IChat and SOCKS proxies

I was referred to this forum from the iChat forum. It appears that iChat is supposed to support going through a SOCKS proxy, but in practice, it doesn't seem to work. Adium, works fine through the proxy, but not iChat.
Has anyone been able to get iChat to function through a SOCKS proxy?
Namely, I open up a Terminal window and create a proxy using ssh:
ssh -x -N -D 1234 [email protected]
... which creates a proxy at port 1234 on the local machine that proxies throught the remote machine. If you have Safari or Mail use the proxy (set thourgh System Preference >> Sharing), it works just great. Not so for iChat.
If you go to the iChat preferences, select your account, then the server settings tab and configure it for use with the proxy, you get the following error when you attempt to connect to AIM:
The AIM proxy refused the connection. Check the proxy information in the Accounts section of iChat preferences.
The kicker is that if you download Adium, it works just fine with the SOCKS proxy.
Any hints?
24" iMac, 17" MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   also many Linux PCs and one WinXP laptop

Has the most recent update to iChat fixed this issue?

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    i am trying to use ichat and when I try to log in it says my account has been suspended bc of suspicious use...help

    I would guess this is  an AIM valid Screen Name such as an Apple issued @mac.com account.
    I would also guess you travel to other countries.
    There have been several posts about @mac.com names and people who travel and use their Screen Name elsewhere having the name Suspended.
    Can you Log in here  https://settings.aim.com/ ?
    Is this where you saw the Suspended message ?
    For AIM issued name the answer is to change your Password as this tends to prove you own the account.
    This does not work for Apple IDs used as  AIM Valid Screen Names as AIM can't tell when the password is changed (They can only see it when you log in)
    AIM's Suspended Account page has an email ([email protected]) on it to contact if your account remains Suspended.
    However you need to be very clear that you have an Apple Issued Name and that you know that resetting the password that works for AIM Names and that you would like them to reset the account.
    More recently this has been a sticking point.  It seems the Contact you get does not always know about the agreement that AIM recognises Apple Issued IDs as Valid Screen Names and that the AIM  servers can only view the passwords at specific times (or at least confirm them) so you changing it will make no difference and that they have to step in manually.
    10:39 PM      Saturday; October 20, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • Problem with iChat and Address Book

    Ok, I've been having a problem ever since I used a program to remove my unwanted print drivers and language packs (I forget the program's name). Ever since then, my iChat and Address book will not open. The spinning beach ball appears, and nothing happens. Ichat just continues bouncing in the dock. All I can do with the programs is force-quit them.
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    I have a similar problem.
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    I. The admin
    II. My account
    III. My wife's account
    Where only the admin account can administer the computer.
    All the applications work just fine when I am logged in as the admin. The problems appear when I switch to my account.
    The following apps crash immediately on their startup:
    1. Mail
    2. Address Book
    3. iChat
    4. All the Big Bang board games
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    The crash log for any of the above always reports the same reason:
    Exception: EXCBADACCESS (0x0001)
    Codes: KERNPROTECTIONFAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000004
    The interesting thing is that each and every crash log reports the crash within the
    com.apple.AddressBook.framework always at the same place:
    c4Sequence::PropIndex(c4Property const&) + 14
    Note that the problem exists only with my account. Both the admin and my wife's user accounts are fine.
    I have no idea where I take it from here. I really dislike the idea of recreating my account.

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    Remove their preference files in the /Home/Library/Preferences/ folder.  Remove any related folder in /Home/Library/Applications Support/ folder.  Relaunch each application and reconfigure.
    Check the rest of the computer for other inconsistencies.  For example, the Computer Name in Sharing preferences may need to be changed.  Settings in Accounts preferences for the long name, account name, and password.  Changing the account name is quite complicated.
    If you truly wish to start fresh then erase the drive and reinstall from scratch.

  • IChat and a D-Link DIR-655

    I've read the various support discussions on this router and using it with iChat. Lots of fixes and settings have been given. People say it works and it doesn't work.
    If you use iChat (especially with screen sharing) and have a DIR-655, please post here what settings you've used to accomplish this. I would be nice to have something complete in one place. Not just "Turn on UPnP". I've done that and that alone is not the answer.
    So again, if you have done iChat screen sharing and you have a DIR-655, please post which settings you changed, turned on or turn off to get it all working.

