ICal/Calendars on multiple devices not syncing?

I need to sync iCal/Calendars on 3 devices. I have iCloud and I thought I's set it up correctly, but maybe not. iCal on MBP (Lion) pushes to iPhone and iPad (both iOS5), but iPhone and iPad do to push out to any other devices. I must not have something set up correctly but I can not find a detailed tutorial or explanation. TIA, I have already spent hours on this...

On the iPhone I went to 'Settings' > 'Mail, Contacts, Calendars' scrolled down to 'Calendars', > 'Default Calendar' > 'Calendar' and chose (clicked on/checked) an option listed under 'iCloud' instead of 'Yahoo!' (which might be GMail or some other similar mail server for someone else).
Then, when you actually enter a calendar item on your iPhone calendar, you can choose something other than your default if you want, just be sure it is an iCloud option.
Follow the same process for your iPad.

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  • Multiple devices not syncing

    issue resolved.

    On the iPhone I went to 'Settings' > 'Mail, Contacts, Calendars' scrolled down to 'Calendars', > 'Default Calendar' > 'Calendar' and chose (clicked on/checked) an option listed under 'iCloud' instead of 'Yahoo!' (which might be GMail or some other similar mail server for someone else).
    Then, when you actually enter a calendar item on your iPhone calendar, you can choose something other than your default if you want, just be sure it is an iCloud option.
    Follow the same process for your iPad.

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    Please help,

    Probably because you did not tell the iPod to sync the calendar in iTunes.

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    After much fiddling with my Calendar I have resolved the problem:
    1. I exported all the calendars individually and saved them on your desktop
    2. Using an iOS device delete all the calendars on your iCloud account (you should be able to use iCloud.com in the same way)
    3. Now that your iCloud calendar is empty, import the calendars from your desktop one by one waiting for them to fully sync before doing the next one.
    4. Done!
    *I discoverd that one of my calendars was corrupted and would not install, perhaps this was the problem? However I believe that it was because my calendars had too much content (multiple repeating events and sporting event subscriptions). I got rid of the sports ones (huge) it was very slow to upload, and I decided to slim that calendar down as it's not very important.
    I personally think it's a calendar event overload problem, too much content for iCloud to handle. It would make sence because I had no problems with any other part of iCloud (reminders/notes...) and my iPhone calendar was fine (because it does not upload any old events, ie dramatically less content)  I hope this helps!

  • Centro Calendar and Contacts do not sync

    I have had a problem syncing my contacts an calendar entries for several weeks. I use a Palm Centro.  I have tested with both Desktop and Outlook 2003.  Both have the same symptoms.  I am intrigued by other users problems that have been resolved by removing an Exchange account in Versamail.  While I do not have an Exchange account that I can determine and only have one account in versamail, I'd like to eliminate any possible Versamail conflict.  Is it possible to totally disable or delete versamail to test for a versamail conflict?   I assume I can always reset up Versamail.
    More info:  I have the same problem with both Palm Desktop and Outlook 2003.  Contacts and Calender entries do not sync.  Tasks and memos sync just fine.  After scanning the many postings on this site many centro users have the same problem.  I received a replacement Centro in December and calendar and contacts have not sync'd since then.  It sounds like I have a different version of hotsync on the new centro that does not work the same.  Is that possible?  I have Hotsync 5.4.0 on my Centro and Hotsync 7.0.2 on my desktop running XP professional.
    During hotsync and in the log file there is no evidence that hotsync is attempting to sync calendar and contacts.  I receive no errors in the log file.  Calendar and contacts are both checked on the desktop version of hotsync with the option to synchronize the files.  On the Centro under conduit setup calendar and contacts are both checked.
    Post relates to: Centro (Verizon)
    Message Edited by dlm064 on 01-14-2009 05:51 AM

