IBooks Author creating SMIL files for read aloud

Is there a tutorial on this somewhere?
I will need to do this in an.iba file as well as epub.

Hey, I am having problems with Audacity and making the audio labels. I have several articles and Liz Castrol's Book on how to make read aloud epub books. I even have the easy epub code editor app that generates code for the read aloud. I can't get past the track labeling because the labeling doesn't work the way I see it on all other sites. When I hit Command-B, it gives a red flag with a red square. It looks nothing like the blue < and > symbols I see on Audacity's web site and Liz Castrol's book. I have the latest Audacity but can't make labels right. When I save the .txt file, it has the numbers next to my labels (I typed in the words in the labels) and it outputs one set of long numbers next to each word. The sample in the book and on the app has two long numbers next to each word. What is going on with my version of Audacity? Does anyone have the same issue? My book reads aloud (when combining the audio and .txt file) but it does not highlight the words.

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    I have tried restarting my iBook.
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    iBooks Author has great potential, but I along way to go to get there. One feature I would really like to see in the next update: the ability to add a hidden caption to a photo.  The reader would tap the image and the caption would appear. Tap again and it disappears.

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    You may have  moved or removed content on your page or  its possible you  used the"Adjust Image" and over sharpeed one or more images.
    I assume  you mean it does not show up of new Chapter pages... have you checked the  template?
    Where you see the  ?    you  need to either reduce teh  box outline size - or drop anther  copy of the original image onto  it, it may  fill the  ? box or sit on top.... delete the ? box.
    If its Chapter page only related, its  better doing this in the template.
    Is you image .jpg or .png?

  • Makepkg issue: cannot create temp file for here-document

    Hi there,
    Since few weeks ago i'm not able to build aur packages. I use yaourt  but i notice the problem comes from makepkg (i searched for the output message and found fakeroot related issues). Here the complete log of, for example, launching makepgk on with the ruby-headers PKGBUILD:
    $ makepkg
    ==> Creazione del pacchetto: ruby-headers 1.9.2_p136-1 (mer 9 feb 2011, 00.27.35, CET)
    ==> Controllo delle dipendenze per l'esecuzione in corso...
    ==> Controllo delle dipendenze per la compilazione in corso...
    ==> Download dei sorgenti in corso...
    -> Download di ruby-1.9.2-p136.tar.bz2 in corso...
    --2011-02-09 00:27:35-- ftp://ftp.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/1.9/ruby-1.9.2-p136.tar.bz2
    => "ruby-1.9.2-p136.tar.bz2.part"
    Risoluzione di ftp.ruby-lang.org...
    Connessione a ftp.ruby-lang.org||:21... connesso.
    Accesso come utente anonymous ... Login eseguito!
    ==> SYST ... fatto. ==> PWD ... fatto.
    ==> TYPE I ... fatto. ==> CWD (1) /pub/ruby/1.9 ... fatto.
    ==> SIZE ruby-1.9.2-p136.tar.bz2 ... 8819324
    ==> PASV ... fatto. ==> RETR ruby-1.9.2-p136.tar.bz2 ...
    Errore nella risposta del server, chiusura della connessione di controllo.
    Altro tentativo in corso.
    --2011-02-09 00:28:47-- ftp://ftp.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/1.9/ruby-1.9.2-p136.tar.bz2
    (tentativo: 2) => "ruby-1.9.2-p136.tar.bz2.part"
    Connessione a ftp.ruby-lang.org||:21... connesso.
    Accesso come utente anonymous ... Login eseguito!
    ==> SYST ... fatto. ==> PWD ... fatto.
    ==> TYPE I ... fatto. ==> CWD (1) /pub/ruby/1.9 ... fatto.
    ==> SIZE ruby-1.9.2-p136.tar.bz2 ... 8819324
    ==> PASV ... fatto. ==> RETR ruby-1.9.2-p136.tar.bz2 ... fatto.
    Lunghezza: 8819324 (8,4M) (non autorevole)
    100%[====================================================================>] 8.819.324 107K/s in 1m 58s
    2011-02-09 00:30:51 (72,8 KB/s) - "ruby-1.9.2-p136.tar.bz2.part" salvato [8819324]
    ==> Validazione dei file sorgenti con md5sums in corso...
    ruby-1.9.2-p136.tar.bz2 ... Verificato
    ==> Estrazione dei sorgenti in corso...
    -> estrazione di ruby-1.9.2-p136.tar.bz2 con bsdtar in corso...
    ==> Avvio di build() in corso...
    ==> Entrata nell'ambiente di fakeroot in corso...
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    ==> Avvio di package() in corso...
    ==> Rimozione dei dati superflui in corso...
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    -> Rimozione degli altri file in corso...
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    -> Compressione delle pagine man ed info in corso...
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    -> Rimozione dei simboli non necessari dai binari e dalle librerie in corso...
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    ==> Creazione del pacchetto in corso...
    -> Generazione del file .PKGINFO in corso...
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    -> Compressione del pacchetto in corso...
    xz: /tmp/rb_hdrs/ruby-headers-1.9.2_p136-1-any.pkg.tar: impossibile rimuovere: Successo
    Thanks in advance

