IBook cd problems!

i have recently restored my clamsehell to factory settings after it locked me out. the password stopped working! whats with that?!! any ways, it acts funny and doesnt work correectly when it reads cd's. it sometimes works, then i mount as udf and it doesnt or does depening on how it feels. ig=f i do it later, it works , marginally. i am using 9.0.4 now and maybe thats the problem, i also want to find out if i need a firmware update. i am updating tonight to 9.1 and i will have the chance.

The drive's lens may be dirty — try a drive cleaning kit. The fact that it sometimes works indicates that it has the necessary software support, and that the problem is most likely in hardware (dirt or an intermittent drive malfunction). Note that the dirt, if that's the problem, may also be on the CD or DVD itself, so make sure your discs are clean and unscratched.

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    By comparison, my iBook drive, a new WD 120 GB, has 2045 power on hours, has a temperature of 44〫C, and shows no errors. However, since your drive came up "verified" in Disk Utility" and "Passed" in S.M.A.R.T. Utility, I'm not sure what to make of the 22,189 CRC error count or the total error count of 6. Did you click on the "Show All" to see the detail of the CRC error count?
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    Since you mentioned running Disk Warrior in Target Disk Mode, I assume that you have done all you can to repair the disk and permissions.
    What might be good to do next is to try installing Tiger on your firewire external drive and run the iBook for a while on the external and see if the weird problems persist. Since the iBook was dropped, almost anything could have happened. If it runs perfectly off of the external drive, then I would tend to still be suspicious of the internal drive, or possibly its connections. However, if the weirdness is still there when running off of the external drive, that would indicate some other problem. But I do think that running the iBook off of the external drive for a while is the thing to do next. Please post back with how it goes.
    Good luck!

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    Thanks for taking the time to read all this, and I appreciate any help you can provide.

    Thanks for the suggestion, Richard.
    There was definitely never any liquid spilled. I'm not totally convinced that the keyboard is at fault, mostly due to the problem being linked to the position or movement of the hinges. Could the keyboard be flexing when the lid is moved? But, I figured it couldn't hurt to try your idea out.
    I didn't have an external keyboard handy, so I exchanged it with the one from my other ibook. I would have expected the problems to have followed the keyboard if that was the issue, but both computers are functioning normally so far. I have no way to tell if this means something, or if I'm just in one of those lucky streaks where it works for a while before the malfunctions pop up again.
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    1.1 (the latest)
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    Again, sorry, a 'Shared' .ibooks file has the same format as what users download from the store.
    You don't need to be in the store to circulate that file. 'private' as defined depends on you. Email that file if possible and/or put it on your own server/dropbox and share the link to trusted individuals.
    If you're sending the .iba file to someone that then uses it in iBA, they need to use the 'Shared' menu to generate an .ibooks file, then drop that into iTunes and sync to their device.
    See iBooks Author: Publishing and distribution FAQ - Support

  • Fixing iBook power problem

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    I realize this type of repair is not something everyone can perform for themselves. But for those who can, consider it. And for those who can't, use this as a big clue where to tell a technician to look to fix the problem, assuming your iBook is having similar symptoms.
    I'll stop short of calling this a product defect on Apple's part, but looking at this design mechanically and critiquing it, I can see why Apple went to Magsafe.

    Wow excellent detective work and fix. I'd suspected this problem on a lot of posts.
    I don't know if I'd blame Apple on this, people walk away, trip over that cord all the time and the constant plugging and unplugging. I think Magsafe is a great solution. I don't see anyone else doing that.

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    Any help?

    First-advise her IE is horrible, she should be using firefox, camino, opera or safari-anything but IE.
    Secondly-has she tried this:Resetting PRAM and NVRAM
    1. Shut down the computer.
    2. Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command, Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
    3. Turn on the computer.
    4. Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys. You must press this key combination before the gray screen appears.
    5. Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
    6. Release the keys.
    Or, try restarting from the OS disc(insert disc, restart computer holding the "C" key), go under Disk utility and repair permissions.