    I just finished a chat session with Palm.  It appears the problem is resolved.  Here is a transcript of my chat session.
    Status: Analyst Michael is here and your issue status is: working
    Problem: Contacts and Calendar do not sync
    End Session
     User Don_Marsh has entered room
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 06:19:35 EST 2009)>Contacts and Calender entries do not sync. Tasks and memos sync just fine. During hotsync and in the log file there is no evidence that hotsync is attempting to sync calendar and contacts. I receive no errors in the log file. Calendar and contacts are both checked on the desktop version of hotsync with the option to synchronize the files. This problem began when I received a replacement Centro in mid December. The previous Centro sync'd just fine.
     analyst Michael has entered room
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:19:42 EST 2009)>Hello Don_Marsh, Thank you for contacting Palm Technical Support. My name is Michael. How may I help you?
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:19:51 EST 2009)>Hello.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:19:56 EST 2009)>Helo
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:20:52 EST 2009)>I understand that the calender, contacts does not sync but rest of the conduits sync successfully.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:21:04 EST 2009)>yes that is correct.
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:21:42 EST 2009)>Please let me know the carrier of the device.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:21:48 EST 2009)>Verizon
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:22:21 EST 2009)>Thank you.
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:22:33 EST 2009)>Can you please provide me the logs of latest HotSync?
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:22:47 EST 2009)>OK.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:24:46 EST 2009)>I am having trouble copying the text from the hotsync log
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:25:08 EST 2009)>Please drag and drop the logs in chat window.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:25:14 EST 2009)>OK
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:26:29 EST 2009)> HotSync session completed successfully on 01/14/09 09:01:42
    HotSync session started on 01/14/09 09:01:33, and completed in 9.0 seconds
    Outlook Tasks synchronized successfully
    Duration: 1.6 seconds
    Outlook Tasks
    - Fast Sync
    Outlook Notes synchronized successfully
    Duration: 0.4 seconds
    Outlook Notes
    - Fast Sync
    Documents To Go - sync configured to Do Nothing. synchronized successfully
    Duration: 3.5 seconds
    HotSync session completed successfully on 01/14/09 08:59:38
    HotSync session started on 01/14/09 08:59:31, and completed in 7.0 seconds
    Outlook Tasks synchronized successfully
    Duration: 0.4 seconds
    Outlook Tasks
    - Do Nothing
    Outlook Notes synchronized successfully
    Duration: 0.1 seconds
    Outlook Notes
    - Do Nothing
    Documents To Go - sync configured to Do Nothing. synchronized successfully
    Duration: 3.8 seconds
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:27:01 EST 2009)>Thank you for the logs.
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:27:24 EST 2009)>Do you have an Exchange or Corporate Email account on your Palm Centro device?
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:27:40 EST 2009)>No
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:28:04 EST 2009)>Can you perform Hard reset on your device?
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:28:23 EST 2009)>The Hard reset will erase all the data from the device and set the device to default factory settings.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:28:30 EST 2009)>I can. I did this several times while on the phone with Verizon support, but I'll try again.
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:29:02 EST 2009)>I will provide the steps to perform Hard reset.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:29:10 EST 2009)>I know them
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:29:26 EST 2009)>Please follow these steps to perform Hard reset on your Palm centro.
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:29:40 EST 2009)>Disconnect your smartphone from its AC charger and USB sync cable. The hard reset will not work if either of these is connected.
    Remove the battery cover, take out the battery, and put it back in.
    When the Palm logo appears, press and hold Power/End until the black status bar at the bottom of the screen fills and disappears.
    The screen will go blank briefly, then you'll see an "Erase all data?" prompt.
    Release Power/End .
    Press Up to confirm the hard reset.
    When the language selection screen appears, select the same language you selected for your desktop software.
    Then you'll be prompted to tap targets and set up your device. When these steps are done, your device is ready for use.
    Let me know if you need any further clarification in the steps listed above.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:30:22 EST 2009)>just a minute, i am performing hard reset
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:30:45 EST 2009)>Please make sure that it should ask to "Erase all data".
