for-firefox ............they both go to the same place???.....PROTECT MY CHOICES http://www.aboutads.info/plugin/install/firefox....that seems odd...it's as if they are the same entity then. ABOUTADS is DAA'S WEBSITE. NAI'S IS NETWORKADVERTISING.ORG so why would NAI use DAA'S PROTECT MY CHOICES app?
    Lastely, I also requested that the COOKIES NAMES BE UNIFORMLY IDENTIFIABLE. All the OPT-OUT COOKIES that are to be forevermore retained on my computer and that I am to trust the EVERY FUNCTION OF - well they all have different COOKIE NAMES!! Most of the names you can not tell that they are OPT-OUT COOKIES!! - SO NOWWW They have created another problem.
    We can no longer just "DELETE ALL COOKIES".
    PLUS, we can no longer go through our cookies and delete individual ones that snuck through.
    Every one of the OPT-OUT COOKIES SHOULD SAY "OPT-OUT" IWITHIN THEIR NAME OF THEIR COOKIE - PERIOD. RIGHT? (LOL) For real. Why was this mess was allowed?
    REALLY IN MY OPINION THESE COMPANIES SHOULD BE BLOCKED AT THE LOCAL PHONE COMPANIES LEVEL - IN OUR SERVERS. We should not have to deal with them. Same thing with viruses, malware and such beasts. But I digress.
    In summary:
    1.)Google Analytics OPT-OUT Browser Add-on 0.9.6 doesn't retain OPT-OUT settings
    2.) JAVA refuses to create updates for WinXP/FireFox/PaleMoon.
    3.) DAA & NAI still don't retain ALL OPT-OUT settings and never completely OPT-OUT all companies.
    4.) OPT-OUT cookies should be uniformly names with the words OPT-OUT in their titles.
    5.) Ad Block Plus 25.6.7 doesn't work for Pale Moon and there is no alternative - (didn't work great in FireFox)
    Right now I'm mainly interested in #1)retaining my GOOGLE OPT-OUTS while on line AND while logged off since it is attacking my computer and steeling all the speed until it freezes my keyboard.
    Currently I am trying to remember to run through 3. OPT-OUTS every time I log on.
    Thanks so much!

    hello, palemoon's support forums are here: http://forum.palemoon.org/

  • I have OPTED OUT of hot deals (and 2 others, the third will not let me its behind its window) and it will not turn off - how do I turn it off forever?

    You have an opt out option.
    THIS opt out option has a forever option.
    I have opted out forever on the stupid )(&**%^*&()*^ tab that occurs in the MIDDLE OF MY SCREEN, covering a THIRD of my screen (and at 62cm - this is over kill!) .... FAIL. (at least 4 times)
    I have opte dout forever on the stupid tab on the RIGHT side of my screen......FAIL.(at least 8 times)
    I am unable to opt out forever on the tab that appears on the bottom of my screen, as the opt out options appears BEHIND the window I wish to opt out forever of. (I call this EPIC fail.)
    When I am reading a story on line, I DO NOT WANT TO SHOP. If I am shopping in Amazon for a book, I will be reading about that book. IT IS ANNOYING TO HAVE TO CLOSE OUT WINDOWS EVERY TIME I SEARCH FOR A NEW BOOK - consider that I search/buy around 15 books at a time - after checking out maybe 50 that these tabs open over the TOP of.
    I also wish to get rid of the underlines with the green circle-thingy arrows that open pop up windows if I mouse over them. (there are 3 of them under this box I am typing in as I type, and nudging the mouse out of the way has opened up at least 4 stupid pop up windows - which I have blocked pop ups in the options...so WHY???????)
    I realise this can not be fixed on the spot, as it is going to require an actual programmer to fix it but please, pass this up to or over to whoever CAN fix it. I have used firefox since before patch 4 after it went live. I ADORED the old "you are F****d (etc" page you used to have that was directly opposed to internet explorers page not found - and I actually took the time to read it and had a terrible time stopping the laughter (at work of all places) when I did. I do not want to change browser, but these *features* do not enthrall me - especially since *features* should be optional, and turning them off should work.
    Thank you for your help, and I hope you have a great day/night and no more horribly painful people like me. <3 x o

    thankyou. THANK you.
    sorry about no screenie but the first option worked (at least so far!)

