ICal automatically publishing calendar

I suddenly had LOTS of "Personal" calendars on my iCal today. I thought it had something to do with Pocket Mac synching and went through and deleted all but the "Personal" calendar I've been adding entries to. I just looked up, and iCal has automatically added 2 "Personal" calendars. Anybody have thoughts? Thanks!

Wrong nomenclature -- should have said "adding" (rather than "publishing").

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    Solved, I think! What you need to do is log on to your icloud account at www.icloud.com, go to the calendar screen, click the gearwheel and choose New Calendar. Create a calendar here (ie up on the iCloud) with the name you want for your imported calendar data. Then switch to iCal - you may have to quit and relaunch for the new iCloud calendar to appear (or it will probably do so automatically if you wait long enough) then import the data using File->Import->Import... When you get to the step where it asks which calendar you want to import the data into, choose the new iCloud calendar you've just created. Job done!
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    There is a simple utility called "iCal to Outlook" which is a plugin for Outlook.
    First you publish your calendar(s) to MobileMe or to a server, then you point the plugin in Outlook to go retrieve the published calendar at whatever frequency you desire. If you set the iCal publish preference to "automatically update" and the Outlook frequency to hourly or something, it will work just like synching to an iPhone or any other Apple device.

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    When you publish, is "Publish changes automatically" checked? This would explain why updates don't happen. Also in .Mac system preferences under the "Sync" tab, there is a choice of how often to sync. Even if this is set to "Automatically" the sync isn't instant. Check this setting. I don't know if it affects published calendars or not, but worth checking nonetheless.
    I wonder if in the Date and Time system preference ("Date & Time" tab) you have "Set date & time automatically" Checked?
    Mine publish fine, no problem: http://ical.mac.com/dancingbrook/Social
    Still no solution for web To Dos though perhaps via a webDAV server? Try:
    Also, can I assume you've tried trashing your ical preferences? ~/Library/Preerences/com.apple.iCal.plist

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    ...are you saying your published calendar can currently be accessed from your ical.me.com link and that just ours is not working or was your answer a theoretical one?
    Mine works as advertised. I did have to unpublish, but that was in July. The calendar has auto published without problems since that time.
    The common clue that I notice between the OP and your system is that neither has been updated to the most current version of OS X available for the Tiger/Leopard. I would therefore advise updating these systems using the appropriate Combo Update (OS X 10.4.11/OS X 10.5.5).
    Good Luck.

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    1. First make an iCal backup:  Click on each calendar on the left hand side of iCal 1 at a time highlighting it's name and then going to File Export > Export and saving the resulting calendar file to a logical location for safekeeping.
    2. Remove the following to the trash and restart your computer:
    Home > Library > Caches > com.apple.ical
    Home > Library > Calendars > Calendar Cache, Cache, Cache 1, 2, 3, etc. (Do not remove Sync Cache or Theme Cache if present)
    Home > Library > Preferences > com.apple.ical (There may be more than one of these. Remove them all.)
    ---NOTE: Removing these files may remove any shared (CalDAV) calendars you may have access to. You will have to re-add those calendars to iCal > Preferences > Accounts.
    Once the computer is back up and running open iCal and test.
    Hope that helps.

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    I'd appreciate any help.

    I seem to have this working now, G5 and Powerbook both running the same iCal calendar which is syncronised. Both machines have publish switched on along with auto update.
    One thing I noticed while testing this evening, the names I was originally publishing under were things like "Study Calendar" or "Myweb.net Calendar", when published using these types of names (spaces and punctuation) the .mac website calendar always had a last updated time of 1970.
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    I am not sure if this is a long term solution as I've only been testing for 10 minutes or so. Perhaps the duplications will come back after a while but its certainly something to look into if your publishing your calendar with names longer than one word or with punctuation.

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    And that's what I want.
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    (Apple: "smart calendars" please!)

  • Ical not publishing to dotmac--new information

    Hello, I have been having a hard time with icalendar not publishing on dotmac. It started happening suddenly on my upgrade to 10.5.2.
    The dotmac support people have been responding to my inquiries with the following suggestions (eached bumped to a higher level):
    1) unpublish and republish--nope doesn't work
    2) corrupted file, remake the calendar (which means re enter every entry)
    3) the most recent is that my file size (1.9 mbytes) can't be published on ical.
    Has anyone heard this before? It is news to me, and google and forum searches have not indication of a limit to ical file sizes for dotmac publication.
    Now it seems my choices are:
    1) Try to find a way to bulk delete old events (there have been some messed up syncs with missing sync that have created a lot of repeated events). There are literally thousands of individual events that have to be deleted over the 5 years I have been using ical.
    2) Re enter my dates in a new calendar going forward and publish that new calendar. Frankly, that seems easiest, but I have to admit being peeved at the undocumented file limit.
    It is not a matter of my idisk size or anything like that. According to the tech " and can see that it has a file size of 2 MB. I'm sorry, but your calendar is too large to be rendered on a web browser. iCal publishing is intended primarily for personal use, and not as a means of publishing such a large and complex schedule.
    I'm very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. To decrease the size and complexity of your calendars, you might consider decreasing the event repetition, or splitting the events from one calendar into several smaller calendars."
    So, anyone have any pointers?

