IBooks page management issue

Hi all,
I have an issue with the iBooks page management system. My trouble with it is that it doesnt unload the pages after navigating away from them (in a fixed layout epub). My issues is caused by the fact that on multiple pages i have shake triggered events (upon shake the book should navigate to a different page) but if more pages were previously loaded, all of them receive the shake event (event though some of them aren't currently active) and hence I end up with a race between pages which will cause several location changes (instead of just one) and the last one in that race will actually get to say the final destination (so i really can't predict which one will be the next one). Is there any way to prevent them from being kept in memory? or to actually determine which page is currently active(I've attempted this through the onfocus/blur  event but that doesnt always fire )?
Any ideeas would be much appreciated....

I have not seen this, but I only have a few books installed, both downloaded from iBookstore and synced in from EPUB books downloaded directly to my Mac. Chances are that you have a "corrupted" book or something, and maybe you can figure out which by trial and error.
Why don't you remove all books from the iPad (i.e. sync after deselecting them all on the Books tag in the iPad's window in iTunes), then install, say, 10 books. If it seems stable with those, install another 10. You can either keep adding books until it croaks, or do "remove all books, add the next 10, see if it's stable, repeat" until you figure out which is/are the bad one(s). (A "binary search" might work, but might get more complicated to keep track of which N you just installed or removed.)

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  • The Ultimate Guide to Resolving Profile and Device Manager Issues

