IBook pdf preview unable to complete, stuck, beachball

I've successfully done 3 prior iBooks. I always preview in PDF to check for typos, errors. This current project doesn't complete the pdf process, gets stuck on page 24 or 25 with spinning beach ball. I reviewed the http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1040. Have changed the offending pages to try different photo, text or no text, blank, still gets stuck, same 2 pages, ie. one or the other. I need to hold down the power button to quit, no other quit works. Same problem on start up again. Any suggestions appreciated!

Thanks for your help! I learned something new, which is always a good thing, how to duplicate a book. I had already tried removing the offending pages, and/or leaving them blank, didn’t help. The broken pages seemed to be the back inside flap and back cover. Your suggestions reminded me, though, that the numbering of the pages is different on the “creating” side, than the pdf side. The pdf has 2 extra pages which might be the paper cover and the hard cover? Anyway, the problem stuck pages were not 24 and/or 25, but only 23. I had made this page a map page. When I deleted the map page, the pdf worked fine. Soooo, I can now proof the book in pdf format. May try adding the map page in a different location. Anything special about map pages that might have caused it not to load properly as pdf?

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    I received a replacement iPad. On my original iPad I had dozens of books and PDF's. I completely backed up my original iPad. The categories of my iBook files transferred but NOT the actual PDF and Books. Please help.

    Are the PDFs and ibooks on your computer's iTunes ? If so then you should be able to re-sync them, if not then you can re-download ibooks for free as long as they are still available in the store and you use the same iTunes account as you originally used to buy them : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2519 . The backup doesn't contain the contents of the ibooks app, so for them to be restored to the device they needed to be in your iTunes library.

