Ide cable to hard drives

Ok i have one ide cable running my two hard drive's master and slave 2 X 80's  ? would it be better for me to take the slave off the ide cable as i have the two comeing off the one ide and run it in the spear ide socket i have on my mobo.
I think it would and find the slave faster in windows as there seem to be a bit of a lag when i hit the slave in windows, not a lot but just think it would work better on its own.
 ? what do you think.
Cheers for all info as i have never befor tryed this and just think it would get rid of the lag on the slave,  maybe not.

Quote from: DOK on 06-October-06, 03:02:10
Uncle Bob what does the text say above the speed test box for Nvidia, Cant make it out ,under primary control, Thanks DOK
At the top are three tabs; Driver: Details: Resources.
Next row of tabs; General; Primary Channel; Secondary Channel.
Under primary Channel is Master drive.
Transfer mode:
Serial ATA DMA (this is grayed out)
Let BIOS select transfer mode (box is checked)
Enable read caching (grayed out)                Speed Test Box
Enable write caching (Box checked)
Enable command queuing (grayed out)
Next box down is for slave drive, which I do not have.
Does this answer your question?

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    Hi Ted,
    At this point I think you should get Applejack...
    At this point I think you should get Applejack...
    Ignore the MacKeeper ad no matter what else you decide.
    After installing, reboot holding down CMD+s, (+s), then when the DOS like prompt shows, type in...
    applejack AUTO
    Then let it do all 6 of it's things.
    At least it'll eliminate some questions if it doesn't fix it.
    The 6 things it does are...
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    Repair Permissions.
    Clear out Cache Files.
    Repair/check several plist files.
    Dump the VM files for a fresh start.
    Trash old Log files.
    First reboot will be slower, sometimes 2 or 3 restarts will be required for full benefit... my guess is files relying upon other files relying upon other files! :-)
    Disconnect the USB cable from any Uninterruptible Power Supply so the system doesn't shut down in the middle of the process.
    Just sits there occupying very little space & never interfering, unless you need to invoke it in Single User Mode.
    After installing, reboot holding down CMD+s, (+s), then when the DOS like prompt shows, type in...
    applejack AUTO
    Then let it do all 6 of it's things.
    At least it'll eliminate some questions if it doesn't fix it.
    The 6 things it does are...
    Correct any Disk problems.
    Repair Permissions.
    Clear out Cache Files.
    Repair/check several plist files.
    Dump the VM files for a fresh start.
    Trash old Log files.
    First reboot will be slower, sometimes 2 or 3 restarts will be required for full benefit... my guess is files relying upon other files relying upon other files! :-)
    Disconnect the USB cable from any Uninterruptible Power Supply so the system doesn't shut down in the middle of the process.
    Just sits there occupying very little space & never interfering, unless you need to invoke it in Single User Mode.

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    If you already replaced the hard drive you should know where the cables are and where they go. One is the SATA power cable that goes directly to the power supply and the other is the SATA data cable that goes to the motherboard.
    So disconnect the data cable from the HDD and from the motherboard and buy the same length cable at any PC shop or web site. SATA data cables are standard and nothing unique. Just remember where the motherboard connector is.
    Freezes can be caused by lots of different things and I'd investigate those before replacing the data cable.
    Have you run the diagnostics on the RAM, which is a frequent cause of freezes? Have you reseated the RAM modules in their slots? Do you have the latest drivers, eg video driver, for your hardware?
    Are there any updates to your apps and software?
    Do the freezes happen when you're running a specific app? Since this seems to happen on the Linux partition is something not fully compatible with Linux..?

