IE7 Rendering Issue: Pushing Div Right

Hello and Happy New Year to everyone, reallly hope its a goodun!
I have a rendering issue with IE7 for this page:
The problem is with the orange 'Opening Times' drop down  and that fact that the orange box extends off the page, to the right (attached screenshot) in IE7.
Any pointers out there?
Would be much appreciated.
All the best,

Hello and Happy New Year to everyone, reallly hope its a goodun!
I have a rendering issue with IE7 for this page:
The problem is with the orange 'Opening Times' drop down  and that fact that the orange box extends off the page, to the right (attached screenshot) in IE7.
Any pointers out there?
Would be much appreciated.
All the best,

Similar Messages

  • CSS issues - centering divs, floats, & margins

    Have my CSS with wrapper....several different divs. My issue
    was centering a div, then centering a div below it, so I used
    margin-left:auto and margin-right:auto. I also have another div
    that SHOULD reside on the right side of the page, however, it has a
    float:right, so I know that the auto margins will push the right
    floated div below where I want it to reside.
    Here's the CSS code:
    html,body {
    margin-left: 0px;
    margin-right: 0px;
    #wrapper {
    font-family:Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif;
    font-size: 14px;
    font-style: normal;
    line-height: normal;
    color: #000000;
    height: px;
    width: 760px;
    margin:0 auto 0 auto;
    #toprule {
    width: 725px;
    height: 6px;
    #leftrule {
    width: 6px;
    height: 600px;
    margin-top: 75px;
    width: 686px;
    height: 136px;
    width: 6px;
    height: 600px;
    width: 623px;
    height: 26px;
    width: 325px;
    height: 124px;
    width: 306px;
    height: 306px;
    background: none;
    width: 686px;
    height: 73px;
    and the HTML code
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
    Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Welcome to EB's Food</title>
    <link href="ebsfoods.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
    <div id="wrapper">
    <div id="toprule"></div>
    <div id="leftrule">leftrule</div>
    <div id="topbanner">topbanner</div>
    <div id="rightrule">rightrule</div>
    <div id="topmenu">
    <div align="left">topmenu</div>
    <div id="lowermenu">lowermenu</div>
    <div id="images">images</div>
    <div id="content">content</div>
    <div id="footer">footer</div>
    Assistance greatly appreciated.......
    David Bird
    The "lowermenu" and "content" are supposed to line up with
    the left edge of the "topbanner" and the "images" is supposed to
    line up with the right edge of the "topbanner". The footer is the
    same size as the topbanner and is supposed to be centered.

