ICS file - Line breaks

I am sending an email with an ICS file as an attachment. Everything work fine, except that when the user opens the ICS file from their outlook, the text is displayed without a line break.
      object_hd_change = w_object_hd_change
      object_type      = 'RAW'
      owner            = sy-uname
      objcont          = message_content
      receivers        = receiver_list
      packing_list     = packing_list
      att_cont         = icsfile.
The message contents came with the proper line breaks. But when I appended the same data into the ICS file, it came out without line breaks.
Any comments?

Thanks for the response Venkat.
I tried the way you have mentioned. But it doesnt reflect.
My packaging file is as below:
CLEAR packing_list.
  describe table icsfile lines packing_list-body_num.
  packing_list-transf_bin = 'X'.
  packing_list-head_start = 0.
  packing_list-body_start = 1.
  packing_list-head_num = 0.
  packing_list-objtp = 'ICS'.
  packing_list-objnam = 'Object name'.
  packing_list-objdes = Sale Order'.
  packing_list-objlen = packing_list-body_num * 255.
  APPEND packing_list.
      object_hd_change = w_object_hd_change
      object_type      = 'RAW'
      owner            = sy-uname
      objcont          = message_content
      receivers        = receiver_list
      packing_list     = packing_list
      att_cont         = icsfile.
When I debugged the code, the icsfile had the below content.
PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 11.0 MIMEDIR//EN
LOCATION:My location is Sydney
This e-mail is an calendar attachment for the order confirmed yesterday via e-mail from ABC.\
Do not reply to this e-mail, as it is automatically generated and your reply will not be received or actioned.\
ABC Australia\
Double click on the attachment and save for your calendar to be updated.\
SUMMARY:Sales order has been confirmed
I can see that my empty lines are represented in the icsfile with a '/' character.

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  • Unable to find line break between two lines in attachment file.