    I seem to remember that one post/thread had comments about successfully using this device but I can not seem to find it in either iChat 3 or the iChat 4 (iChat and iChat Sharing in Leopard)
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    6:39 PM Saturday; August 16, 2008

  • Ichat and messages aren't communicating on bonjour network

    Hi there...i've been searching for some help to my question but haven't found it.
    This is the problem.
    at my office we have some Macs running ichat with snow leopard and other ones running messages with maverick.
    When we try to chat between us, we can do it only if we are using the same app/os even when we can
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    to be more clear...
    everyone is visible on buddy list, either we have ichat or message installed...
    computer A running messages and maverick can send and receive messages to/from computer B running also messages and maverick  and viceversa
    computer C running ichat and snow leopard can send and receive messages to/from computer D running also ichat and snow leopard and viceversa
    computer A/B (messages/maverick) cannot send or receive messages from computers C/D (ichat/snow leopard) and viceversa
    hope there is a solution out there, thanks in advance for any help...

    Let me see if I have understood you correctly.
    No matter what OS version or Messages or iChat Version all the Buddies show in each other's Buddy lists ?
    Despite this only Mavericks with Messages 8 to Mavericks and Messages 8 will work with each and the same for Snow Leopard and iChat 5 based computers ?
    What is not working in Mavericks to Snow Leopard (which is Messages to iChat 5) ?
    Separate from using the iChat and Messages app do all the  computers appear in the Finders Side Bar for Computer "Shares" ?
    I have a NAS drive which uses Mac's AFP protocol and the Windows SMB protocol AND it can be set to be  Time Machine Backup place and can do Bonjour Shares. (it appears 4 times in my list)
    In addition to that I have my two other computers turned On (MacBook Pro and a G4)
    This would tend to imply that the computers are all in the same part of the LAN (If the router has the IP of only the last number should be different for all the computers)
    My Computer is using WiFi (it's Airport card) to connect to the network.
    The router is using the 192.168.0.x group as can be seen by the computer getting IP in this pic
    The Subnet mask should also be the same across all computers.
    In addition no two computers should have the Same Name.
    When I set up my computers I tend to use  my own name so each computer then gets called "Ralph Johns's Computer"  (it can't cope properly with the s at the end of my surname)
    AS you can see from the Pic Above I have changed my Older G4 computer to be called "Ralphs' G4" and my Laptop to "Ralph Johns MacBook Pro"
    These "Names" for the computers are also close to the names I use on the Address Cards for myself on those computers.
    i.e. on the G4 the My Card in the Address Book list "Ralph G4" as my name.  (My MacBook Pro does have me as Ralph Johns)
    On my iMac I am posting from (Mavericks) I can called Ralph Johns-iMac in my Address Card.
    It is these names in the My Card (Address book and Contacts list on each computer) that gives the Bonjour Buddy list the names of the Buddies.
    Therefore I can see my MacBook Pro (Snow Leopard/iChat 5 and the G4 Leopard/iChat 4) in the Bonjour Buddy list.
    To summarise the last section.
    The computers AND the Address Card for the Mac user on that computer needs to be different in each case.
    The Computer names show in the Shared items in the Finder's Side Bar and then the Address Book/Contacts Name appears as the Buddy in the list.
    My iMac uses the Sig Pic I use here as the buddy pic.  The G4 using Leopard and iChat 4 uses the Leopard skin looking pic and the photo one is used on my Snow Leopard/iChat 5 computer.
    I have moused over the "Buddy" Ralph Johns to bring up the info panel also in the pic to show it is from my MacBook Pro which shows the computer name plays a part in this.
    Cloning computers before upgrading them or even Cloning a Mac User account from one computer to another will cause issue if the Computer names  or the My Card details are not changed.
    I normally use mine for transferring Pics  but I have also Texted between iChat 5 and Messages 8 today.
    I hope this helps you find out which settings may need changing.
    9:10 pm      Thursday; August 21, 2014
    ​  iMac 2.5Ghz i5 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

  • After years of owning all things Mac, I am finally trying to use iChat, and can't get it to work. I see my buddy, but all I can do is send a message--the video and audio chat icons are gray, as is inviting to a video chat under Buddies.