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    My iMac is in for repair, after having the flashing question mark appear and not being able to see the drive in disk utility. Tech Tools scan also showed about 30 errors on the surface scan of the drive. The repair place has just called and left a message that the problem was the SATA cable, and that they've fixed it with a new cable. My question is - would a faulty SATA cable cause errors on the drive? I'm guessing they haven't even checked that, they've just got the drive communicating again....I have very little faith in this place, I must admit.... but just thought I'd ask the question here..
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    If you already replaced the hard drive you should know where the cables are and where they go. One is the SATA power cable that goes directly to the power supply and the other is the SATA data cable that goes to the motherboard.
    So disconnect the data cable from the HDD and from the motherboard and buy the same length cable at any PC shop or web site. SATA data cables are standard and nothing unique. Just remember where the motherboard connector is.
    Freezes can be caused by lots of different things and I'd investigate those before replacing the data cable.
    Have you run the diagnostics on the RAM, which is a frequent cause of freezes? Have you reseated the RAM modules in their slots? Do you have the latest drivers, eg video driver, for your hardware?
    Are there any updates to your apps and software?
    Do the freezes happen when you're running a specific app? Since this seems to happen on the Linux partition is something not fully compatible with Linux..?

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    Care to share which OS you are using?  Which model MBP you have? Mac OS X: Gray screen appears during startup 
    How to Tell When Your Hard Drive is Going to Fail 

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    Chees in advance if someone can help me out!

    Yes. Its a PATA/EIDE laptop drive and the Samsung 160 will work fine for you. That is the only model PATA/EIDE laptop drive still sold at Frys. They are getting very hard to find.

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    The hard drive has crashed and not recoverable (verified).
    I would like to get as good a hard drive as possible with which to replace it.
    What limitations/configurations should/ should not be considered?
    A couple other codes on the pc are T 1418 & N279
    I have extensive experience repairing desktops, but never tired a laptop before.
    but was able to access the hard drive.
    Thanks for any and all suggestions/help.
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Laptop hard drives are generic. You can use any 2.5" PATA (aka IDE or EIDE) hard drive. You will be limited to a 120 gig size on the drive. Do not worry about increasing to a 5400 or 7200 rpm drive. The latest model hard drives actually run cooler and draw less power than your old 4200 rpm 20 gig drive.
    A good place to buy the drive is PATA drives are getting rare at retail stores as it has now been a couple years since new laptops started using SATA drives instead. Just be careful you do not buy a SATA drive. When you say you accessed the drive I assume you mean you got the keyboard off and found the hard drive and caddy under the keyboard right in the middle. 

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    [ ts_id=245]
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    Drives I/O
    Built in HDD = serial ATA port 0
    CD rom = Secondary ide (170H - IRQ 15)
    To me the hardware is capable of supporting two HDD's as long as you remove cd drive but it seems like the bio's is locking me out of deselecting CD rom on the second IDE channel.
    Please could some one point me in the right direction to resolve this.

    Thanks for the help.
    Ok I followed what you said and this is what happens.
    Uninstalled CD drive in device manager.
    boot to bios with out 2nd hard drive in the slot. Bios shows no secondary IDE channel or hard drive
    As soon as I push in the 2nd hard drive caddy and boot it says CD error, doesn't show in windows or device manager. Bios shows CD drive again. Also the CD drive is reinstalled in the device manager.
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    Why does it only see the cd drive! Annoying.
    Any more ideas?

  • Need help adding 2nd hard drive

     Hey guys whats up. I need some advice about adding a second hard drive. Right now i have a WD 320GB 7200 RPM IDE Ultra ATA100 Hard Drive running on the primary IDE. Everything is fine but i wanted to get a smaller and faster drive for the operating system and for some small video editing. I recently purchaced a Western Digital Raptor 36.7GB 10,000 RPM Serial ATA150 Hard Drive.
    Now the questions:
     1. How should i assing the drives? (which master/slave/cable select)
     2. Also am i going to have to do anything since im going to have one on the IDE and another on SATA?
     3. Any advice that you have...
     What i was thinking is this...i should disconect my current HD and hook up the new one to SATA port 2, and set it to master(or CS maybe). Format it and then install the operating system. Once OS installed and working, ill hook back up the IDE drive and make the setting to slave(or CS maybe). Then uninstall the operating system from the IDE.
    Thanks for any input

    Thanks NovJoe,
     What setting (master/slave/cable select) should i set the IDE drive to? And yes i do want my OS on the raptor.
    Thanks for your advice...didnt think that anyone was going to.