    Dear all I will be very great full if someone help me out,
    I am trying to send mail through SMTP server with an attachment of oracle report, but I am unable to find line break between two lines, when I down load the attachment from mail and open attach.txt file by double click on it. Next line starts right after previous line ends, it should starts with new line.
    In order to send an attachment file, I am reading source file line by line and put MIME protocol’s attachment instance, contain of source file is being properly written into target file if I open that attachment on cmd prompt.
    Following code may help you to understand the case.
    Thanks in advance.
    My code is as follows:-
    create or replace procedure bec_file_test
    v_subject varchar2, -- Subject of the email
    v_body varchar2, -- Body of the email
    v_from VARCHAR2 default 'XYZ.com', -- sender mail id
    v_to varchar2 default 'XYZ.com', -- Field To of the email
    v_cc varchar2 default 'XYZ.com' -- cc address
    ) is
    -- variable to hold the smtp server connection
    v_smtp_connection utl_smtp.connection;
    -- variable to hold the smtp host name
    v_smtp_host varchar2(100) default 'mail.bec-group.com';
    -- variable to hold the smtp port
    v_smtp_port number default 25;
    -- composite of {CR}{LF} caridge return and line feed.
    CRLF varchar2(2):=CHR(13)||CHR(10);
    cursor pr_rec is
    select requisition_no,line_no,release_no,a.contract,
    substr(a.Bal_qty,1,8) BAL_QTY,
    a.wanted_receipt_date WAN_REC_DT,
    a.latest_order_date LAT_ORD_DT
    from bec_pr_line_rep a
    where a.Bal_qty>0 and a.header_state not in 'Closed'
    and upper(a.state1) like 'RELEASED' and a.contract not in ('U1ENG','ULENG','U1FND','U2FND')
    and a.buyer_code='70306'
    order by a.part_no;
    v_msg_line varchar2(2000);
    -- v_buffer varchar2(20000);
    --ALTER SYSTEM SET utl_file_dir = 'D:\Database\temp'
    --COMMENT='Temporary change on Dec 14'
    SELECT name, value
    FROM gv$parameter
    WHERE name = 'utl_file_dir';
    --drop directory my_directory
    --CREATE or replace DIRECTORY my_directory AS 'D:\database\temp';
    --GRANT read,write ON DIRECTORY my_directory TO PUBLIC;
    begin ---writing data into a file.
    fHandle := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('MY_DIRECTORY', 'pending_pr_summry.txt', 'w');
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, ' Pending PR to process (detail report)');
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle,TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'MM-DD-YY HH:MI:SS AM'));
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, 'Req.no. li Re Site Prj Id Act seq Part no Description Qty UOM want rec dt lat ord dt' );
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');
    for pr_temp in pr_rec loop
    v_msg_line:=to_char(rpad(pr_temp.requisition_no,12,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.line_no,3,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.release_no,3,' ')||'|'||
    rpad(pr_temp.contract,7,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(nvl(pr_temp.project_id,' '),7,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(nvl(pr_temp.act_seq,' '),12,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.part_no,12,' ')||'|'||
    rpad(pr_temp.description,35,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.bal_qty,10,' ')||'|'||
    rpad(pr_temp.uom,6,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.wan_rec_dt,14,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.lat_ord_dt,14,' '));
    end loop;
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, ' Regards : IFSAPP ( Application owner ) ');
    UTL_FILE.FCLOSE(fHandle); ------------writing into file is successfuly done here!
    --Reading of file starts here containt will be added in attchment file
    fHandle :=UTL_FILE.FOPEN('MY_DIRECTORY','pending_pr_summry.txt','R' );
    -- establish the connection to the smtp server
    v_smtp_connection := utl_smtp.open_connection(v_smtp_host, v_smtp_port); /** OPEN CONNECTION ON THE SERVER **/
    -- perform a handshake with the smtp server
    utl_smtp.helo(v_smtp_connection, v_smtp_host); /** DO THE INITIAL HAND SHAKE **/
    -- set the 'from' address of the message
    utl_smtp.mail(v_smtp_connection, v_from);
    -- add the recipient to the message
    utl_smtp.rcpt(v_smtp_connection, v_to);
    -- send the email
    v_msg_line:='Date: ' || TO_CHAR( SYSDATE, 'dd Mon yy hh24:mi:ss' ) || CRLF ||
    'From: ' || v_from || CRLF ||
    'Subject: ' || v_subject || CRLF ||
    'To: ' || v_to || CRLF ||
    'Cc: ' || v_cc || CRLF ||
    'MIME-Version: 1.0'|| CRLF || -- Use MIME mail standard
    'Content-Type: multipart/mixed;'||CRLF ||
    ' boundary="-----SECBOUND"'||CRLF||
    CRLF ||'-------SECBOUND'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Type: text/plain;'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Transfer_Encoding: 7bit'|| CRLF ||
    CRLF ||v_body|| CRLF;     -- Message body
    v_msg_line:='-------SECBOUND'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Type: application/octet-stream;'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Type: text/plain;'|| CRLF ||
    'name="pending_pr_summry.txt"'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Transfer_Encoding: 8bit'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Disposition: attachment;'|| CRLF ||
    ' filename="pending_pr_summry.txt"'|| CRLF || CRLF;     -- Content of attachment
    -- check file is opened
    IF utl_file.is_open(fHandle) THEN
    -- loop lines in the file
    BEGIN -- Content of attachment
    END IF;
    --end of attachment containt     
    when utl_smtp.invalid_operation then
    dbms_output.put_line(' Invalid Operation in Mail attempt using UTL_SMTP.');
    when utl_smtp.transient_error then
    dbms_output.put_line(' Temporary e-mail issue - try again');
    when utl_smtp.permanent_error then
    dbms_output.put_line(' Permanent Error Encountered.');
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('Exception: SQLCODE=' || SQLCODE || ' SQLERRM=' || SQLERRM);
    end bec_file_test;