  • LaTeX composition in (g)vim with live update-as-you-type PDF preview

    Ever since I tried the gummi LaTeX editor, I've been intrigued by the idea of having a live-updating PDF preview--i.e., a PDF output panel which updated as I typed. This provides all the good things of WYSIWYG, but without taking away the control I have by editing the source directly. However, apart from its preview panel, I was thoroughly unimpressed with gummi as an editor. It had none of the advanced features I was used to.
    Since then, I've been trying various techniques to make it work with my preferred editor, (g)vim. At first, I used latexmk with the -pvc option which recompiles whenever the file changes, along with a PDF editor that refreshes whenever the file changes (like evince); but found it slow and tended to get stuck.
    My current method is to use mupdf as my viewer, with a custom LaTeX script which calls xdotool to update mupdf whenever I have a successful compilation. This seems to be working fairly well.
    Here's an animated GIF screen capture showing it in action
    There is typically still a 1-second delay between typing something and it showing on the PDF preview, but it's not really any worse than it seems to be wih gummi, and I get to use a world-class editor.
    I should note that I'm not using the vim-latex suite plugin or anything similar, so I don't know whether or not any of this is compatible.
    Anyway, I thought I'd post my method here just in case anyone thought it useful, or more importantly, anyone had any feedback for how it might be improved. I'm not a programmer (--my degrees are in philosophy!--) and don't really have that much experience with vim or bash scripting, so forgive my naive methods.
    Anyway, in my ~/.vim/ftplugin/tex.vim I have:
    " Function to save, check if already compiling and compile if not
    function! KKLtxAction()
    " go to right directory
    lcd %:p:h
    " save the file if need be and it's possible
    if filewritable(bufname("%"))
    silent update
    " see how many kkltx processes there are
    " note that there are always 3 when the checking itself happens
    " so we need there to be no more than that
    let numrunning = system("ps ax | grep kkltx | wc -l")
    if numrunning < 4
    exec "silent !kkltx " . expand("%") . " &"
    " Call this function whenever mupdf the cursor moves
    " But only in gvim
    if has("gui_running")
    au CursorMoved *.tex call KKLtxAction()
    au CursorMovedI *.tex call KKLtxAction()
    So whenever the cursor moves, the file saves and checks if the compilation script is running. If it is not, it runs it. Here's the script, named kkltx. (To make it work, create a ~/.config/kkltx folder. Sorry about the stupid name; I needed it to be uncommon.)
    # check to see when file was last saved and
    # check see what version of file was last compiled
    currmodified=$(stat -c %Y "$file")
    oldmodified=$(cat $HOME/.config/kkltx/lastprocessedfile)
    # if they're the same exit with no change
    if [ "$currmodified" == "$oldmodified" ] ; then
    echo "nochange"
    exit 0
    # if compilation is necessary, check what program to use
    # 'xelatex' should appear in first 5 lines for xelatex docs
    if head -n 5 "$file" | grep -i -q 'xelatex' > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
    # try to compile
    if ${execprog} -interaction=batchmode -file-line-error -synctex=1 "$file" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
    # if compiling worked check if bibtex needs to run
    if cat "$logfile" | grep -i -q 'undefined citations' > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
    if bibtex "$auxfile" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
    if ! ${execprog} -interaction=batchmode -file-line-error -synctex=1 "$file" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
    echo "failure"
    exit 1
    echo "bibfail"
    exit 2
    # check if a rerun is necessary to update cross-references
    if cat "$logfile" | grep -i -q 'rerun to get' > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
    if ! ${execprog} -interaction=batchmode -file-line-error -synctex=1 "$file" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
    echo "failure"
    exit 1
    # update mupdf by sending the r key to it
    xdotool search --class mupdf key --window %@ r > /dev/null 2>&1
    echo "success"
    # save time of compilation
    echo -n "$currmodified" > "$HOME/.config/kkltx/lastprocessedfile" 2>/dev/null
    echo "failure"
    exit 1
    exit 0
    One thing you miss out on with mupdf is the SyncTeX ability in, e.g., TeXworks that allows you jump from the source to the corresponding part of the PDF and vice-versa. Here's a kludge that at least gets to you to the right page by using xdotool to send the signal to move to a certain page matching the source, or to read what page mupdf is on, and move to the beginning of the source code for that page (or strictly, a couple inches over and down). Again, in my ~/.vim/ftplugin/tex.vim
    " \v to open the viewer
    nnoremap \v :exec "silent! !mupdf ".expand("%:r").".pdf &"
    " forward search with mupdf
    function! MuPDFForward()
    " make sure I'm in the right directory
    lcd %:p:h
    let pageforward = 0
    " find where I am now; adjust for starting with 0
    let searchline = line(".") + 1
    let searchcol = col(".") + 1
    " use synctex to find the page to jump to
    let pageforward = system("synctex view -i " . searchline . ":" . searchcol . ":\"" . expand("%") . "\" -o \"" . expand("%:r") . ".pdf\" | grep -m1 'Page:' | sed 's/Page://'")
    " if a page other than 0 is found, send the page number to mupdf
    if pageforward > 0
    call system("xdotool search --class mupdf type --window %1 \"" . pageforward . "g\"")
    " inverse search with mypdf
    function! MuPDFReverse()
    lcd %:p:h
    let gotoline = 0
    " call a script which returns the line number near start of page shown on mupdf
    let gotoline = system("syncreverse-mupdf.sh " . expand("%:p:r"))
    if gotoline > 0
    exec ":" . gotopage
    " mappings \f and \r for forward and reverse search
    nnoremap <buffer> \f :call MuPDFForward()<CR>
    nnoremap <buffer> \r :call MuPDFReverse()<CR>
    Here is the script syncreverse-mupdf.sh called by the above:
    # syncreverse.sh full-path-of-PDF-minus-extension
    # reduce filename to base, add .pdf
    pdffile="$(echo "$pathfn" | sed 's@.*/@@g').pdf"
    # change to directory containing files
    cd "$(echo "$pathfn" | sed 's@\(.*\)/[^/]*@\1@g')"
    # read page number in mupdf window title
    page=$(xdotool search --class mupdf getwindowname | sed 's:.* - \([0-9]*\)/.*:\1:')
    # synctex lookup; remove junk
    line=$(synctex edit -o "$page:288:108:$pdffile" | grep -m1 'Line:' | sed 's/Line://' | head -n1)
    line=$(echo "$line" | sed -n 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p')
    # return line for gvim
    echo "$line"
    exit 0
    I also recommend putting mappings in vim to send keys to mupdf to move around, so you can move around in the preview but without making (g)vim lose focus. These are just examples.
    nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <C-PageDown> :silent! call system("xdotool search --class mupdf key --window %@ Page_Down")<CR>
    nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <C-PageUp> :silent! call system("xdotool search --class mupdf key --window %@ Page_Up")<CR>
    Anyway, these could definitely be improved, by, for example, accommodating master/sub-documents, and so on. Thoughts?
    Last edited by frabjous (2010-11-04 22:41:21)