    That time it was in /tmp/ruby_headers (which i created) but it happens with yaourt too and for every pkg i tried.
    [miche@bob tmp]$ yaourt -S ruby_headers
    ruby_headers non trovato su AUR
    [miche@bob tmp]$ yaourt -S ruby_header
    ruby_header non trovato su AUR
    ^[[A[miche@bob tmp]$ yaourt -S ruby-headers
    ==> Continuazione dalla compilazione precedente
    ==> Scaricamento del PKGBUILD di ruby-headers da AUR...
    Comment by: hilton on Tue, 28 Dec 2010 03:51:14 +0000
    Updated to 1.9.2_p136!
    First Submitted: Sat, 13 Nov 2010 20:25:52 +0000
    ruby-headers 1.9.2_p136-1 : A package of all Ruby headers needed by some gems like ruby-debug.
    ( Pacchetto non supportato: Potenzialmente pericoloso ! )
    ==> Modificare il PKGBUILD (altamente raccomandato per ragioni di sicurezza) ? [S/n]("A" per annullare)
    ==> ----------------------------------------------
    ==> Dipendenze di ruby-headers
    - ruby (già installato)
    ==> Continuare la compilazione di ruby-headers? [S/n]
    ==> ----------------------------------------------
    ==> Install or build missing dependencies for ruby-headers:
    ==> Compilazione e installazione del pacchetto
    ==> Dipendenze di ruby-headers
    - ruby (già installato)
    ==> Creazione del pacchetto: ruby-headers 1.9.2_p136-1 (mer 9 feb 2011, 01.23.54, CET)
    ==> Controllo delle dipendenze per l'esecuzione in corso...
    ==> Controllo delle dipendenze per la compilazione in corso...
    ==> Download dei sorgenti in corso...
    -> È stato trovato ruby-1.9.2-p136.tar.bz2
    ==> Validazione dei file sorgenti con md5sums in corso...
    ruby-1.9.2-p136.tar.bz2 ... Verificato
    ==> Estrazione dei sorgenti in corso...
    -> estrazione di ruby-1.9.2-p136.tar.bz2 con bsdtar in corso...
    ==> Rimozione dell'esistente directory pkg/ in corso...
    ==> Avvio di build() in corso...
    ==> Entrata nell'ambiente di fakeroot in corso...
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    ==> Avvio di package() in corso...
    ==> Rimozione dei dati superflui in corso...
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    -> Rimozione degli altri file in corso...
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    -> Compressione delle pagine man ed info in corso...
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    -> Rimozione dei simboli non necessari dai binari e dalle librerie in corso...
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    ==> Creazione del pacchetto in corso...
    -> Generazione del file .PKGINFO in corso...
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 268: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 272: cannot create temp file for here-document: Successo
    -> Compressione del pacchetto in corso...
    xz: /tmp/yaourt-tmp-miche/aur-ruby-headers/ruby-headers/ruby-headers-1.9.2_p136-1-any.pkg.tar.xz: impossibile rimuovere: Successo
    Error: Makepkg non ha potuto costruire il pacchetto ruby-headers.
    [miche@bob tmp]$

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    I had deployed the intial .SCA file named (XMII08_0-20004625.SCA) using JSPM. MII version used is 12.1.8 and Netweaver version is NW CE 7.1 EHP1 SP5.
    How we can set up the development environment in Eclipse or NetWeaver Developer Studio for MII project development so that we can directly create MII SCA file from the tool itself. Please share documents if any.