    The following article also applies to issues after re-setting the severs' hostname. It also applies to situations where re-setting the Code Signing Certifictateas described by Apple has not resolved the issue.
    I have been plagued with Profile Manager and Device Manager issues since day one.
    I would like to share my experience and to suggest a way how to resolve issues such as device cannot be enrolled or Code Signing Certificate not accepted.
    I shall try to be as brief as possible, just giving an overview of the steps that resolved my issues. The individual steps have been described elsewhere in this forum. For users who have purchased commercial SSL certs the following may not apply.
    In my view many of these issues are caused by missing or faulty certificates. So let us first touch on the very complex matter of certificates.
    Certificates come in many flavours such as CA (Certificate Authority), Code Signing Certificate, S/MIME and Server Identification.
    (Mountain?) Lion Server creates a so-called Intermediate CA certificate (IntermediateCA_hostname_1") and Server Identification Certificate ("hostname") when it installs first. This is critical for the  operation of many server functionalities, including Open Direcory. These certs together with the private/public keys can be found in your Keychain. Profile  and Device Manager may need a Code Signing Certificate.
    The most straightforward way to resolve the Profile Manaher issues is in my view to reset the server created certicates.
    The bad news is that this procedure involves quite a few steps and at least 2 hours of your precious time because it means creating a fresh Direcory Master.
    I hope that I have not forgotten to mention an important step. Readers' comments and addenda are welcome.
    I shall outline a sensible strategy:
    1. Clone your dysfunctional server to an external harddrive (SuperDuper does a reliable job)
    2. Start the server fom the clone and shut down ALL services.
    3. It may be sensible to set up a root user access.
    4. Back-up all user data such as addess book, calendar and other data that you *may* need to set up your server.
    5. Open Workgroup Manager and export all user and workgroup accounts to the drive that you using to re-build your server (it may cause problems if you back-up to an external drive).
    6. Just in case you may also want to back-up the Profile Manager database and erase user profiles:
    In Terminal (this applies to Lion Server - paths may be diferent in Mountain Lion !)
    Backup: sudo pg_dump -U _postgres -c device_management > $HOME/device_management.sql
    Erase database:
    sudo /usr/share/devicemgr/backend/wipeDB.sh
    7. Note your Directory (diradmin) password for later if you want to re-use it.
    8. Open Open Server Admin and demote OD Master to Standalone Directory.
    9. In Terminal delete the old Certificate Authority
    sudo rm -R /var/root/Library/Application\ Support/Certificate\ Authority/
    This step is crucial because else re-building you OD Master will fail.
    9. Go back to Server Admin and promote the Standalone Directory to OD Master. You may want to use the same hostname.
    10. When the OD Master is ready click on Overview and check that the LDAP and Keberos Realm reflect your server's hostname.
    11. Go back to Workgroup Manager and re-import users and groups.
    NOTE: passwords are not being exported. I do not know how to salvage user passwords. (Maybe passwords can be recovered by re-mporting an OD archive - comments welcome! ).
    12. Go to Server App and reset passwords and (not to forget) user homefolder locations, in particular if you want to login from a network account!
    If the home directory has not been defined you cannot login from a network account.
    13. You may now want to restore Profile Manager user profiles in Terminal. Issue the following commands:
    sudo serveradmin stop devicemgr
    sudo serveradmin start postgres
    sudo psql -U _postgres -d device_management -f $HOME/device_management.sql
    sudo serveradmin start devicemgr
    14. You can now switch back on your services, including Profile Manager.
    In Profile Manager you may have to configure Device Management. This creates a correct Code Signng Certicate.
    15. Check the certificate settings in Server App -> Hadware -> Settings-> SSL Certificates.
    16. Check that Apple Push Notifications are set.(you easily check if they are working later)
    17. You may want to re-boot OS Server from the clone now.
    18. After re-boot open Server App and check that your server is running well.
    19. Delete all profiles in System Preferences -> Profiles.
    19. Login to Profile Manager. You should have all users and profiles back. In my experience devices have to be re-enrolled before profiles can be pushed and/or devices be enrolled. You may just as well delete the displayed devices now.
    20. Grab one of your (portable) Macs that you want to enrol and go to (yourhostname)/mydevices and install the server's trust profile. The profile's name  should read "Trust Profile for...) and underneath in green font "Verified".
    21. Re-enrol that device. At this stage keep your finger's crossed and take a deep breath.
    22. If the device has been successfully enrolled you may at last want to test if pushing profiles really works. Login to Profile Manager as admin, select the newly enrolled device. Check that Automatic Push is enabled (-> Profile -> General). Create a harmless management profile such as defining the dock's position on the target machine. (Do not forget to click SAVE at the end - this is easily missed here). If all is well Profile Manager will display an active task (sending) and the dock's position on the target will have changed in a few seconds if you are on a LAN (Note: If sending seems to take forever: check on the server machine and/or on your router that the proper ports are open and that incoming data is not intercepted by Little Snitch or similar software).
    Note: if you intend to enrol an Apple iPhone you may first need to install the proper Apple Configuration software.
    Now enjoy Profile and Device Manager !

    1. In Action profiles, logon to system and recheck correcion are available in action definition as well in condition configuration and the schedule condition is also maintained. but the display is not coming(i.e in the worklist this action is not getting displayed).
    You can check the schedule condition for the action and match the status values...or try recreating the action with schedule condition again....for customer specific ....copy the standard aciton with ur zname and make a schedule condition and check the same.
    2, In suppport team of incident when i give individual processor it throwing a warning that u r not the processor. but when i give org unit it is working perfectly. Could anyone guide on this.
    You need to have the empolyee role for BP ..goto BP and got here dropdown for ur bp and choose role Employee and then enter ur userid
    also make sure that u have the message processing role
    Hope it clarifies ur doubt and resolve ur prob

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    Only an hour wasted? Lucky you. Color is an incredibly complex subject. First, forget matching anything to the small LCD on the back of your camera. That's there as a basic guide and is affected by the internal jpg algorithm of your camera.
    2nd, you're not really takeing a color photo with your digital camera, but three separate B&W images in a mosaic pattern, exposed thru separate red, green and blue filters. Actual color doesn't happen until that matrix is demosaiced in either your raw converter, or the in-camera processor (which relies heavily on camera settings, saturation, contrast, mode, etc.)
    Having said the above, you can still get very good, predictable results in your workflow. I have a few color management articles on my website that you might find very helpful. Check out the Introduction to Color Management and Monitor and Printer Profiling. In my opinion, a monitor calibration device is the minimum entry fee if you want decent color.

