IBook issue with IPhone 4 - '7.0.4' issue

I received the 7.0.4 update on my IPhone 4. I don't like it.  I feel Apple went cheap. From the way the apps look to the various issues I have encountered. 1 issue-IBooks: I can't see purchases and Library shelf missing, the books are displayed against white background
Any one know how to fix? Appreciate the help

If you've done the update OTA try restoring through I-Tunes. I'm having battery drainage probs since the update, starting to get very tired since 7.0.
This rollercoaster is very very tiring. Apple wasn't like this.

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    Thank you!

    Which specific iBook G4 does she have?
    You can choose from this list:
    From Wikipedia:
    Apple provides free updates to the OS for the iPhone through iTunes,[120] and major updates have historically accompanied new models.[124]Such updates often require a newer version of iTunes — for example, the 3.0 update requires iTunes 8.2 — but the iTunes system requirements have stayed the same. Updates include both security patches and new features.[125] For example, iPhone 3G users initially experienced dropped calls until an update was issued.[126][127]
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    I have attempted to figure out which version of the OS will allow an iPhone 3G to sync with an iBook, but have not been successful.
    Perhaps posting your question in the iPhone Discussions area will give you better results.
    Good luck.

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    That sounds like you are looking at the Purchased tab in the iBooks app, that is part of the store and allows you to redownload books (if a book is only in the cloud then it will have the cloud icon against it instead of 'downloaded', tap on the cloud to download it) and/or look at their store description pages.
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    Hi bellenyc,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below may be able to help you with this issue.
    Click on the link to see more details and screenshots. 
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    I hope this information helps ....
    Have a great day!
    - Judy 

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    Create backup of your entire mailbox before starting (THIS IS IMPORTANT)
    Create offline folder (.pst file) Check windows help on how to do this for your version.
    Open folders view on Outlook
    Right click on Calendar in tree view and 'copy to' offline .pst folder
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    do a reset: hold the power and home buttons simultaneously until the Apple logo appears.

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    2) Using all above cables on 2 different laptops, 3 different pcs. Exactly the same as above.
    3) Everything on this page http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1538
    - Apple Mobile Device Support is installed
    - Have restarted the apple mobile device support service several times
    4) Itunes is completely up-to-date I have reinstalled itunes about 5 times now, i'll be loathed to do it again. I've repaired, I've followed guides to completely remove all traces of itunes/quicktime/apple including from registry, and then reinstalled.
    5) I've entered revovery mode and tried everything listed here http://support.apple.com/kb/ts1538
    6) I've disabled and removed any potential 3rd party software including anti-virus.
    7) I've tried removing potentially erroneous pictures created by apps or obtained by means other than directly from the iphones camera.
    8) Tried removing lock on phone
    9) Tried taking pictures on phone to bring camera up on windows.
    10) Carefully and thoroughly cleared and cleaned the inner contacted for the usb connection cable on the phone.
    11) Updated all intel based drivers (usb/motherboard) and reinstalled them.
    NOTHING is working.
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    There are 2 or 3 things that could be potentially causing the issue. My main thought is something to do with the install of the ipad 2. The ipad 2, on the same laptop, IS recognized, by both the laptop and itunes, in other words, there are absolutely no issues with the ipad 2 which the iphone 3gs has.
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    To clarify, the iphone 3gs is working absolutely fine on it's own, it just isn't being detected by anything. The iphone 3gs charges absolutely fine on a official apple power cable with plug.
    My phone has never been and is NOT jailbroken.
    There are some slight discrepencies to information in this article http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1538 pertaining to the Apple mobile device USB driver.
    With the iphone 3gs, as mentioned, when connected, it does not appear in the device manager. All my other apple devices do appear. For example the ipad 2 and the iphone 4, however, slightly differently as described in the article. The apple mobile device usb driver appears not under "Universal Serial Bus Controller" but under "Portable device". When the iphone 3gs is connected "Portable device" isn't even listed (as the phone is not recognized).
    Ive tried connected the iphone 4 on one cable then the 3gs on another but only the iphone 4 is detected on the pc/itunes still.
    All I stated it as a potential issue I don't truly believe the installation of the ipad 2 is the reason as other devices work fine.
    Another possiblilty is to do with the picture issue, this has been reported alot around the web and is by far the most bizarre issue. If this was indeed the porblem I'd be beyond infuritated, consider the phone has thousands of pictures from a multitude of origins, be it the camera, bluetooth, emailed, downloaded, another camera app, an editing app. Bare in mind this is over a number of yeears and has not caused issues, then suddenly, it is. And the solution, delete the pictures that didn't come directly from the camera, i don't even need to state how nigh on impossible that is, for myself, i'd have to delete every single picture to ensure I got them all. The problem there? As is the major problem? As is the reason I can't just factory reset? The phone hasn't been backed up in a long period of time, I'd be losing far too much. The bottom line, this absolutely should not be happening and there has to be a simple yet not obvious fix for this.
    The final possiblity? The usb port on the phone is faulty? Now bare in mind it gets a charge from being plugged into a socket (non-usb) and also gets a usb charge from a single 3rd party cable? Could this really be the issue? Would it make sense a charge is possible but not detection? It's definately not the cable, so that would leave the physical port on the phone? As i stated earlier I've cleaned this properly and ensured there's no signs of physical damage. The phone is obviously no logner under warranty and I honestly don't beleive it's damaged to the extent it won't be recognized.
    I've probably missed a fair few things out i've tried to resolve this, but this is lengthy enough for now. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. I would love to resolve this without having to attempt a factory reset or delete all the photos. If there was a way to mass send every photo at once via email or bluetooth I'd try that then delete them, is there? I mean i do NOT want to be doing this one at a time. I really need to get the phone detected so i can backup my phone and (if then possible) transfer the data to my new iphone 4s (in the post!).
    I love apple but this issue is quite disgusting and it's very apparent and widespread, there's just too many possibilities to it and unfortunately all the above don't seem to be helping.
    Thanks for reading!

