Opting out of iAds?

so i went to oo.apple.com
and i got a message saying i was opted out of iAds but that i will still get ads but they wont be tailored to me.
if im still gonna get ads id rather them be tailored to me.
so my question is,
*did i understand this correctly?
**is there more to iAds?
*is there an option to opt in (again)?

If an app developer includes ads with their app, which were included with most free apps before iAds, you can't opt out of seeing the ad banners included with an app by the app developer. You have the option of selecting or not selecting an ad to view the add in full as it was before iAds. The difference with iAds is when selecting an ad included with an app, the ad will be shown within the app without leaving the app along with being able to quit the selected ad at any time after it begins. Prior to iAds when an ad included with an app was selected, the app was quit with Safari being launched taking you to the ad. This quit the app. With iAds when selecting an ad, the app will not be quit - it will be paused with the ad displayed within the app. This is the only difference. You cannot opt out of ads included with a 3rd party app just as it wasn't possible to opt out of ads included with a 3rd party app before iAds.
Not sure about opting out or in for iAds being tailored to you.

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    You need to install iOS4, and then go to the following URL from within the iPhone browser;
    You have to do it from each iPhone that's running iOS4, but it should opt you out of the program
    See why it's GOOD to read the EULA? this was hidden 3/4 of the way down in the EULA
    Message was edited by: MacTechG4

    Unfortunately, this does NOT opt out of iAds. It opts out of "Interest based" iAds which means only that the ads you see are not tailored to your interests and you may see the same ads over and over. See http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4228 for the details. Sounded too good to be true, eh?

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    Google is a participating member of groups that have developed industry privacy standards like the Ad-Choices icon for online advertising.
    Group Location
    Network Advertising Initiative United States
    Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) United States
    European Digital Advertising Alliance Europe
    Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada Canada
    ....I clicked OPTED OUT FOR NAI on their link http://www.networkadvertising.org/
    ...I clicked OPTED OUT FOR DAA on their link http://www.aboutads.info/
    ...I clicked PROTECT MY CHOICES and downloaded the app.
    These 1st 2 links used to have the same trouble and didn't retain ANYTHING and wouldn't re OPT-OUT ANY UNTIL THEY WERE SATIATED - saying I didn't have 3rd party cookies allowed when I did - this took hours.
    I sent numerous trouble reports to them that they ignored - then I think I sent one to Firefox and it is much better but still not completely right. Today DAA retains 106 out of 122 and if I repeatedly RE-OPT-OUT successively I can get it to 121 out of 122 - never completely. (currently the one not taking is Accuen Inc. but it changes periodically - makes me think they set one up to take my info and then share it with all of them - lol )
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    MANY Opt-outs would drop off while on-line and ALL would drop-off once logged-off. Now it's retaining most once logged off - but it hasn't been long enough to tell if they'll fall back into their bad habits as they've done before...
    This has been going on forever for me - I've been reporting this malfunction since 2013.
    Of course I downloaded PROTECT MY CHOICES FOR FIREFOX via NAI AND DAA'S links ...http://www.aboutads.info/PMC#protect-your-choices-for-firefox ............they both go to the same place???.....PROTECT MY CHOICES http://www.aboutads.info/plugin/install/firefox....that seems odd...it's as if they are the same entity then. ABOUTADS is DAA'S WEBSITE. NAI'S IS NETWORKADVERTISING.ORG so why would NAI use DAA'S PROTECT MY CHOICES app?
    Lastely, I also requested that the COOKIES NAMES BE UNIFORMLY IDENTIFIABLE. All the OPT-OUT COOKIES that are to be forevermore retained on my computer and that I am to trust the EVERY FUNCTION OF - well they all have different COOKIE NAMES!! Most of the names you can not tell that they are OPT-OUT COOKIES!! - SO NOWWW They have created another problem.
    We can no longer just "DELETE ALL COOKIES".
    PLUS, we can no longer go through our cookies and delete individual ones that snuck through.
    Every one of the OPT-OUT COOKIES SHOULD SAY "OPT-OUT" IWITHIN THEIR NAME OF THEIR COOKIE - PERIOD. RIGHT? (LOL) For real. Why was this mess was allowed?
    REALLY IN MY OPINION THESE COMPANIES SHOULD BE BLOCKED AT THE LOCAL PHONE COMPANIES LEVEL - IN OUR SERVERS. We should not have to deal with them. Same thing with viruses, malware and such beasts. But I digress.
    In summary:
    1.)Google Analytics OPT-OUT Browser Add-on 0.9.6 doesn't retain OPT-OUT settings
    2.) JAVA refuses to create updates for WinXP/FireFox/PaleMoon.
    3.) DAA & NAI still don't retain ALL OPT-OUT settings and never completely OPT-OUT all companies.
    4.) OPT-OUT cookies should be uniformly names with the words OPT-OUT in their titles.
    5.) Ad Block Plus 25.6.7 doesn't work for Pale Moon and there is no alternative - (didn't work great in FireFox)
    Right now I'm mainly interested in #1)retaining my GOOGLE OPT-OUTS while on line AND while logged off since it is attacking my computer and steeling all the speed until it freezes my keyboard.
    Currently I am trying to remember to run through 3. OPT-OUTS every time I log on.
    Thanks so much!