    Pending PR to process (detail report)01-17-13 12:43:19 PM--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Req.no. li Re Site Prj Id Act seq Part no Description Qty UOM want rec dt lat ord dt--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAT/250370 | 2| 1|ISCSP | 4977| 100004207| 0104000016|Angle 50 X 50 X 6 IS:2062 Grade |500|kg |30-NOV-2012| 20-nov-2012MAT/250370 | 3| 1|ISCSP | 4977| 100004207| 0105000002|Channel 100 X 50 IS:2062 Grade A | 1000|kg | 30-NOV-2012| 20-nov-2012MAT/250579 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 2991|kg | 13-DEC-2012| 03-dec-2012MAT/250606 | 2| |NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 4500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250607 | |1|NMDCJ|6001|100005580| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 1500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250194 | 3| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 3939|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250606 | 4| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 39000|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250607 | 4| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 17500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250194 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 12183|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250606 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 9500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250607 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 4500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250194 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 17500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250607 | 7| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020008|TMT Bar 32 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 22000|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250194 | 7| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020008|TMT Bar 32 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 27060|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/251138 | 1| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005825| 3501000001|Cement 50 kg | 1|pkt | 25-DEC-2013| 14-dec-2013--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    where as source file is like that:-
    Pending PR to process (detail report)
    01-17-13 12:43:19 PM
    Req.no. li Re Site Prj Id Act seq Part no Description Qty UOM want rec dt lat ord dt
    MAT/250370 | 2| 1|ISCSP | 4977| 100004207| 0104000016|Angle 50 X 50 X 6 IS:2062 Grade | 5500|kg | 30-NOV-2012| 20-nov-2012
    MAT/250370 | 3| 1|ISCSP | 4977| 100004207| 0105000002|Channel 100 X 50 IS:2062 Grade A | 1000|kg | 30-NOV-2012| 20-nov-2012
    MAT/250579 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 2991|kg | 13-DEC-2012| 03-dec-2012
    MAT/250606 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 4500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250607 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 1500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250194 | 3| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 3939|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250606 | 4| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 39000|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250607 | 4| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 17500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250194 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 12183|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250606 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 9500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250607 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 4500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250194 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 17500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250607 | 7| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020008|TMT Bar 32 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 22000|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250194 | 7| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020008|TMT Bar 32 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 27060|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/251138 | 1| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005825| 3501000001|Cement 50 kg | 1 |pkt | 25-DEC-2013| 14-dec-2013
    Ignore alignment. It is well formatted in source file.

  • File adapter-How to set line break in text file-split record into two lines

    Dear Guru's,
    I have to solve following problem with XML (with mulitiple records) to TEXT file scenario using file adapter. I have to output for ever ONE data record in XML always two identical lines in text file. Second line should have a little bit different mapping in few fields like date,... So I did duplicate fileds in my output structure in mapping and need to know how to set line break in the middle and see half of structure in first line and next structure half in second line
    My output structure in mapping is:
    - BETRAG
    - PRODUKT2
    - VERTRAG2
    - BETRAG2
    - RENDITE2
    Question is how can I set on receiving file adapter in Content Conversion Parameters that fields from first structure half INTERFACE...RENDITE should be outputed in one line and fields from second half of structure INTERFACE2...RENDITE2 should start on second line in final text file.
    I'm getting at the moment one line only and I need to know how can set line break so that second line starting with INTERFACE2(CA)...RENDITE2 will start in new line.
    This should be final output:
    My file adapter settings:
    It wont help if I add two identical structures in mapping because in output i would see for multiple entries section with first lines only and after that section with second lines only. And CASHFLOW is one part of more complex mapping ...
    (This is final output structure RecordsetStructure=HEADER,CASHFLOW,CONDITION,REFERENCE,CONTRACT - more sections with different data and all these should have duplicate lines at the end)
    Thanks a lot for any help
    Edited by: Marian  Luscon on Jul 14, 2009 11:44 AM

    Hi Ivan,
    right, I did test just for sure.
    Putting constant 'nl' into field CASHFLOW-INTERFACE1 didnt help - still getting one line instead two lines.
    CA ,"0100" ,"7" ,"512" ,20090127GTP101 ,-12454762586.6800 ,"EUR" ,2 ,12 ,2009-01-28 ,2009-01-27 ,2009-01-28 ,"0.0000000" ,'nl' ,"GTP1" ,"7" ,"512" ,20090127GTP101 ,-12454762586.6800 ,"EUR" ,1 ,10 ,2009-01-27 ,2009-01-27 ,2009-01-27 ,"0.0000000"
    So there is still question. Is there any way (mapping,...) how to output always 2 lines in text file for one record in XML. It always does 1 record in mapping structure = 1 line but we need 2 lines ...
    Input: 4 records in XML
    Output: 8 lines in final text file ...
    Thanks to you all guys

  • Line break in txt file

    Can someone help me?
    I just wanna make a line break in a txt file...
    I tried it this way
    FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("W:\\write.txt");
    fw.write(string1 + "\n" + string2);
    I don't know why it doesn't work.
    in the file it apears just a black block, but if i copy it in this text area, theres automaticly a line break
    thx for your support

