Iconia W510 dock not working

On plugging in the tablet to the dock, the keyboard/touchpad no longer function. I have downloaded the latest driver package from Acer website and installed but issue remains. When connecting/disconnecting I get the sound as if the dock is recognised. Any advice appreciated.

Is this a permanent state or something that happens occasionally? While my dock's keyboard always work, the touchpad has shut down on me a couple of times. I noticed a pattern and it seems the dock charges the pad while in sleep/hibernation/turned off. This drains the dock's battery. When in use, my W510 drains the dock's battery to 1 % before it starts using the internal battery. That renders the dock so low on power it does not have the juice to keep the touchpad running. Same goes for say a USB DVD-drive attached to the dock. Sadly, I cannot recall which update caused this, as this was something that began overnight. The first year or so, it always left enough power in the dock's battery to keep all things running. Thus, I believe it is a power options.

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    We are trying to implement opportunistic cross-docking process. My understanding is that during the creation of the goods receipt TO the system looks for any open picking TO and accordingly directly moves material from 902 to 916 storage type. The following configuration is done
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    Hi Jurgen,
    Thanks for the link. But I had already gone through it and configured the system accordngly. The surprising part is that corss-docking is working for outboud documents i.e. if i create a TO for inbound first and then for outbound then while creating the TO for outbound it automatically takes the source as 902 and cancels the put away TO. However for other way round where the outbound TO is first created and then the inbound, the expectation is that reverse should happen i.e. the destination in the TO should be taken as 916 and original picking TO should be cancelled. However it is not happening.
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    You could try removing the .plist file again, but this time, try also removing the com.apple.dock.db file. Then log out and log in again.
    Also, it seems as if many people are having similar problems. See [this thread|http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=9126119].
    So, does the problem persist with another user account?
    If it were my machine, the next thing I'd try is downloading the combo updater from Apple's website and reinstalling it. 10.5.6 is available [here|http://support.apple.com/downloads/MacOS_X_10-5-6_ComboUpdate].

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    Probably a problem with the install, Iphones are not meant to be user serviceable, and it voids all future support from Apple.
    and unfortunately, you have no one to blame but yourself.
    Sorry, Good luck.

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    As a starting point drag the icon off the dock (it should vanish in a puff of smoke)
    Then go to the applications folder and try to open Safari, if it opens then the application if fine. Close it, then go to applications folder and drag the application to the dock and drop it there, this will create a new short cut. (maybe the old was corrupted)

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    (Charge and sync your iPhone 4 with the iPhone 4 Dock. Your iPhone 4 sits upright in the dock as it syncs or charges, so it's perfect for a desk or countertop. It features a convenient audio line out port that connects to powered speakers. It supports other iPad accessories, such as iPhone AV cables and the USB Power Adapter. You can even conduct speakerphone calls with your iPhone 4 in its dock.)
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    Did you already have a look here http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=300233? It specifies exactly what combinations of cables, docks, and iPod models do and don't work. Looks like the old dock doesn't work with the new iPod's.

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    Revealing the Dock while in a full-screen app requires not only moving the cursor to the bottom of the screen, but keeping your finger on it or moving the cursor along the bottom edge (or other "tricks") to reveal the Dock.
    Many users may like that way of operation, perhaps a great majority. But hundreds of thousands may find it annoying to have this cognitive pause imposed and would rather have the dock appear accidently once in a while when moving the cursor close to the bottom area of the display.
    This worked before Mavericks:
    Setting the Dock autohide delay to zero (in Terminal, with write defaults...) removed this annoyance. As soon as your cursor's at the bottom of the screen, the Dock's there.
    In Mavericks: Nothing to do! (so far)
    APPLE: "You" make WRONG design decisions, "you" make professional users spend dozens of hours investigating how to tweak basic features behind the scenes. And THEN, "you" quietly invalidate those changes. Please, the best design decision that "you" could make is to give the user more choice. Please, give us a section in Preferences where these things may be changed. The religious dumbing down of the interface in favour of supposedly clean esthetics is plain WRONG.
    It is also quite unacceptable that APPLE does read these pages but never responds.

  • Dock not working

    i have just updated my software, and it froze on the updating quicktime security so i had to turn the computer off and on again but now my dock keeps disappearing and re-appearing.

