If Multiple Hittests equal true, go to and play next frame

Hi All,
I am trying to finish up a project and run into this problem, right now I am trying to create a drag and drop game and on the last game you can drop
parts into the others, what I want to happen is that when all are in the correct spot gotoandplay next frame. This is my current code,
if(one_mc._droptarget=="/onedef_mc" && two_mc._droptarget=="/twodef_mc" && three_mc._droptarget=="/threedef_mc" &&
four_mc._droptarget=="/fourdef_mc" && five_mc._droptarget=="/fivedef_mc" && six_mc._droptarget=="/sixdef_mc" &&
cave_mc._droptarget=="/cavedef_mc" && eight_mc._droptarget=="/eightdef_mc" && nine_mc._droptarget=="/ninedef_mc" &&
ten_mc._droptarget=="/tendef_mc" && eleven_mc._droptarget=="/elevendef_mc" && twelve_mc._droptarget=="/twelvedef_mc");
this is the if statement, im just not sure how to implement the gotoandplay...
Does this make sense?

if you don't have code to check if all the movieclips have been dropped on their targets, there's no way that code can work.
use something like:
one_mc.onPress = function()
one_mc.onRelease = function()
  // align Sprite3
  one_mc._x = onedef_mc._x + (onedef_mc._width-one_mc._width)/2;
  one_mc._y = onedef_mc._y + (onedef_mc._height-one_mc._height)/2;
  // the code in italics doesn't look right
} else {
  // align Sprite3
  one_mc._x = onewrong_mc._x + (onewrong_mc._width-one_mc._width)/2;
  one_mc._y = onewrong_mc._y + (onewrong_mc._height-one_mc._height)/2;
function checkF(){
if(one_mc._droptarget=="/onedef_mc" && two_mc._droptarget=="/twodef_mc" && three_mc._droptarget=="/threedef_mc" &&
four_mc._droptarget=="/fourdef_mc" && five_mc._droptarget=="/fivedef_mc" && six_mc._droptarget=="/sixdef_mc" &&
cave_mc._droptarget=="/cavedef_mc" && eight_mc._droptarget=="/eightdef_mc" && nine_mc._droptarget=="/ninedef_mc" &&
ten_mc._droptarget=="/tendef_mc" && eleven_mc._droptarget=="/elevendef_mc" && twelve_mc._droptarget=="/twelvedef_mc"){

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  • Having multiple problems with script - NTFS Permissions and AD Groups