    It COULD be the photos; the Camera Roll was never intended to be permanent storage; it is for temporary photo storage until the photos can be transferred to a computer, just like you would do with any other digital camera. However, the problems that you have read about with corrupt images only prevents the Camera Roll from being accessible on the computer, it does not interfere with syncing.
    It could also easily be a hardware issue with the phone. I consider this the most likely. However, here is something desperate you can try (desperate only because it may not work; it isn't going to hurt anything): Open a Windows command line with Administrator privileges, and type:
       netsh  winsock  reset
    For your photos, you have a couple of options.
    Dropbox (www.dropbox.com) - Open a free Dropbox account on your computer, install the free Dropbox app, then copy the Camera Roll photos to the Dropbox Photos folder. They will appear in the dropbox folder on your computer as if by magic.
    Picasa (picasa.google.com) - Open a free Picasa account. Purchase the MyPics app for the iPhone (not free, but inexpensive), and upload all of your photos to Picasa using MyPics
    There are other apps with similar functionality, but these are the easiest to use.

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    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:       
    iOS: How to back up           
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.

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    Even though they aren't iTunes purchases you should be able copy them from your iPad to your computer's iTunes via File > Transfer Purchases (File > Devices > Transfer Purchases if you have iTunes 11 on your computer) - you can then sync them to your iPhone.
    The sync bookmarks and sync collections settings won't copy items between your devices, it will just keep the the books/PDFs that you have on both devices in-line with each other e.g. if you have a PDF on both and you move it into a collection on one device then it will put into the same collection on the other device.

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    Don't know if you could consider this an Apple issue. I know you are probably frustrated, and I am not defending Apple here, just saying that the iPhone does not update to support individual automobiles, the automobile manufactures update to support the Bluetooth profiles.The iPhone has the latest Bluetooth stack and supports a number of things. Problems generally revolve around the manufacturer not supporting the lastest Bluetooth version and have to update their systems. Check with Honda, they are probably aware of this, and if you search the forum, you will find a number of posts regarding the CR-V.

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    Can I share my books in my iBook app with an iPhone visiting on my network?

    Your hotspot will be billed by AT&T or Verizon based on your iPhone's model. Only the iPhone 4 from Verizon would allow a Verizon hotspot. Others have posted information revealing that the Verizon 3G connection is somewhat slower than the AT&T service. Also, the Verizon service suspends the use of hotspot when you take a phone call. The AT&T service continues during calling.
    Selecting the hotspot feature under General> Settings> Personal Hotspot will change your data plan from your previous 250MB, 2GB, or unlimited amount to a new 4GB plan that includes tethering. AT&T charges me $45 instead of my Unlimited, but No Tethering Allowed, $30.
    You can connect three devices that have WiFi. Verizon hotspots can connect five. Your speed should be about the same as the iPhone 4 browsing speed on 3G. If your phone is on WiFi, the devices need to connect separately to that WiFi, not to your hotspot. I would love to see a software update that allows my WiFi connection to be shared, so I don't have to manually connect the iPods that my boys use one at a time.

  • HT201361 How do i sync books I've put on my mac ibooks with iPhone

    i have mac pro and downloaded and put on books in ibooks however it wont sync with my ibooks on my iphone (apple id the same )
    the kindle and amazon email is not the same as apple id so they wont sync any ideas to merge them ive put them in the kindle manage account on amazon
    plus i have kindle when i put books on on my mac these dont sync either but books bought off amazon sync?

    You can only sync books purchased from Apple.

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    Took it to local Genius campus and after taking off the back screen and case, they blew air into the mica and it worked for about 20 mins.
    I can't have a ready can of air around every time the mic goes out.
    Anyone else had similar issues?

    I am having a similar problem. I had the iPhone 5 delivered yesterday. On most of the calls I tried, the person on the other end could hear me just fine on speakerphone, but not on the regular mic. It was garbled, or I would cut in and out. I could always hear the other person clearly.
    I just got back from a Genius Bar appointment where they gave me an entirely new phone. The issue exists on this one also, though now it seems like the audio is more muffled than garbled or spotty. Again, speakerphone works, and I can hear the other person clearly.
    I had originally restored backup from my 3GS, but before I went to the Genius Bar I restored to factory settings just to be sure it wasn't a software issue (it wasn't, apparently). I did not restore from the old phone for this new handset either.
    Thanks for any suggestions...frustrating, for sure!

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