    Everything has been said, but I thought I'll just make it more clearly :-)
    The thing is:
    Unix use a line break; <or was it vice versa>
    Afterwards someone decided text had to be devided in linebreaks and paragraph;
    That's why you have <p> and <br> in html
    Now line break just means, I'm on the end of a line and i must break but i don't want to
    so please if you can, hold it on the same line when displaying.
    So to keep multiple platform oparability it's a good thing to use both:
    newline character + carriage return = break to other line

  • Line Break for XML File

    I am able to generate xml file from an internal table. The problem is, if I open the file in IE everything looks good. When I open it in notepad or notepad++, everything is in one line. Can you tell me how to generate a line break after each tags.
    Please find the following code used by me for reference.
    LOOP AT lt_ohd INTO ls_ohd.
        ls_temp_ohd = ls_ohd.
        AT FIRST.
          l_ixml = cl_ixml=>create( ).
          l_document = l_ixml->create_document( ).
          l_element_ohd  = l_document->create_simple_element(
                      name = 'OHD'
                      parent = l_document ).
        AT NEW cc.
          CLEAR : lv_inhaltskom, lv_text.
          lv_inhaltskom = ls_temp_ohd-cc.
              pv_inhaltskom = lv_inhaltskom
              pv_langtext   = lv_text.
          TRANSLATE lv_text TO UPPER CASE.
          l_value = lv_text.
          l_element_county  = l_document->create_simple_element(
                      name   = 'city_county'
                      value  = l_value
                      parent = l_element_ohd  ).
        AT NEW order.
          l_element_neighborhood  = l_document->create_simple_element(
                      name    = 'entry'
                      parent  = l_element_county  ).
        l_value = ls_temp_ohd-neighborhood.
        l_element_address  = l_document->create_simple_element(
                    name   = 'neighborhood'
                    value  = l_value
                    parent = l_element_neighborhood ).
        l_value = ls_temp_ohd-address_detail.
        l_element_address  = l_document->create_simple_element(
                    name   = 'address_detail'
                    value  = l_value
                    parent = l_element_neighborhood  ).
        l_value = ls_temp_ohd-order.
        l_element_address  = l_document->create_simple_element(
                    name   = 'order'
                    value  = l_value
                    parent = l_element_neighborhood  ).
        l_value = ls_temp_ohd-item.
        l_element_address  = l_document->create_simple_element(
                    name   = 'item'
                    value  = l_value
                    parent = l_element_neighborhood  ).
        l_value = ls_temp_ohd-cc.
        l_element_address  = l_document->create_simple_element(
                    name   = 'cc'
                    value  = l_value
                    parent = l_element_neighborhood  ).
        l_value = ls_temp_ohd-address.
        l_element_address  = l_document->create_simple_element(
                    name   = 'address'
                    value  = l_value
                    parent = l_element_neighborhood  ).
        l_value = ls_temp_ohd-price.
        l_element_address  = l_document->create_simple_element(
                    name   = 'price'
                    value  = l_value
                    parent = l_element_neighborhood ).
        l_value = ls_temp_ohd-bed.
        l_element_address  = l_document->create_simple_element(
                    name   = 'bed'
                    value  = l_value
                    parent = l_element_neighborhood  ).
        l_value = ls_temp_ohd-bath.
        l_element_address  = l_document->create_simple_element(
                    name   = 'bath'
                    value  = l_value
                    parent = l_element_neighborhood  ).
        l_value = ls_temp_ohd-opentime.
        l_element_address  = l_document->create_simple_element(
                    name   = 'opentime'
                    value  = l_value
                    parent = l_element_neighborhood  ).
        l_value = ls_temp_ohd-state.
        l_element_address  = l_document->create_simple_element(
                    name   = 'state'
                    value  = l_value
                    parent = l_element_neighborhood ).
        l_value = ls_temp_ohd-zip.
        l_element_address  = l_document->create_simple_element(
                    name   = 'zip'
                    value  = l_value
                    parent = l_element_neighborhood ).
        l_streamfactory = l_ixml->create_stream_factory( ).
        l_ostream = l_streamfactory->create_ostream_itable( table = lt_xml_table ).
        l_renderer = l_ixml->create_renderer( ostream  = l_ostream
                                              document = l_document ).
        l_rc = l_renderer->render( ).
        l_xml_size = l_ostream->get_num_written_raw( ).
    Edited by: salil vaidya on Jan 18, 2011 2:34 PM

    But now, I have a syntax error.
    BEGIN OF xml_line,
              data(256) TYPE x
    END OF xml_line.
    DATA: lt_xml_table      TYPE TABLE OF xml_line,
          ls_xml_table      TYPE xml_line.
    LOOP AT lt_xml_table INTO ls_xml_table.
        CONCATENATE ls_string cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf INTO ls_string.
        MODIFY lt_xml_table FROM ls_xml_table INDEX sy-tabix.
        CLEAR : ls_xml_table, ls_string.

