Icloud is not installing add in in outlook 2010 on PC

It used to work, then suddenly it disappeared.   I ran icloud control panel again, and it said it set up outlook, but then when I open outlook, the add in is not there.  Help?

OK< I got it.  For some reason, although I can still run the icloud control panel, when I looked in the programs list in control panel, the icloud was not in the list (lost registry?).   But I found a program called 'Apple Software Update'.  I ran that and it first told me there was an updated itune version and more importantly, it said there is a new software "icloud control panel version 2,1,1,'.   It is the same as I was running it but obviously it was not found or the version I have was corrupt.   So I clicked the box to download the 'icloud control panel' and allowed it to update to the new version of itunes as well (although I don't think it was needed).   Then I restarted the icloud control panel (after having to restart the computer), unchecked the 'mail, contacts, calendars & tasks with Outlook', hit Apply button, then checked it again and hit apply again.  Voila!  icloud set up the add ins again in my outlook and all was well after that.

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    Kind Regards, Sumone

    Hello Sumone,
    Make sure that you did all the steps described in the
    Deploying an Office Solution by Using Windows Installer article in MSDN. Be aware, you need to have admin privileges for installing add-ins for all users.

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    Hi nprguy,
    It sounds like an earlier version of the BlackBerry® Desktop Software installed on your PC may be conflicting with this installation. 
    I would advise uninstalling both versions of the BlackBerry Desktop Software then reinstalling the latest version.
    The following KB articles should provide more information on the issue.
    "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable" when uninstalling BlackBerry Desktop Manager www.blackberry.com/btsc/KB10220
    "Error 1316" InstallShield error is encountered when uninstalling or upgrading the BlackBerry Desktop Software
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.
    Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

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    We can disable the "Reply" button by using Control IDs.
    Please first make sure that you have installed the
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    For more information, please refer:
    Steve Fan
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    Guys, I fixed it.
    Click here (http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1455)to download a clean / separate install of iCloud Control Panel 3.0 for Windows.
    Go to Windows program manager or what ever its called & completely uninstall your current iCloud Control Panel 3.0 for Windows. This is most likely the one you got bundled with iTunes 11.1 (was in my case).
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    Delete the /Library/Printers/Epson folder. Then try installing the software that you downloaded again. If that doesn't help, you can try downloading the full package of Epson drivers from http://support.apple.com/kb/DL900.
    It shouldn't be necessary to go back to SL and then to Lion to get this working.
    Hope this helps.

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    Maybe to confuse this even further, I have a new iPad 2 which I would like to keep the calendar and contacts synched via iCloud.
    I hope I have articulated this well enough as the issue seems to be a bit complicated to describe.
    Thx DD

    I had the EXACT same problem and heard about CodeTwo Sync for iCloud. I downloaded and installed the 30-day trial version. So far I love it! After 30 days it reverts to only syncing the Calendar for free. Its $10 to buy the license key to keep it syncing Calendar and Contacts and Tasks. I'm NOT syncing Tasks with it because I've been using Toodledo and it works well with Categories (Contexts in Toodledo) for doing the GTD system, although I'm looking into other ways I may be use iCloud for my Outlook Tasks WHILE MAINTAING CATEGORIES.
    I'm probably going to buy the CodeTwo Sync for iCloud within the 30 day trial. It does exactly what you want it to do: syncs the iCloud account folder with your default Outlook modules/folders - AUTOMATICALLY - without having to do anything (clicking, etc.). THAT's what I'M talkin' about!