    This is a bit confused, as is your CSS. What is it you are
    trying to
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "mobirdman" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > OK,
    > Have my CSS with wrapper....several different divs. My
    issue was centering
    > a
    > div, then centering a div below it, so I used
    margin-left:auto and
    > margin-right:auto. I also have another div that SHOULD
    reside on the right
    > side
    > of the page, however, it has a float:right, so I know
    that the auto
    > margins
    > will push the right floated div below where I want it to
    > Here's the CSS code:
    > html,body {
    > margin-left: 0px;
    > margin-right: 0px;
    > background:;
    > }
    > #wrapper {
    > font-family:Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif;
    > font-size: 14px;
    > font-style: normal;
    > line-height: normal;
    > color: #000000;
    > height: px;
    > width: 760px;
    > left:50%;
    > top:75px;
    > margin:0 auto 0 auto;
    > }
    > #toprule {
    > float:left;
    > width: 725px;
    > padding-left:15.5px;
    > padding-right:15.5px;
    > height: 6px;
    > border:#00000;
    > border-style:solid;
    > background:none;
    > }
    > #leftrule {
    > float:left;
    > width: 6px;
    > height: 600px;
    > border:#000000;
    > border-style:solid;
    > border-size:1px;
    > background:none;
    > margin-top: 75px;
    > }
    > #topbanner
    > {
    > width: 686px;
    > height: 136px;
    > margin-left:auto;
    > margin-right:auto;
    > margin-top:25px;
    > border:#000000;
    > border-style:solid;
    > border-size:1px;
    > background:#000000;
    > }
    > #rightrule
    > {
    > float:right;
    > width: 6px;
    > height: 600px;
    > margin-top:75px;
    > border:#000000;
    > border-style:solid;
    > border-size:1px;
    > background:none;
    > }
    > #topmenu
    > {
    > width: 623px;
    > height: 26px;
    > margin-left:auto;
    > margin-right:auto;
    > border:#000000;
    > border-style:solid;
    > border-size:1px;
    > background:none;
    > }
    > #lowermenu
    > {
    > float:left;
    > width: 325px;
    > height: 124px;
    > margin-top:30px;
    > margin-left:40px;
    > border:#000000;
    > border-style:solid;
    > border-size:1px;
    > background:none;
    > }
    > #images
    > {
    > float:right;
    > width: 306px;
    > height: 306px;
    > border:#000000;
    > margin-top:30px;
    > margin-right:30px;
    > border-style:solid;
    > border-size:1px;
    > background: none;
    > }
    > #content
    > {
    > float:left;
    > width:325px;
    > height:177px;
    > margin-left:40px;
    > margin-top:15px;
    > border:#000000;
    > borderstyle:solid;
    > border-size:1px;
    > background:none
    > }
    > #footer
    > {
    > width: 686px;
    > height: 73px;
    > border:#000000;
    > margin-top:15px;
    > margin-left:auto;
    > margin-right:auto;
    > border-style:solid;
    > border-size:1px;
    > background:none;
    > and the HTML code
    > <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
    > "">
    > <html xmlns="">
    > <head>
    > <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=utf-8" />
    > <title>Welcome to EB's Food</title>
    > <link href="ebsfoods.css" rel="stylesheet"
    type="text/css" />
    > </head>
    > <body>
    > <div id="wrapper">
    > <div id="toprule"></div>
    > </div>
    > <div id="leftrule">leftrule</div>
    > <div id="topbanner">topbanner</div>
    > <div id="rightrule">rightrule</div>
    > <div id="topmenu">
    > <div align="left">topmenu</div>
    > </div>
    > <div id="lowermenu">lowermenu</div>
    > <div id="images">images</div>
    > <div id="content">content</div>
    > <div id="footer">footer</div>
    > </body>
    > </html>
    > Assistance greatly appreciated.......
    > David Bird

  • Custom Cell Renderer issue in Custom JTable

    I have CustomeTable extends JTable which renders different UI Components like (JTextField/ ComboBox /JButton/JCheckBox) in *"single column*" so i have overridden *getCellRenderer* and *getCellEditor methods.*
    Now my Custom Table changes contextually by selecting different nodes in JTree similar to Windows Explorer
    *The problem is Some times When i Click Button & then i click other Node which displays other UIComponents old components (Button is painted) instead of new COmponent(JTextfield or ...)*
    *For each UI Renderer i have called its repaint() method still this issue is noticed not frequentlly but yes occasionally.*