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:31:07 EST 2009)>It did and I said yes. I also selected language.
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:31:30 EST 2009)>okay.
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:31:47 EST 2009)>Now perform HotSync during Sync please select "Create new user account".
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:32:00 EST 2009)>Type the new user name and continue the sync process.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:32:09 EST 2009)>ok
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:33:47 EST 2009)>Do I want to sync with other device?
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:34:21 EST 2009)>No just connect the device with the computer and perform HotSync.
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:34:30 EST 2009)>During Sync it will ask to create a new user name.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:34:37 EST 2009)>I am not sure you understood my question.
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:34:45 EST 2009)>There type the user name and continue the sync process.
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:35:00 EST 2009)>I am sorry for the confusion.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:35:49 EST 2009)>Hot sync is asking me a question during sync. I have created a new user name. It says there is another device it has in its profile. And wants to know if I want to be able to synchronize the current device with this profile as well.
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:37:02 EST 2009)>Yes select the default outlook profile.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:37:15 EST 2009)>So I should answer yes. My choice is yes or no.
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:37:28 EST 2009)>Please select YES.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:37:30 EST 2009)>ok
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:38:12 EST 2009)>When i did this before with Verizon, I got calendar entries and contacts after the hard reset and then they no longer sync'd.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:38:16 EST 2009)>It is still processing
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:38:44 EST 2009)>Okay, let me know once the Hotsync is done.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:38:47 EST 2009)>ok
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:40:12 EST 2009)>I see you are trying to access my pc
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:41:05 EST 2009)>Yes I am trying to access it.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:42:24 EST 2009)>it is done
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:42:54 EST 2009)>Okay, Can you please check the device whether you got the calender, contacts or not and also check the Hotsync logs.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:44:06 EST 2009)>yes i have them. But it worked when i did a hard reset with verizon. We need to create an entry in my centro and perform a second hotsync. that is when it fails
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:44:38 EST 2009)>Please create a new entry in outlook in calender and then perform Hotsync.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:44:44 EST 2009)>ok
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:45:01 EST 2009)>Before that perform soft reset and then perform Hotsync.
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:45:09 EST 2009)>The soft reset refreshes the device settings.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:45:39 EST 2009)>ok.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:47:26 EST 2009)>ok, i did soft reset and created calendar entry in both centro and outlook
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:47:43 EST 2009)>Okay, Now perform HotSync.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:48:26 EST 2009)>do i need to do soft reset before each hotsync
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:48:43 EST 2009)>it worked
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:48:55 EST 2009)>Awesome!!
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:49:10 EST 2009)>do i need to do a soft reset everytime
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:49:35 EST 2009)>Well that is not needed but if it is not synching then perform Hotsync.
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:51:00 EST 2009)>Is the HotSync successfully completed with transfer of data?
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:51:08 EST 2009)>Please ignore that error message.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:52:06 EST 2009)>Yes the hot sync synced the second new entry into outlook
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:52:24 EST 2009)>So i don't care about the protocol error
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:52:43 EST 2009)>Yes it will just gives that error message.
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:52:46 EST 2009)>Please ignore it.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:53:02 EST 2009)>can i go back to my original user id?
    Michael(Wed Jan 14 06:54:08 EST 2009)>Well I would suggest you to continue with the current user ID because the old user ID is not supporting the calender, contact conduits to sync.
    Don_Marsh(Wed Jan 14 09:54:30 EST 2009)>ok. Thank you
    Post relates to: Centro (Verizon)
    Post relates to: Centro (Verizon)