    After years of owning all things Mac, I am finally trying to use iChat, and can't get it to work. I am using gmail, and I see my buddy (no camera icon next to her name), but all I can do is send a message--the video and audio chat icons are gray, as is inviting to a video chat under Buddies. My buddy has the same problem as I.  We are able to do video chat through gmail, but I had hoped to use iChat.  I am using OS 10.6.8, iChat v. 5.0.3.  What am I missing?

    iChat will Video chat to another iChat in a Jabber Buddy List (Google run a Jabber server for GoogleTalk)
    However it will not Video to the Web Page login to iGoogle or the Web Mail Page login.  (where people can Google Chat as it were in a  Web Browser).
    Nor does it video to the Google Talk Stand alone app for PCs or any other Jabber apps on any platform.
    iChat uses a connection Process called SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) which is also used by other VoIP devices.
    Jabber/XMPP invited the Jingle Protocol for Jabber Applications.
    Google have included this in their Standalone app and the Plug-in for Web Browsers on both PCs and Mac (you can get this as a Standalone Plug-in or as part of Chrome)
    More on this here  This article has been changed several time in the recent months.  It now claims a greater involvement by Google in writing the Jingle Library (Although now Google's version does not work with the others)
    This tends to mean that using the web Login to Google to Chat also cannot video chat to other Jabber apps that are using Jingle.
    If your Buddy is using iChat then check the Video Menu has two items to Enable Camera/Video chat and Microphone/Audio chats are ticked.
    In the View Menu the Show Status Items should be ticked (Selecting them toggles the tick and the function On or Off)
    It could be Internet speed but at this stage I would doubt this at this stage.
    10:27 PM      Saturday; January 21, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • How to video chat from a macbook using ichat and an iPad 2 using facetime

    How do I set up to do a video chat from a macbook with ichat and lion to an ipad 2 with facetime

    You can't -  but you can use FaceTime on the iPad and FaceTime on the Mac running Lion.

  • Podcasting with skype,ichat and garage band at the same time

    so here is my problem I have a podcast show and I record one of my hosts through i chat into garage band and the other is a phone guest through skype.....everything is going through an alesis mixer...the problem is my i chat host cannot hear the skype phone guest....what should I do??

    Microphone into mixer. Output of computer into mixer. Skype and iChat routed to computer output. Skype, iChat and Garageband inputs all set to mixer output (either analogue output plugged into computer line in or using the USB connection). Turn monitoring in GB off.
    Now everyone should be able to hear everyone, but the Skype and iChat contributors will also hear themselves coming back with a delay, which makes it very difficult to talk.
    There is a way round this, but it involves having two separate audio-USB interfaces (which shouldn't be the same model) - they need to be able to handle both ways at the same time, and many don't. I assume that your Alesis is much the same as mine.
    Microphone to mixer. Skype output and input to interface A. iChat output and input to interface B. Set GarageBand input to mixer main output as above.
    Microphone channel : turn up sends to Aux A and B
    Skype channel: turn up send to Aux B only
    iChat channel: turn up send to Aux A only
    Plug Aux A output to interface A
    Plug Aux B output to interface B
    You have now set up what is called 'clean feed' in the UK ('mix minus' in the USA). Skype should receive the microphone and iChat but not itself, iChat should receive the microphone and Skype but not itself. Everything should be heard by Garageband.
    You may find some difficulty in getting this to work. The main sticking point is going to be that the interfaces have to work in both directions at the same time, and as I said, many don't.
    Skype will handle conference calls and this would be a simpler solution!

  • Iam not able to use all the options in my ichat and neither is my sister can anyone help us were both new to macbooks??

    both me and my sister do not have all the options available to us on ichat and we both want to use the video chat help please were both new to the mac worlds. thanks!

    iChat 6 ?
    I have seen one post that suggests the the Connection Doctor (VIdeo Menu) says in the capabilities tab that the AIR will not do Multiway Video or Audio chats.
    I am not sure how true this is as iChat 4 and 5 can.
    Much earlier Mac computers such as G4 signle Processors do have this issue.  I would not have expected it with an Intel Processor.
    File Transfers can be dependent on the Port used being open in your router (As can Video and Audio chats)
    Screen Sharing requires that you use UPnP to open ports in the router (As well as turning it On in the vidoe Menu).
    If you could be more precise I could match my answers to your questions.
    It is late where I am and it will be about 20 hours before I read any reply.
    10:28 PM      Thursday; August 25, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • PC Webcam works with iChat and iSight

    Before I purchase a web cam for my PC I need to know if it will work with iChat and iSight. Will I need to install any third party software for my mac or PC?

    Hi Gene,
    You will need to make a choice between AIM and Trillian
    The AIM app is free but does not Audio only Chat to iChat users and has a very small pic.
    Trillian costs $25 for the Pro version to Video chat but has a Bigger pic and can do full screen. The Basic version can alos Audio only chat to iChat users. Trillian can also join other IM services.
    More info on setting up AIM on the PC http://www.ralphjohnsuk.dsl.pipex.com/page12.html and the XP Service Pack 2 firewall. The Firewall will need to have Trillain enabled though it as well if you use that.

