Icons on buttons

I've tried to put an icon on a button, but I am not succesful.
I've applied this note 203846.1 and done:
- My icons are in c:\pruebas\images
- Create virtual directory in forms90.conf
AliasMatch ^/forms90/html/(..*) "C:\PRUEBAS\IMAGES"
- registry.dat
Could anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?

If you typed your posting correctly, you defined a virtual directory called forms90/html, but in iconpath you are using forms90/icons (not same virtual directory name).
I'm assuming you're using iAS. If iDS, you define the virtual directories in /j2ee/Oracle9ids/application-deployments/forms/forms90web.
However, the best way to deploy icons for buttons is to download them to the client by putting them in a JAR file in forms90/java. Then leave iconpath blank and add the jar file to the archive parameter in formsweb.cfg, and make sure imagebase is set to codebase.

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    You realize that LabVIEW 6.0 is at least 15 years old? That would be almost equivalent to working with a Windows 98 machine nowadays!
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    <blockquote>Locking duplicate thread.<br>
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    Hi there,
    First thing you need to understand is all those are apps. Actual apps not websites.
    With this in mind you can bookmark a website and add it to your homescreen. Normally it will use a screen capture of the site but you can place the following code into the head of your html for the home page / home page template:
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    Thanks for the reply.
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    # 1) Runform arguments:
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    forms90.propertiesI will be very much thankful for the information.

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    hi sybille,
    WebDynpro UI like Button has some unsupported properties in mobile devices.
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    and Nokia Series 80 devices. Details could be found at:

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    Jürgen Bauer

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    btn is the instance of JButton.
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    Thank you in advance,

    Hi all,
    Thank you for your suggestions. It works and the button along with the icon becomes gray. Can anybody help me out in the following:
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    Thank you in advance

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