  • Calendar entries on iphone not syncing to my macs. Syncing via mobile.me and works well from mac to phone

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    I am having a similar problem. I think that my phone  actually deleted a couple appointments, as well. Today I entered a repeating event on my phone. It still has not shown up on my MacBook or my iPad, hours later. I believe it is because my iCloud Sync was turned off on my phone. I just checked - It said that my password was entered incorrectly. I think that must have happened when I upgraded to iOS6. I fixed it now and am waiting to see if my iCal sync happens.

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    michelefromvancouver wrote:
    After that if I go to my calendar on my macair to try and sync to my Imac, by clicking the sync button on the top bar (like I used to with mobile me) I get a drop down menu that says
    1.Time Machine not configured (in shading)
    2. Browse other backup discs (in bold)
    3.Open Time Machine preferences (in bold)
    That's where you're going wrong. Firstly the syncing method that MobileMe used, which places the icon in the menu bar, is quite different from the iCloud method and is irrelevant. Secondly, you're confusing the Time Machine icon with it.
    On this Mac you need to set up in System Preferences>iCloud in the same way, then the syncing is automatic. In iCal on both machines you should see in the Calendar list your calendars listed unrer 'iCloud', and your calendars should be visible at http://icloud.com (and choose Calendar in the welcome screen).
    If they aren't visible online, go to http://me.com/calendar - you should not be able to see them there. If you can, you haven't migrated.

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    P.S. I am able to sync postcasts and music though!


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    Calendar, Reminders, Contacts do not sync w my iPad. However, other apps do sync (i.e. mail, bookmarks etc.). Calendar, Reminders, Contacts are turned on in iPad as well as in iMac.

    Let's focus on the Contacts. I have not been able to sync my Contacts in iMac and in the iCloud. Only half of my contacts from iMac appear in iCloud.
    I have followed these instructions, step by step, but do not help:
    ...except the last one: uncheck/check the checkmark next to Contacts in System Preferences/iCloud because this would delete Contacts in my iMac.
    My Contacts account look as follows:
    Do I need to use iTunes to sync Contacts?
    Any, really any, help appreciated.

  • Latest changes in Microsoft Outlook Calendar and Contacts have not synced with my ipod touch 4th generation

    Latest changes in Microsoft Outlook Calendar and Contacts have not synced with my ipod touch 4th generation

    I solved it myself!
    Found that in "info" on the ipod sync page, "Sync Contacts....", "Sync Calendars..." and "Sync mail accounts...." had become unticked

  • ICal To-Do list does not sync properly with Mail To-Do list

    For some reason, my iCal To-Do List does not sync properly with my Mail To-Do list. Any thoughts on how to get them to sync properly? I always have more To-Dos on my Mail list than my iCal list, which probably means that when I complete a To-Do in iCal, it doesn't register with Mail.
    Any thoughts?

    ensure that your mail set up is checked for syncing note; your comment on the todo list is valid and i have been asking the same question for a while. ToDo also syncs on blackberry? I guess it shows that third party software is the kick that come corp's need to pick up their act.

  • How to sync 'On My Mac' calendar with multiple devices

    This is an ongoing problem for me and I have decided to become more pro-active in seeking a solution. I would be grateful for any help whatsoever.
    In summary, I need to understand how I can sync calendars that are 'On My Mac' with iCloud, so that then I can see them on any of my devices. I don't mean export - I am looking for a solution that creates a constant, updating feed.
    I cannot use iCal as my primary calendar location. I need to send a lot of calendar invitations to people who use MS Outlook for their calendars and MS Outlook does not accept invitations from iCal. Therefore I have migrated to Outlook for Mac 2011 as my principle calendar client. (A temporary work around was that I continued using iCal for a short while but send invitations using Gmail. This works, except that for my clients it became confusing and they started thinking that my main email address was a Gmail address and that is a problem for me.) So I am using Outlook for Mac 2011 which enables me to exchange calendar appointments with other MS Outlook users with no problem. At this stage these appointments don't show up anywhere except in Outlook for Mac 2011 on my iMac at home and I am hardly ever there. So I need them to reveal themselves on my Macbook Air, iPhone 4S and iPad as I drive around meeting everyone. The problem is made worse by the fact that I work for several companies, all of which expect me to use their own email accounts to set up these meetings. Outlook for Mac 2011 is good for that. So the next step for me is to go to Preferences in Outlook for Mac 2011 and select Sync Services. This helps because it sets up an instantaneous feed from Outlook for Mac 2011 to iCal on the same machine. Great, but not perfect as they are all stuck in the 'On My Mac' section of iCal - which does not sync with iCloud.
    That is where I get stuck.
    Can anyone help?
    With best wishes,