    Hi, all!  I'm having multiple problems with my first script I've written with Powershell.  The script below does the following:
    1. Prompts the user for a corporate division under which a shared folder will be created, and adjusts variables accordingly.
    2. Prompts if the folder will be a global folder or an office/location-specific folder, and makes appropriate adjustments to variables.
    3.  If a global folder, prompts for the name.  If an office/location-specific folder, prompts for each component of the street address, city and state and an optional modifier.  I've prompted for this information in this way because the information
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    4.  Verifies the entered information and requests confirmation to proceed.
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    7.  Applies appropriate security groups to the new folder and removes undesired permissions.
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    $Division = ""
    $DivAbbr = ""
    $OU = ""
    $OUDrive = "AD:\"
    $FolderName = ""
    $OUName = ""
    $GroupName = ""
    $OURoot = "ou=DFS Restructure Testing OU,ou=Pennsylvania Camp Hill 4410 Industrial Park Rd,ou=Locations,ou=Camp Hill,dc=jacobsonco,DC=com"
    $FSRoot = "E:\"
    $FolderPath = ""
    $DefaultFolders = "Archive","Customer Service","Equipment","Inbounds","Management","Outbounds","Processes","Projects","Quality","Reports","Returns","Safety","Schedules","Time Keeping","Training"
    [bool]$Location = 0
    do {
    $userInput = Read-Host "Enter CLS Division: (W)arehousing, (S)taffing, or (P)ackaging"
    Switch ($userInput)
    W {$Division = "Warehousing"; $DivAbbr = "WHSE"; $OU = "ou=Warehousing,"; break}
    S {"Staffing is not yet implemented."; break}
    P {"Packaging is not yet implemented."; break}
    default {"Invalid choice. Please re-enter."; break}
    while ($DivAbbr -eq "")
    write-host ""
    write-host ($Division + " was selected.")
    $FolderPath = $Division + "\"
    write-host ""
    $choice = ""
    do {
    $choice = Read-Host "Will this be a (G)lobal folder or (L)ocation folder?"
    Switch ($choice)
    G {$Location = $false; break}
    L {$Location = $true; $FolderPath = $FolderPath + "Locations\"; $OU = "ou=Locations," + $OU; break}
    default {"Invalid choice. Please re-enter."; $choice = ""; break}
    while ($choice -eq "")
    write-host ""
    write-host ("Location is set to: " + $Location)
    write-host ""
    if ($Location -eq $false) {
    $FolderName = Read-Host "Please enter folder name:"
    $GroupName = $DivAbbr + " " + $FolderName
    } else {
    $input = Read-Host "Please enter two-letter state abbreviation:"
    $FolderName = $FolderName + $input + " "
    $input = Read-Host "Please enter city:"
    $FolderName = $FolderName + $input + " "
    $input = Read-Host "Please enter street address number only:"
    $FolderName = $FolderName + $input
    $GroupName = $DivAbbr + " " + $FolderName
    $FolderName = $FolderName + " "
    $input = Read-Host "Please enter street name:"
    $FolderName = $FolderName + $input
    $input = Read-Host "Please enter any optional information to appear in folder name:"
    if ($input -ne "") {
    $FolderName = $FolderName + " " + $input
    $OUName = $FolderName
    write-host "Path for folder: "$FSRoot$FolderPath$FolderName
    write-host "AD Path: "$OUDrive$OU$OURoot
    write-host "New OU Name: "$OUName
    write-host -NoNewLine "New Security Group names: "$GroupName
    if ($Location -eq $true) { write-host " and "$GroupName" MGMT" }
    $input = Read-Host "Please confirm creation of new site/folder: (Y/N) "
    if ($input -ne "Y") { Exit }
    write-host -NoNewLine "Folder exists: "; Test-Path ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    if (Test-Path ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)) {
    Write-Host "Folder already exists! Skipping folder creation..."
    } else {
    write-host "Folder does not exist. Creating..."
    new-item -path ($FSRoot + $FolderPath) -name $FolderName -itemtype directory
    Set-Location ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    if ($Location -eq $true) {
    $tempOUName = "ou=" + $OUName + ","
    write-host $OUDrive$tempOUName$OU$OURoot
    write-host -NoNewLine "OU exists: "; Test-Path ($OUDrive + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot)
    if (Test-Path ($OUDrive + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot)) {
    Write-Host "OU already exists! Skipping OU creation..."
    } else {
    write-host "OU does not exist. Creating..."
    New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $OUName -Path ($OU + $OURoot) -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $false
    $GroupNameMGMT = $GroupName + " MGMT"
    if (!(Test-Path ($OUDrive + "CN=" + $GroupName + "," + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot))) { write-host "Normal user group does not exist. Creating..."; New-ADGroup -Name $GroupName -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -Path ("OU=" + $OUName + "," + $OU + $OURoot)}
    if (!(Test-Path ($OUDrive + "CN=" + $GroupNameMGMT + "," + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot))) { write-host "Management user group does not exist. Creating..."; New-ADGroup -Name $GroupNameMGMT -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -Path ("OU=" + $OUName + "," + $OU + $OURoot)}