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    I am not sure what is causing this but can suggest a workaround. Instead of publishing direct to PDF, create a Word document only. That may have page numbering issues but there you should be able to correct them. Then publish your PDF from Word.
    See www.grainge.org for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

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    Just re-set the App -
    Open the App
    Hold down the power button until the slider appears
    Hold down the home button (Don't use the slider) Until the App Closes
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    - SharePoint 2010 Standard or Enterprise editions
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    Hi Faisal,
    As I understand, the issue will be solved when end users directly connect to SharePoint WFE servers. Since the issue is related to third party products, I'd recommend you contact their support engineer for sufficient resource and assistance. For your convenience:
    Should you need more assistance, let me know. Thanks for the understanding.
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

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    thanks for you contributions.But I realize I didn't explained myself completly.
    My situation is similar to what Bob described,
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    Thnks a lot.
    So what

  • Colour Management Issue with PS CS3 and Leopard 10.5.2

    Hi Everyone,
    Since I have installed Leopard I am having colour management issues with Photoshop CS3 and my Canon i9950 printer.
    My screen is calibrated with a Spyder and I used to ask Photoshop (in 10.4.11) to manage colour when printing and used the Spyder profile. Everything came out as I saw it on screen.
    Now in leopard when I do the same thing everything comes out too yellow on the print. If I ask Photoshop to let the printer manage the colour it is too red. If I use the default colour management (photoshop managing the colour and it choosing the colour space it is better, but still too yellow).
    Photoshop gives the hint to turn off colour management in the printer but there is no option for this and it also said the same thing before of course (when it worked in 10.4.11).
    Any ideas?

    >It was working perfectly in Tiger with the monitor profile.
    You were lucky.
    the monitor profile is so Photoshop can display your images correctly.
    the working space is Adobe RGB, sRGB, BruceRGB, ect... these are all known color spaces so when the file goes to another computer there is a consistent color space for reference. If you use your monitor profile as a working space then nobody else knows what is going on with your file.
    when you print you need to use the printer profile for the type of paper you are printing on this is supplied by the printer manufacturer. you can also have custom profiles made.
    you need to read up on color management:

  • Colour Management issue With Leopard and PS CS3

    Hi Everyone,
    Since I have installed Leopard I am having colour management issues with Photoshop CS3 and my Canon i9950 printer.
    My screen is calibrated with a Spyder and I used to ask Photoshop (in 10.4.11) to manage colour when printing and used the Spyder profile. Everything came out as I saw it on screen.
    Now in leopard when I do the same thing everything comes out too yellow on the print. If I ask Photoshop to let the printer manage the colour it is too red. If I use the default colour management (photoshop managing the colour and it choosing the colour space it is better, but still too yellow).
    Photoshop gives the hint to turn off colour management in the printer but there is no option for this and it also said the same thing before of course (when it worked in 10.4.11).
    Any ideas?

    You need to use the correct printer profile for the paper you're using. If the printer didn't come with any pre-built profiles, check Canon's web site to see if they have any profiles available for your printer that you can download.
    Printer profiles are very specific. You can't take take a profile for glossy Epson paper and expect it to work very well for Canon glossy paper.

  • Colour Management Issues with Leopard and Photoshop CS3

    Hi Everyone,
    Since I have installed Leopard I am having colour management issues with Photoshop CS3 and my Canon i9950 printer.
    My screen is calibrated with a Spyder and I used to ask Photoshop (in 10.4.11) to manage colour when printing and used the Spyder profile. Everything came out as I saw it on screen.
    Now in leopard when I do the same thing everything comes out too yellow on the print. If I ask Photoshop to let the printer manage the colour it is too red. If I use the default colour management (photoshop managing the colour and it choosing the colour space it is better, but still too yellow).
    Photoshop gives the hint to turn off colour management in the printer but there is no option for this and it also said the same thing before of course (when it worked in 10.4.11).
    Any ideas?