  • IBook G4 problems

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    Any thoughts?

    ately, although i recently have had both the logic board and hard drive replaced, my ibook g4 has been crashing when i leave it sleeping. it is unresponsive and i have to manually turn off the computer. when i try to restart a gray screen with a flashing file/question mark appears. i have to manually turn it off and on again and/or leave it to rest for a while before it will work again. i have re-installed/archived following the advice of the local genius bar guy, but that hasn't seemed to help as it continues to crash when i leave it sleeping. also, it has happened a few times recently that the computer just shuts off in the middle of an application session, and will not respond at all to pressing the power button. i thought for sure that my computer was dead the first time it did this, but after leaving it a few hours it responded to pressing the power button. luckily i have everything backed up, but my applecare runs out in a few months and i am afraid that i will be left with a non-functional ibook. can anyone advise me on this, or should i petition apple to replace my ibook?

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    Any idea what might have happened? Did I tweak something while removing the keyboard to get at the RAM? Do I need to get a new keyboard, or is this a problem with the connection ribbon?
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    Hi Peter...
    I can't see how the Ram could be the problem from what you describe. I suggest removing and then connecting the keyboard ribbon just to make sure all the pins are well attached. The pbfixit site has good instructions if you need them...
    Failing this perhaps the ribbon itself may be kinked or damaged slightly?
    Good luck

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    And now it doens't anymore.
    Sometimes (1 on 20 tries) it does work. Often the pdf lights up for a second in ibooks, and then disappears again.
    I tried doing a reinstall as advised on many fora, but this doesn't help.
    Any other ideas why this happens, and a solution?
    It's a shame, cos it was such a fast way of working.
    Thank you in advance.

    I have been experiencing this problem for over a month now. Seems a bug in iBooks. However, if I close the iBooks and then from email try to open the attachment from Email, it works. Having iBooks open gives this problem.

  • IBooks file problems

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    Does anyone have any ideas?

    Just other users are reading here, to report bugs best use the feedback channels:

  • Ibook power problem

    im new here
    i have a problem hope you can guide me
    i have a ibook 600/128/10GB i think is a dc-in board problem
    im just speculating but, i managed to open the ibook and expose both logical and dc board so when i plugged the dc cord a short crackle sounds and the orange led of the dc cord start flashig also a strange sound comes from de dc adaptor, so i unplugged the dc in board strip cable from the logical board and plugged again the dc cord and the short circuit stops and the orange led lights normally , can you tell me what is the problem here? Dc-in board or the logical (hope is only dc)
    Thanks for any replies

    These are the four most common possibilities when the battery will not charge:
    (1) there is something wrong with your battery
    (2) there is something wrong with your power adapter
    (3) there is something wrong with your power input board (the part that contains the port where you plug in the adapter)
    (4) there is something wrong with your logic board
    Have you tried resetting the PMU? There is a chance that may help.
    When a DC-in board quits working, the computer will run fine from the battery, but won't run from the adapter, and the adapter will no longer charge the battery. This does sound like what has happened to you. To diagnose a bad DC-in board, you need to make sure it isn't the battery or the adapter at fault by swapping out first one and then the other, If it runs from a known good charged battery okay, but won't run from a known good adapter, then you are going to have to replace the power input board. This happened to my husband's. It acted exactly the way yours is acting.
    Usually, if it is a logic board problem, the iBook simply will not run from the battery. This happened to mine. The battery showed up in the battery status indicator. It was recognized by the computer and charged by the adapter (as shown by the battery status indicator). However, when I unplugged the adapter from the iBook, it was just like pulling the power cord from the wall on a desktop. The iBook immediately shutdown. Dead.
    Judging from our experiences, it is likely a bad power input (DC-in) board.

  • IBook Battery Problem

    Hi guys,
    Just registered for these forums, as this is the first problem I've had with my iBook in nearly two years!
    Recently, for no apparent reason, my iBook has stopped recognising that it's got a battery in it. An "X" appears in the battery icon on the top right of the screen, and it says "No Batteries Available" when I click on it. The battery is fully charged (according to the lights on the underside of it), and it's inserted correctly...so I have no idea what the problem is.
    I'm running 10.4.8 on a 1.2GHz iBook G4.
    Any ideas what's up? Anybody experienced this before?

    Thanks Phil.
    The iBook itself is just under 2 years old, but thanks to the battery recall program the battery was replaced late last year, October or November I think.
    There's not been any physical damage to it, or at least there's not been any I'm aware of! I did think of that, as it seems not to recognise it at all, but I can't think of anything that would've caused it.

  • IBook G4 problems archive and install or erase and install?