    Hi Snozdop,
    Thank you for your quick and helpful reply. Yes it does seem astonishing that Microsoft is not helping with a problem that must be affecting many of their customers.
    Actually pretty much all the appointments are already in iCloud as I exported them to Outlook for Mac as part of this recent burst of activity. So populating iCloud again will not be a problem, if I need to.
    It is helpful that you have referred to Exchange. If I am hearing you correctly then you are saying that any appointments that I set up using email accounts that use Exchange can easily be set up to show on all of my devices. This means that if I set them up using Outlook for Mac, then I will not need to use Sync Services in Outlook for Mac to inform iCloud of my schedule.
    But if I am also hearing you correctly, I will still need to use Outlook for Mac to set up the appointments because other people's Outlook systems will still not recognise calendar invitations sent from iCal, even if the email address used to set them up uses Exchange. Is that correct?
    If so, then I suppose I can work with it - although it still seems somewhat elaborate. I would be using Outlook on my iMac and Macbook Air and iCal/iCloud on my iPhone and iPad - all connected via separate accounts using Exchange.

  • ICal on MacBook Pro does not sync to other devices

    I'm lost ... we have an iMac (10.8.3), a MacBookPro (10.7.5) 3 iPads (1/5.1.1 - 2/6.0.2 - Air/7.0.4) and an iPhone (6.1.3) syncing calendars via iCloud. Everything works great EXCEPT when we enter an event in iCal on the MBP .... it does not sync to the other devices. Entries on all other devices sync fine to all others, but not when they're made in iCal on the MBP, these will only show up on the MBP. I've compared settings of the iMac and the MBP and all seems fine. I'm at a loss and have no idea where to look or what to do to resolve this. Is there anyone here who can point me in the right direction? Thank you very much!
    P.S.: not sure whether I should post this in this iCloud community or whether I should post it in an iCal community. Sorry.

    Open iCal on your MBP and go to iCal>Preferences>General and make sure the Default Calendar is set to an iCloud calendar and not and On My Mac Calendar.  If it is set to an iCloud calendar, try adding any missing events from the calendar on your MBP to the calendar on icloud.com.  Once all the MBP events are on the calendar on icloud.com, go to System Preferences>iCloud, uncheck iCal (Calendar), choose Delete from Mac (they will still be in iCloud), restart your Mac, then go back and check iCal (Calendar) again.
    If events added to your MBP still don't sync to iCloud, go to System Preferences>iCloud, click Sign Out, choose Delete at all of the prompts, restart your Mac, then go back and sign back in.  (This deletes the account and iCloud data from your Mac, but not from iCloud.  Your data will reappear on your Mac when you sign back in.)

  • Sync iCal calendar subscriptions across devices through iCloud?

    How do I sync a Google Calendar subscription on my iMac with iCloud Calendar and my associated iOS devices? I subscribe to my google calendar on my iMac (because my University forces me to use google calendar) but cannot see the events on my iCloud account, MacBook or iPhone4.

    You can't get a Google Calendar subscription to sync through iCloud.
    However you can separately connect to the Google Calendar on each device.
    In iOS, simply go to Settings -> Mail, Contacts, Calendars and add the Google account, with calendars switched on.
    In OS X, go to System Preferences -> Mail, Contacts & Calendars and add the Google account, with calendars ticked.

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    My iCal calendar on my iPhone does not sync with my Mac or iPad.  I am on the cloud and every
    thing else is syncing.  I've looked at preferences and everything looks right...

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    First check that all your settings are correct, that calendar syncing is checked on all devices (system preferences > iCloud on a mac and settings > iCloud on a iPhone, iPad or iPod).
    Make sure the calendars you are using are in your 'iCloud' account and not an 'On My Mac', 'On My Phone' or other non iCloud account (you can do this by clicking/tapping the calendar button in the top left corner of the application ), non iCloud calendars will not sync.
    If you are sure that everything is set up correctly and your calendars are in the iCloud account, you might try unchecking calendar syncing in the iCloud settings, restarting your device and then re-enabling calendar syncing settings.

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