  • Portege M200: Booting from SD to external hard drive

    "M200 Recovery using Floppy or SD Card
    Posted: 15-Aug-2005 10:36
    I am posting this in the hope it will help others seeking to use the recovery CD/DVD but without a bootable CD drive. I would like to acknowledge the Toshiba forum of
    for the inspiration of how it was done.
    1. You will need a floppy drive or an SD card plus any type of CD drive. If your M200 is not working properly you will also need access to another computer to prepare the floppy disk.
    2. You will need to download some software: IsoBuster
    and WinImage
    or similar programs.
    3. Put the Recovery CD into any computer and run IsoBuster. Click on Bootable CD on the left and then on the right you should see an .img file of size 1.41MB on the right. On my CD it's called Arnes Boot Record.img. Right click on it and extract the file. Close IsoBuster
    4. Open WinImage and then File/Open this .img file. This will be your boot floppy with all the CD drivers you need. In Disk, ensure Use Floppy A: is ticked then Disk/Write Disk. Close WinImage
    5. Connect floppy and CD drives to your M200, and boot up from the floppy. It will take some time to find the CD but it will and you will eventually get the recovery screen.
    That's it! If don't have a floppy drive but have an SD card and a working M200 then Toshiba's SD card program will put the .img file onto the SD card and you can then boot from there.
    There is a good chance this method will work for other Toshiba notebooks but I can't check this"
    (author stephem)
    This works!
    What i would like to know is, is it possible to somehow boot of the SD and instead of the CD drive it finds my external ide to USB hard drive and boots off of the windows on that?

    Hi there
    I hope after long time you will end your problem. The compatible ODDs for your Portege M200 are:
    1) Toshiba, PA3352E-SCD2, USB2.0 CD-RW/DVD-Rom Drive
    2) Toshiba, PA3402E-1DV2, Rev.501, USB2.0 DVD Super Multi Drive,
    3) Toshiba, PX1055E-1NST, (Freecom drive), with a PC Card (16bit), Cable II, PCMCIA,
    4) Toshiba, PX1055E-1NST, (Freecom drive), with a CardBus, Cable II, CARD BUS
    When you install recovery image be sure that external device has enough power supply. I recommend you to use AC power supply adapter for external ODD (if available).
    I have also found info you can use:
    a) Toshiba, PA3352E-SCD2, USB2.0 CD-RW/DVD-Rom Drive
    b) Toshiba, PA3402E-1DV2, USB2.0 DVD Super Multi Drive
    I hope you will find out which one is the best for you.
    Good luck!

  • Replace Hard Drive in G3 BW (REV 1)

    I want to lose the original 9 gig HD and put in something like this: Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 160GB 3.5" IDE Ultra ATA133 Hard Drive - OEM (7200 rpm).
    I now know I have to add a ACARD AEC-6280M PCI IDE Controller Card For Mac and aside from being unsure about adding these 2 things, do I have to watch where the PCI card goes to maximize the drive?
    Thanks all!

    ok not bad...just remember that drive from Newegg is a Bare drive... you will get NO screws, no power cables, no interface cables, No manual, No instructions for mounting, It will probably be in an anti-static bag wrapped in bubble wrap in plain brown package.
    The Sonnet SATA Card looks like it comes with the Serial ATA interface cable, but no Serial power adapter.
    If I recall you will need a Serial power adapter as SATA HD's have different power connecters than the std Molex power connector with traditional ATA HD's. newegg got one here for $2.50
    Also remember dont be surprised when the drive doesnt format to a full 300GB.
    are you going to have this be a Bootable drive? or just use for Data use?
    Aside from that I dont see why not go for it. I made copies of those links for my future reference...look like good idea for me to do later.