    I'm having exactly the same problem, only my printer is a Canon Pixma iX4000. The colour is all bleached out, it looks exactly like when you've accidentally printed an RGB file on a CMYK printer, and at first I thought that was what I had done, but it isn't. This is very frustrating, I've spent all day going through the manuals, recalibrating etc, but no luck. This is a brand new Mac Pro and printer, but if its not going to print what I see on screen it's just expensive junk.
    I wasn't sure if the problem was Leopard or the printer or CS3...

  • WARNING:  Canon Pro Printers and CS4 – Serious Colour Management Issue

    Over the last four days (and over fifty prints) I have undertaken extensive and meticulous tests to identify the cause of a problem; namely that targets for profiling a new printer (a Canon Pro9000), printed with ‘no colour management’, were printing far too dark and with what appeared to be a colour cast.
    I have conclusively eliminated the printer, the printer drivers, the Mac OS, corrupted preference files, corrupted user accounts, incorrect Photoshop settings, incorrect printer driver settings, the ‘sticky settings' issue, and user error as possible causes of the problem.
    I can say with 95% certainty that my tests, conducted using Mac OSX 10.4.11, have proved the following:
    That, printing to a Canon Pro9000 or iP4500, Photoshop CS4 does not print accurate targets suitable for producing profiles.  This applies to both the No Colour Management (NCM) and the Printer Manages Colour (PMC) settings.
    Photoshop CS and CS2 are not effected.
    I did not test CS3.
    Furthermore, colour managed prints (using the same accurate profile made in CS2), printed in CS2 and CS4, show subtle differences.  This may not be an issue except in the most critical applications.
    It is likely that the problem will not be confined to the two Canon printers above since many other Canon printers share the same driver architecture.
    Reading posts and discussions on other websites would seem to indicate that this problem is also manifest with some Epson printers and may also effect Mac OSX 10.5.
    I have to conclude, therefore, that Photoshop CS4 cannot be replied upon to print targets of sufficient accuracy to produce reliable profiles for a colour managed workflow.
    The fact that this is only just being reported can be attributed to four factors:
    That many CS4 users are continuing to use profiles made under older versions of Photoshop and have yet to make new profiles using CS4.
    Some users may not immediately notice a problem, or may ascribe it to other causes.
    Some users may take the line of least resistance and use a previous version of Photoshop to work around the problem.
    Some users are still using the older versions of Photoshop not effected.
    Eric Chan (of Adobe) has stated on another website that CS4 implemented some new APIs for printing and that this has given rise to some "minor glitches".  If Eric Chan is correct, and Adobe changed the APIs in Photoshop CS4, this begs question of whether Adobe sufficiently tested CS4 before release ?  If Adobe did not test their software, and therefore failed to identify this critical problem, this would suggest negligence on Adobe’s part.  If Adobe identified the problem but then did not inform users that a potentially serious colour management issue existed this would suggest wilful or gross negligence.
    It is not good enough to say that Adobe simply followed the ‘conventional’ path and ‘followed the rules’ regarding API implementation.  The experience of end users does not correspond to a “minor glitch” and, in my case, has been extremely costly in terms of time (over five days in all), lost revenues, and materials.  Furthermore, why should Adobe's customers be forced to use their valuable time diagnosing problems clearly of Adobe's creation – and actually admitted.
    In UK law providers of goods and services (and this includes software) have to supply them as “fit for purpose”.  Clearly, in terms of colour management, CS4 is not fit for purpose.  Neither can Adobe hide behind its labyrinthine licensing terms since any exclusions would be ruled unlawful under the UK’s ‘Unfair Contract Terms’ Act.
    My strong and unequivocal recommendation is that representatives from Adobe, Apple, and the printer manufacturers meet together – with the utmost urgency – and provide a rapid and complete solution.  It is simply not good enough to pass this ‘over the wall’ saying “it’s not our problem”.  It is.  Adobe's, Apple's, and the printer manufacturers'.  Please solve it.  And quickly.
    Identify the problem clearly, make it and the solution/s public; and publicise it widely and thoroughly.