    I have been having problems with my iBook G4 (it will be five years old this thanksgiving and it got a new hard drive just before the 3 year applecare ran out). I tried updating safari in may and I think that somehow screwed up my system. I can no longer use safari or open any adobe pdf files. also, when I try to run software update, it will bounce a couple of times in my dock and then disappear.
    I can still use word and firefox (although firefox has been quitting with more and more frequency recently, about 4 or 5 times a night). I ran the disc utility and the hardware test and neither of those identified any problems.
    I didn't do anything major earlier like an archive and install or reinstall because I couldn't find my copy of word in order to reinstall that, but I found it over the weekend and I am ready to try to fix my computer.
    So here is my question--should I do an archive and install or erase and reinstall? also, I have three apple install discs and five of the software restore, is that right? I don't want to get halfway through the process and realize I am missing something.
    the iBook is almost five years old, if I start all over, am I going to run into the same problem--that some of the updates won't work on my system and might cause problems?

    Welcome to the Forum.
    Before that you might want to try running a repair disk routine on the HD, and clear the cache files too. Download ONYX, a free cache cleaner from here: http://www.titanium.free.fr/pgs2/english/download.html and clean the system and user files. Once this is done go to the next step.
    Booting up while holding down CMD-S. Once the screen of code has loaded and the cursor stopped moving, type in *fsck -fy* (note the space after the 'k') and hit return. Repeat until it says the HD is OK. Type reboot, hit return.
    Post back.

  • IBook G4 - Problems Starting after installing RAM

    I installed a 512 MB RAM chip last night, triple-checked it for correct specifications. I've installed, uninstalled, and re-installed it several times, each time getting the same problem. I turn my iBook on, the start-up screen does its thing, and then it stops at the message "Login Window starting," right before my desktop would normally load. This does this with and without the RAM installed. I tried the disk utility CD 1, and it didn't seem to do any good. Any suggestions?

    Does the iBook boot and run from the install CD?
    If so run DiskUtility from the pull down menu. Still runs OK?
    This would seem to indicate pretty good functionality.
    Is it possible your software configuration wasn't healthy before you installed the RAM? You might have to do a re-install of the OS.

  • Ibook PDF problems

    Can someone help please. I have upgrade to a new Ipad but my PDF files in iBooks are not showing when I reinstall my profile from Itunes.

    Hi and welcome.....
    . I've NOT upgraded the iOS at all,
    You're having problems with iBooks as a result of not updating your iPad software.
    Read here:
    iBooks requires 4.2 iBooks: Viewing, syncing, saving, and printing PDFs on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
    "iBooks 1.2 for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch requires iOS 4.2 or later."
    Connect your iPad to your computer. Launch iTunes. Under the Summary tab click: Check for Update

  • IBook boot problems

    Hello, My iBook recently won't boot correctly. It goes to the login screen and then goes to a full screen terminal and asks for my password. The only password that works is the root password. Now this happened after I installed the xvid codec for quicktime but as far as I know that couldent have caused something like this. So in trying to fix this I rebooted the computer into single user mode and removed the applesetupdone (/var/db/.applesetupdone) file to hopefuly get the computer to just go through the intl. setup. Well that didnt work. Now it gets stuck in a loop saying it cant load up the intl. setup. I can still get into single user mode though so it should still be fixable. If not I think the mac has smbmount so I could just move my files over to my friends computer and reformat. I know this problem was not caused by my dual boot because its been running fine for about 2 years. Could anyone tell me how I could fix this boot problem or how to startup the network services in single user mode.
    Thanks, Spazo

    An update. . .
    Booted in TDM and wouldn't show up on my MBP, however could view it in disk utility. It wouldn't let me mount it though. I've tried repairing however after an hour still nothing. Here's the info notes. I'm getting the impression the hard drive is damaged beyond repair.
    Name : AAPL FireWire Target Media
    Type : Disk
    Disk Identifier : disk1
    Media Name : AAPL FireWire Target Media
    Media Type : Generic
    Connection Bus : FireWire
    Connection Type : External
    Connection ID : 2979676490117816
    Partition Type : Applepartitionscheme
    Device Tree : /PCI0@0/PCIB@1E/FRWR@3/node@a95fffebd32b8/sbp-2@4020/@0:0
    Writable : Yes
    Ejectable : Yes
    Mac OS 9 Drivers Installed : Yes
    Location : External
    Total Capacity : 27.9 GB (30,005,821,440 Bytes)
    S.M.A.R.T. Status : Not Supported
    Disk Number : 1
    Partition Number : 0

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