If installed through AUR, Firefox Aurora fails to update.

Good morning.
So, as you could have guessed from the title, Firefox Aurora, and, likely, other Firefox versions as well, are unable to to updated via in-build Firefox updater if they were installed through Arch User Repository, being stuck on "Connecting to the update server", as depicted below:
Tool that was used to install the package is yaourt, no PKGBUILD or firefox.conf modifications were made.
-- mod edit: read the Forum Etiquette and only post thumbnails http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/For … s_and_Code [jwr] --
Last edited by VladimirVilimaitis (2014-08-18 15:36:12)

Gusar wrote:
The internal updater is for the case where you manually download a build from mozilla.org and unpack it into your home dir. The other option is a distro-provided build that's installed system-wide and updated via the package manager (such a build will have the internal updater disabled at compile-time).
What you did, have the package manger download a mozilla.org build and install it system-wide, gives you conflicting update mechanisms. What the PKGBUILDs in AUR should do is disable the internal updater by creating a ${pkgdir}/opt/firefox/browser/defaults/preferences/archlinux.js that contains
pref("app.update.auto", false);
pref("app.update.enabled", false);
Thanks, done it.
This ends the thread, I assume.
I think that it would be wonderful if package maintainers on AUR implemented this so no other user would have similar errors, but I am not explicitly concerned about it.

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  • AUR Firefox Aurora (en_GB)

    Hi all,
    I'm *really* new, so if I'm asking something that should be self-evident, bear with me.
    I finished my first 'bare metal' install of Arch last night, and I'm currently in the process of installing applications and configuring my DE to my liking.
    I've used Firefox Aurora for years (finding no difference really in terms of the number of crashes etc compared to stable channel builds, and appreciating the 'sneak peek' at features before everyone else), so I'm keen to continue using it with Arch.
    I've found it in the AUR here: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/firefox-aurora
    However, I've got some questions...
    1) It uses en_US, and I'm resident in the UK (so obviously would appreciate the correct localisation). How would I do this? I ran a search, and found this package: https://www.archlinux.org/packages/extr … 18n-en-gb/ , but it seems kind of 'messy' to just lump that ontop of the US localisation (surely if I did that, the US localisation would linger on, and I'd rather have it completely absent).
    Then I've got some more generic questions about the AUR (which may be appropriate for another thread, I'm not sure - suggestions?):
    2) What does the firefox-aurora 'thing' (I'm not sure of the right word - package doesn't strike me as the right word since you need to download the source code etc?) in the AUR offer that the download from Mozilla doesn't? As far as I can see thus far, the localisation is present in the Mozilla package, and the binaries too, so would it not be easier just to use that?
    3) If I were to use the Mozilla package, is it okay just to download, extract and copy it into /opt (I assume this would be a 'good' place to put it to distinguish it from pacman-installed packages)? I'm relatively confident I can do this, including creating a launcher etc, but want to know if this is 'best practise' before proceeding.
    Finally, unrelated to both these (again, another thread might be more appropriate, if so please tell me):
    4) Since according to the wiki pages I've read (particularly the one on Stability), it's best not to install too many packages from the AUR, and since in any case, the documentation is there to make it relatively simple, what is the object of an AUR helper (e.g. yaourt)? A 'plain-English' bit of information on this would be interesting to hear, since I've spent a bit of time on the wiki and still like I'm missing the point entirely of just what it's supposed to do that isn't already simple enough.
    Since this is my first post, I'd also like to take this opportunity to say 'Hello world!'