  • Need to buy IDE cable

    I replaced my cd burner with a Pioneer DVR 110 superdrive. Everything seemed to go well, but when I cut on the system, I got the "Chime of doom" and a folder with a question mark appeared. I assume the computer can no longer find the hard drive. I can't imagine why, but I do think I broke a wire in the IDE cable (kinda hard to cram all that stuff back into the imac). Does anyone know where I can get a new cable? If that doesn't work then I will have to drive 125 miles to the nearest Apple store (don't trust the mail). I appreciate any help.

    I do not know where you live, but I would think that you can get one from any area computer store, Bestbuy.......... I would look at a small computer store also. I usually have better luck and find better prices there.

  • Can firewire peripheral (ex hard drive) connect to macbook usb port?

    i have a new macbook and an old external hard drive.  the hd is firewire only and the mac is usb only.  how can i get data off hard drive and onto mac?

    Because Firewire and USB are different protocols you can't just use a cable with firewire on one end and usb on the other.  You can get a break-out box that converts data between firewire and usb, but they are expensive and you'll only use it this once.
    If you have another Mac or PC with firewire then connect the hard drive to that machine and set up file sharing between the 2 machines and copy across the network, or use target disk mode if it's a Mac.
    If this isn't possible the next easiest thing to do is to remove the hard drive from the chassis, have a look at what type connector is on the hard drive (if it's an old hard drive it will probably be IDE) and go out and buy a simple IDE to USB hard drive enclosure, fit the hard drive, then you will be able to access the data.
    You can pick up a chassis for under £5 nowadays, so it's a cheap solution as well!

  • SATA Hard Drive no longer recognized by Mega 865

    I recently put together an MSI Mega 865 barebone system with the following specifications:  
    Processor: Intel 3.2c Ghz (Northwood core)
    Hard Drive:  Western Digital SATA 10kRPM Raptor
    Memory: 1 GB (2 x 512MB) Kingston 3200 (400Mhz)
    DVD Player: Plextor 8X DVD RW
    Video Card:  HIS Excalibure 9800Pro 128 MB
    OS:  WinXP
    Finally got everything up and running, and then I went to boot up, and the system can no longer find the SATA harddrive.  In fact, it's not even an option in the BIOS now.  
    My question is the following:  
    Would the SATA be available all of the time, or only if a SATA enabled harddrive was recognized?
    When the system is first powered on by plugging the power cord into the wall, the hard drive makes a small amount of noise, as if it's spinning a bit.  When the computer starts up, there is no noise at all, although the hard drive does get warm (which makes me think there is power to the unit).  
    I tried the 2nd power supply (old IDE) for the hard drive, but that provided that same results as the SATA power supply.
    There were some inconsistencies with my mega 865 prior to this.  First, the HIFI would randomly lock up, and the only way to get it back was to unplug the computer from the wall.  2nd, it had lost communication on the serial port (why, I don't know).  3rd, and final, it doesn't seem to recognize my hard drive (or my hard drive is ruined).
    Can someone help me out here, I'm not sure whether to return my HardDrive, my MSI Mega 865, or both.

    The system worked for 4 days or so.  One day, I started it up, and it couldn't boot because it couldn't detect the SATA drive.  When this happened I decided to flash it to the the latest BIOS, but even this did not help.
    The unit had problems before, it would lock up on initial power up, the HIFI/CD/DVD would not respond (when the computer was not on of course).  I would have to plug and unplug the unit 3 or 4 times before it would power on and not lock up.
    I contacted MSI support, and explained my problems.  They told me to return the unit to the reseller.  I'm not sure if the problem was the unit, the hard drive, or both, so I went ahead and returned the HD and the MSI unit.  It'll be another 2 weeks or so now before I get my computer up and running.  :(

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