[ID3 JS] Problem relinking files

Hi folks, I need to copy specific filetypes from a document to my disk. I've wrote the script below to help me automate this task. When I use the copyLink method InDesign updates the document to use new link location. To fix this I relinks all affected links back to the original filepath. However when relinking InDesign won't copy all my links. If I disable the relinking all files gets copied. My relinking function is obviously not well designed. I was hoping one of you could give me a hint or two?
var myDocument = app.documents[0];
var files = myDocument.links;
var myStr = prompt ("Substring");
if (myStr != null) {   var myFolder = Folder.selectDialog ("To where");   }
if (myFolder != null)
      for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
         copyFiles(files[i], myFolder+"/"+myStr, true);
function copyFiles(myLink, linkTo, doRelink) {
   var myOldFilePath = myLink.filePath;
   var myFolder = new Folder (linkTo);
   var myFile = new File(myFolder+"/"+myLink.name);
   if (!myFolder.exist) {
   if (!myFile.exists) {
      if (doRelink) {
function relinkTo(myLink, linkTo) {
      var myFile = new File (linkTo);
      myLink.relink (myFile);
Regards, Rasmus

Ignore my previous post. Here is my way to do this:
var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
var myLinks = myDoc.links
var myStr = prompt ("Substring", '');
if (myStr != null) {
     var myFolder = Folder.selectDialog ("To where");
     var mySubFolder = new Folder (myFolder.fsName + "/" + myStr);
     if (!mySubFolder.exists) mySubFolder.create();
if (myFolder != null) {
     for (i = 0; i < myLinks.length; i++) {
          var myLink = myLinks[i];
          var myFile = new File(myLink.filePath);
          var myNewFile = new File(mySubFolder + "/" + myLink.name);

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    Ooops. You just created a lot of work by erasing the tag info.
    I think there are some scripts out there that can fill in ID3 tags based on file names.
    This page is from an apple discussions regular poster:
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    If the folder structure is identical, but the volume name is different, they yes, you can do it. Re-link just one file, and note its name. Now export to .idml (or .inx if using CS3 or lower). Open that file in a text editor and find the links by searching for the name of both the file you fixed and any other file, Note the difference in the paths and use Search and Replace in your text editor. Save, then open that file back into InDesign.
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    Well, you're current method sounds pretty good. But if you want to user a file server, hey go ahead.
    What you want to do when you centralize project files is to keep track of which one is the newest and becareful not to overwrite files with the same name. So you either have to set up individual spaces on the server (separate AFP/FTP folders maybe), or you'll need to run a file checkout service.
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    Foxit (runner up for me and I recommend for most people)
    Adobe (the bloated monster)
    Nitro 9 (great for moving graphical elements around)
    And the Nuance PDF Create toolsets
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    all fail using the built-in Windows 8/10 PDF reader.
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    what created your PDF by doing a "Control D" (look at the document properties). Perhaps there's a common engine causing issues.
    If I use the exact same source files to create a PDF using any of my other tools I have no issues. I checked the PDF versions made by the tools and they are all set to 1.5.
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    Yeah, don't do that, you probably also degrade the sound quality... If you've confirmed it is something odd with multiple tags try this.
    Select a group of mp3 files (You might want to start with a smart playlist so you don't mess with any other format)
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    Then right-click and use Convert ID3 Tags > v2.3 (v2.4 support still patchy from various accounts)
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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == After something about security add-on of Norton pop up by itself. ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; MSN Optimized;US)

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    I am finding problem in file content conversion. I need to convert the following XML file into CSV file:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <ns0:MT_CROSS_REF xmlns:ns0="urn:dabur:idoc2file:pos">
          <Capture_PLU />
          <Package_size />
          <Package_desc />
    The output file data has to be like:
    The problem I am facing is while specifying the content conversion parameters in communication channel i dont know what recordset structure i should mention as all the records are directly under root. If I mention recordset structure as "ns0:MT_CROSS_REF" and parameters as
    ns0:MT_CROSS_REF.fieldSeparator   ,
    ns0:MT_CROSS_REF.endSeparator    'nl'
    i get error in communication channel monitoring and no file is posted.
    Please help me as to what correct parameter i should mention in my case.

    Hi Chirag,
    I cannot change the xml file as it comes after mapping idoc to a message type. How can I add ROOT in the xml? My message type is like MT_CROSS_REF and it has those 6 fields as in the XML (Update_type, PLU etc.). I do the mapping of these fields from a IDOC and get the XML.
    I hope you got my point.

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    While working on my PC, I open shared folders on an external HDD connected to the Mac.  I click on paste to move the files.  I get an error after a few seconds to a minute of trying to move several files from my PC Win 7 to Mac OS Maverick, that there is a file already at the destination on Mac. This statement is true, but it was just put there because I am copying them over in that same action.  It reads 0Kb and wasn't there before I started.  Then I get an error: The Action Cannot be completed because the folder is open in another program.  Close the folder or file and try again..
    Whether I click on it a bunch right of way or wait, it still takes about 45 seconds. I have to do it with every file and it only happens when copying from a PC to Mac.  I have even restarted both computers so nothing is using any files.  If I copy one file at a time, I don't get any error.
    So I have one file to move, no problem.  If move 5 files, The first will go fine, but it shows all 5 files in folder at once.  All other files than the first show 0kb. I get the file already existing error once it starts the second file transfer, and I select move and replace.  Then I get The Action Cannot be completed because the folder is open in another program.  I wait or click repeatedly until it starts to move file.  That file will then show something other than 0kb.  When it is done, the error process starts all over.  I tried checking the PC with unlocker, but the files do not show themselves locked on the PC.

    Its not only French. Even certain characters in English will come across as gobblydegook from 1 platform to another. I see this in emails that likely were composed in Word & the characters don't come across.
    Not sure if this is still true, but years ago someone explained that there is a standard character set & then I think its extended characters & those vary from platform to platform or language to language, etc.

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    Is anyone having the same type of problems I'm having with Lion. I have a new MacBook Pro, received 7 weeks ago, preinstalled with Leopard 10.6.7. I didn't migrate anything from my old iMac, wanted a clean install from the Apple Store. While there, I asked for the upgrade to Lion 10.7, however their system was down.
    I  installed it myself, wirelessly about a week later, and Apple emailed me a receipt. Now, I've had to call support directly last week when I lost Mail, Address Book, was unable to open Preview or iTunes, among other problems. Seemed fixed after a session that baffled even the store tech.  Now I am unable to download or install the recent Mac updates for Lion, from the App Store, could not install Adobe Reader, etc. Messages range from 'A network error has occured - Check your Internet connection and try again' to 'The Installer is damaged and cannot open the package. There may be a problem with file ownership or permissions.'  All fail and I'll probably have to call Apple again. I am frustrated beyond words.  Logs 'Install's runner tool is not properly configured as a setuid tool', domain errors, 'attempt to write a readonly database, and on and on. I have barely done a thing on this computer except search online for help with these problems. Safari gives me a 'You are not connected to the internet' too often. Diagnostics disagrees. I do see wi-fi problems in the forum. Disk and permissions were fine at the beginning of the earlier problems, checked first by support tech. I'm not sure if support tech even knew. I was just happy they were fixed. Anyone have these download and/or install problems after a 'clean bill of health' so to speak, only a week ago?

    Let's try the following user tip with that one:
    "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package ..." error messages when installing iTunes for Windows

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