    So what you are saying is you don't know how to proceed or repair your system?
    Did you make a backup first?
    Have you any experience with:
    cleaning cache folders
    corrupt plist preferences
    creating a test account
    use and installed Tiger Cache Cleaner
    Using a Safe Boot Mode
    Single User Mode and runnig */sbin/fsck -fy*
    also, using TCC, /usr/local/tcc commands.
    Booting from emergency boot drive and repairing the drive; or, at the least, using the Install DVD.
    Most problems but not all are or seem to be related to:
    not repairing the drive before applying; not making a backup; using the computer in any way while it is updated (in this regard Windows Vista is safer and has a better update process)
    Buy and use SuperDuper for backup; Disk Warrior for repairs; have a couple backup sets;
    Delete any and everything related to Dock in
    /Users/account name/Library/Preferences
    Also, Finder preferences.
    Take the entire ~/Library/Preferences and rename it to
    Preferences.old and restart.
    Turning the computer off is probably one way to insure that you end up with more problems and with a corrupt directory than you started with.
    Install OS X on another drive and work from there and use that as your emergency boot drive if you don't have a bootable alternate system.

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    Since your phone still works on your HD dock, it has to be the car dock.
    Inside the car dock is a small circuit board. That board or the wires from that board to the micro-USB port that slides into the phone could be bad.
    I don't have the packaging my car dock came in, but there should be some kind of warranty (maybe 30, 60 or 90-day?).

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    Hi and welcome..
    Connect your iPad to your computer. Launch iTunes. Make sure your iPad is recognized in iTunes under Devices on the left.
    Select the Summary tab then click Update.
    Just to make sure your iPad software is up to date.

  • Gestures and dock not working in Mavericks

    Results from EtreCheck
    Hardware Information:
              MacBook Pro (13-inch, Early 2011)
              MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro8,1
              1 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5 CPU: 2 cores
              8 GB RAM
    Video Information:
              Intel HD Graphics 3000 - VRAM: 512 MB
    Audio Plug-ins:
              BluetoothAudioPlugIn: Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.9
              AirPlay: Version: 1.9 - SDK 10.9
              AppleAVBAudio: Version: 2.0.0 - SDK 10.9
              iSightAudio: Version: 7.7.3 - SDK 10.9
    Startup Items:
              HWNetMgr: Path: /Library/StartupItems/HWNetMgr
              HWPortDetect: Path: /Library/StartupItems/HWPortDetect
              Sudochmod: Path: /Library/StartupItems/Sudochmod
    System Software:
              OS X 10.9.1 (13B42) - Uptime: 0 days 0:5:13
    Disk Information:
              ST95005620AS disk0 : (500,11 GB)
                        EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 209,7 MB
                        Macintosh HD (disk0s2) /: 499,25 GB (224,66 GB free)
                        Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>: 650 MB
              MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-898 
    USB Information:
              Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
              Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
              Apple Inc. BRCM2070 Hub
                        Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
              Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
    FireWire Information:
    Thunderbolt Information:
              Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus
    Kernel Extensions:
              com.eltima.SyncMate.kext          (0.2.5b15)
              net.telestream.driver.TelestreamAudio          (1.0.5 - SDK 10.6)
    Problem System Launch Daemons:
    Problem System Launch Agents:
    Launch Daemons:
              [loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist
              [loaded] com.adobe.SwitchBoard.plist
              [failed] com.cleverfiles.cfbackd.plist
              [loaded] com.disc-soft.DAEMONTools.PrivilegedHelper.plist
              [loaded] com.microsoft.office.licensing.helper.plist
              [loaded] com.oracle.java.Helper-Tool.plist
              [loaded] org.tcpdump.chmod_bpf.plist
              [failed] rapiback.plist
    Launch Agents:
              [not loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
              [loaded] com.oracle.java.Java-Updater.plist
              [failed] syncmateStarter.plist
    User Launch Agents:
              [failed] com.adobe.ARM.[...].plist
              [failed] com.apple.CSConfigDotMacCert-[redacted]@me.com-SharedServices.Agent.plist
              [failed] com.facebook.videochat.[redacted].plist
              [failed] com.google.GoogleContactSyncAgent.plist
              [failed] com.google.keystone.agent.plist
              [not loaded] com.valvesoftware.steamclean.plist
    User Login Items:
    3rd Party Preference Panes:
              Flash Player
              FUSE for OS X (OSXFUSE)
    Internet Plug-ins::
              JavaAppletPlugin: Version: Java 7 Update 45
              FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: 11.9.900.170 - SDK 10.6
              QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
              Flash Player: Version: 11.9.900.170 - SDK 10.6
              Default Browser: Version: 537 - SDK 10.9
              SharePointBrowserPlugin: Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.6
              iPhotoPhotocast: Version: 7.0 - SDK 10.8
    Bad Fonts:
    Old applications:
              FacebookVideoCalling:          Version: - SDK 10.5
                        /Users/Nathan/Library/Application Support/Facebook/video/
              FanControl:          Version: 2.3 - SDK 10.4
              Microsoft Alerts Daemon:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Microsoft Alerts Daemon.app
              Microsoft AutoUpdate:          Version: 2.3.6 - SDK 10.4
                        /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MAU2.0/Microsoft AutoUpdate.app
              Microsoft Chart Converter:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Microsoft Chart Converter.app
              Microsoft Clip Gallery:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Microsoft Clip Gallery.app
              Microsoft Database Daemon:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Microsoft Database Daemon.app
              Microsoft Database Utility:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Microsoft Database Utility.app
              Microsoft Document Connection:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Document Connection.app
              Microsoft Error Reporting:          Version: 2.2.9 - SDK 10.4
                        /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MERP2.0/Microsoft Error Reporting.app
              Microsoft Excel:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Excel.app
              Microsoft Graph:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Microsoft Graph.app
              Microsoft Language Register:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Additional Tools/Microsoft Language Register/Microsoft Language Register.app
              Microsoft Office Reminders:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Microsoft Office Reminders.app
              Microsoft Outlook:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Outlook.app
              Microsoft PowerPoint:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft PowerPoint.app
              Microsoft Ship Asserts:          Version: 1.1.4 - SDK 10.4
                        /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MERP2.0/Microsoft Ship Asserts.app
              Microsoft Upload Center:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Microsoft Upload Center.app
              Microsoft Word:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Word.app
              My Day:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/My Day.app
              Open XML for Excel:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Open XML for Excel.app
              SA Color Finesse 3 UI:          Version: 3.0.6(275) - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Adobe/Adobe After Effects CS6/Plug-ins/Effects/Synthetic Aperture/(CF3 Support)/SA Color Finesse 3 UI.app
              SLLauncher:          Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.5
                        /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Silverlight/OutOfBrowser/SLLauncher.app
              Solver:          Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Add-Ins/Solver.app
              SyncServicesAgent:          Version: 14.3.9 - SDK 10.5
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/SyncServicesAgent.app
              dynamiclinkmanager:          Version: 6.0.0 - SDK 10.5
                        /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/dynamiclink/CS6/dynamiclinkmanager.app
              dynamiclinkmediaserver:          Version: 6.0.0 - SDK 10.5
                        /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/dynamiclinkmediaserver/1.0/dynamiclinkmediaserver.app
    Time Machine:
              Time Machine not configured!
    Top Processes by CPU:
                   3%          WindowServer
                   3%          hidd
                   2%          EtreCheck
                   0%          smcFanControl
                   0%          CIJScannerRegister
    Top Processes by Memory:
              131 MB          Safari
              98 MB          com.apple.WebKit.WebContent
              82 MB          mds_stores
              66 MB          com.apple.IconServicesAgent
              57 MB          Dropbox
    Virtual Memory Statistics:
              5.50 GB          Free RAM
              1.02 GB          Active RAM
              231 MB          Inactive RAM
              1.25 GB          Wired RAM
              256 MB          Page-ins
              0 B          Page-outs