    Trilby wrote:
    I'll try to tackle these - and reverse order seems best for these:
    ArminasAnarchy wrote:4) Since according to the wiki pages I've read (particularly the one on Stability), it's best not to install too many packages from the AUR, and since in any case, the documentation is there to make it relatively simple, what is the object of an AUR helper (e.g. yaourt)? A 'plain-English' bit of information on this would be interesting to hear, since I've spent a bit of time on the wiki and still like I'm missing the point entirely of just what it's supposed to do that isn't already simple enough.
    I suspect that may be a poor interpretation of the wiki.  AUR packages are "officially" unsupported - this means they are not supported by the distro devs, but they certainly are supported by the community: they are made, updated, and maintained by the community.  There is, however, a wide range of quality of AUR packages.  Some are very well made and maintained, others are abandonded pieces of crap (flags and votes can help distinguish).  But I would certainly not encourage someone to avoid installing AUR packages.  The AUR is one of arch's great strengths - I currently have 22 aur packages installed.  I would say favor main repo packages when they are available, but when they are not, that is what the AUR is for.
    There's not much I can say here other than thanks! I suppose the wiki is designed to err on the side of caution, when in theory things which could cause problems (i.e. dodgy AUR packages) rarely do, since they're avoided?
    Trilby wrote:EDIT: addition: AUR helpers should be avoided at first - learn how the aur actually works.  Good AUR helpers then simply help automate a few of the more repetitive bits of the process.  Yaourt sometimes gets a bad rap around here - mostly for undeserved reasons.  But it does have a self-defeating design as it hides much more of the process than many other helpers (more 'behind the curtain): those who don't know how the AUR works definitely should not use yaourt, those who do know how the AUR works generally don't want to use yaourt.  Yaourt is simply too 'idoit-proofed' for it's own good, so that it makes it very easy for people to remain idiotic and do silly things.  Other AUR helpers help automate without removing the control or understanding of the process (I like cower, but there are many other good ones).
    Message received and understood. No helpers until I'm a bit more confident!
    Trilby wrote:
    ArminasAnarchy wrote:3) If I were to use the Mozilla package, is it okay just to download, extract and copy it into /opt (I assume this would be a 'good' place to put it to distinguish it from pacman-installed packages)? I'm relatively confident I can do this, including creating a launcher etc, but want to know if this is 'best practise' before proceeding.
    That could be okay, and in "opt" it would be perfectly safe (from a package management standpoint), but it would not be best practise.  Best practise would be to make a PKGBUILD and have it managed by pacman.  PKGBUILDs are much easier than most archers first assume.  If you have a set of commands to download and install a piece of software, you can easily make a PKGBUILD.
    I think this really is the 'meat' of the answer. I've skimmed the wiki page on PKGBUILDs, and it seems for installing something relatively simple, in the 'standard' fashion, (i.e. as I would do if it was provided in the official repos and automatically installed by pacman), the page is overly detailed. There's a (perhaps) more useful link at the bottom, with an example (http://ix.io/66p), but again, it seems overly detailed. For instance, I'm happy to ignore options containing things like the licence (but don't know if pacman would be happy with me ignoring that; also, is pacman capable of handling en_GB localisation in the word 'licence', if I did have to include it?). Also, working out what to fill in the 'conflicts' and 'replaces' fields might be awkward. Furthermore, if I was modifying  the AUR package for the right localisation, would I have to recreate a new PKGBUILD every single time the package was updated? Guidance here on making the process as simple and quick as possible (bearing in mind the 'Arch Way' I suppose; I want to use the same programs, but I don't want to simulate my _buntu experiences with a different distro – completely defeating the point of changing over). In short, I suppose I'm saying I'd like to learn once, do once, and thereafter have Aurora updated as painlessly as possible. Do you have any advice to this end?
    Trilby wrote:
    ArminasAnarchy wrote:2) What does the firefox-aurora 'thing' (I'm not sure of the right word - package doesn't strike me as the right word since you need to download the source code etc?) in the AUR offer that the download from Mozilla doesn't? As far as I can see thus far, the localisation is present in the Mozilla package, and the binaries too, so would it not be easier just to use that?
    Package is a bit ambiguous, yes, but I think it is a suitable word.  "AUR package" will disambiguate it.  PKGBUILD might seem more precise, but many AUR packages have more than a PKGBUILD (install file, patches, etc).  In any case, these semantics don't generally matter - context makes it clear.
    Without looking at the PKGBUILD I don't know exactly what the differences are - but they can include different compile flags, other options, various patches, etc.