    $FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    # $FolderACL.Access | where {$_.IdentityReference -eq "BUILTIN\Users"} | %{$FolderACL.RemoveAccessRuleAll($_)}
    $BIUsers = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("BUILTIN\Users")
    $BIUsersSID = $BIUsers.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])
    write-host $BIUsersSID.Value
    # out-string -inputObject $BIUsers
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($BIUsersSID.Value,"ReadAndExecute,AppendData,CreateFiles,Synchronize","ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
    get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) | fl
    $FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    $ADGroupName = "JACOBSON\" + $GroupName
    $objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($ADGroupName)
    write-host $ADGroupName
    write-host $objUser.Value
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($ADGroupName,"ReadAndExecute","ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    Out-String -InputObject $ar
    $ADGroupName = "JACOBSON\" + $GroupNameMGMT
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($ADGroupName, "Modify", "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    Out-String -InputObject $ar
    Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
    } else {
    $tempOUName = "cn=" + $GroupName + ","
    write-host $OUDrive$tempOUName$OU$OURoot
    write-host -NoNewLine "Group exists: "; Test-Path ($OUDrive + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot)
    if (Test-Path ($OUDrive + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot)) {
    Write-Host "Security group already exists! Skipping new security group creation..."
    } else {
    write-host "Security group does not exist. Creating..."
    New-ADGroup -Name $GroupName -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -Path ($OU + $OURoot)
    $FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    $ADGroupName = "JACOBSON\" + $GroupName
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($ADGroupName,"Modify","ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    $FolderACL.Access | where {$_.IdentityReference -eq "BUILTIN\Users"} | %{$FolderACL.RemoveAccessRuleAll($_)}
    Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
    My problems right now are in the assignment/removal of security groups on the newly-created folder, and the problems are two-fold.  Yes, I am running this script as an Administrator.
    First, I am unable to remove the BUILTIN\Users group from the folder when this is an office/location-specific folder.  I've tried to remove the group in several different ways, and none are having any effect.  Oddly, if I type in the lines directly
    into Powershell, they work as expected.  I've tried the following methods:
    $FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    $FolderACL.Access | where {$_.IdentityReference -eq "BUILTIN\Users"} | %{$FolderACL.RemoveAccessRuleAll($_)}
    Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
    $FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    $BIUsers = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("BUILTIN\Users")
    $BIUsersSID = $BIUsers.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($BIUsersSID.Value,"ReadAndExecute,AppendData,CreateFiles,Synchronize","ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
    In the first case, the script goes through and has no apparent effect because afterwards, I do a get-acl and the BUILTIN\Users group is still there, although when looking through the GUI, inheritance appears to have been broken from the parent folder.
    In the second case, I get the following error message:
    Exception calling "RemoveAccessRuleAll" with "1" argument(s): "Some or all identity references could not be translated."
    At C:\Users\tesdallb\Documents\FileServerBuild.ps1:110 char:5
    +     $FolderACL.RemoveAccessRuleAll($Ar)
    +     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : IdentityNotMappedException
    This seems strange that the local server is unable to translate the SID of a BUILTIN account.  I've also tried explicitly putting in the BUILTIN\Users SID in place of the variable in the New-Object line, but that gives me the same error.  I've
    also tried the solutions given in this thread:
    http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/ad59dc58-1360-4652-ae09-2cd4273cbd4f/remove-acl-issue?forum=winserverpowershell and at this URL:
    http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff730951.aspx but these solutions also failed to have any effect.
    My second problem is when I try to apply the newly-created security groups, I also will get the "Some or all identity references could not be translated."  I thought I had found a workaround to the problem by adding the -PassThru option to
    the New-ADGroup commands, because it would output the SID of the group after creation, however a few lines later, the server is unable to translate the account to apply the security groups to the folder.
    My first Powershell script has been working well up to this point and now I seem to have hit a showstopper.  Any help is appreciated.