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    Can anyone explain why login credentials that work for outlook.com (successful access to email inbox) return an authentication failure (401 error) when used to test connectivity via https://testconnectivity.microsoft.com?
    I set up a custom domain at https://domains.live.com and did the following DNS configuration steps at my web hosting company following instructions from domains.live.com:
    Created custom MX record
    Created CNAME record [name:] autodiscover.jrergonomics.com [value:] autodiscover.outlook.com.
    I created email addresses at domains.live.com > jrergonomics.com > Member accounts and tested by successfully logging in to outlook.com.
    When I try to add either account to Outlook 2010, I get a popup box with this information:
    Title: "Windows Security"
    Connecting to [email protected]
    [[email protected]]
    [ ] Remember my credentials
                                       [   OK   ]  [  Cancel 
    The credentials that I use successfully to log in to outlook.com don't work here; I get the popup box 3-4 times and then the Outlook 2010 Add New Account dialog displays an error:
    "An encrypted connection to your mail server is not available. Click Next to attempt using an unencrypted connection."
    Clicking Next results in an error message:
    "Problem Connecting to Server"
    I have tried verifying the connectivity using https://testconnectivity.microsoft.com:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <testresult status="FatalError" errorid="734044ef-11c2-4e30-9ee6-450d49e9d92c" contentUrl="" testdescription="The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer is attempting to test Autodiscover for [email protected]." resultdescription="Testing Autodiscover failed." additionaldetails="" elapsedMilliseconds="40517">
    <testresult status="FatalError" errorid="734044ef-11c2-4e30-9ee6-450d49e9d92c" contentUrl="" testdescription="Attempting each method of contacting the Autodiscover service." resultdescription="The Autodiscover service couldn't be contacted successfully by any method." additionaldetails="" elapsedMilliseconds="40517">
    <testresult status="Error" errorid="734044ef-11c2-4e30-9ee6-450d49e9d92c" contentUrl="" testdescription="Attempting to test potential Autodiscover URL https://jrergonomics.com/AutoDiscover/AutoDiscover.xml" resultdescription="Testing of this potential Autodiscover URL failed." additionaldetails="" elapsedMilliseconds="21181">
    <testresult status="Success" errorid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" contentUrl="" testdescription="Attempting to resolve the host name jrergonomics.com in DNS." resultdescription="The host name resolved successfully." additionaldetails="IP addresses returned:" elapsedMilliseconds="146">
    <children />
    <testresult status="Error" errorid="c716c7b4-a473-4ca4-8859-fc9c5bb12ad1" contentUrl="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=133210&amp;v=ExRCA.1&amp;id=B2E81FE1-5A94-4d07-9D58-AD483268A72A" testdescription="Testing TCP port 443 on host jrergonomics.com to ensure it's listening and open." resultdescription="The specified port is either blocked, not listening, or not producing the expected response." additionaldetails="A network error occurred while communicating with the remote host.&#xD;&#xA;" elapsedMilliseconds="21035">
    <children />
    <testresult status="Error" errorid="734044ef-11c2-4e30-9ee6-450d49e9d92c" contentUrl="" testdescription="Attempting to test potential Autodiscover URL https://autodiscover.jrergonomics.com/AutoDiscover/AutoDiscover.xml" resultdescription="Testing of this potential Autodiscover URL failed." additionaldetails="" elapsedMilliseconds="4982">
    <testresult status="Success" errorid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" contentUrl="" testdescription="Attempting to resolve the host name autodiscover.jrergonomics.com in DNS." resultdescription="The host name resolved successfully." additionaldetails="IP addresses returned:,,," elapsedMilliseconds="376">
    <children />
    <testresult status="Error" errorid="c716c7b4-a473-4ca4-8859-fc9c5bb12ad1" contentUrl="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=133210&amp;v=ExRCA.1&amp;id=B2E81FE1-5A94-4d07-9D58-AD483268A72A" testdescription="Testing TCP port 443 on host autodiscover.jrergonomics.com to ensure it's listening and open." resultdescription="The specified port is either blocked, not listening, or not producing the expected response." additionaldetails="A network error occurred while communicating with the remote host.&#xD;&#xA;" elapsedMilliseconds="4605">
    <children />
    <testresult status="FatalError" errorid="734044ef-11c2-4e30-9ee6-450d49e9d92c" contentUrl="" testdescription="Attempting to contact the Autodiscover service using the HTTP redirect method." resultdescription="The attempt to contact Autodiscover using the HTTP Redirect method failed." additionaldetails="" elapsedMilliseconds="14148">
    <testresult status="Success" errorid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" contentUrl="" testdescription="Attempting to resolve the host name autodiscover.jrergonomics.com in DNS." resultdescription="The host name resolved successfully." additionaldetails="IP addresses returned:,,," elapsedMilliseconds="21">
    <children />
    <testresult status="Success" errorid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" contentUrl="" testdescription="Testing TCP port 80 on host autodiscover.jrergonomics.com to ensure it's listening and open." resultdescription="The port was opened successfully." additionaldetails="" elapsedMilliseconds="59">
    <children />
    <testresult status="Success" errorid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" contentUrl="" testdescription="The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer is checking the host autodiscover.jrergonomics.com for an HTTP redirect to the Autodiscover service." resultdescription="The redirect (HTTP 301/302) response was received successfully." additionaldetails="Redirect URL: https://autodiscover-s.outlook.com/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;HTTP Response Headers:&#xD;&#xA;Connection: close&#xD;&#xA;Pragma: no-cache&#xD;&#xA;Cache-Control: no-cache&#xD;&#xA;Location: https://autodiscover-s.outlook.com/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml&#xD;&#xA;" elapsedMilliseconds="45">
    <children />
    <testresult status="FatalError" errorid="734044ef-11c2-4e30-9ee6-450d49e9d92c" contentUrl="" testdescription="Attempting to test potential Autodiscover URL https://autodiscover-s.outlook.com/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml" resultdescription="Testing of this potential Autodiscover URL failed." additionaldetails="" elapsedMilliseconds="14021">