    Here is a link to the PKGBUILD: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/fi/f … a/PKGBUILD. I've scanned over it, and to my (inexperienced) eyes, it looks like the package is being pulled from an en_US link, then being shoved into /opt. Since this is sort of what I was edging towards anyway, is it possible to just modify the PKGBUILD once, changing the en_US for en_GB, and letting it go ahead and shove the file in /opt? Or – as asked before – would I have to do this each and every time the package updated? Also, would just changing the link break anything?
    Trilby wrote:
    ArminasAnarchy wrote:1) It uses en_US, and I'm resident in the UK (so obviously would appreciate the correct localisation). How would I do this? I ran a search, and found this package: https://www.archlinux.org/packages/extr … 18n-en-gb/ , but it seems kind of 'messy' to just lump that ontop of the US localisation (surely if I did that, the US localisation would linger on, and I'd rather have it completely absent).
    This I have very little knowledgeable input on as I am spoiled by being in the en_US locale.  But most programs should check the system's default locale and use that without needing a special build for each locale.  Is firefox not doing that for you?  Is your system locale set properly? (check `locale -a` and `localectl` ).
    I've not actually downloaded the package yet; the idea being to make sure I knew exactly what I was doing before doing anything, to avoid screw ups whilst I'm learning. Admittedly, Firefox is fairly innocuous, but I think it's a good habit to be in, none-the-less.
    In terms of system locale, the terminal works like a charm, and was set up during installation to use the right keymap etc. XFCE thus far wasn't doing that – but I think I've fixed it in the settings by just removing the US keyboard layout and replacing it with the UK one.
    In Firefox, would that command actually show anything? Tbh, I'm not even sure what the localisation does – the main difference between US and GB is spelling of words like 'colour', and I'd guess that words like that would occur in the interfaces only occasionally (am I right in thinking keymap is handled by the DE/base system and doesn't need per-program modification?). Unlike a foreign language, where you need the interfaces to make sense in order to use the program, with en_GB, it's more a matter of a persecution complex and resenting having American English being shoved on me . I suppose there is an element of administration here, in so far as I don't want Firefox's incorrect locale being picked up by other programs, but I'm not sure if that would happen anyway, or if I'm worrying over nothing?
    karol wrote:There's also the nightly channel, even more "beta" than aurora, in case you're interested.
    Yep, I know about this! Isn't the codename minefield or something? I did give nightly builds a try and found that they were (unsurprisingly, perhaps) really unstable – to the point of being barely usable. I'm not a dev, or interested in bug hunting, I just appreciate getting an early look at packages. Aurora lets me do that, and I honestly notice no difference at all in stability compared to regular Firefox (it's been a few years since I used it, but release-channel used to have this dreadful bug where the process wouldn't close when the 'X' was clicked – I've not seen that in Aurora).
    karol wrote:1. Give the en_GB localization a go and don't assume it won't work.
    I don't think I'm assuming anything – that was the whole point of posting here . I'm just being uber-cautious before doing anything; I'd rather prevent the problem from occurring that having to spend time fixing it.
    karol wrote:2. Read the wiki about the AUR, have a look at the PKGBUILD(s) you want to install to see what do they do.
    Done and done. See above.
    karol wrote:3. You should install packages using pacman, not using 'make install' or just by downloading binaries, but it's your computer, and you can give it a go.
    Thanks for re-iterating this, but I think Trilby beat you to the punch Sorry, man.
    karol wrote:4. IMHO 'Stability' article in the wiki is for people worried / obsessed with security. AUR helpers make things even simpler, but they're not mandatory and they can be substituted by a short script. Some of these helpers are just that. The helper may let you not only install, but also search the AUR. Some people prefer not to leave the terminal if they can help it and using an AUR helper beats figuring how to use a text browser.
    If you want to build package foo from the AUR that happens to depend on bar and baz - also AUR packages - which in turn depend on blah and blaaaah, which - you guessed it - are only in the AUR, telling an AUR helper "Build foo. Oh yes, build all the dependencies and their dependencies too." is easier.
    Again, I think most of what you said here has already been hinted at, but thanks anyway . It's useful to have things put in a different format.
    To both of you, and to any future posters, thanks! I've come from _buntu(s), and Arch has got an undeserved reputation for being a distro full of scary, angry hackers who are far more likely to tell you to jog on and RTFM than actually provide any useful information (e.g. which part of which manual?). I have to say, for my first post/thread, I'm coming away with a warm fuzzy feeling
    (PS – this is the second time I've had to write this out, since the forum automatically logged me out whilst I was typing this up, so that's why it's taken a while – retyping everything I'd just written was something I couldn't face for a few days! Is there a way to disable this, or should I carry on as I'm doing currently (i.e. typing my replies into a text doc, then copying and pasting?)).