  • Read only view which has an ORDER BY clause

    Aim to create a read only view which has an ORDER BY clause
    Sample script
    CREATE TABLE tab1 (
    col1 VARCHAR2(3),
    col2 NUMBER
    INSERT INTO tab1(col1, col2) VALUES ('ccc', 30);
    INSERT INTO tab1(col1, col2) VALUES ('bbb', 20);
    INSERT INTO tab1(col1, col2) VALUES ('ddd', 40);
    INSERT INTO tab1(col1, col2) VALUES ('aaa', 10);
    -- To creat View
    I get the following error
    ERROR at line 10:
    ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
    When I comment out the ORDER BY clause, the view is created
    Pls let me know how I can create a read only view with ORDER BY clause

    take a look at the documentation for CREATE VIEW, there is a restriction:
    "You cannot specify the ORDER BY clause in the subquery if you also specify the subquery_restriction_clause."

  • I want to opt out of BTFON!

    I had an updated modem for my bt infinty service last weekand I have just notice that I have been "opted in" to BTFON.
    I dont want BTFON and when I check the status section of the BTFON site I get the message "Customer product is not on allowed product list"
    Please can someone advise me how to opt out?

    Answer from the BT web Site....
    <Start Quote>
    To opt-out of BT FON simply follow the steps below:
    Go to http://www.bt.com/btfon
    Click on the Check Status link on the left of the page
    Enter your @btinternet.com email address and password and click on the Check Status button
    Scroll down to the opt-out section.
    Enter your @btinternet.com email address and password again and click Send
    You will then see a notice confirming that the opt-out request has been accepted. Please follow the instructions in this message
    Remember, if you ever want to opt back in it is easy: just visit the BT FON website.
    <End Quote>
    Worked for me when I got my username right.
    Hope this helps

  • Has anyone maxed out their mac?

    i ask this out of curiosity for the bigger and faster machines. i can understand the needs and wants for faster, but has anyone maxed out their mac? and with what? i have lots installed and running on mine im sure not as much as a lot of people, but i still have lots available. so jsut wondering about the need for 200g

    15-20gb is gone off my drive just for parallels, i have about another 15gb dedicated to music, another 10gb for movies and tv shows. My mbp has just a little under 6gb left free, but this is only due to constant clean up of "temporary" (eg - not useful to me anymore) files. I had opted for a 100gb 7200rpm drive, I now almost wish I had went for the 120gb option.

  • Checkbox GONE! No opt-out for McAfee now! WHAT???

    I can't belive this! I just updated my Flash Player to v. 11.7.700.169  I've been using FP for over ten years, and have long despised the perpetual attempt to install McAfee Security Crap as some bundled "feature". BUT having the ability to uncheck the option, I learned to keep my focus on my work and not let it throw me any more. NOW, the update process did not EVEN GIVE ME THE OPT-OUT. As soon as I clicked on the installer EXE, a progress window poppeed up with two lines: one for FP and one underneath that for CrapAfee. The progress lines started filling in from 0% to 100%. Because I have a very fast internet connection, BOTH DOWNLOADED AND INSTALLED BEFORE I COULD STOP IT!!! ARRRRRRGHHHHHHH!!! I FEEL LIKE MY COMPUTER HAS BEEN RAPED! WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO DO THIS??? I AM FURIOUS! Has Adobe lost its mind? Seriously, this is the stuff of CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS. I know McAfee has a lot of experience in those!
    Dave Kinsey (current, but possibly not future, Adobe customer)

    I have seen this same complaint a number of times here in the forum, and I ask people to provide a screenshot and URL where this is occurring.
    So far nobody has ever provided this information, how about you?

  • Can I opt out of Verizon Selects and still earn Rewards?