    Following are some of my Custom Text / Combo Renderer / Password / Button to display different UI Components @ Column 2 as per my above Code
    private class MyDefaultRenderer implements TableCellRenderer {
            private JTextField l;
            private Border borderPrevious;
            public MyDefaultRenderer() {
                l = new JTextField();
                borderPrevious = l.getBorder();
            public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table,
                    Object value,
                    boolean isSelected,
                    boolean hasFocus,
                    int row,
                    int column) {
                PropertyInfoType propertyType = propertyInfoList.get(row).getType();
                if (ConfigCommonPropertyPanel.isInputEditable && !propertyInfoList.get(row).isReadOnly()) {
                String tempVal = "";
                if (value != null && value instanceof String) {
                    tempVal = value.toString();
                return l;
            public Object getCellEditorValue() {
                return l.getText();
           private class ButtonRenderer implements TableCellRenderer {
            JPanel buttonPanel;
            JButton button;
            public ButtonRenderer() {
                buttonPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
                button = new JButton(getAdminUIMsg(168));
         public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
                buttonPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(getPreferredSize().width, getRowHeight()));
                return buttonPanel;
        private class ButtonEditor extends JButton implements TableCellEditor, ActionListener {
            int rowIndex;
            int columnIndex;
            JTable table;
            JPanel panel;
            public ButtonEditor() {
                super("Validate Database");
                panel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
            public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table, Object value,
                    boolean isSelected, int row, int column) {
                rowIndex = row;
                columnIndex = column;
                panel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(getPreferredSize().width, getRowHeight()));
                return panel;
            public Object getCellEditorValue() {
                return this.isSelected();
            public boolean isCellEditable(EventObject anEvent) {
                return true;
            public boolean shouldSelectCell(EventObject anEvent) {
                return true;
            public boolean stopCellEditing() {
                return true;
            public void cancelCellEditing() {
            public void addCellEditorListener(CellEditorListener l) {
            public void removeCellEditorListener(CellEditorListener l) {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    // Some Business Logic To check my Database / LDAP Connections on Button Click
                                 }catch( Exception ex){
                                  } finally{
                   +Shouldnt i call repaint() on a specific Component for a Specific renderer ?+
    My Code works perfectly 99 % of the times ..
    But very rarely when i click My Button On my Custom Table say
    When i click NODE A - which displays different UI in Right Split Info
    Row 2 Column 2 - has Validate Button
    Then i Click NODe B - Which displayes Contextual UI Components
    Row 2 Column 2 should display TextBox (as expected)
    but due to some rendering issue its Displaying same Validate Button
    I have debugged and verified my logic to call renderer is perfect.
    My rest of rows /columns displays appropriate UI Components except the
    position of Button .
    I think after my Button Editor is Invoked & i perform some business logic Button renderer is not getting invoked ???

  • SSRS web based report viewer control rendering issues - text getting clipped chopped off

    I am using web based SSRS report viewer control to display SSRS reports in browsers like Chrome, FF, IE, Safari etc. My issue is some text is getting chopped off (clipped) in all cells of some reports. I investigated on my end by analyzing generated HTML
    and I could see a problem in the HTML that report viewer control is generating. But I am afraid to apply any HTML or Javascript hacks at the moment considering we have hundreds of reports.
    You can see in above image how text got chopped off. The problem in HTML (given below) is the text has been wrapped in a div tag with a fixed height. If I remove the height and also padding on parent TD, the text appears properly.
    <td class="A23dfe7c5f99245f2a0db522a22a6035597c" style="HEIGHT:5.00mm;background-color:#d3d3d3;"><div style="HEIGHT:3.24mm;overflow:hidden;"><table lang="en-US" cellspacing="0"
    cellpadding="0" border="0" class="Pd9776e5f7eaf4df696265b8b49d1da39_1_r17"><tbody><tr><td class="A23dfe7c5f99245f2a0db522a22a6035597" style="word-wrap:break-word;white-space:pre-wrap;">MyType11</td></tr></tbody></table></div></td>
    Please let me know if you have faced a similar scenario before.
    Here is link to stackoverflow thread -
    Stackoverflow thread

    Hi Murtaza,
    According to your description, when you display the report with Report Viewer control, the data within the text is cutoff.
    Based on my research, the issue could cause by that Arial Unicode MS font hasn’t been installed on the server where Reporting Services run. Besides, when we use ReportViewer control to render report, we’d  better set
    AsyncRendering="true" in the Report Viewer control. Also please run the IE with compatibility mode. For more information, please refer to similar threads below:
    Data in column getting cut-off in report viewer control
    SSRS Rendering Issues
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu
    Qiuyun Yu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Album surface rendering issue in iTunes 7

    The cover browsing feature has a graphical glitch. All cover images (and the default no image) appear with a black diagonal line across them from the upper left corner to the lower right. This appears on both the show album cover and the ones to the left and right, so I would guess that it's a rendering issue. This problem also appears in the similar browse mode found within the Store, but not on the flat faced album covers (second view).
    This image shows the problem I'm having.
      Windows XP Pro   ATI 320M IGP

    While I'm sure updated graphics drivers would help they unfortunately seem not to be found. ATI doesn't distribute drivers for Integrated Graphics Processors (much less 4 year old models), and all the sites I've seen for ATI drivers either crash the computer on boot or tell me that there isn't any supported hardware on the machine. :-/