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    Try updating by using iTunes via a computer.

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    ''locking as a duplicate of https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/969557''
    So I ran firefox, and it was updating. While updating, firefox crashed for no apparent reason so I had to close it. Afterwards, every time I tried to start up firefox, it gave me the update failed error, followed by a crash less than a second later. I followed some instructions, uninstalling and re-installing firefox (without removing personal data), but now firefox won't start up at all!
    Now what?

    We're sorry to hear that your Firefox seems to be crashing when you open it. Please perform the following steps to give us a crash report ID that helps us find out more about the cause of the crash.
    #Press the following shortcut to get a Run window: [Windows] + [R]. This should bring up a window that contains a text field.
    #In that text field, enter %APPDATA% and press Enter. An explorer window should open.
    #From that explorer window, double-click on the ''Mozilla'' folder, then double-click on ''Firefox'' and then on ''Crash reports''. Double-click on ''submitted''.
    #Now, you should see a list of files that contain reports. Go to ''View'' > ''Arrange Icons by'' > ''Modified'' to get the most recent files at the top of the window.
    #Open the most recent 5 files with a text editor and copy the IDs.
    #Paste each ID with '''bp-''' into the reply window on the forums.
    Thanks in advance!
    You can find more information and troubleshooting steps in the [[Firefox crashes]] article.

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    hii,,, i am using iphone 3g, i am trying to install apps from apple store,, installation stop in middle,and say,, u have to do install through itunes from your laptop. when i am trying to install it from my laptop,, its failed again n again,, help me out ,

    Many thanks.
    With those symptoms, I'd try the following document:
    Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store
    (If there's a SpeedBit LSP showing up in Autoruns, it's usually best to just uninstall your SpeedBit Video Accelerator.)

  • Adobe Reader 11.0 won't install through firefox - click save and then nothing else happens

    Adobe Reader 11.0 won't install through firefox - I click save file when requested it switches to Step 2 of 3 but nothing is there and I have waited for a very long time for it to load.  Anyone else have this problem?

    Hi Pat,
    After your last email I decided to continue to trouble shoot the problem and finally found the answer from another user.  Oddly enough when using Firefox it will default to a location on your computer to save downloads.  If it encounters a problem it doesn't identify it, the program just "loops" back to the start of the download sequence.  Once I changed the folder that the downloads are sent to the original way of upgrading occurred without fault.
    I will go back into the discussion group and credit you with the answer because I really appreciate your assistance.
    Thank you, Jim
    [private data removed]

  • How do you Install Firefox Aurora on top of my Firefox on Linux Mint 13

    I want to overwrite my reguler Firefox with Firefox Aurora

    You already seem to be running a Firefox Aurora 19.0 build.<br />
    It is usually better to have such a possibly unstable nightly build that is updated daily alongside of a regular Firefox release version (i.e. Firefox 17.01), so you can fall back to that version in case of problems.
    Do a custom install and install each version in its own program folder to use multiple Firefox versions.
    Create a new profile exclusively for each Firefox version.<br />
    Create a desktop shortcut with -P "profile" appended to the target to launch each Firefox version with its own profile.
    See these mozillaZine KB articles for information:
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Testing_pre-release_versions
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_Manager#Creating_a_new_profile
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Using_multiple_profiles_-_Firefox
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Bypassing_the_Profile_Manager
    Use the -no-remote command line switch to open another Firefox instance with its own profile and to run different Firefox instances simultaneously.
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Opening_a_new_instance_of_Firefox_with_another_profile

  • I am currently running 29.0.1. at each startup Firefox is trying to update but fails with the message "Update Failed.... The update could not be installed.

    I have tried running a manual update but I still receive the same error "Update Failed : The update could not be installed. All aspects of FF appear to be working normally.

    Some users have reported problems with AVG. Disable it for now.
    Go to '''Mozilla.org''' and get the full installer from this link;

  • Accidentally i have blocked all cookies while surfing through firefox to my gmail account. Though i can open gmail account through internet explore I fail to do the same through firefox. Somebody help

    just couple of days back i accidentally disabled all cookies to my gmail account while accessing it through mozilla firefox. Now though i can still access my gmail account through other browers i cannot access it through mozilla firefox. How i can access my gmail account through mozilla firefox and thereafter enable all cookies.