    Verizon Rewards sounds like a great idea, but I don't want to be sharing my information about everything that I do with any company, let alone a marketing company that will target me with ads, etc.  I just want to be rewarded for being with Verizon for more than a decade... sometimes it feels like no company has any respect for customer loyalty.
    So, can I join Verizon Rewards and opt out of Verizon Selects to protect my privacy?

    According to their website and the page about signing up for Verizon Rewards:
    "Participation in Smart Rewards may require enrollment in Verizon Selects, which personalizes marketing customers may receive from Verizon and other companies by using information about customers' use of Verizon products and services including location, web browsing and app usage data."
    It says "may require enrollment", but I don't know whether or not that means that it will, or that I will opt out.  There's another discussion on here somewhere that asks this same question, and the Verizon rep's response was "We'll send you a private message", which bothers me... why can't they discuss it on that post?

  • Can I opt out of super-cookies today?  If so, how?

    I've read that V is using "super-cookies" and this raised some concerns and that V's response was to allow customers to opt-out of their use.
    Has anyone done this or know how to do it?  Step-by-step...

    -> Tap ALT key or press F10 to show the Menu Bar
    -> go to Help Menu -> select "Restart with Add-ons Disabled"
    Firefox will close then it will open up with just basic Firefox. Now do this:
    -> Update ALL your Firefox Plug-ins https://www.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/
    -> go to View Menu -> Toolbars -> unselect All Unwanted toolbars
    -> go Tools Menu -> Clear Recent History -> ''Time range to clear: '''select EVERYTHING''''' -> click Details (small arrow) button -> place Checkmarks on '''Cookies & Cache''' -> click "Clear Now"
    -> go to Tools Menu -> Options -> General -> When Firefox starts : select "Show My Home Page" -> Type the address of the website which you want to be your HomePage e.g. http:www.google.com -> place Checkmark on "Show the Downloads window when downloading a file" -> select Radio Button option2 "Always ask me where to save files"
    -> go to Tools Menu -> Options -> Content -> place Checkmarks on:
    1) Block Pop-up windows 2) Load images automatically 3) Enable JavaScript
    -> go to Tools Menu -> Options -> Security -> place Checkmarks on:
    1) Warn me when sites try to install add-ons 2) Block reported attack sites 3) Block reported web forgeries 4) Remember Passwords for sites
    -> Click OK on Options window
    '''-> click the Favicon (small drop down menu icon) on Firefox SearchBar (its position is on the Right side of the Address Bar) -> click "Manage Search Engines" -> select all Unwanted Search Engines and click Remove -> click OK
    -> go to Tools Menu -> Add-ons -> Extensions section -> REMOVE All Unwanted/Suspicious Extensions (Add-ons) -> Restart Firefox
    You can enable your Known & Trustworthy Add-ons later. Check and tell if its working.

  • How to opt out of Apple Software Update's Safari installation

    I do not have Safari installed on my computer, and I have no interest in installing it or switching to it. However, the Apple Software Updater displays Safari as a selected option every time it runs. I can unselect the option to install Safari, but I don't see any way to remove Safari from the list entirely so that Software Update doesn't keep pestering me about installing Safari every few days. Surely there must be some way to opt out of installing Safari short of uninstalling Software Update and never using it again?

    That answer really does not deserve a "solved" star, as we get nagged again for every update of Safari. The ignore "trick" is IMHO merely an inadequate workaround for a nuisance that should not exist.
    ASU should UPDATE not shove software I or rather, my userbase does not have installed, down our throats.
    Apple should at least have the decency to NOT have Safari Pre-checked in ASU. Yes, M$ has new software in Wondows Update as well (e.g. Silverlight), but at least it's an opt-in update, while Apple force-feeds us Safari which I find beyond annoying.
    If M$ would do the same with the next version if IE on Macs, Mac users would scream so loud you would be able to hear it on the ISS.
    Max G. Schmitt
    Systems and Network administrator (MCSE)

  • How to Opt-out CPNI (Customer Proprietary Network Information or CPNI)

    I have tried the phone but could not wait any longer for an available agent after about half an hour (18888258111). The community forum search results show the location Verizon website (My Profile tab under My Verizon -> Phone Control ) but it seemed the website layout has changed since because I could not see the "phone control" section on the my profile page. My ultimate goal is to avoid any of my information gets onto the 3rd party companies' hands which will then be used to harass me and my family through the telemarketing phone calls during dinner time.
    Please assist.