  • RX9800PRO 128MB Rendering Issues

    I recently purchased the MSI RX9800Pro 128MB card from newegg.  On initial install of the catalyst 4.7 drivers everything was well.  I am upgrading from a Geforce 4 Ti4600, so it's should be quite an upgrade, yet I have 2 issues. (i did a full uninstall of the NVIDIA drivers before installing the new card).
    1. After about 30-45 minutes of playing a game, I get VERY wierd geometry errors.  Like suddenly walls are protuding outside into nowhere, textures are streched beyond what they should be, etc.  I have a screenshot of Starwars Galaxies if anyone needs an example.  This is the issue i care about.
    2. I don't really notice a speed increase, I don't have any benchmarking tools installed for before and after.  This issue could just be my imagination though. (you always think new purchases are ganna be a magical change   )
    I'm running an Intel 2.4 Ghz, 1GB ram, on an Asus P4PE motherboard.  i'm using the onboard sound and ethernet.  I have a DVD-burner, floppy, and another DVD-ROM drive. 2 hard drives, 1 CPU fan, and 2 case fans, 2 fans are attached to the motherboard power, 1 fan is attached to PSU molex.  It's in an Antec case, with the Antec SL350 PSU.  (+5V/35A +12V/16A +3.3V/28A), output of 330 says the label.  I'm running Windows XP SP1, on the latest ATI 4.7 drivers.  Also i have the power connector from the card plugged into a dedicated molex out from the PSU. I hope that covers all the specs you'll need  
    So is this card defective or am i just demanding too much out of my PSU?  Would disconnecting the DVD's/floppy/fans help to determine this?
    Thanks for any help in advance, i love this card thus far and would hate to have to return it!

    I definitly dont have the time or patience to reformat, nor should i have to, nor do i think it will help.  I think it is related to heat issues, yet the card never gets hot as i think it could.  I can still touch the heatsinks, granted it's very hot, but it won't burn me.  
    But the reason i think it's related to heat is because games will be fine for some time while i play them, then suddenly i'll start to see a patch of messed up pixels all throughout the screen, then the geometry rendering issues start to appear on new loads of levels/characters.  I've even tried opening up the case and putting a external fan right on it, I still get the issues.
    It's odd tho, nothing ever locks up, and 2d always works fine.  Might I have a defective card? i have done endless searches and cannot find one other person who has this same issue.

  • IPad Game Rendering Issues

    I just downloaded Infinity Blade today, and about 10 minutes into the game, I realized my character and any opponents I faced have rendering issues. Their shading an color is of, and the colors sometimes flicker. This happens in every single video, battle and screen. I've restarted the iPad three times, and completely shut down the game & other apps. I also noticed that when I turned the iPad back on, the screen flickered right before showing the lock screen. What should I do? Is this a problem with the A5 processor?

    Try a reset of the iPad.
    Reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons.

  • Is that a webkit rendering issue in Safari 5.1?

    I add my voice to rendering issues encountered in Safari 5.1, here they are:
    1) Fonts look pixelated on some websites. Here's an example drawn from weebly.
    The font used here is OFL Sorts Mill Goudy, so I guess there must be a font rendering engine in weebly that allows non web safe fonts to be displayed properly. That works fine in Firefox 5 & 6, and until recently on Safari 5. Chrome 12 has exactly the same issue as Safari 5.1, so it could be a general rendering issue in webkit.
    2) Videos on Vimeo show now a black rectangle instead of the video.
    3) The "Insert image" feature in this forum takes forever to load, displaying a white rectangle during several seconds. Same issue with the Evernote clip bookmarklet.
    Hope these issues will be fixed soon, any help is appreciated if something can be changed in Safari settings.
    Note: resetting Safari (including cleaning cache) doesn't solve the described problems. I'm running Snow Leopard 10.6.8 on Mac Pro Quad 2.8 Ghz.

