ICal - Deleting a full week of events

I would like to select multiple events (i.e. one full week) and delete them.
As of now, it seems the only way to do this is by clicking on each one. Is there a way to select all events between date(A) and date(B)?

Brilliant! Thank you!
I have 7 calendars, and when I put "" in the sort window, only my events from my to do list showed up. After I turned off all the calendars but the one that I wanted to delete a full week of, the "" showed the entire list of events.
Now I can go in easily and select full weeks (Months, years... etc) and delete them.

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    Hi David,
    It didnt work.
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    djb53 wrote:
    Can take some time.... how much time?
    There's no simple answer to that. My calendar goes back to 2004 and is moderately busy; it took around an hour. It's possible that you've hit a slow period on the server - it happens.
    In order for it to work, your calendars should show on the MobileMe site, they should be listed under your MobileMe login name in the calendar list in iCal (calendars listed under 'On My Mac' will not sync) and your MM account details have to be entered in iCal Preferences>Accounts (this should have happened by itself).
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    this has already been answered.
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    Well, using iMovie to rearrange clips in a mini DV video edited by another program is extremely time consuming. I found a workaround. It still takes time, but it's much faster than rearranging the clips using iMovie.
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    And you are aware of the possible options for listing the months and having an optional export value for each month.
    For listing the months, you can use a number, a 3 character string, or the full name.
    For the export value, the full name, the 3 character value, the 1-2 number, or the 0-11 JavaScript value.
    I would look at deciding how you want to populate the drop down box and build a one page form with just this field. You can then insert that page into a PDF and copy the field as needed and then delete the inserted page. Or you could create an FDF file to create the drop down box.

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    It is a possibility that you are adding new events to your "On My Mac" calendars.
    "On My Mac" calendars will not sync with iCloud. After backing up the "On My Mac" calendars, and ensuring that all events are duplicated on your iCloud calendars you can delete any "On My Mac" calendars.
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    Tried everything.
    Very often iCal display anomalies can be rectified by refreshing your iCal plist file. This can be accomplished by quitting iCal and dragging the com.apple.iCal.plist file which is located in your Macintosh HD/Users/yourusername/Library/Preferences Folder to the Desktop. Then log out/in or restart and check iCal for normal behavior. You can delete the iCal plist file on your Desktop.
    Let us know what happens.

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    It would be of great help if someone can help me with this!

    Hi DB,
    Just for interest then, as there seems to be some already on iCal Share.
    Best wishes
    John M
    --Copy below this line into Script Editor and click run --
    --Annual Week numbers
    --John Maisey
    set numberOfWeeks to 1000 -- change as needed
    set daysText to "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun"
    set aDate to (current date)
    set day of aDate to 1
    set month of aDate to January
    set aDay to weekday of aDate
    set weekNo to 1
    --Day of week as num. starting with 0
    set aDayText to (characters 1 thru 3 of (aDay as text)) as text
    set dayOff to ((offset of aDayText in daysText) - 1) / 3 as integer
    if dayOff is less than 5 then
         set StartDate to aDate - dayOff * days
         set StartDate to aDate + (7 - dayOff) * days
    end if
    tell application "iCal"
         set newCal to make new calendar at end of calendars with properties {title:"Week No."}
         set myCal to (count of every calendar)
    end tell
    repeat with myCount from 1 to numberOfWeeks
         if (month of StartDate is December) and (day of StartDate is greater than 28) then set weekNo to 1
         if (month of StartDate is January) and (day of StartDate is less than 5) then set weekNo to 1
         set weekText to "Week No. " & weekNo
         tell application "iCal"
              tell calendar myCal
                   make new event at end of events with properties {start date:StartDate, allday event:true, summary:weekText}
              end tell
         end tell
         set weekNo to weekNo + 1
         set StartDate to StartDate + 7 * days
    end repeat

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    In iCal how do i set an event every 3 months.

    I presume that your question relates to the Calendar App on the iPad.
    You have to use the "repeat>Custom" setting on the Desktop version of iCal.

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    Is this causing the problem with the sync and holding up the photos?
    I have tried several proposed fixes, it hasn't helped.
    tried this as well:

    Try this fix and see if its sync the photos:
    http://blogs.technet.com/b/steve_chen/archive/2010/09/20/user-profile-sync-sharepoint-2010.aspx#Profile Picture Property
    Update-SPProfilePhotoStore -CreateThumbnailsForImportedPhotos 1 -MySiteHostLocation <mySiteHostURL>
    Please remember to mark your question as answered &Vote helpful,if this solves/helps your problem. ****************************************************************************************** Thanks -WS MCITP(SharePoint 2010, 2013) Blog: http://wscheema.com/blog

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