ICloud webmail - can I improve it?

Hey all,
I upgraded to iCloud as soon as it became available in the UK last year. So far, it's been a bit up and down. I really, really want to like it! I love using Apple Mail on my Mac, it's such a nice program, and my '@me.com' address is much shorter and nicer than my old Gmail address. iCloud.com looks much cooler than Gmail.com too.
However there are several things that are persisting to bug me, and preventing me from completely switching over from Gmail. I was willing to give Apple a few months to smooth out the problems, but nothing seems to be improving.
These is one of the main problems. Any help appreciated!
Email not pushing to webmail
This is the most annoying. When I log onto icloud.com (which I have to do all day, every day at work), emails do not appear quickly, if at all. For example, I'll get an email, and my iPhone will buzz straight away to alert me. Great, but I'd rather read the mail on my Mac. So I open up icloud.com in Safari or Chrome, and the mail isn't there.
Originally there was a little 'refresh' arrow (like Gmail have), so I'd click that, and the email would appear. Now Apple seem to have got rid of the refresh arrow. So I have to actually refresh the whole web page, which is insanely annoying and slow. Or alternatively, I have to click into another folder, eg Drafts, then back to Inbox, and then the mail will show up. This is really, really poor for a web-based email service! Email should appear in real time!
Can I do anything to improve it? Thanks for any help!

I have the same problem. Have you heard any solutions to the problem from any other threads you may have posted? I'm on a PC and even went so far as to install Safari on my PC to see if that would resolve the problem, to no avail.

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    I had the same problem since last Thursday.  I have tried and re-tried all of the settings suggested by the support posts but I can not get email to go out of me Outbox.

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    Ok 1st one. The warning restriction message relates to this line in main.cf:
    smtpd_helo_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated  permit_mynetworks  check_helo_access hash:/etc/postfix/helo_access  reject_non_fqdn_hostname  reject_invalid_hostname  permit reject_invalid_helo_hostname
    The last reject occurs after the single word "permit" and is ignored.
    However, that's not the problem.
    I'm not exactly sure what's happening, but this might be a clue.
    It would appear that either postfix is not being able to create the socket for private/policy or it's somehow created with the wrong permissions.  You might need to ramp up the debug level to get a better idea.
    You could check if it's being created by "netstat -a | grep private/policy" in terminal.
    My guess is that it's not being created because there is no setup statement in your master.cf file, but I don't understand why postfix would be looking for it if it isn't set up.  Private/policy I think relates to grey listing.  Maybe gives you a hint.

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    I agree. MobileMe was fine for me. iCloud to date is a confusing mess and I'm not seeing the value yet myself. None of my friends have updated yet-- they are waiting to see how bad it is for me first (I have smart friends...)! Maybe if I can stream iTunes songs over the cloud to my work I would be a bit happier about "the cloud".

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    Invisible text in Flash enabled web pages is a frustrating problem that is affecting Mac Users who play Farm Town (8.5+ million people on FaceBook) and probably many other games too.  See this forum as an example of the problem:  http://slashkey.com/forum/showthread.php?p=2531318
    Before even reading this forum I did everything that appears here with no success and then everything listed in the referenced forum (above) with no success... but the following did fix the invisible text problem and I hope that it will help others too.
    1.  Drag the Font folder from the User directory to the trash  ie. ~/Library/Fonts.  (where ~ is = your User Account Name.)
         Be careful; this is NOT the Font folder in the main library.
    2. Download Font Finagler v1.5 beta for Mac OS 6, and clean the font cashe files following the instructions for this free shareware app.
    3. Open the Font Book app which is a new app that is included with the Mac OS Snow Leopard (10.6). (Font Book is in the Applications folder.) Read the Help info for this app and then: Choose "All Fonts" in the left column and then choose "Select Duplicate Fonts" from the Edit menu. Disable or delete all duplicate fonts that this process identifies. After dealing with the duplicate fonts, select "All Fonts" again in the left column and choose "Validate Fonts" from the File Menu.  Deal with the results that it will display using the help file for guidance.  Interestingly, in my case there were no corrupt fonts in my Mac system, but the validation process identified more duplicate fonts that the previous step did not find. Again deal with the findings and disable or delete the duplicate fonts.
    4. Reboot your Mac and get on with using your Flash enabled web pages.  Duplicate fonts seems to be the problem that cause invisible text in Flash enabled web pages.
    Hope this helps you... it worked for me.