    Thanks for helping diagnose this.
    However, my testing indicates that this is not a bug with border-collapse: collapse. Here is why:
    If I change the value of border-collapse to "separate" and add "border-spacing: 0", the bug remains. To try this, request .
    If I leave the value of border-collapse unchanged but change the button elements in the cells to plain text, the bug disappears. To try this, request .
    On the basis of this testing, it would seem to me that the bug is dependent on the button elements and independent of the border-collapse CSS attribute.
    This doesn't explain, however, why you have found border-collapse: collapse producing slow results with other large tables and it doesn't do so with my table in . It also doesn't explain why you saw the bug disappear when you changed border-collapse on my page but I didn't see it disappear.
    Any further diagnostic help would be welcome.

  • Adobe Acrobat X Pro Ver. 10.1.7 rendering issues

    I have rendering issues with Acrobat X Pro Ver 10.1.7.
    When I zoom in to 100% and use the hand tool to move the image around, it moves about 1 inch then it freezes for 3-4 seconds, then I can move it again.  This happens at all zoom %, but it gets worse as I zoom in further.
    This gets even worse if I add text callouts and text boxes.
    Windows reports the size of the .pdf document at about 700 Kilobytes.
    I played with the Preferences - 3D & Multimedia - Rendeiring settings, etc. to no avail.
    I have 64 bit Windows 7 Enterprise on a DELL Precision  M4500-I 1.6GHZ CORE I7 QUAD CORE laptop with 8 GB of RAM and a NVIDIA QUADRO FX 1800M with 1 GB of RAM.  I also played with the NVIDIA Control Panel settings to no avail.
    This gets very anoying, I need to get work done on these .pdf files and this issue slows me down, and irritates the hell out of me.
    I thought my laptop is underpowered, but at this point I tend to believe it is an Acrobat issue.
    Please, any input appreciated. 

    Moved to Acrobat Installation & Update Issues

  • ITunes 7 Rendering Issues

    Ahoy hoy,
    I became entangled in this problem upon first running iTunes;
    Running it for the first few minutes, all is fine, tick-tock, no problems so far.
    If one is inclined to switch applications, to say Firefox etc., hide iTunes, and then switch back to iTunes upon revealing it from that wonderful hiding place that is apple+h, it comes out all DICOMBOGULATED... of which a preview can be seen:
    It renders the interface all like, nineteen-eightees-Commador64-loading-a-game-up-like (I can post more previews of the glitch, some of them look pretty cool); what is the meaning of this?, am I alone in this problem? Coming to mind is a VRAM issue, but I am not one to speculate on such topics as it's not my professional area.
    Toogy Boogy,
    Tim D.
    iBook G4 1Ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   Sun-spotted monitor; ladybird stickers; fadded 'S' key; burnt-out not working firewire; all else's d

    I have seen some wierd GUI rendering issues as well, notably, this one:
    I can replicate this happening by closing the window (leaving the application running) and then opening it up again. The only way to make it go away is to click on the iTunes Store source and then back on my library again.

  • What sequence setting would you use to edit 1280 x1080 DVCProHD (P2) and 1920 x 1080 AVCHD (Sony) in FCP. Experiencing Quality and rendering issues.

    What sequence setting would you use to edit both 1280 x1080 DVCProHD (P2) and 1920 x 1080 AVCHD (Sony) in a single timeline in FCP. I'm experiencing quality and rendering issues.  I've tried numerous settings but can't seem to figure this one out.  Thanks for your assistance.

    Although you can combine the avchd 1920x1080 material with prores 1920x1080 in the same timeline, you might land up saving time just converting everything to 1920x1080 prores 422.   You'd probably reduce the amount of rendering while you're working and exporting when you're done by a great deal.  This workflow will require much more drive space.