    Dear DYP.
    Thank you for your concern.
    "What fixes have you tried?"
    If I may quote from my post above:
    "I have conclusively eliminated the printer, the printer drivers, the Mac OS, corrupted preference files, corrupted user accounts, incorrect Photoshop settings, incorrect printer driver settings, the ‘sticky settings' issue, and user error as possible causes of the problem.
    I can say with 95% certainty that my tests, conducted using Mac OSX 10.4.11, have proved the following:
    That, printing to a Canon Pro9000 or iP4500, Photoshop CS4 does not print accurate targets suitable for producing profiles.  This applies to both the No Colour Management (NCM) and the Printer Manages Colour (PMC) settings.
    Photoshop CS and CS2 are not effected.
    I did not test CS3"
    These tests took place over three weeks and involved over five days of work and the replacement of the printer on Canon's recommendation (although the printer is clearly not at fault).
    Please note that I am using Mac OSX 10.4.11.
    "What driver versions are you using?"
    Pixma iP4500 6.9.3 (also 6.9.1, 6.9.2 and the driver supplied on the CD).
    Pro 9000 4.8.7 (also 4.7.3, 4.8.4 and the driver supplied on the CD).
    "Yes it is frustrating but in a lot of cases it is fixable as I and others have clear reported, on this and the LR forums."
    I have not found any fix on any website referring to Canon printers, despite exhaustive searches (this includes Canon's European and US websites which are mute on the issue).
    The ReadMe file supplied with the installation disc of CS4 refers to problems with "some Canon printers" when printing with the 'Printer Manages Color' but does not identify using 'No Color Management' nor Epson printers as having issues.
    I hope this post answers your questions.
    Clearly all users of CS4 need to be warned of this problem which is likely to effect other printers.  I believe that I am assisting others by issuing this warning.  It is done, not to cause mischief, but in the spirit of a public service.  CS4 users can then treat their printing results from CS4 with caution, and then conduct their own tests.  I have presented a workaround which is to use a prior version of CS4.


    We have created several Media Manager specific threads for your issues that are "stickied" at the top of this board.  These are :
    Media Manager Installation Issues
    Media Manager Design Issues
    Media Manager Audio Playback Issues
    Media Manager Video Playback Issues
    Media Manager General (Other) Issues
    Please post your Media Manager issues in the correct corresponding thread so that our FSC employees can identify and begin to resolve some of the problems being experienced by our Media Manager customers.
    Thank You!!
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer that solved your issue as the accepted solution.

    I can understand your point of view and I respect it in regards to Small Basic being a learning language. None the less, let me make a suggestion that would be more ageeable, I think,  to different kinds of people. Why not make different versions
    of this new language: version 1 for beginners that I heard would be out by the end of this year,
    version 2 for intermediates and version 3 for more advanced programmers. All this would culminate to the Visual Basic language. These 3 versions would smoothe out the gap between SB and Visual Basic. Your new programmers would
    evolve at the same time your versions would come out and Microsoft would have a long term policy of loyal programmers. 

  • Color shift (color management) issues in Mavericks

    Noticed color management lacking for Safari and Dock icons just after Maverick update, but was unable to check it with recalibration. Today X-Rite issued an update for i1 Display PRO and i was able to recalibrate my display, but the problem unsurprisingly wasn't in the display profile.
    Bellow are two screenshots of Safari vs. Chrome and FF vs. Chrome respectively.
    Color difference is seen with the naked eye, but gray and blue fields' values are also annotated (Safari is on the left, Chrome is on the right).
    These are FF (on the left) and Chrome (on the right) with no color difference, both browsers are color-managed.