    <testresult status="Success" errorid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" contentUrl="" testdescription="Attempting to resolve the host name autodiscover-s.outlook.com in DNS." resultdescription="The host name resolved successfully." additionaldetails="IP addresses returned:,,,,," elapsedMilliseconds="191">
    <children />
    <testresult status="Success" errorid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" contentUrl="" testdescription="Testing TCP port 443 on host autodiscover-s.outlook.com to ensure it's listening and open." resultdescription="The port was opened successfully." additionaldetails="" elapsedMilliseconds="84">
    <children />
    <testresult status="SuccessWithWarnings" errorid="734044ef-11c2-4e30-9ee6-450d49e9d92c" contentUrl="" testdescription="Testing the SSL certificate to make sure it's valid." resultdescription="The certificate passed all validation requirements." additionaldetails="" elapsedMilliseconds="248">
    <testresult status="Success" errorid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" contentUrl="" testdescription="The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer is attempting to obtain the SSL certificate from remote server autodiscover-s.outlook.com on port 443." resultdescription="The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer successfully obtained the remote SSL certificate." additionaldetails="Remote Certificate Subject: CN=outlook.com, OU=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=WA, C=US, Issuer: CN=Microsoft IT SSL SHA2, OU=Microsoft IT, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US." elapsedMilliseconds="163">
    <children />
    <testresult status="Success" errorid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" contentUrl="" testdescription="Validating the certificate name." resultdescription="The certificate name was validated successfully." additionaldetails="Host name autodiscover-s.outlook.com was found in the Certificate Subject Alternative Name entry." elapsedMilliseconds="1">
    <children />
    <testresult status="SuccessWithWarnings" errorid="734044ef-11c2-4e30-9ee6-450d49e9d92c" contentUrl="" testdescription="Certificate trust is being validated." resultdescription="The certificate is trusted and all certificates are present in the chain." additionaldetails="">
    <testresult status="Success" errorid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" contentUrl="" testdescription="The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer is attempting to build certificate chains for certificate CN=outlook.com, OU=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=WA, C=US." resultdescription="One or more certificate chains were constructed successfully." additionaldetails="A total of 1 chains were built. The highest quality chain ends in root certificate CN=Baltimore CyberTrust Root, OU=CyberTrust, O=Baltimore, C=IE." elapsedMilliseconds="34">
    <children />
    <testresult status="Warning" errorid="1339c33a-8f21-427b-a323-4cee1a13f517" contentUrl="" testdescription="Analyzing the certificate chains for compatibility problems with versions of Windows." resultdescription="Potential compatibility problems were identified with some versions of Windows." additionaldetails="The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer can only validate the certificate chain using the Root Certificate Update functionality from Windows Update. Your certificate may not be trusted on Windows if the &quot;Update Root Certificates&quot; feature isn't enabled." elapsedMilliseconds="4">
    <children />
    <testresult status="Success" errorid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" contentUrl="" testdescription="Testing the certificate date to confirm the certificate is valid." resultdescription="Date validation passed. The certificate hasn't expired." additionaldetails="The certificate is valid. NotBefore = 2/18/2014 11:41:01 PM, NotAfter = 2/18/2016 11:41:01 PM" elapsedMilliseconds="0">
    <children />
    <testresult status="Success" errorid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" contentUrl="" testdescription="Checking the IIS configuration for client certificate authentication." resultdescription="Client certificate authentication wasn't detected." additionaldetails="Accept/Require Client Certificates isn't configured." elapsedMilliseconds="804">
    <children />
    <testresult status="FatalError" errorid="734044ef-11c2-4e30-9ee6-450d49e9d92c" contentUrl="" testdescription="Attempting to send an Autodiscover POST request to potential Autodiscover URLs." resultdescription="Autodiscover settings weren't obtained when the Autodiscover POST request was sent." additionaldetails="" elapsedMilliseconds="12692">
    <testresult status="FatalError" errorid="6c458392-3a8c-4bc2-942e-7ab533744106" contentUrl="" testdescription="The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer is attempting to retrieve an XML Autodiscover response from URL https://autodiscover-s.outlook.com/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml for user [email protected]." resultdescription="The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer failed to obtain an Autodiscover XML response." additionaldetails="An HTTP 401 Unauthorized response was received from the remote Unknown server. This is usually the result of an incorrect username or password. If you are attempting to log onto an Office 365 service, ensure you are using your full User Principal Name (UPN).&#xD;&#xA;Headers received:&#xD;&#xA;RequestId: 842d50d9-3e33-4627-8804-98fa0b02070c&#xD;&#xA;X-DiagInfo: CH1PRD0910CA013&#xD;&#xA;Content-Length: 0&#xD;&#xA;Cache-Control: private&#xD;&#xA;Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 04:57:26 GMT&#xD;&#xA;Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5&#xD;&#xA;WWW-Authenticate: Basic Realm=&quot;&quot;&#xD;&#xA;X-AspNet-Version: 2.0.50727&#xD;&#xA;X-Powered-By: ASP.NET&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;HTTP Response Headers:&#xD;&#xA;RequestId: 842d50d9-3e33-4627-8804-98fa0b02070c&#xD;&#xA;X-DiagInfo: CH1PRD0910CA013&#xD;&#xA;Content-Length: 0&#xD;&#xA;Cache-Control: private&#xD;&#xA;Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 04:57:26 GMT&#xD;&#xA;Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5&#xD;&#xA;WWW-Authenticate: Basic Realm=&quot;&quot;&#xD;&#xA;X-AspNet-Version: 2.0.50727&#xD;&#xA;X-Powered-By: ASP.NET&#xD;&#xA;" elapsedMilliseconds="12691">
    <children />