    hello, palemoon's support forums are here: http://forum.palemoon.org/

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    THIS opt out option has a forever option.
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    Thank you for your help, and I hope you have a great day/night and no more horribly painful people like me. <3 x o

    thankyou. THANK you.
    sorry about no screenie but the first option worked (at least so far!)

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    I'm not aware of any setting to prevent the Apple's receipt to be sent.
    If you bought a mix of purchase item and free item, the will appears on the same receipt. Instead of considering them as spam, you can consider them as "a way to recall which apps you dowloaded in case something wrong happen".
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    Sure sounds like a Facebook setting. When you look at your Privacy Settings in Facebook (on facebook.com), you should see something under "Apps you use" that says
    Turn off your ability to use apps, plugins, and websites on and off Facebook. After you turn this off, we will not store information about you when you use apps or websites off Facebook.
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    Edit: The sequence to that screen on facebook.com is: Privacy Settings (from the upper right dropdown), then "Ads, Apps and Websites" will have an "Edit settings" link to the right. This is where you'll see the "Apps you use" screen.

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    Firstly I'd like to clarify myself: I'm not working for any hardware and software vendor. I've posted few times: they (all of them) don't sell printers, they sell inks because in many cases total cost of a new set of inks is more expensive than a new printer with inks (I know cartridges are not full). Since inks are very expensive, many people use chip resetters, continuous inks systems .... to reduce printing cost such as some thing like one of this.
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

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    Unfortunately you cant stop them by replying STOP.
    As XRaySpeX mentioned you would need to give us a call and advise customer service you would like to change your Contact Consent.
    Hope this helps!

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    Backup your data and sign out. Restore the data after you sign out. This is not complicated.

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    I dont want BTFON and when I check the status section of the BTFON site I get the message "Customer product is not on allowed product list"
    Please can someone advise me how to opt out?

    Answer from the BT web Site....
    <Start Quote>
    To opt-out of BT FON simply follow the steps below:
    Go to http://www.bt.com/btfon
    Click on the Check Status link on the left of the page
    Enter your @btinternet.com email address and password and click on the Check Status button
    Scroll down to the opt-out section.
    Enter your @btinternet.com email address and password again and click Send
    You will then see a notice confirming that the opt-out request has been accepted. Please follow the instructions in this message
    Remember, if you ever want to opt back in it is easy: just visit the BT FON website.
    <End Quote>
    Worked for me when I got my username right.
    Hope this helps

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    Since I upgraded to Firefox 3.6.12, the page opens up with two vertically divided panes. Each pane displays a different bookmark. The left pane is generally only about an inch wide and can only be expanded to about 3 inches wide. In that mode, it is pretty much useless and only provides a distraction. How can I opt out on what appears to be the default setting for a split window with two vertical panes.
    At this point, I am discontinuing using Firefox in favor of Safari because of this change in the default window.