    Perhaps your dock is incompatible. Clearly, you haven't enough RAM to be running Yosemite or Mavericks or Mountain Lion. I suggest you return to the Snow Leopard that came with your model since you have only 2 GBs of RAM and cannot upgrade it.

  • Drag and Drop to Dock not working

    Hi, I'm using Mac OS X v10.6.8
    I used to have the Transfers folder on my Dock next to Aplications but for some reason it dissapeared from there. I tried to put the Transfers folder back on the Dock by opening Finder, going to the Transfers folder and dragging it onto Dock, but that doesn't work. If I click on the folder with the right mouse button the option Add to Dock doesn't appear either. Does anyone know how to solve this?
    Is there a limit to the amount of icons in a Dock?

    Your Question was similar to mine, and was a tremendously helpful "guide" towards my finding the answer to mine. Thank You! CD

  • Command-Tab & Dock not working right

    I'm talking mainstream apps not showing up in the cmd-tab display. Usually Finder and one other are there, the rest not.
    In the Dock, apps which have been successfully quit still show their open dot until clicked on, whereupon, the dot disappears. Dock problem is constant. Cmd-tab problem is intermittent, about 50% of the time.

    Try using F8

  • Snow leopard tab command and Dock not working with spaces

    When I have spaces enabled, it wont switch to the desktop with the app running when I try to use dock, tab command. I tried repair permissions in Disk Utility. Tried rebooting. Tried autologin. It won't do anything when I click on the icon in the Dock, if its not in the present window. Of course if I turn off spaces, then its fine. I tried turning spaces on and off.
    What is the fix?

    you need to escape the backslash which is a special character in apple script. that means putting an extra backslash in there.
    <pre style="
    font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
    font-size: 10px;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 5px;
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    width: 720px;
    color: #000000;
    background-color: #ADD8E6;
    overflow: auto;"
    title="this text can be pasted into the Script Editor">
    on run {input, parameters}
    do shell script "/Library/Application\\ Support/VMware\\ Fusion/boot.sh --restart" password "pass" with administrator privileges
    return input
    end run</pre>

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