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    Anyone have an idea what the problem could be? Also, on a sidenote my Mail app will not connect my iCloud account. That's actually been since 05/27/14. I haven't changed a thing on my end - password, account settings etc.
    Thanks in advance for any help!
    - Brent

    Try using Safari and see if you can stay logged in.
    Most likely you need to re-enter your passwords in Mail.
    In Mail, under Window in the Menu bar select Connection Doctor. Do you see a green or red light by iCloud?
    A red light indicates you need to check your settings.
    If your password is missing, you need to add.
    Under the advanced tab make sure Apple Token is selected.
    Click out of the account to save.
    Check Connection Doctor to see if you have the green light now.
    If no, I would remove the account and Apple setup the account again.
    Run Keychain First Aid
    Open Keychain Access, located in Applications/Utilities
    Choose Keychain Access > Keychain First Aid.
    Enter your user name and password.
    Select Repair and click Start.
    If any problems are found run again to verify all repaired.

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    Thanks. Very helpful. It's now less of a strain for me. But the fonts are still too pale. I really need to be able to read words that are black. In Mail, the sender and headings are dark enough, but the content is still too light for me to read without straining. Any other suggestions?

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    There are other browers available in the app store, I've heard that some of them can access icloud.com.  I don't know which ones.
    Also, can't you just add your account in mail?  You can always delete it when home - it won't mess things up for her.  ... unless there are "security" issues involved.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    You can only locate your device when it is logged into iCloud and 'Find My Phone' is enabled, additionally the device will need to be switched on and connected to a wifi or cellular network.
    Unfortunately, you cannot activate iCloud or 'Find My Phone' remotely.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Which OS are you using.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community Joe.
    There is nothing stopping you doing so, but you won't be able to sync anything between them.

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    Has iTunes completed its scan of your iTunes library on your computer Subscribing to iTunes from an iOS device.

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    I am using itunes64bit 8.0.2
    I am running it on a machine equipped with 4GB of ram and the library lives on a 500GB external hard drive plugged-in through USB 2.0.
    How can I improve the stability of itunes64bit on my system?
    Message was edited by: JF Boisvert

    This VI can be convert to labview 8.0 because subvi are not compatible with old version.
    I post a screenshot.
    Aurélien J.
    National Instruments France
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    >> Du 30 juin au 25 août, embarquez pour 2 mois de vidéo-t'chat ! Prenez place pour un voyage au coe...
    image.jpg ‏38 KB

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    How come I can't add a song to my playlists in itunes match? Is it me or itunes match? It keeps on coming up with a message " iCloud playlists can only contain songs from your iCloud music library. If you continue, the playlist will be removed from iCloud and will only be available on this computer"?
    You must surely be able to add and subtract songs on specific playlist?

    I fixed this issue (with help from tech support) and it involved several things.
    After adding a song to iTunes, right-click on the song in iTunes and select "Update iTunes Match."
    OR go to the iTunes menu-->Store-->Update iTunes Match.
    Maybe that's the reason, it just hadn't updated to the cloud.
    OR maybe it's not a high-enough bitrate file.   This happens to me because most of my tunes are home-recorded.
    Sometimes converting to .mp3 or Create AAC version might work. (You do this with a right-click in iTunes, and then you will want to remove the original file from iTunes.)
    There is an iTunes Preferences setting, under General Preferences called Import Settings.  Try setting it to AAC Encoder and iTunes Plus.   That (I think) causes imports to be slightly better quality.
    Good luck!  The tech support person at Apple is requesting that a knowlege-base article be written about this.

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    You should call Apple Support and give them your Apple ID so that they can verify how many photos you actually do have backed up in iCloud...
    Also, are you able to do an iTunes backup at all? Because that would save all of the photos and allow you to get them onto the new device.
    Apple Support number is

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