ICal not responding properly to mouse click

When I open ical and click on a to do in the To Dos window the result moves to a much earlier to do and I have to scroll down the window to find the one I am looking for. This always happens but only on the first try. Anybody know why this happens or wether it is a known bug that may be fixed in a coming update?

I don't know if this is a "known" (to Apple) bug, but I believe it's the same bug that routinely frustrates me. I need to report it. The problem I see, which sounds like yours, can be reproduced as follows.
1. Make a new empty calendar. Disable (un-check) all other calendars.
2. Make sure the To Do panel is showing (under the Views menu).
3. Add a new To Do item (call it "fubar" or whatever). Make it due today.
4. Highlight the "fubar" To Do item, and press Command-D (Edit -> Duplicate) repeatedly until there are so many copies of the item that the To Do panel is full and scroll bars appear.
5. Select the first To Do item (the first copy of "fubar").
6. Click on (select with the mouse) the day in the "due date" in the Info drawer.
7. Press the up arrow once to advance the day by one day, and the To Do item should drop to the bottom of the list. (The item now happens one day later than the others.)
8. Use the scroll bars OR the mouse wheel (if you have one) to scroll the To Do list back to the top.
9. Use the mouse to try and click on the first (top) To Do item in the list. (That item was the second item, until step 7.) You should see that instead of selecting the first/top item, you have actually selected the second (or third) item. Doh!
As I said, I think this is the same bug you are seeing. I will report it.

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    Quit the application.
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    Yes you can delete the expired certificate which are showing  as it is not functional anymore and they remain as stale entries 
    You can use  below command
    Remove-ExchangeCertificate -Thumbprint "specify the value "
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    Hi DB,
    Try restoring the connection (right click on the source system - restore).
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