    Hello there,
    I also recently had that problem, I was person number 5, I just uninstalled firefox and when it asked me if I wanted to save my preferences (ie. bookmarks history cookies...) I said no and then installed it again from IE. Everything is fine now I just set my setting again and made sure that I only allowed cookies for the session and that learned the problem right up. Hope that helps.

  • Firefox aurora wont allow custom install.

    When I go and install firefox aurora from the mozilla webpage the download goes fine but when I check the custom install button it just ignores me, does the default install and then when I click on the icon its made I get firefox 3 with all my bookmarks and everything. Help? :(

    You need an Intel Mac to run Firefox 4.0.
    Fire FTP is available for Firefox 3.6, see this page. <br />

  • Auto-update not working on 64-bit Windows Firefox Aurora

    I realize the correct directory to download Aurora builds would be http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-mozilla-aurora-l10n/, but it does not have 64-bit Windows build which is unfortunately the only way to solve severe stuttering problems in Flash.
    Previously I had used nightly builds, while they did work fine most of the time sometimes there issues that forced me back to standard builds, and stuttering Flash.
    So instead I've been trying to use 64-bit Aurora I downloaded from http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-mozilla-aurora/. It's been a smooth experience otherwise but auto-update doesn't work. First it attempts to install small patch, which fails. Then it tries to install full update, which again fails.
    Here's a screenshot of the full update failure message: http://i.imgur.com/8HmPjTE.jpg

    Thanks for the feedback. The topic linked above suggests that the problem with auto-update lies with CA certificate. I've submitted feedback to Moziilla and linked here just in case.
    If the cause of failing auto-update is the CA certificate, hopefully Mozilla is willing to correct the problem.
    Stuttering Flash in 32-bit Firefox is simply unbearable and I have to either use 64-bit Nightly or Aurora builds, or go Chrome.

  • Fresh Player Plugin and Mozilla Firefox Aurora

    From the AUR I've installed the PepperFlash plugin and the Fresh Player plugin. Then in Firefox Aurora, installed from heftig's(sp?) user repo, nothing works. As expected `about:plugins` lists two insances of Shockwave Flash, though the first instance is listed as version, not as I would have expected.
    Does the original repo version of the Flash Player plugin need to be uninstalled? Edit: I've tried uninstalling flashplayer, still no flash loading, also any pages requiring flash are extremely slow. Something buggy is going on me thinks.
    Last edited by jonnybarnes (2014-06-23 19:29:14)

    jonnybarnes wrote:As expected `about:plugins` lists two insances of Shockwave Flash, though the first instance is listed as version, not as I would have expected.
    Don't worry about that, that value is hardcoded in the freshplugin wrapper: https://github.com/i-rinat/freshplayerp … ntry.c#L53
    For my experiences, I've had mixed results with this plugin/wrapper. It works quite well on a radeon-powered desktop with firefox-esr-bin, but is next-to unusable on a much more powerful nvidia-powered desktop with iceweasel. Unfortunately I've not had time to diagnose where the problem lies, but it's worth mentioning that this project is very much in alpha state, and is undergoing rapid development. For this reason, I'd recommend that you use the -git version of the wrapper over the "stable" version, and rebuild regularly.

  • Firefox 12 failed to restore my previous session!

    Hi there!
    Well, last night I shut down my computer from the Start menu in Vista. I believe I had closed Firefox manually before I proceeded with the shut down. I don't think it has anything to do with the way you exit Firefox, but I'm just saying it.
    I usually have several tabs open in Firefox, this time I had about 50 of them and every time I close Firefox it prompts me if I want to save the tabs. I don't think this is a default setting, I think I set this up myself. So I just click the option which saves my tabs so that the next time I start Firefox I can continue where I left off.
    I believe I clicked the save button last night as well. But today I started up Firefox and the tabs were gone.
    I did follow the procedure for restoring the last session as described here:
    But the thing is I don't have the option to restore last session when I go to Firefox button and History.
    Also, I have started and closed Firefox since that several times. So this restore option might only just restore the last tab I closed anyway. As described...
    ''If you close each window or tab, only the final window or tab that you closed will be available when you restart Firefox.''
    Why did Firefox forget to restore my tabs?...
    This happened to me once before but I don't remember how I restored the tabs.
    And also, it happened once that Firefox failed to prompt me if I want to save my tabs, and instead prompted me with a whole different dialog, the one where it warns me that I'm about to close all open tabs and asks me to confirm.
    There was no way around it so I intentionally ''crashed'' the computer, knowing that once I log on to Windows and start Firefox again it will restore my tabs automatically whether it wants to or not. And, of course, this proved to be true, all my tabs were back.
    But did I really have to ''crash'' my comptuer for this? Maybe I could have crashed only the Firefox by terminating it's process... but it works either way. One time it asks, one time it doesn't ask to save tabs. Completely disregarding the settings! There is something seriously wrong here!
    After that first incident I was again able to save my tabs on exit, it always asked me to save them from that point on, as I would expect it to. Until now...
    Now it asks me if I ''want to'' save my tabs, and I say ''yes please'', just to find out the next morning it didn't restore them, as if they never were saved. Haha! LOL! Ridiculous! Haha, that Firefox 12! :) What a clown!
    As mutch as this is a call for help in restoring those tabs, it is also a reminder to Firefox developers that something really stinks here! You need to work out the session save and restore mechanism in Firefox 12. Unluckily for me I had not installed the Session Manager extension. That's one tool that does better what Firefox should do by standard.