    I was hoping to stay with strictly Powershell, but unless I can find a Powershell solution, I may resort to ICACLS.
    As for the problems with my groups not being translatable right after creating them, I think I have solved this problem by using the -Server parameter on all my New-ADGroup commands and this example code seems to have gotten around the translation problem,
    again utilizing the -Server parameter on the Get-ADGroup command:
    get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) | fl
    $FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    # Add the new normal users group to the folder with Read and Execute permissions
    $GroupSID = Get-ADGroup -Identity $GroupName -Server chadc01.jacobsonco.com | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SID
    $SIDIdentity = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($GroupSID)
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($SIDIdentity,"ReadAndExecute","ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    # Add the management users group to the folder with Modify permissions
    $GroupMGMTSID = Get-ADGroup -Identity $GroupNameMGMT -Server chadc01.jacobsonco.com | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SID
    $SIDIdentity = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($GroupMGMTSID)
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($SIDIdentity, "Modify", "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
    Going this route seems to ensure that the Domain Controller I'm creating my groups on is the same one that I'm querying for the group's SID to use in the FileSystemAccessRule.  It's been working fairly consistently.
    Still having issues with the translation of the BUILTIN\Users group, though. 

  • Retrieving Entry Point =True,Roles programatically and retrieving their URL

    Hi Team,
    I want to retrieve the roles whose entry point is equal to true using WebDynpro, And display their names.
    When i am trying to display any role name it is displaying with underscores, like if it is content administration role it is displaying like content_admin_role.
    I want it to display it just similar name which will display in portal, like content administration how can i do this?
    And for each and every role i want to bring the role URL correspond to it.
    I tried this and reached upto some extent but not able to open the role perfectly.
    I used the below code for getting the names of the roles.
    Iterator rit = null;
         IWDClientUser clientUser = WDClientUser.getCurrentUser();
         IUser user = clientUser.getSAPUser();
         rit = user.getRoles(true);
         IRoleFactory rfact = UMFactory.getRoleFactory();
         while (rit.hasNext()) {
         String roleName = (String) rit.next();
         IRole role = rfact.getRole(roleName);
         wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportSuccess("Role names1..."+role.getDisplayName().toString());
         wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportSuccess("Role names2..."+role.getUniqueName().toString());
         //wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportSuccess("Role names3..."+rfact.getRolesOfUser(unique,true));
    Also suggest me to retrieve the URL's of respective roles, and it should navigate to that perticular role when i open that URL in browser.
    Thanks in advance.

    First of all you want to distinguish the pcd roles from the LDAP roles. To do that you use a IRoleSearchFilter like this:
    IRoleSearchFilter searchFilter = null;
    try {
    searchFilter = roleFact.getRoleSearchFilter();
    searchFilter.setDisplayName("*", SearchAttribute.LIKE_OPERATOR, false);
    ISearchResult result = roleFact.searchRoles(searchFilter);
    if (result.getState() == ISearchResult.SEARCH_RESULT_OK) {
    while (result.hasNext()) {
    String RoleName = (String) result.next();
    IRole role = roleFact.getRole(RoleName);
    You also need to check if the role is assigned to the user, so get the user's roles and compare them to the ones you got from the search result.
    In order to get name correctly use:
    To see if Entry Point = True you do something like this:
    IPcdContext targetobject =(IPcdContext) initialContext.lookup(role.getUniqueName());
    Object object = targetobject.getAttributes("").get("com.sap.portal.pcd.role.EntryPoint");
    if (object instanceof IPcdAttribute) {
    IPcdAttribute att = (IPcdAttribute) object;
    boolean b = att.getBoolean();
    To get the URL of the role you should use:
    string RoleUrl = "http://<server>:<port>/irj/portal?NavigationTarget=ROLES://" + role.getUniqueName().substring(4);
    Best regards,
    Avishai Zamir

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  • New 13" Macbook Pro trying to connect to a Panasonic VIERA TC-L42U30 as second monitor. I've used multiple hdmi-thunderbolt/mini displayport adapters and multiple hdmi cables and still no success. The Macbook does not sense the second monitor (TV). Help?!

    I've been a Mac since 2008, so I know my way around the system pretty well. This issue, however, has me stumped. I had an iMac until now and only now am I experiencing some difficulty with my new MacBook Pro. The model I have is the newest 13" Macbook Pro model and I'm trying to connect a Panasonic VIERA TC-L42U30 42" HDTV as a second monitor via the Thunderbolt port.
    It worked the first two times and hasn't worked since, after 10-15 attempts with different configurations, turning things on n off, restarting the mac, unplugging the cables, adapters, TV, resetting the P RAM, etc... I've used multiple hdmi-thunderbolt/mini displayport adapters and multiple hdmi cables and still no success. No matter what I do, the Macbook does not sense the TV as a second monitor anymore.
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    Anyone else have this configuration or another similar one with a Panasonic HDTV?
    Ideas? Suggestions? Anything?! Help!!
    P.S. I'm running Mountain Lion, if that wasn't already obvious. Everything is up to date in my App Store as well.