    As a user TNS_2 noted, the number you listed (18888258111) is NOT in the CPNI-OptOut state list--see: http://www22.verizon.com/about/privacy/cpnitelecom/#phonelist --so you need to double check the number(s) listed for your state.
    Even if you do successfully opt out of the CPNI, my guess is that you will still continue to receive telemarketing calls because it's time consuming and annoying to get off their call lists--you have to do all the work. The Federal DoNotCall registry (888-382-1222 or https://www.donotcall.gov/ ) is useless--my number is registered with donotcall and I still get tons of telemarketing calls.
    Your options are:
    1. When a telemarketer calls you, answer the call and tell them to REMOVE YOUR NUMBER from their calling database.
    2. Don't answer the phone--this is somewhat easier if you have Caller-ID. 99.9999% of telemarketers don't leave a phone message so just let it ring until your answering machine or voice mail picks up--if no message is left, it's not important...'-}}
    3. Buy a call blocker. This one is well rated--a bit pricey ~$100:
    To opt out of Verizon marketing emails:
    1. Log in to your Verizon account
    2. Once you've successfully logged in and if it is not already selected, click on "My Verizon"
    3. On the left side of the screen you should see a number of different options/selections ("Home", "My Services", "Bill & Payment", etc.). Click on the "Profile" option.
    4. You should then see--middle of the screen--a series of sections ("Account Settings", "Manage Sub Accounts", etc.). Click on the "Manage" button in the "Email Preference Center" and if you look down towards the bottom, you should see "Opt Out of All Marketing Emails". Click on box in the "Primary" (and "Secondary" if you have one) columns and then click on the "Save" button.
    Hope that helps...

  • Email preference centre - default opt-out

    Hi there,
    We built an email preference centre with corresponding landing page in Eloqua and are good to go for a trial to assess the impact on our global unsubscribe rate. One thing remains however. We cannot seem to find how to make the tick boxes on the landing pages ticked by default, i.e. to let people opt out instead of opt in. Where can we enable this? Thank you.
    Kind regards,