    Yeah, if the tabs were not restored then unfortunately sessionstore.bak was overwritten. But you're taking it surprisingly well. :) Most people are pissed beyond belief, which is expected. :P
    Also let me clear up the confusion between sessionstore.js & sessionstore.bak. Sessionstore.bak is the backup file that Firefox makes after every shutdown of Firefox. Sessionstore.js is the main file that stores all the data about tabs, app tabs and recently closed tabs & windows.
    You can backup either one of these files but, like you did, it's best to check the modified timestamp on both files and most importantly their sizes. It will let you know how old that file is and the bigger the size of the file, the better. A 2kb file likely has 1 or 2 tabs, where a 500kb one has around 20 tabs or more.
    But to keep it simple, just backup sessionstore.js.
    And yes, great idea about Shadow Copy. I've used it on Windows 7 and it really is a life saver. I found it had around 20 or 30 backups for the places.sqlite which I was trying to recover. You could try to implement it on Vista with 3rd party software, I'd just read some reviews first.
    Or you could install the [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/session-manager/ Session Manager addon] we both discussed earlier. Unless you think adding that add-on is overkill or you don't want to weigh down Firefox with another addon? But in this case, I think it does do what you want, which is backup your sessionstore.js everyday or every few days. I think the setting is customizable.
    I'm praying for the day they create a "sessionstorebackups" folder like they have for the '''bookmarkbackups''' folder. That way we can have a better chance to recover the tabs.
    '''Edit:''' You replied while I typed this. But great work! I didn't know Shadow Copy kept backups of files on Vista even though the service wasn't running. Anyway that's great news. And I see you'll be using Session Manager from now on. :D
    And thanks for clearing up the part about Firefox prompting you to save your tabs at closing. I haven't seen Firefox do that in a while (the last version that showed that prompt was maybe 3.5?) so I was wondering what was going on there. :) Take care and have a good one!

  • Security updates takes long time to install through Software Center

    Hi Folks,
    We have a setup with SCCM 2012 R2 CU4 as a Primary Site server where SUP also enabled. I deployed the windows security updates to the test servers collection by deployment type as Available.
    I verified in test servers that all the deployed security updates are listed under Software Center client, but when I checked all the updates and tried to install. it is taking long time to install . Most of the time the updates are in “waiting to install”
    status and finally ends up in failed state with error codes 0xc80003f3, 0x8007000e. Have verified all the logs windowsupdate.log, Updatesdeployment.log, WUHandler.log are points to the same error code. Found that multiple SVChost.exe process consumes more
    memory during patching process. 
    However we have enough physical memory(2 GB) and page memory( Min 2 GB to Max 4 GB) configured on the servers (Windows 2012 R2 SP1) .  Need some guidance in further troubleshooting...

    Most of the servers managed by me today are having anywhere 2 - 4 GB RAM installed. How do one install the security patches through SCCM with this configuration?. Selecting more than 4 patches at the same time to install does gives memory errors.
    I would suggest 4GB RAM for a modern Server OS e.g. WS2012R2 is simply too little memory.
    There have been quite a lot of issues in recent months, relating to Software Updates, affecting WSUS and also ConfigMgr, e.g.
    (Please take a moment to "Vote as Helpful" and/or "Mark as Answer", where applicable.
    This helps the community, keeps the forums tidy, and recognises useful contributions. Thanks!)

