Ibook g4 won't read RAM

I have been having a lot of issues with my ibook g4 1ghz lately. I replaced the hard drive, and in the process I am worried something may have gone wrong, because now it is only reading 128mb of built in RAM, I had a 1gb stick in there. I bought a new stick thinking maybe the old one coincidentally went bad, but upon installing the new stick it wouldn't read that either. Any help?

Are you sure it's seated properly and was handled correctly?

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    See KB Articles: 
    http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1411 Apple Portables: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=2238 Resetting your Mac's PRAM and NVRAM

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    Hi Primhak,
    Welcome to the HP Forums! I need to clarify a couple of things the optical drive (CD/DVD drive) is playing DVDs but won't CDs is that correct? What is this error code that you are talking about? What operating system are you running?
    Finding your OS:
    Thank you,
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    Thank you,
    I work on behalf of HP

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    rafterdog wrote:
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    I believe there are detailed instructions in the Nero user guide. Download it here http://www.nero.com/en/UserGuide_Burning_ROM6.html
    and search it for "Mac".
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    Hi chesterday, and a warm welcome to the forums!
    You must repair the HD, your best bet is DiskWarrior from Alsoft...
    You'll need the CD though.
    Unfortunately, Disk Utility can't fix all that much, and the only other Apple Options are erasing the HD, or installing OSX to a second drive, then using Migration Assistant to move stuff over to the new HD.

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    Your very welcome.
    You would need to apply pressure to the left side of the track pad about 2cm out. I found applying pressure to both sides of the track pad more successful. All you have to do is push down on the case, while making sure your iBook is on a flat surface. If you have someone willing to help you, you can get them to apply the pressure while you back up your files. Other methods would involve tempory repair or removal of the hard drive. If you remove the hard drive to be read by another computer, you would need a cady to put the drive into. These caddies are cheap enough. Would suggest you use a USB cady and plug your drive into that, which would act as USB external drive. I'd suggest you get a USB cady to remove your files, be careful to what operating system you have on the computer you are using to get the files off. Windows OS won't read a MAC OS X drive (extended journal format) It would need to be another  Mac or a Linux PC.
    If removing the hard drive is something your not to confident in doing, you could alway pay a computer repair shop to remove it for you. (Maybe they would have a USB cady for a 2.5 IDE hard )
    Here is a link giving further details about this chip solder problem.
    Here is an example of a USB cady
    http://www.amazon.com/SANOXY-External-Enclosure-Case-Laptop/dp/B000FNBYKW/ref=sr _1_sc_13?ie=UTF8&qid=1338742155&sr=8-13-spell
    Let's hope just applying enough pressure is enough to get your files back up.
    Best of luck!

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    Hi, and welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    It sounds as though it could be having hard drive problems. Have you tried starting up in Safe Mode? If not, I suggest that you give it a try. This will take quite awhile longer than a normal startup because it does a file check and repair of the hard disk.
    If this works you will see your normal desktop. Once completely started up in Safe Mode, try to restart normally, and go to Applications > Utilities > Disk Utility. Click on the top hard drive icon in the left sidebar and note the S.M.A.R.T. status at the bottom right of the pane. What does it say?
    Select the named boot volume in the left sidebar, ("Macintosh HD" unless you've renamed it). What is the hard drive capacity and how much space remains available on it? Repair permissions on it.
    See if you are able to do a little hard drive maintenance to help things out.

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    This is the case both on battery and when plugged in. Both with external keyboard attached and without. Both set at 3 hrs and 1 minute. And it's been happening for several days.
    It will only sleep when I close the lid or select sleep from the Apple menu.
    Only recent software changes were the latest Apple system updates.
    Ideas? Is there something else to reset?

    Your method seems to have worked. My clock went back to 7:01 on 12-31-1969 (after I turned off the Airport, that is; the first time I tried this it automatically give me the correct date and time, so I wasn't sure I'd done it right). Then the iBook went to sleep on its own about 30-60 seconds after the screen went dark.
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    Anyway, thanks for the great tip. Any idea why Apple doesn't mention this on its support page on resetting the PMU? Do you know anything else about this issue? Like why the PMU get's screwy to begin with?
    Thanks again.

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    Can I use any replacement drive in this model or must I get the same one again?
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    The BSODs are a seperate issue which I think running a system repair will fix but I can't as the drive won't read data.
    Is it possible to put the repair disk files onto a 4gb USB stick and if so, how do I do it?

    Hi Peeps
    I had exactly the same problem with my Macbook, again from the UK. Really weird though as would intermittantly read DVD film's which worked fine previously.
    Well.... Took it to my local Apple store and saw a genius and anyway they replaced the super drive and logic board (surprised about the logic board!).
    But just got it back today and the DVD drive is completely fubard so is being returned tomorrow to get this sorted!
    Moral of the story, sounds like a drive or board problem. Will keep you updated when I get mine back
    Macbook 2Ghz, 512Mb, 60Gb, Superdrive   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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