  • Error in line break in a file adapter

    I have a problem with a file receiver adapter. In File Content Conversion I put 'nl' in the endSeparator parameter but when I see the "output.txt" file generated all data are put in same line separated by rectangular characters.
    I think this rectangular characters are the line breaks characters. My problem is that the target application don't recognized those rectangular characters like line breaks.
    Also i tried to put in endSeparator the ASCII character '0x0A' but the line break neither work.
    In file Encoding parameter I tried with every charset encodings like: US-ASCII, ISO-8859-1, Windows-1252... but the line break don't work.
    Could be important the operating system over XI is running? SAP and XI is running over a AS400 system.
    Thanks in advance for any reply.

    Hi Prashanth,
    Thanks for reply.
    I Tried with UTF-8 and it doesn´t work.
    I tried with almost all known charsets but none of them work. The line break doesn't appears.
    I want write:
    If i open the notepad in the file appears:
    The target application doesn't recognized the &#8301; character like a line break.
    but if i copy the text of file and i put it in a doc file or in this forum, for example, the line break appears.

  • Search/replace in huge files without line breaks

    i need to search and replace in huge XML files not containing line breaks. i cannot load them to memory as a whole because of size and cannot write a simple GrepReader because the $%��*" legacy system exporting the files does not do line breaking
    plz help

    the files are looking similar to XML, they are not XML at all - thats the original reason i have to modify them, no parser will accept them. aka: plz do not suggest SAX-parsing...

  • File Streams *creating Files without those pesky line breaks

    Greetings Java Developers,
    Basicly I would like to write a large block of data out to a file without any line breaks and end of line characters that most JAVA Output Streams include with each call to WRITE(); First I am using BYTE Output Streams in JAVA and two end of line bytes are written also!!!
    It may be possible to use a Buffered File Stream with a Large Buffer about a Megabyte or so and FLUSH() the Stream all at once.
    Any ideas or suggestions will be greatly appreaciated!

    I have not had a problem writing bytes to file. The getStream call returns a FileOutputStream. Also note that the curly braces around 'i' really are square braces but I used them because square braces around I get reformatted in his post.
          * Write bytes to a file.
          @param Data Data to write to a file.
          @param file Destination file.
         public static void write(byte [][] Data, File file)
                   OutputStream out = getStream(file);
                   for(int i = 0 ; i < Data.length ; i++)
              catch(IOException E)
                   throw new Error(E.getMessage());
              catch(Exception e)
                   throw new Error(e.getMessage());
         }the getStream method
    FileOutputStream fw = new FileOutputStream(file.getPath(),append);

  • Insert line break into .txt file

    Alright, so I am writing out to a simple .txt file, and I
    need to force a line break in it. My immediate thought is to use
    "\n" as that is a line break. So, I write it out to the text file,
    and instead of a line break, I see the "complex character" symbol
    (you know, that square that shows up with unknown characters). I
    have tried the various ASCII values to no avail, tried \r, even
    tried copy-pasting a line break in from notepad. Nothing seems to
    be working for me. How do I do this?
    _logFile = "\n";
    stream = new FileStream();

    in windows use "\r\n"
    i.e. _logFile = "\r\n";

  • Line break when spooling file

    Say if you create a spool file and your going to execute a
    select statement to write data to this file.
    Is it possible to get a select statement to automatically put a
    line break and go to the next line in the file it is spooling
    Say for example:
    Select 'DROP TABLE'||table_name||';'||
    'CREATE TABLE'||table_name||';'
    from user_tables;
    I apologize if this is confusing. Thanks.

    I tried what you suggested for a unix system and I still have a
    problem. Sometimes there is a line break in between my insert
    and select statement when i try to run to the spooled script
    For example:
    select 'INSERT INTO temp_table (name, height, numrows) '||chr(10)
    ||'SELECT name, height, 0 from index_stats;' from dba_indexes
    where owner = 'USER1' and index_name NOT LIKE 'SYS%';
    It will be like:
    INSERT INTO temp_table (name, height, numrows)
    SELECT name, height, 0 from index_stats;
    This only returns the record but doesn't insert it in the table.
    Any other suggestions on how to fix this would be greatly
    appreciated?? Thanks.