  • InDesign CS4 - Serious Screen Rendering Issue

    I just migrated from the CS2 Suite to CS4 Suite (I uninstalled CS2 Suite first before installing CS4 Suite) on my Windows XP SP3 system.
    The first thing I noticed was that InDesign CS4 (ID) had trouble rendering its screens properly when doing common functions. When the issue occurs, only "parts" of the ID app screen will display (see attached figure), and the CPU usage (as shown in Task Manager) goes to 100% usage. At this point, my system grinds to a halt, and I don't know where I am in the ID application because the screen is not fully "painted". All I can do then is shut down ID using the "End Task" option of the Windows Task Manager. As soon as ID closes, my CPU usage immediately goes back to normal (5-10% range).
    So far, I've noticed this rendering issue when:
    - I minimize the app to the system tray, then go to maximize it. This happens with or without an ID file open.
    - I am closing/exiting a file
    - any time a lot of screen repainting needs to occur when moving "in" and "out" of ID
    This issue may not happen at every instance in the above circumstances, but often enough (90% of the time) to make ID virtually unusable to me. Sometimes, I am able to "jog" ID back to its senses (i.e., a proper repainting of the screen) by navigating through the ID menus. This works only sporadically, however, and the results usually do not last long.
    This issue does not show up on any other of my CS4 apps (PhotoShop, Illustrator, Acrobat, etc.), nor on any of my Windows Office 2003 apps. My other colleagues in my department have not seen this issue with their CS4 ID, and some of them are running nearly identical systems as mine (everything but the Dell monitor).
    What I've tried so far without any help:
    - used Adobe Updater for the latest CS4 updates (I am running ver. 6.0.2 of ID)
    - ran Windows Update and installed all the latest updates beyond SP3
    - deleted files on my hard drive to free up space (I have 20% free)
    - defragged my hard drive
    - updated my display driver
    - tried various screen resolutions and refresh rates of my display
    Specs of my machine:
    Dell Optiplex GX620
    Pentium 4 3.00 Ghz CPU
    80 GB Hard drive
    4 GB RAM
    Windows XP SP3
    Dell 1907ftp LCD monitor
    IE ver. 6.0.2900
    McAfee virus checking
    Can anyone help?

    One thing that is missing from your list of system components is the video card used on your system. And that may be the source of your problems. In general, though, we are not aware of any video problems particular to InDesign 6 as opposed to InDesign 4 which you previously had installed.
    Many low-end computers from Dell and others take the low cost route by integrating a graphics display chip, typically from Intel, on the motherboard which does not have its own dedicated graphics memory. It shares memory with Windows. This has several ramifications (pun not really intended, sorry!). The first is that using main memory as video memory means that you have very slow video memory, very much slower than the memory on dedicated graphics cards. The second is that access to that memory competes with disk operations, CPU operations, and virtually everything and anything going on with your system. If in fact your system does have one of these integrated graphics chips in lieu of a real graphics card, there might not be much you can do assuming you have the latest video driver (you said you checked that) unless your Dell OptiPlex allows you to disable the motherboard integrated graphics chip and install a real video card. (To be completely fair, the integrated graphics display chips are perfectly fine for systems that are not running graphically intensive applications - Outlook, Word, and a web browser instance or two work quite well with those configurations.)
    Other things that I would check would be disk space as well as fragmentation. An 80GB disk is not that big these days and if most or much of the remaining free disk space is highly fragmented (as it might be after uninstalling CS2, installing CS4, and perhaps doing a whole bunch of Windows updates including SP3), disk operations, including page file operations, might be excrutiatingly slow.
              - Dov

  • UI rendering issue in Skin editor (11.1.2) on Mac

    I just tried to run the stand alone skin editor (11.1.2) on Mac OS X and noticed some UI rendering issue - All the icon and menu are hidden unless I move the mouse cursor over them. (sometimes they don't even show up if I do so) And every time when I launch the program, I see lots of null pointer exception from ""
    It looks like a platform specific issue, since the Oracle claims Mac is also certified. Is there any work around for that?
    Mac OS X: 10.6.7
    JVM: 1.6.0_24
    JDev: (may be not relevant here)
    Edited by: Steven on Jul 18, 2011 11:03 AM

    Hi Steven,
    I just downloaded standalone SkinEditor and had the same problem as you.
    I managed to get round it thankfully.
    As you mentioned, the menu items become visible sometimes when moving the mouse over them. I managed to find the Preferences menu item and opened it. In the Environment section I changed the Look and Feel from Oracle to Mac OS X. When I restarted the editor came up with no errors.
    I don't think the Mac OS X look and feel is as nice though so I did some more digging.
    I found a file called jdev-Darwin.conf in jdev/bin that contains Mac specific configuration for JDeveloper. In here I noticed the following line:
    AddVMOption    -Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=trueAs the error we were getting was to do with menus I copied the line into skineditor.conf and hey presto it works for the Oracle look and feel. The app menus are on the Apple menu bar rather than the Java app window but I can live with that.