    OK, I've uploaded a PKGBUILD to AUR. Since I've changed how it handles recognizing when it's safe to recompile, it no longer needs to have a weird name. The name is now:
    It comes with a very short vim help file, which I'll copy here.
    *live-latex-preview.txt* For Vim version 7.3. Last change: 2010 Oct 27
    A plugin for creating a live-updating PDF
    preview for a LaTeX file in MuPDF
    Default key bindings:~
    \p = Begin auto-compilation and launch MuPDF preview.
    \o = End auto-compilation and close MuPDF preview.
    \s = Check the result of the last compilation;
    jump to first error in case of errors.
    \f = Forward search to page in PDF matching cursor
    position in source.
    \r = Reverse/inverse search to position in source
    matching active page in MuPDF. (Very approximate.)
    \<PageUp>, \<PageDown>, \<Up>, \<Down>, \<Right>, \<Left>, \G
    \m, \t, \-, \+, \= = Send the corresponding keystrokes
    to the MuPDF preview without losing focus on vim Window
    The '\' can be changed by changing <LocalLeader>.
    Be aware that your file is saved whenever the cursor moves. Be sure
    to take the appropriate measures to keep back-up saves and undo files
    so you can undo changes if need be.
    To compile with XeLaTeX rather than PDFLaTeX, include the string
    'xelatex' somewhere in the first five lines of your file (e.g., in a
    comment). Currently only PDFLaTeX and XeLaTeX are supported. (Support
    for LuaLaTeX and/or LaTeX > dvips > ps2pdf may be added in the future,
    but they may be too slow for the live updating process anyway.)
    The plug-in does not currently support master- and sub-documents
    via LaTeX's \input{...} and \include{...} mechanisms. This may be
    added in the future.
    This is a new version; pretty much completely rewritten from the above. In particular, I've tried to incorporate keenerd's ideas; in particular some changes:
    Rather than grepping the active processes, when it begins a compilation, it records the process ID of the compilation script, and will not begin a new compilation until that process finishes.
    When it first launches MuPDF, it records the Window ID and sends it back to vim, so vim knows which instance of MuPDF to refresh or work with.
    I've added a \s quick key which provides a one-word summary of the effects of the last compilation and jumps to the line number of the first error, if there were errors.
    The script is located in a separate file in the main $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin folder, rather than a user's tex.vim file.
    I'm sure there's still plenty of room for improvement. I'd still like to get it to handle master/sub-documents well, for example. All comments welcome.

  • PDF preview and display issue : NWDS CE 7.1 SP05+ALD 7.1

    Hi All
    I am creating a webdynpro java application in NWDS 7.1 SP 05. This application has an interactive form ui element. The livecycle designer version is 7.1 and reader versions tried are 8 and 9.
    The issue is that the pdf preview in NWDS is blank and also I am getting blank white space instead of the form when i deploy the application on a browser.
    I have used NWDS 7.1, SP05 + ALD 7.1 combination on another system and there i can see the form in NWDS pdf preview.
    I am completely stuck, please let me know of any way out.

    Try to uninstall adobe life cycle designer and install it onceagain..
    Even we faced some times this problem, but better to use higher version of adobe life cycle designer like 8.0 whiuch will be compatible to your NWDS version...
    Hope this helps you in resolving the problem...

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    The issue is that the pdf preview in NWDS is blank and also I am getting blank white space instead of the form when i deploy the application on a browser.
    I have used NWDS 7.1, SP05 + ALD 7.1 combination on another system and there i can see the form in NWDS pdf preview.
    I am completely stuck, please let me know of any way out.