  • How to set line break points in JSF Facelets files on NetBeans?

    I am running debugger on NetBeans. I can set line break points for jsp files but cannot for Facelets files with extension 'xhtml'. Dose anybody know how to set break points for Facelets xhtml files? Or is it possible to set break points for xhtml filles?
    Thank you very much.

    You can't. They aren't executable code, they are templates. The only executable code is the part inside #{}.

  • When exporting XML files, I get forced line breaks before and after my xmltag

    hi everybody,
    as I said, i do a javascritp that exports xml files. First I clean up my text by removing every invisible characters with app.findpreferences. Nevertheless, my xml files is almost well formed beacause i got before and after each xmltag a forced line break. Somebody could explain to me why ?
    I don't use prettyIndent and prettyPrinting .
    Best regards
    Américo Pinto

    hi everybody,
    as I said, i do a javascritp that exports xml files. First I clean up my text by removing every invisible characters with app.findpreferences. Nevertheless, my xml files is almost well formed beacause i got before and after each xmltag a forced line break. Somebody could explain to me why ?
    I don't use prettyIndent and prettyPrinting .
    Best regards
    Américo Pinto

  • Dreamweaver CS6 - Losing Line Breaks of PHP Files

    Hi all,
    If this has been asked and answered, I apologize. I have scoured the forums and Google for this, but coming up empty.
    Yesterday, upgraded from DW CS5 to 6. First site working on, opened up both .htm and .php files. Made simple changes, and uploaded to the server (both within, and outside of DW).
    All the PHP files are immediately broken. When viewing the page code via my FTP program, all the formatting has been removed (basically line breaks). Obvioulsy, this would see like a "file type" issue. I have tried what seems to be every combination of settings in the Pref>New Document> config box and none make a difference.
    I also know this could be depended on my server type (Linux). The HTML pages don't seem to mind that all the line breaks are gone from the code, but PHP pages do.
    Attaching what the code looks in DW, but then looks like after I save it and view it via my FTP.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Hi Jon - I'm back! So - now that I have the Code Format toggled to Linux, it works perfectly when I put up my PHP files.
    However, I'm learning that when I put up .html files - they go up completely empty. Everything is stripped out - when I view it within my FTP software the pages are entirely blank.
    I have many sites that have files of each type, and this was never an issue with Dreamweaver 5.

  • Exporting EPUB from InDesign CC not including line breaks

    I am done with a book and have it formatted the way I want. I am exporting it to EPUB through InDesign CC and previewing it in iBooks and also through Kindle previewer. Everything is fine except for one thing... where I have created page breaks, the exported file is not including them.
    I tried exporting to HTML just to see what it did and there is no line breaks there. I know its proprietary markup ( in kindle ) but I still would like to include them in a few specific places ( to mark seperations of chapters ).
    In kindle this is the tag they say to use: <mbp:pagebreak />
    In iBooks, I have not yet figured out how to create them, I am going to work on that today once I sort out the kindle version.
    Is there any way to force it to include line breaks on export. Or alternatively, I could export to HTML but I am having trouble figuring out how to go back to the EPUB format from there and also it didn't include the fonts, so there was other issues to consider as I have a custom font I was using for the headers that looks really good and matches the font on the book cover as well... so I really want to keep that consistent if possible.
    Are there any tricks or things I can try here to improve on my workflow and do a better job of seperating the chapters ?

    Ok, I hadn't tested the advanced options out in the export menu. It works and does so on both the iBooks and Kindle previewer.. which is good news since that is really important to me to try and find a workflow I can update both of these formats from when I continue to work on my book.
    The only strange part is that on some chapters its adding an extra blank page between the chapter and the next. What is odd is that it only happens on some of them (in the iBook reader only, the kindle previewer isn't doing this)
    I am going to look into this more closely but its not a major deal as I would prefer a little seperation in the chapters anyways, its not really a bad thing. It is just hard to figure out why its doing this.

  • LE7:Score Layout:Global Format:Maximum Bars per Line - Line Break Bug!