  • [Solved] Firefox build fails

    Hi @all,
    I'm trying to build firefox-gtk3 from the AUR. Sadly, it fails with this error message:
    checking for gcc c++0x headers bug without rtti... yes
    configure: error: Your toolchain does not support C++0x/C++11 mode properly. Please upgrade your toolchain
    ------ config.log ------
    confdefs.h:13:16: error: expected unqualified-id before 'unsigned'
    #define size_t unsigned
    confdefs.h:13:16: error: expected unqualified-id before 'unsigned'
    #define size_t unsigned
    In file included from /usr/include/c++/4.9.2/memory:79:0,
    from configure:10760:
    /usr/include/c++/4.9.2/functional:1849:26: error: '_M_max_size' was not declared in this scope
    && sizeof(_Functor) <= _M_max_size
    /usr/include/c++/4.9.2/functional:1850:31: error: '_M_max_align' was not declared in this scope
    && __alignof__(_Functor) <= _M_max_align
    /usr/include/c++/4.9.2/functional:1851:7: error: '_M_max_align' was not declared in this scope
    && (_M_max_align % __alignof__(_Functor) == 0));
    configure: failed program was:
    #line 10759 "configure"
    #include "confdefs.h"
    #include <memory>
    int main() {
    ; return 0; }
    configure: error: Your toolchain does not support C++0x/C++11 mode properly. Please upgrade your toolchain
    *** Fix above errors and then restart with\
    "make -f client.mk build"
    checking for gcc c++0x headers bug without rtti... yes
    configure: error: Your toolchain does not support C++0x/C++11 mode properly. Please upgrade your toolchain
    ------ config.log ------
    confdefs.h:13:16: error: expected unqualified-id before 'unsigned'
    #define size_t unsigned
    confdefs.h:13:16: error: expected unqualified-id before 'unsigned'
    #define size_t unsigned
    In file included from /usr/include/c++/4.9.2/memory:79:0,
    from configure:10760:
    /usr/include/c++/4.9.2/functional:1849:26: error: '_M_max_size' was not declared in this scope
    && sizeof(_Functor) <= _M_max_size
    /usr/include/c++/4.9.2/functional:1850:31: error: '_M_max_align' was not declared in this scope
    && __alignof__(_Functor) <= _M_max_align
    /usr/include/c++/4.9.2/functional:1851:7: error: '_M_max_align' was not declared in this scope
    && (_M_max_align % __alignof__(_Functor) == 0));
    configure: failed program was:
    #line 10759 "configure"
    #include "confdefs.h"
    #include <memory>
    int main() {
    ; return 0; }
    configure: error: Your toolchain does not support C++0x/C++11 mode properly. Please upgrade your toolchain
    *** Fix above errors and then restart with\
    "make -f client.mk build"
    I've googled a bit, but couldn't find a solution. GCC Version is up to date, so I'm a bit confused. Can someone give me a hint?
    Many thanks!
    Last edited by Thorsten Reinbold (2014-11-29 22:39:38)

    I've tried it again. The first abourt occured very quick after beginning to compile. Now, it fails after a very long time.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/home/nordlicht/AUR/firefox-gtk3/src/mozilla-release/toolkit/mozapps/installer/packager.py", line 402, in <module>
    File "/home/nordlicht/AUR/firefox-gtk3/src/mozilla-release/toolkit/mozapps/installer/packager.py", line 394, in main
    args.source, gre_path, base)
    File "/home/nordlicht/AUR/firefox-gtk3/src/mozilla-release/toolkit/mozapps/installer/packager.py", line 158, in precompile_cache
    errors.fatal('Error while running startup cache precompilation')
    File "/home/nordlicht/AUR/firefox-gtk3/src/mozilla-release/python/mozbuild/mozpack/errors.py", line 101, in fatal
    self._handle(self.FATAL, msg)
    File "/home/nordlicht/AUR/firefox-gtk3/src/mozilla-release/python/mozbuild/mozpack/errors.py", line 96, in _handle
    raise ErrorMessage(msg)
    mozpack.errors.ErrorMessage: Error: Error while running startup cache precompilation

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