    I can't give a specific response, but if possible, upgrade to LCD 8.0 - it is much smoother to use than 7.1.
    I almost pulled out all my hair working with 7.1

  • IPhoto Book - unable to complete purchase

    I successfully completed the compilation and purchase of a nice iPhoto book for a relative's wedding last week. Now I've finished making a second one and for some reason I'm unable to complete the purchase. It uploads all the pictures and compiles the book, then keeps taking me to a pop-up which says "your account information has changed". I have verified my account information four times and it then keeps circling back to "Buy Book" and starting the process from scratch all over again but won't give me the ability to complete the transaction.
    Beyond frustrated!!

    do not jsut verify your informtation - go to your Apple store account and re-enter all of it and save it ad then ry again
    also preview your book prior to ordering -
    Before ordering your book preview it using this method - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1040 - and save the resulting PDF for reference - the delivered book will match it.

  • Unable to COMPLETE install of iPhoto 09 on Power PC G4 - specs OK

    I have a very old PowerPc G4 (512RAM), 1,25Ghz, OS X 10.5.8 which my kids use for their photos.
    I am unable to complete the install of iPhoto 09 from the iLife 09 update disc I purchased in the late 2000's.
    The disc works perfectly and I get as far as slecting the drive on which I want to install iPhoto. I hit the install button and the beachball appears for 5 seconds or so, then diappears and the install stops. I can hit install again and the process repeats itself but it is not updating the program.
    The reason for doing this is to transfer a my iPhoto 09 library over to this machine instead of re-importing the photos and having to recreate the albums / events.
    iLife 08 is installed and working.
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Try using   Pacifist to install iPhoto and it's supporting files from the iLife 09 disk.  I would move your current iPhoto application to the Desktop until you know the install was successful and it operates as expected.

  • HT1491 I'm using a prepaid credit card to make in app purchases. Every 2 days or so, I will attempt to make an in-app purchase and it will say "Unable to complete transaction at this time. Please contact iTunes Store Support."

         Like I said, I often play iOS games on my iPhone 4S in my spare time. Sometimes, if the game is good enough, I will attempt to make an IAP (In-App Purchase). Sometimes, I have no trouble with this. Other times it will say: "Unable to complete transaction at this time. Please contact ITunes Store Support. I primarily use a prepaid credit card by AMEX called Bluebird. I always make sure that I have plenty of funds available in it. For instance, tonight, it has roughly $200 stored. So I try to make an IAP for $10 and it works fine. Later I make another for $15, no trouble there either. Then I try to make a purchase on the same game for $2.99 and it gives me that error message.
         This has been happening on and off for the past 3-4 weeks only. Every few days it happens, I contact the iTunes Store Support, and sometime in the next 24-72 hours they get back to me. They then apologize for the inconvenience and fix the problem. But the main problem is that their fix seems to be only temporary. It happens irregardless of how much money I have available on my card. I've even had it happen when I had just redeemed a. $50 iTunes gift card and was trying to make a $5 purchase.  It doesn't seem to matter if I've spent a little bit or a lot of money that day. It doesn't care for which game I am purchasing the IAP. TThis never happened to me before a month ago. Now it won't stop. And it is incredibly frustrating that it seems to happen for no rhyme or reason out of the blue. Then I'm stuck waiting on the support staff to get back to me for the next few hours to few days, depending on the day.
         Is this happening to anyone else?  Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening?  Or how can I prevent it from happening in the future. The support folks at Apple are nice, but I'm tired of emailing them every other day with the same problem. I'm sure they are quite tired of getting emails from me at the same frequency. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
    P.S. my Internet connection is working perfectly. No technical difficulties whatsoever other than the inability to make an IAP. Also, after it gives that unable to complete transaction message, I can no longer buy anything with my apple account until tech support fixes it. Any suggestions or ideas appreciated.

    Thank you Brian, but I just tried that, and it didn't work, I'm still getting the same messages.