    This problem occurs in Logic Express version 7.
    (I am using MacOS version 10.4.2 on an eMac)
    I am currently compiling and editing a large score for a big band composition consisting of 22 parts:
    Flute 1
    Flute 2
    Clarinet 1
    Clarinet 2
    Alto Sax 1
    Alto Sax 2
    Tenor Sax 1
    Tenor Sax 2
    Baritone Sax
    Trombone 1
    Trombone 2
    Trombone 3
    Trombone 4
    Trumpet 1
    Trumpet 2
    Trumpet 3
    Trumpet 4
    Electric Bass
    Percussion 1 (Kit)
    Percussion 2 (Aux)
    I am creating the score in a separate file, and I am combining parts into 1 stave each by instrument like this:
    Flute 1 & 2
    Clarinet 1 & 2
    Alto Sax 1 & 2
    Tenor Sax 1 & 2
    Baritone Sax
    Trombone 1 - 4
    Trumpet 1 - 4
    Keyboard (2 staves)
    Each instrument, with the exception of keyboard which has 2 staves, consists of one stave, making up systems of twelve staves each. By sizing down each score style to 2,
    I have managed to fit 2 systems onto each page, therefore significantly reducing the amount of paper needed.
    The problem comes when organising the layout of my score,
    in particular, the line breaks. Using layout:global format, I have limited the maximum number of bars per line to 8, both in the page edit and normal score mode.
    I am trying to divide up my score so that there are 8 bars per system. Using the white arrow tool, I am dragging bars up and down in order to achieve this.
    However, when I get 30 odd bars in, I discover a system with 12 bars crammed into it - and even printing it off, it is clear that the system could benefit with less bars; the notation is squashed up together and not very easy to read.
    So I tried using the white arrow to move the last 4 bars down onto the next system, and a bug occurs where I end up with about 20 bars on the system, oddly distorted, the first few bars of which are squashed up together at the beginning of the line, and the last bar of which is stretched far off the right hand side of the page out of view. Then the next 20 or so bars are no where to be seen (probably far off the right hand side of the page) before the system below.
    If you dont know what I am talking about, I could provide a screenshot if you request.
    I have tried everything to get 8 bars on that particular system; dragging the stretched bar downwards, dragging squashed bars downward, moving bars down 1 by 1, moving bars onto the system above, moving bars away from the system below (to make room for the 4 bars that I want to move from above), adding more bars and dragging them down, but none of these methods have worked. I am either stuck with 12 bars crammed onto one system and 4 bars on the next or an oddly distorted version of the system which cannot possibly be read. Even when I settle with the unsatistactory former, I encounter further problems on subsequent systems below, some systems of which are already distorted.
    All I want is to have 8 bars per system, it should not be too much to ask! The layout:global format:maximum-bars-per-line calculation seems to be redundant, even when I reset the default line breaks - it just does not automatically set 8 bars per line, which it should do. Is there not an option to determine bars individually by number onto their respective lines, without having to use the white arrow graphic layout tool?
    The problem is extremely frustrating, and it is preventing me from completing, presenting and handing in a score for my university music composition.
    I have no other score producing software, and starting it
    from scratch on paper is going to take me weeks, because it consists of 830 12/8 bars in 22 parts, and I need to get it ready by next term!
    Any help would be extremely helpful and much appreciated, especially a patch or a useful way round. It could be related to memory, or hard drive space, as I have experienced similar problems in the past, where my score has been stretched off the page during a time when I have had little disk space...and this is a very large piece of music which might stretch the score capabilities of Logic.
    If so, has anyone got any suggestions?
    eMac   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  
    eMac   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

    nope just cutting should work.
    here are some things to try:
    1. try assigning a different score style. for the regions. duplicate and then adjust the default ones if necessary.
    2. try creating a new instrument set. in fact delete them and make a new one (use the key command: create instrument set from selected)
    3. it may be a formatting problem so check:
    in global layout constant spacing (try 8 or 9) and proportional spacing (try 45 or so). then try factory defaults.
    4. try copying and pasting the midi into a brand new region and looking at the score for that.
    5. try fiddling with the layout tool drqagging bars up or down.
    normally simply cutting the region of just one object is enough to force a redraw. maybe try it on all of the regions. what happens when you double click on a region?

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hello! I'm having some trouble to serialize my JTable.. The first time I click the SaveAs button, it save without problems, but the second time I click the SaveAs, even saving with another name, it throws the exception: java.io.NotSerializableExcepti