    Since this is an Exchange forum and your issue is related to domain.live.com, I recommend you contact with domain.live.com support to get quicker and more professional help:<cite class="_Vc">https://domains.live.com/support/
    Thanks for your understanding in advance.
    Best regards,
    Angela Shi
    TechNet Community Support

  • I need to sync notes on my ipad with outlook 2010.   Please help!

    I just got the orginal ipad and need to sync it with notes in outlook 2010. I now see that 2010 is not supported! Is there an app which could bridge the gap? Or will apple be supporting 2010 soon?

    You need to restore your iPad from iTunes.
    Start iTunes.
    Plug in your iPad using the USB cable.
    Click on the iPad in the left hand column under "Devices".
    In the "Summary" tab, there are options to Back up, Update and Restore.
    Choose Restore, choose the backup and let it run.
    If your old iPad was capable of receiving data on the go, without wifi, then you have a SIM installed. Best to check anyway. You need either the tool supplied in the box, or the end of a paper clip to open the tray

  • Ovi does not sync some info with Outlook 2010

    I have been struggling with syncronization issues between my Nokia N97 and Outlook 2010 for nearly a year! With the latest Ovi Suite version, finally some issues are solved but still others persist. In this thread I would like to mention that Ovi synchronization does not sync the Contacts information such as Company and E-mail.
    After having paid so much money and waiting nearly for a year to have my "smart" phone to be able to sync with my computer, Nokia guys, please, is this such a hard thing to do?!?
    Go to Solution.

    I have a brand new Nokia N8  (N8-00) and I also have a new PC running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit which I'm installing Nokia apps on for the first time..  I also run Office 2010.
    I have a Nokia N86 that I wanted to transfer all my data from, and was going to use the data transfer feature built into the phones, but persevered with this problem and here is my solution. (thanks to the info above and comments in other threads)
    I installed PC Suite 7.1.36 as I prefer this to the dreaded Ovi Suite, and got my data into Outlook 2010 from my N86.  But of course this version of PC Suite doesn't support the N8 so I had to install Ovi Suite  I used this to update the operating system of the phone, and applied all other updates apart from two of the game updates which are failing.  (a problem for next week!)
    I then hit the dreaded sit and do nothing issue when trying to sync my contacts, calendar etc!
    I uninstalled PC Suite 7.1.36 and downloaded PC Suite version from rapidshare.com and sure enough this supports the N8 and I was able to get my data onto my N8!
    I just have to remember NOT to update my PC Suite until the problem with Ovi is sorted!   So I will use Ovi to keep my phone software up to date, and PC Suite my data.
    I hope this helps others with the same problem, there seem to be quite a few of you!   Please note that I am using the 64 bit version of Win 7 and so far have not hit any issues, although this was reported otherwise in this thread.   In other words, copy this procedure at your own risk!  ;-)

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