  • PDF Preview Handler Not Working in Outlook 2010

    I have Win 7 Home Premium 64-bit and Outlook 2010.
    Everything was working fine, until a few months ago when the PDF Preview Handler stopped working. I got the typical message that others were having with the issue with Adobe Reader 9. I have Adobe Acrobat X Pro and have also used Adobe Reader X. I have tried the little registry fix app that is supposed to fix this issue, but it states that my registry is already correct. Has anyone found a resolution for this issue with Acrobat X and Outlook 2010? As a workaround I am using the Foxit PDF Preview Handler, but I have to reinstall it everytime Adobe Reader or Acrobat is udpated as for some reason Outlook then reverts back to the PDF Preview Handler, which is not working.

    Nope, using 32-bit. And I recently uninstalled Acrobat Pro completely and reinstalled it due to an issue with it not updating due to having the "Error Applying Transforms" issue. After I reinstalled, I updated it completely. I suppose I can try uninstalling and reinstalling again, but that seems like overkill.
    - Merg

  • White border in pdf preview of bleed doc

    As the attached image shows I get a thin white border on my pdf preview of a document that has a 3mm bleed. I have tried to increase the bleed to 5mm but with same result. I've also tried to exceed the black background outside the bleed marks in InDesign - no result. The pdf is exported with document is generated I'm stuck. Why do I get this annoying thin white border when previewing the pdf document? The people I'm sending this to thinks its something wrong and even if this should turn out to be in preview mode only its ruining my work as everyone else is asking about it when looking at the pdf. Use Document Bleed settings is ticked.

    You mentioned trying to increase the bleed areas by dragging the black box larger, but are you actually specifying the larger bleed when exporting the PDF
    Also, you mention Bleed Marks rather than Crop Marks.
    Crop marks show where the page will be trimmed and this is what the printer needs to see.
    Bleed marks are essentially useless. they only show the edge of the bleed, but give NO indication where the printer should trim to
    Your black screenshots are hard to decipher, but the Magenta box in your 2nd screenshot only shows the margins on the inside of the page.
    Unless you have set the margins to 0, the magenta margin box will always be smaller that the page (the final trim size which is what the Crop marks are for)
    Have you accidently set a Slug area larger than the bleed? This is only way I can get the white space to show.
    The example below used greatly exaggerated settings to better show some issues.I greatly increased the bleed area to swallow the Crop marks and then included the Slug area to show the white.(slugs are not always used or even needed)
    The Magenta box are the margins inside the page.
    The Red box is the bleed area.
    The Crop marks in between these two are what the printer need to cut on to produce the final page size.
    Click on the image below to see a larger version with more detail.
    P,S, you mentioned about not being able to print the bleeds. If you have bleeds and crops that will make the final PDF size larger than your desktop printer can print, just select FIT or REDUCE OVERSIZE PAGE in the print dialog and it will print on your printer. Of course it will not be to 100 scale, but it will show all the elements in the PDF.

  • Acrobat Pro X PDF previewing not working in Windows 7 64-bit

    Greetings, all,
    The organization I work for recently purchased a volume license for Acrobat Pro X.  We uninstalled Adobe Reader from all of our machines and installed Acrobat Pro X on them.  After the move, the PDF preview handler stopped working.  People commonly link to the URL below, but it has not worked for us.  It appears it only works for the PDF preview handler packaged with Adobe Reader, not the one packaged with Acrobat Pro.
    Users are unable to preview PDFs in Windows Explorer and Microsoft Office Outlook 2007.  When attempting to preview in Windows Explorer, the following appears:
       This file can't be previewed.
    What can we do to get the preview handler working in Windows Explorer (Windows 7 64-bit) and Office Outlook 2007?
    Thanks in advance!

    Bill@VT wrote:
     OK. Then do you mean the thumbnails in Windows Explorer? I don't have a solution for that, but there have been several posts about the issue.
    Well, thumbnails in Explorer don't work either, but we're not concerned about it.  The preview pane is what we're worried about.  There is a button in the top-right that turns the pane on.  Previewing in Outlook does not work either.
    Sabian Zildjian wrote:
    Check the value for AppID in this registry key:
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\CLSID\{DC6EFB56-9CFA- 464D-8880-44885D7DC193}]
    What do you have?
    DisplayName is set to "@C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\pdfprevhndlr.dll,-101".