  • Font Rendering Issues-Help Required Please

    In the past week, any Google search on Firefox or Chrome (but not Opera) gives me results where the fonts look gappy. Sometimes there are additional dots above the letters. I uninstalled and reinstalled Firefox from scratch in case an add-on was at fault but even with a clean install I am still seeing the issue. I checked my font settings and do not have any minimum font size set. I have allow pages to choose their own font ticked.
    I've uploaded an image where I can see some correctly rendered text and some gappy looking text (not from a Google search but a Mozilla query). It also happens when commenting online sometimes, during typing it will be gappy but it will show properly once submitted. Any ideas for a fix would be warmly welcomed and I can give more examples if that would help. Although it's not Firefox related, I did restore all defaults in Chrome and it didn't fix the issue there either.
    I uninstalled the most recent Windows Update since the problem is recent but it didn't change anything. I'm not sure if browsers would even look to my computers fonts.

    hi Auds77, this is probably caused by microsoft update kb3013455 which can cause font rendering issues on vista:
    <blockquote>After you install security update 3013455, you may notice some text quality degradation in certain scenarios. The problem only occurs on systems that are running Windows Vista SP2 or Windows Server 2003 SP2. Microsoft is researching this problem and will post more information in this article when the information becomes available. </blockquote>
    one option may be to [ roll-back this particular update] for now until there is a fix by microsoft or you could also look if there is a [[Upgrade your graphics drivers to use hardware acceleration and WebGL|graphics driver update]] available on the website of the vendor (intel/amd/nvidia) which might also resolve this problem in some cases.

  • Font rendering issue & multimedia keys not working

    Hi, yesterday i switched to KDEmod 4.1 and I have two major problems...
    One is font rendering issue... I did not change anything in my font-related packages (cairo, freetype, fontconfig, libxft) and i have to add that this setup worked perfectly in KDEmod 3.5.9, but now it looks like this:
    This bug occurs only in qt apps and mostly in kmenu... i.e firefox renders my fonts flawlessly...
    Second problem are multimedia keys on my keyboard...
    They worked in KDE 3.5.9, but now I cannot set them up properly... Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't...
    KDE recognizes the pressed key, but when I assign specific action and press the key, just nothing happens...

    You might be able to solve your font issue by going to System Settings -> Appearance -> Fonts.  I enable ant-aliasing.  I also clicked on configure and select "Use sub-pixel rendering" to RGB and the hinting style to Full.  I also use the Force fonts DPI to 96 DPI.  This makes the fonts pleasing to my eyes.
    This is how I got my multimedia keys to work in KDE4.1:
    Go to System Settings -> Regional and Language and make sure to set the County or region to your location.
    khotkeys needs to be running.  I added it to the autostarted progam list. System Settings -> Advanced tab -> Autostart
    When I got the multimedia keys working, I was really tring to get the keyboard shortcuts to work.  In addition to the above steps, I also deleted
    ~/.kde4/share/config/kglobalshortcutsrc.  I do not know if deleting this file is needed to get the multimedia keys working, but it was to get the keyboard shortcuts woring.
    Restart X
    Go to  System Settings -> Keyboard and Mouse -> Keyboard Shortcuts
    I set the volume control in the KMix component section.
    To get the keyboard shortcuts to work, go to the menu editor and select the program you want to create a shortcuts for.  Click on the advanced tab and create the shortcut in the shortcut field.  Save.
    Then go to  System Settings -> Keyboard and Mouse -> Keyboard Shortcuts. Change the component to KHotkeys.  Select the Program and then select the default shortcut that you just created.  (This works for the multimedia keys aswell).
    Hope this helps,

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