    Issues here too: 2013 Mac Pro, latest Mavericks/browser versions (OS X 10.9.4), and Dell UP2414Q display (known for good color—not to mention the only retina display money can buy).
    Safari seems fine: web sites with no color profiles in the images look very much as I am used to from OS X Lion and Windows on other machines (some variation from screen to screen is just life). CSS colors match image colors when they should.
    Firefox is ultra-saturated: web sites the look fine in Firefox--and identical to Safari--under OS X Lion (on a different Mac/display anyway) but on the new Mavericks system, colors are eye-burningly saturated! That's CSS and images alike (without color profiles). CSS and image colors still match—but both are WAY oversaturated.
    Note: images dragged from Safari and Firefox to my desktop both look fine when opened in Quick Look or Preview. Both (again, images without profiles) look super-saturated like Firefox when opened in Photoshop CC—despite Photoshop having the same settings I'm used to using (color management Off for RGB, working space set to Monitor) on my old Mac with PS CS6 under Lion. Yet the color values in PS CC do register as correct despite looking so bad (same goes when opening my own RGB source PSDs that generated the web sites to begin with).
    Shouldn't Safari and Firefox out of the box look alike, since they do in earlier OS versions? (Even if some workaround is found, "out of the box" a new Mac with default Firefox installation now looks terrible.)
    Separate but complicating issues, in case it helps to diagnose this:
    a) The Dell display's default calibration looks quite good to me; but if I run Apple's visual calibration steps which I would normally do on a new Mac, everything gets very dark. (So I went back to the default calibration, which is supplied by Apple and called "Dell UP2414Q"; Apple clearly supports this display specifically, since I never installed any Dell software.)
    b) When I take an OS X screenshot of Safari, despite it looking "right" everywhere (Preview and Photoshop CC alike), values are way off. (Regardless of whether I strip the color profile or not when importing the screenshot into Photoshop CC.) When I take a screenshot off Firefox, the screenshot looks "right" (no longer oversaturated!) in Preview and Quicklook. When imported into Photoshop CC, Firefox screenshots behave just like drag-saved images from Firefox: they appear super-saturated just like in the browser, BUT the color values at least register correctly.
    c) No setting I can find for Photoshop CC will make exported images look right (and match CSS colors) in ANY browser unless I accept them being super-saturated while I work on them (which of course is untenable). I'll deal with that separately: I've abandoned the new Mac Pro for Photoshop work and gone back to my old Mac (and PS CS6)--but this I assume to be Adobe's fault. I mention it only in case it's some kind of clue.
    For what it's worth, here's my interpretation: Firefox and Photoshop are using the full gamut of the display, while Safari is not—and Safari looks GOOD not using the full gamut. (And at least with this Dell display, it looks "correct" that way.) Pure primary red #FF0000 (images and CSS alike) which appears normal to me in Safari and Preview and Quicklook turns to eye-burning neon red in Firefox and Photoshop (with management Off and working space set to Monitor). It's kind of amazing that the display can show a red even more brilliant than I have ever seen on a computer before, BUT it doesn't help me design web sites for the rest of the world who has a more ordinary gamut.
    Maybe this is just a long-standing Firefox bug, revealed to me now that I have a large-gamut display? (But that wouldn't explain why other people have seen colors MORE saturated in Safari then Firefox.)

  • I ask for help, I can not cancel a monthly subscription to Adobe! contrary to the tutorial does not appear  scribed CANCEL PLAN on my page management plan, is not worse than any serial number of my subscription, where is it? how can I cancel monthly charg

    I ask for help, I can not cancel a monthly subscription to Adobe.
    contrary to the tutorial does not appear scribed "CANCEL PLAN" on my page management plan, is not worse than any serial number of my subscription, where is it? how can I cancel monthly charge? 

    Just to clarify: This is a user to user Forum, so you are not really addressing Adobe here, even though some Adobe employees thankfully have been dropping by.
    Have you done a Forum search?
    How can I delete my account? There is no "cancel plan" in my creative cloud free membership.
    Contact Customer Care

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