    I'm also having this problem. Lots of things seem to be broken in 10.5.5. I see that iCal last published my calendar in August 2008. Spotlight no longer seems to be indexing iPhoto. I wonder what else doesn't work. Most aggravating is that Apple never seems to acknowledge these problems. As mysteriously as they came, they might go away. It just works => That's just the way it works!

  • Missing "dtend" entries on .ics files for a published calendar

    From the top... I am using iCal Version 2.0.5 (1069), Mac OS X 10.4.10, and The Missing Sync for Palm OS v6.0.1; also the MarkSpace Events and Tasks conduits to sync my Palm with iCal via iSync.
    My goal is to publish a grouped calendar to icalx.com (which I've used for years).
    When I publish the calendar, everything appears to transfer fine, and I can see the published calendars on icalx.com.
    HOWEVER, most events in the graphical views (such as day or week) appear to have lost their end times, and thus stretch to 11:59 PM that day (which would be the default).
    I have examined the .ics file that icalx.com is receiving from my local iCal app, and it appears that on many of the events there is no entry for DTEND (the date and time when an event ends). There is an entry for DTSTART. I experimented with changing the end time for an event in iCal, and then refreshing the published calendar. The result is that DTEND is now defined, and the event shows up properly. Simply entering the same event ending time in the end time field does not result in a proper ending time on the icalx.com calendar. Changing the end time in iCal by dragging the lower boundary of the event box DOES modify the time properly on the icalx.com calendar.
    What is perplexing is that the proper start and end times ARE shown in iCal, and on my Palm.
    Has this kind of behavior been seen by others? Any hints on how to correct it, or where to start?
    Thanks everyone for your help.

    OK, previously I went to the online version and clicked on the "Download" link in the left column, but I did not know if I re-published from the downloaded calender, would it replace/over-write the existing calendar or create a new.1.ics file.
    I think I had tried this before, and the version I was updating, did not seem to update the version others had subscribed to, even though, I thought, I had re-published the same calendar.
    Anyway, I have tested the "new" re-published calendars and they seem to be updating for the subscribers too.
    Is there a way to make sure that I don't have any orphaned calendars? Some of the calendars have changed names and I was wondering if I am able to what is exactly sitting on my ME account. I can't find any of the calendars when I log into the account.
    Any thoughts?

  • Remove "time" from Month view on Published Calendar

    I am trying to remove the time from published calendars when in the "Month" view. The time is not showing on ical on the computer... but shows up on the published calendar. This is taking up tooooo much room on the calendar.
    Thank you for any assistance.

    Hi HWTheoB,
    In my opinion, you could add a content editor web part to your listview page, then in the "source editor" property of your CEWP you can type <style>.ms-cal-monthitem
    B {display:none}</style>.
    In addition, for the similar issue, you can refer to the following threads, although it is for SharePoint 2007, but you can get some hints from these articles:
    Remove the time in calendar list
    How can we remove the default time from sharepoint Weekly calender view?
    Hope this helps.
    Rock Wang
    Regards, Rock Wang Microsoft Online Community Support

  • Publish calendar to mobileme no longer works

    I've been publishing a calendar in iCal to mobileme for several years. After upgrading to Snow Leopard, I noticed that the publishing was not working (the icon next to the calendar in iCal indicated an error). So I unpublished and republished. I was told it was successful and give me that window with a button to view the published calendar. When I do that, Safari goes to the site but prints a message, telling me "We're sorry but we cannot find the iCal you've requested. It's possible that it has been deleted or renamed."
    I cut and paste the address into Safari - the URL that I was provided after a successful publish, and again got the same error. I've unpublished several times and republished, always successfully - so I was informed when the calendar was sent. But I always get the same error reported.
    I've gone to my mobileme via browser to check my iDisk and other features - they all work. My iCal is even correct when viewed. It's just the published calendar that can't be accessed.
    Anyone know what's going on or have a suggestion.
    Well, I tried another search and have found a thread where users indicate the same problem. This seems to be a mobileme problem that I guess I'll have to wait until it is fixed.

    Yep, same problem. Won't show up via browser and the embedded calendar won't display in iWeb. I've changed the calendar name, exported and imported (removing unsafe alarms), shortened the calendar name as to exclude any numerical or punctuation including spaces and nada. Next step is to friggin create a new calendar from scratch and re-enter all the dates/info...but I'd still like to know what the heck is going on.
    Anybody have any other success besides creating a new calendar?
    PS - Confirmed that establishing a new calendar clears up the problem. The fun of data entry for all those appointments...
    Message was edited by: Tak-Seng

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