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    http://servername:50000/nwa  and http://servername:50000/XMII/Menu.jsp
    Then I changed the web.xml inside war file (tcsecumelogonui.war) which is in the path InstanceDirectory:\usr\sap\CE1\J00\j2ee\cluster\apps\sap.com\com.sap.security.core.logon\servlet_jsp\logon_ui_resources with the new Login.jsp file instead of Menu.jsp for the servlet tags but still when I access the new Login.jsp page from the URL http://servername:50000/XMII/Login.jsp it is still showing Menu.jsp. But when I tried to login using the Menu.jsp page then it is redirected to my new Login.jsp page.
    Please let me know how I will be able to change and deploy a new login page in MII 12.1.8 and with NetWeaver CE 7.1 EHP1 SP5.

  • Create desktop file for pdfs on an ipad

    I downloaded pdfs from email on my ipad. How do I create a desktop file to keep the pdfs in?

    Thank. I reluctantly came to that same conclusion.
    In a message dated 9/24/2013 7:52:42 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
    [email protected] writes:
    Re:  Create desktop file for pdfs on an ipad
    created by MichaelKazlow (http://forums.adobe.com/people/MichaelKazlow) 
    in  Adobe Reader for iOS - View the full  discussion

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    Why is it so hard to edit the menu in XFCE?

    Looking good!
    However, I can't get my file to make an entry in the menu.  Here's what I put:
    [Desktop Entry]
    I saved it as xmahjongg.xml.  I don't know what to use for the MimeType field, it's a video game.  Is it even necessary?

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    I concur with Tom. That feature is not available with iBooks. If the page turning effect is important, you could consider developing a fixed layout Epub 3 instead.

  • I am getting error while creating Control file for a fla file upoad in HANA

    Hi Experts,
    I am getting the following error when I try to create crtrol file for a flat file extraction in SAP HANA.
    Could not execute 'import data into table P935718."COPATBL" from 'COPATBL.csv' record delimited by '\n' fields ...'
    SAP DBTech JDBC: [257] (at 14): sql syntax error: incorrect syntax near "into": line 2 col 1 (at pos 14)
    Here is the code I have used to create control file after I creating the table.
    import data
    into table P935718."COPATBL"
    from 'COPATBL.csv'
        record delimited by '\n'
        fields delimited by ','
        optionally enclosed by '"'
    error log 'P935718.COPATBL.err'
    p935718 is my user ID, COPATBL is my table created, COPABL.CSV is a flat file.
    Please help me in this regard.

    guessing from the error message it looks that you are trying to execute "import data" as SQL command.
    Please note that import data is NOT SQL command but it is syntax for control file. You need to create file with this syntax on server and then use command: IMPORT FROM '/<path>/<filename>.ctl'
    In a shortcut:
    1.- create comma separated CSV file with your data - <source cvs>.csv
    2.- upload CVS file to HANA server
    3.- create the control file <filename>.ctl:
    import data
    into table <schema>."<table name>"
    from '<source cvs>.csv'
    record delimited by '
    fields delimited by ','
    optionally enclosed by '"'
    error log '<file name>.err'
    4.- execute command:
    IMPORT FROM '/<path>/<filename>.ctl'
    Please check following threads:
    How to load CSV files into HANA
    Will HANA supports Bulkload

  • I have Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 plus I create PDF files for work some are scan pdf docs. When I install Photoshop Elements 10 it DOES convert all the PDF files to Photoshop Elements-10 Docs. it even changes and shows the PSE-10 Icon. So I am alway inst

    I have Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 plus I create PDF files for work some are scan pdf docs. When I install Photoshop Elements 10 it DOES convert all the PDF files to Photoshop Elements-10 Docs. it even changes and shows the PSE-10 Icon. So I am alway installing PSE-10 or uninstalling it. If I send the  PDF file that has been automatically converted to a PSE-10 the person I send the file to can not open it because they do not have PSE-10. What can I do to stop PSE-10 from converting my PDF files? Don't tell me to upgrade PSE-10 I tried their on-line program and  it is too advance for a hobby photographer like myself and their Help Desk is impossible to reach.