    We did the same thing in our instance of Eloqua.  We are using a beta version where email address is not the unique identifier.  We use SFDC Contact ID as our unique identifier as we have multiple contacts who use the same email address.
    We created custom subscription pages for each of our lines of business (aka Eloqua form on an Eloqua landing page). On our landing pages, we had check boxes that they could check to opt out of receiving a specific newsletter or type of campaign such as promotional communications or tradeshows, etc....
    The first step was to create a field for each of those options in the database and we sent the field to be automatically checked when a new contact was added.  We had to do an initial download though of all the contacts, added those fields to the spreadsheet and then populated them with a "1" to make the box checked on the subscription page.  We also offered an option to check a box to remove them from all future marketing communications which would automatically uncheck all the other boxes on the form and subsequently turn those values to "0". Then we use filters to make sure we don't send to anyone who has a value of "1" in the field if they have opted out of receiving any communications.
    In order to make it work though, we had to add JavaScript to each of the landing pages to check and uncheck boxes based on what they chose.  Here is the code for one of my pages:
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var _elqQ = _elqQ || [];
        _elqQ.push(['elqSetSiteId', '1499497143']);
        (function () {
            function async_load() {
                var s = document.createElement('script'); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true;
                s.src = '//img03.en25.com/i/elqCfg.min.js';
                var x = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; x.parentNode.insertBefore(s, x);
            if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async_load, false);
            else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent('onload', async_load);
    </script><script type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript'>
      var elqContact = '<span class="eloquaemail" >SFDC_Contact_ID1</span>';
    function setFormFieldValue(elqForm, strFormFieldName, strContactFieldName){
        if (elqForm.elements[strFormFieldName])
    elqForm.elements[strFormFieldName].value = GetElqContentPersonalizationValue(strContactFieldName);
    function SetElqContent(){
        if (this.GetElqContentPersonalizationValue){
            var elqForm;
            var blnFound = false;
            //find the form object from the form HTMLName
            for (var formIndex = 0; formIndex < document.forms.length; formIndex++)
                for (var elemIndex = 0; elemIndex < document.forms[formIndex].length; elemIndex++)
                    if (document.forms[formIndex].elements[elemIndex].name == "elqFormName")
                        if (document.forms[formIndex].elements[elemIndex].value == "OpticsGroupCustomSubscriptionPageForm-142111")
                            elqForm = document.forms[formIndex];
                            blnFound = true;
                if (blnFound) break;
            if (elqForm)
    setFormFieldValue(elqForm, "hiddenField", "C_SFDCContactID");
              if (elqForm.elements["Optics1"]){
              if (GetElqContentPersonalizationValue("C_Optics1") == "1"){
                       elqForm.elements["Optics1"].checked = true;
                else {
                                        elqForm.elements["Optics1"].checked = false;
              if (elqForm.elements["opticsPromotions1"]){
              if (GetElqContentPersonalizationValue("C_OpticsPromotions1") == "1"){
    elqForm.elements["opticsPromotions1"].checked = true;
                else {
                                        elqForm.elements["opticsPromotions1"].checked = false;
              if (elqForm.elements["emailOptOutOpticsMarketingCommunciatio"]){
              if (GetElqContentPersonalizationValue("C_Email_Opt_Out_Optics_Marketing_Communciatio") == "1"){
                        elqForm.elements["emailOptOutOpticsMarketingCommunciatio"].checked = true;
                                        // unchecking boxes based on unsubscribe checked
                                        elqForm.elements["opticsPromotions1"].checked = false;
                                        elqForm.elements["Optics1"].checked = false;
                else {
                                        elqForm.elements["emailOptOutOpticsMarketingCommunciatio"].checked = false;
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {
        var _selector = document.querySelector('input[name=emailOptOutOpticsMarketingCommunciatio]');
    _selector.addEventListener('change', function (event) {
            if (_selector.checked) {
              document.getElementsByName("opticsPromotions1")[0].checked = false;
    document.getElementsByName("Optics1")[0].checked = false;
            } else {
              // do nothing
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {
        var _selector = document.querySelector('input[name=opticsPromotions1]');
    _selector.addEventListener('change', function (event) {
            if (_selector.checked) {
                                        document.getElementsByName("emailOptOutOpticsMarketingCommunciatio")[0].checked = false;
            } else {
              // do nothing
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {
        var _selector = document.querySelector('input[name=Optics1]');
    _selector.addEventListener('change', function (event) {
            if (_selector.checked) {
                                        document.getElementsByName("emailOptOutOpticsMarketingCommunciatio")[0].checked = false;
            } else {
              // do nothing
        _elqQ.push(['elqDataLookup', escape('35bb303d73134cfba1d213f936dad642'),'<C_SFDCContactID>' + elqContact + '</C_SFDCContactID>']);
    Hope this helps.

  • Getting opt out of Facebook Platform error when trying to use Facebook

    Trying to utilize the new iOS6 features for Facebook integration. Keep getting same message. It says I've opted out of the Facebook platform?

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    good luck.
    Although I am working on behalf of HP, I am speaking for myself and not for HP.
    Love Kudos! If you feel my post has helped you please click the White Kudos! Star just below my name : )
    If you feel my answer has fixed your problem please click 'Mark As Solution' and make it easier for others to find help quickly : )
    Happy Troubleshooting : )

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  • Linked server problem, its works locally but not from remote machine

    Hi, i am using the application NAV and have written the query in the application. am using automation variable to link to the SQL Server. The problem is that , the query which i have written executes only when i am working on local machine . I mean w

  • SCSM - Service Request Area list - modifications not showing for all users

    Hi All As you cant edit the Service Request Area list, i've settled on changing the default display names to better reflect the categories we want for our SR's. The changes i've made are visible in SCSM on my computer (where i made the changes from),