IBooks bookmark stopped working

Have used IBooks for many books but when I started reading Steve Jobs bio the bookmark feature doesn't show. It's still working on my other books.

ergoboard wrote:
Tried re-set, re-start and removing and downloading - and nothing works, the app still pops up, stays for a second or so and then disappears, although it seemingly stays in memory. It just ain't working and I see from other discussions that other people are having different problems with iBooks since the upgrade.  Is Apple trying to drive us to Kindle, do you think - some response from someone at Apple would be useful, but I guess they're happy to let these forums run, floundering around to try to find an answer to a problem Apple probably knows about already!
These are strictly user-to-user forums hosted by Apple. Apple does not participate here. It's just users here. If you want to talk to Apple you can, of course, call Apple support, talk to a "Genius" at an Apple store, etc.
I'm using iBooks 3.0.1 with iOS 6.0.1 (and previously iOS 6) with no problems so there must be something unique about your iPad and installed software that is causing an iBooks crash.
Since you have tried restarting, resetting, and reinstallation of iBooks about the only thing left is to backup your iPod and restore the software on your system to see if that corrects the problem.

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    Tried re-set, re-start and removing and downloading - and nothing works, the app still pops up, stays for a second or so and then disappears, although it seemingly stays in memory. It just ain't working and I see from other discussions that other people are having different problems with iBooks since the upgrade.  Is Apple trying to drive us to Kindle, do you think - some response from someone at Apple would be useful, but I guess they're happy to let these forums run, floundering around to try to find an answer to a problem Apple probably knows about already!
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    I'm using iBooks 3.0.1 with iOS 6.0.1 (and previously iOS 6) with no problems so there must be something unique about your iPad and installed software that is causing an iBooks crash.
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    sportsman800 wrote:
    Very interesting. That link makes one download the pdf file. Originally my phone displayed graphic pages not a pdf file.
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    Make sure that the Location Bar is not set to "Nothing":
    * Firefox/Tools > Options > Privacy > Location Bar: When using the location bar, suggest: History, Bookmarks, History and Bookmarks, Nothing
    * https://support.mozilla.com/kb/Location+bar+autocomplete
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    Hi jsi3918,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    If iTunes is quitting unexpectedly, see this article for troubleshooting steps that can help:
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    Hi ischou,
    I haven't heard of this particular issue, but you might want to try starting Firefox in [[Safe Mode]]. Let is sit for a while as you described above and if you don't have the issue while all of your add-ons, extensions, and themes are disabled, you can try adding them back in one by one until you find the culprit. You should look at the [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/Troubleshooting-extensions-themes Extensions and Themes troubleshooting guide ] and the [[Troubleshooting plugins]] article as well.
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  • Bookmark links stop working after security applied - v7.1.0

    Windows XP SP2
    Office 2007 SP1
    Acrobat Pro 7.1.0
    In Word 2007, I created a top menu of links that use bookmarks to jump down the page to various topics. When I Save As to PDF, the created PDF top menu links work. When I secure the PDF with a password, the top menu links stop working. However, Web links continue to work. What is causing the top menu links to stop working?

    >The links are in the document, not the Bookmark panel.
    Ok, that's fine. They are form fields, almost certainly.
    > How does one allow form filling for a document that is not a form?
    Actually, if the links are form fields, it really is a form. But that
    doesn't matter.
    You just have to set Changes allowed: filling in form fields and
    signing existing signature fields in the Permissions box.
    Aandi Inston

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