    Opening in the side bar is the default for bookmarks that are created via a link or button on a website.
    You can check the Properties of a bookmark via the right-click context menu in the side bar (Ctrl+B; Cmd+B on Mac).
    In the Bookmarks Manager (Bookmarks > Organize Bookmarks) you can click the More button in the Details pane at the bottom right.
    Make sure that "Load this bookmark in the side bar" is not selected.

  • Adding a tick box on checkout form to let people opt out of email listing

    hey guys ive set up a shopping site and have added an extra tick box at the bottom of the check out page to let people opt out the emailing listings if they choose to.
    Problem is I dont think the result of the tick shows up on my orders invoice inside the admin or email invoice sent to me when an Order is placed, meaning I dont know if I have permission to send out emails to old customers in the future.
    this is the look
    code looks like this
    <div class="checkbox">
    <input type="checkbox" id="EmailOptOut" value="1" name="EmailOptOut" />
    <label for="EmailOptOut">Please tick box if you would NOT like to receive future promotional emails.</label></div>
    <div class="item"><input type="submit" class="cat_button" id="catwebformbutton" value="Submit" /> </div>
    <div class="item"><br />
    <div class="item"><br />
    Can I add the result to my default email or order results?

    Thank you for posting.
    You can add {tag_formsummary}to the workflow notification email under system emails. You will then get the complete webform summary in the notification email.
    Aishvarya Raj Rastogi

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 8903: Tiny adjustment to the previous change in revision 8902 - this actually allows the fx : language namespace qualification to opt out of setting the id property in all scenarios .

    Revision: 8903
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-07-29 11:17:43 -0700 (Wed, 29 Jul 2009)
    Log Message:
    Tiny adjustment to the previous change in revision 8902 - this actually allows the fx: language namespace qualification to opt out of setting the id property in all scenarios.
    QE notes: N/A
    Doc notes: N/A
    Bugs: SDK-21700
    Reviewer: Discussed with Paul
    Tests run: Checkintests, Mustella AdvancedCSS
    Is noteworthy for integration: No
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:
        flex/sdk/trunk/modules/compiler/src/java/flex2/compiler/mxml/builder/ComponentBuilder.jav a

    Remember that Arch Arm is a different distribution, but we try to bend the rules and provide limited support for them.  This may or may not be unique to Arch Arm, so you might try asking on their forums as well.

  • Checkbox GONE! No opt-out for McAfee now! WHAT???

    I can't belive this! I just updated my Flash Player to v. 11.7.700.169  I've been using FP for over ten years, and have long despised the perpetual attempt to install McAfee Security Crap as some bundled "feature". BUT having the ability to uncheck the option, I learned to keep my focus on my work and not let it throw me any more. NOW, the update process did not EVEN GIVE ME THE OPT-OUT. As soon as I clicked on the installer EXE, a progress window poppeed up with two lines: one for FP and one underneath that for CrapAfee. The progress lines started filling in from 0% to 100%. Because I have a very fast internet connection, BOTH DOWNLOADED AND INSTALLED BEFORE I COULD STOP IT!!! ARRRRRRGHHHHHHH!!! I FEEL LIKE MY COMPUTER HAS BEEN RAPED! WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO DO THIS??? I AM FURIOUS! Has Adobe lost its mind? Seriously, this is the stuff of CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS. I know McAfee has a lot of experience in those!
    Dave Kinsey (current, but possibly not future, Adobe customer)

    I have seen this same complaint a number of times here in the forum, and I ask people to provide a screenshot and URL where this is occurring.
    So far nobody has ever provided this information, how about you?

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