    Can you please share the logs?
    You can use the Adobe  Log Collector tool (Log Collector Tool) and share the corresponding zip file @ [email protected]

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    Somebody tell me how to create setup file for the software which is made by using java programming. We can create jar file for that purpose but I want to create setup file or exe file.

    open source
    - izpack (windows, linux, macos) www.izforge.com or org
    - nsis.sf.net (winblows only)
    - www.zerog.com 's InstallAnywhere

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    i want to creat like a play list but for movies, can i do that

  • Creating UNIX file for RFBIBL00

    Hi All,
    I am creating the file for the RFBIBL00 program to use.
    I am filling in structures
    so in my I am planning for my file to contain
    1 session rec
    1 header rec
    multiple document recs
    is there any specific way to format the file? like spacing between variables? I see that the "/" is used for special chars.
    I am just wondering what is the correct way to setup this file so the RFBIBL00 will process it?

    here is the documentation on the strucures:
    << Please do not post copyrighted material here >>
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Jun 19, 2009 2:15 PM

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    -204".Please explian me how to create .xpi file for my extension folder.
    I hope you can help this issues.
    Thanks in advance.

    See this:

  • Programmatically creating postscript files for office documents

    Hi All
    I am in the process of experimenting with vb.net to open up a word document in the background and create a postscript file, which i would then use to create a pdf. This currently is a windows service and seems to run ok when the same code runs through a windows form application.
    The problem i am having is with the "When creating a postscript file you have to sent the host fonts" error message, which seems to be fairly common judging by numerous articles on various forums. However, none of the solutions seem to solve my problem.
    I have set the "Do Not Send Fonts To Adobe PDF" option to OFF on printer defaults, on the current printer setup and even on the printer settings for that application (go to print, properties etc from within Word).
    However, whenever i run the code i get the error message. I then made the instance of word visible and checked the application settings for the adobe pdf printer.... the "Do Not Send Fonts To Adobe PDF" is now ticked. But when i close this down, and open word as a normal user would and check the setting it is off! Why would this be?
    Can i programmatically change this setting when word opens and before i run the post script file creation code? Where is this value for the setting stored? I do not understand why this is resetting in the instance of word through code? Is it something to do with setting the active printer and at this point using the default setting?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance

    You say you are doing this as Windows service – does this mean you are running this on a server of some sort?  If so, that is NOT ALLOWED.
    From: Adobe Forums <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Reply-To: "[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2011 04:31:13 -0700
    To: Leonard Rosenthol <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Subject: Programmatically creating postscript files for office documents
    Programmatically creating postscript files for office documents
    created by nic.eastham<http://forums.adobe.com/people/nic.eastham> in Acrobat SDK - View the full discussion<http://forums.adobe.com/message/3990878#3990878

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    Is it possible that in the response for process tasks, the response description can include the change details that include what was the change made to the user(eg: details of the fields which were updated to the users, any profiles where added/remov

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    Are there anybode can explain to me what is different between BB phone has OS < 4.5 and phone has OS >= 4.5 ? Because with the phone has OS < 4.5 I can read memory of it and I can't read memory of that phone with OS 4.5. I'm very happy when received

  • Installation check

    I just installed Oracle 11g Release 2 on a new Windows 2008 R2 server. It has a RAID array local that hosts ASM. I'm running Standard version. The install appeared to go fine - database was up and running, OEM came up, database showed online, etc. I

  • Testing website in Dreamweaver for compatibility in different browsers

    Hi, A while ago, I had read on my facebook wall (but can't find that comment anymore) that Dreamweaver had recently made an upgrade; we are now able test our website in Dreamweaver for compatibility in different browsers and that it also tells us wha