  • Geany Latex plug-in PDF preview doesn't work [NEVER MIND]

    See the end of this post
    Does anyone know how to get the Geany Latex plug-in PDF preview to work? For a while it was creating a shell script in the current directory that didn't have execute permissions for the user, now I can't tell if it's even doing that (the script was designed to erase itself). I tried with both sakura and xterm as the terminal, as well as I tried with evince (my preferred viewer) and xpdfview. Also, the DVI preview doesn't work.
    Wait! The script magically returned. It's called geany_run_script.sh and it looks like this:
    evince "/home/skottish/latex/1/John.pdf"
    echo "
    (program exited with code: $?)"
    rm $0
    It works if it's chmoded then executed, but that's totally pointless for the user to do.
    --FINAL EDIT--
    I've spent far too much time on text editors. The reality is that Scite is a perfect fit for me. It's fast as hell, supports every language I want, it's fully scriptable, has auto completion... it does everything I need it to do and far more. I'm sure a very simply Lau script will implement this and anything else that I need.
    In Scite, you just need to put something like this in one of the options files. This works for Evince. The menu item 'pdfPreview' will be in the 'Tools' menu for .tex files:
    # PDF preview through Evince
    command.1.$(file.patterns.tex)=pdflatex $(FileName) && evince $(FileName).pdf
    Making the second command line into this will clear up the .aux, .log. and .pdf files also:
    command.1.$(file.patterns.tex)=pdflatex $(FileName) && evince $(FileName).pdf && rm $(FileName).aux $(FileName).log $(FileName).pdf
    Now onto spell check...............................
    It turns out with Geany all that needs to be done is to add this to Build-->Set Arguments-->PDF creation. Then when you go Build--> Latex -> PDF, it would launch evince:
    pdflatex --file-line-error-style "%f" && evince "%e".pdf
    Of course adding this to the end would clean up the build files also:
    && rm "%e".pdf "%e".log "%e".aux
    Last edited by skottish (2008-09-05 21:18:29)

    I don't have the Windows 7 machine in front of me to test this on, but the XP machine behaves the same if I open up Reader or Acrobat before I click Preview PDF in LiveCycle. 

  • My photos looked great but when I made a book they all appeared to be corrupted in the pdf preview?

    My photos looked great but when I made a book  in iphoto 09 they all appeared to be corrupted in the pdf preview? There is a white triangular shape with random  horizontal lines running through each photo in the ibook preview.  Took it to the Genius bar, after a week of fooling with it including wiping it clean and resinstalling the OS the same thing happens.

    A LOT of them dont appear.
    What do you see in the window when you click on those?  A blank, black window?  An exclamation mark?  What?

  • PDF previews for FBA users

    I have an extended web app for FBA users in SharePoint 2013 site. I configured the PDF previews according to following article:
    it is working but not for FBA users. I opened the extended web app in SharePoint designer and the code explained in step 6 in above article was there. Unable to figure out if there is any additional step for FBA users.
    Any help would be really appreciated. 

    unfortunately, PDF previews will not work for FBA users according to above mentioned method. So, i followed another method explained here

  • Hyperion Financial Reporting PDF Preview

    We are currently having an issue related to hyperion workspace, we are unable to see hyperion financial reports in PDF preview, only HTML view we can see, is there any possible solution for this issue. We are using system 9.3 ; windows environment, If you need more information please let me know, Any help would be great.
    Thank you,

    Error I found on log file.
    12-17 00:11:30 ERROR PrintServer     Error No: 3006com.hyperion.reporting.util.HyperionReportException: Could not find information about PDF generation for instance number:
         at com.hyperion.reporting.printserver.PrintServer.getOutputFileName(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor26.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.rmi.server.UnicastServerRef.dispatch(Unknown Source)
         at sun.rmi.transport.Transport$1.run(Unknown Source)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at sun.rmi.transport.Transport.serviceCall(Unknown Source)
         at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport.handleMessages(Unknown Source)
         at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$ConnectionHandler.run(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Maybe you are looking for