  • Trouble with ichat and photoboth

    On second install of family pack leopard 08, ichat and photo booth have only half of the effects installed on the second install,it left off all video backgrounds. First install has full package. I am afraid to reinstall as it may claim one of the five allowable installs, and all are needed in our household. This was a g5 all other models are imac. Also effects on video backgrounds are very torn really unusable on the first install.
    Thanks for any help.

    Thank you for the information. I am sorry that I have not updated my profile. If I could post on my profile that networking overwhelms me, I would. My firewall is not on (I have had every intention to get that started). I went to set up the firewall and it is asking for information that I just do not know (e.g. DNS Server, Domain, etc.) Should I set it up a particular way?? I have seen some posts recommending PPPoE. Quite honestly, it is Greek to me. I have purchased a book to help me with this information, but I just have not had the time to really read the information (I know that sounds very lazy). I appreciate your help. I have increased the Quicktime streaming rate. We will try again tonight.

  • HT3964 Hello, my isight camer is not working properly, i was using photo booth and suddenly the image was black or too dark and also ichat and facetime are too dark as well, please helpme out i can not find any solution.

    Hello, my isight camer is not working properly, i was using photo booth and suddenly the image was black or too dark and also ichat and facetime are too dark as well, please helpme out i can not find any solution.

    read this and see if it helps: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht2090

  • Backdrops with Sony DV Camcorder in iChat and Photo Booth

    Hello I have found the Backdrops will not work with my DV camcorder, I have seen on apple's iChat page that "Backdrop effects when using a DV camcorder require fixed focus, exposure, and white balance". How do I do that with my camcorder (or can it even be done on most?)

    Do you have an internal iSight as well ? (i.e. not a Mac Mini or Mac Pro)
    Do the Backdrops work for that camera in iChat and Photo Booth ?
    I have a MacBook Pro and it has an Interanl iSight
    I have plugged in an X-Box 360 camera and the current USB 2.0 USB Video Class (UVC) camera I use with my G4 and they work.
    Prior to buying the G4 a USB 2.0 Card and a new camera I was using A Dazzle Hollywood DV Convertor with a older Canon UC600 analogue Camcorder (Converting PAL TV signals to DV then via Firewire to the Computer) and this worked to the MacBook Pro as well
    With that in mid I am not sure it all about the Auto Focus and White Balance other than those can help get the best pictures.
    I would be interested in how the "Video" is getting form camera to computuer ?
    What sort of Signal that is ?
    Whether Backdrops work anyway ?
    7:58 PM Tuesday; July 28, 2009
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

  • IChat and Photobooth effects- Broken! Not all but some

    Okay so these effects work while iChatting and while looking at the screen in Photobooth. When you try to take a picture however, the result is either negative or white. The pictures looks alright up top right after its taken but down below when you look at the little polaroid icon the picture is negative or white. Also after you click on the little icon to review the picture it no longer looks fine up top.
    ASCII Art
    Fire Drips
    Line Screen
    Magic Ball
    Radar Sweep
    I don't want to delete these effects. I know how to do that but I want to keep them! I know the pathways and everything. I think they may just be broken because I now have Snow Leopard. I'm not sure when these were installed but I know it was before I installed Snow Leopard. I think they were downloaded from the Apple website though.
    Basically my question is, is there anyway to reinstall these effects or change a setting so that they work?
    I could put on a screenshot, I have one I just don't know how to put it into the post. If you can explain then I could add that later if it would help.

    They are the MoreiChatEffects.
    They are causing problems in PhotoBooth mainly but also in iChat.
    As you know they are in the Compostions folder you will know they are Quartz files.
    If you Install Developer Tools off the Install Disk > Options Installs folder you can open them.
    It seems they are not fully Intel or rather not fully integrated with the OS in Snow Leopard.
    Older Quartz files like the ones that come with this Utility http://www.scriptsoftware.com/chatfx/ DO NOT work with the OS above 10.4.9
    Both these seem to be because Apple have made changes in the way the basic Video stream is captured for each OS.
    With the Chat FX ones I made a Duplicate (Finder > File Menu) and then played around.
    If I was going to do it with these I would take an Apple one and keep the Input model and Output module and replace it with an MoreiChatEffects one to see if I could get it to work in Snow Leopard (Photobooth and iChat).
    I would keep an Eye on the web site for more info http://ismileys.free.fr/moreichateffects/
    The header seems to say that some may not work.
    It does also say Intel but nothing I saw about Snow Leopard.
    10:45 PM Monday; January 18, 2010
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

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