    Hi There,
    I have had the exact same issue but with a projector.
    The issue lies with Mountian Lion 10.8.2.
    I tried many a combination with no luck to get HDMI working.
    Took my mac into the apple store and came to the conclusion it was the software, so I asked them to install 10.8 onto it (this is destructive so a backup is a must)
    Bought my macbook home and voila, now displaying through my projector.
    There is a small graphics update after 10.8.1 which seems to be the cause.
    Hope this helps.

  • New to Apple products (finally) - can I use my Itunes account with multiple products e.g. Iphone and Ipad?

    New to Apple products (finally) - can I use my Itunes account with multiple products e.g. Iphone and Ipad?

    Oh yes! Apple will be happy for you to buy as many Apple products as you can afford.
    As and when needed, each can be given its own selections of content to sync with.

  • HT1198 If I share an iPhoto library between multiple users, will the Faces, Events, and Places be automatically usable by all users, or will each user have to tag all the photos (e.g. if a user tags a face, will a different user have to do it in their own

    If I share an iPhoto library between multiple users, will the Faces, Events, and Places be automatically usable by all users, or will each user have to tag all the photos (e.g. if a user tags a face, will a different user have to do it in their own iPhoto application??

    Have you read this Apple document regarding sharing a library with multiple users: iPhoto: Sharing libraries among multiple users?

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    2) When I upgraded my iPhone 3gs, to the latest version 5.0.1 (9A405), is when I noticed that i couldn’t update my applications.  There are two names/accounts on the phone and prior to the update there was just the one.  I have tried entering every conceivable password that I have ever used and get the incorrect password error every time. The apps on the iPhone are apparently associated with several/different accounts.  I just want to get everything back to the way it was.  One id and one password with purchases associated with just one account that can be updated on my computer as well as my iPhone.

    Hello sadiepix,
    The following article details several things that can be done to quell iTunes' constant need for authorization.
    iTunes repeatedly prompts to authorize computer to play iTunes Store purchases

  • How to use multiple VCI strings for lap 1300 and 1200 (option 60) in one pool?

    Hi All,
    Hope to you a very happy new year,
    I have two differnt LAP 1300 and 1200 in my network and I need to add theme to the WLC,
    I successed to add one of theme by the option 60 in the DHCP pool at the Core SW,
    So my quetion is below:
    How to use multiple VCI strings for lap 1300 and 1200 (option 60) in one pool?
    Thanks in Advanced,

    To add to Scott's post.  Option 60 would be useful if you needed to put certain types of AP on specific controllers.  Otherwise, no real need to use it for the most part.
    Though, I do recall an issue a few years ago that some windows machines had issues getting DHCP if option 43 is being returned.
    Now, on an IOS switch, you can only configure one option 60 per DHCP scope
    Please remember to rate useful posts, and mark questions as answered

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    Select the desired files then press OPTION and select Show Inspector from the Finder's File menu.
    Why reward points?(Quoted from Discussions Terms of Use.)
    The reward system helps to increase community participation. When a community member gives you (or another member) a reward for providing helpful advice or a solution to their question, your accumulated points will increase your status level within the community.
    Members may reward you with 5 points if they deem that your reply is helpful and 10 points if you post a solution to their issue. Likewise, when you mark a reply as Helpful or Solved in your own created topic, you will be awarding the respondent with the same point values.

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    Source : Microsoft Lync 2010
    Port : 80
    Destination : unknown.prolexic.com
    Source : Internet Explorer
    Port : 80
    Destination :a-0001.a-msedge.net
    Source : Internet Explorer
    Port : 443
    Destination :
    Is this virus? how to stop the same?

    Org name of the IP shows Microsoft Corporation
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    but not sure for what its being contacted to these Ips
    OrgName:        Microsoft Corporation

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    Is it possible to create a Clone database with the same name of source db using RMAN ...
    DB version is
    Is it possible to clone a database to home location directly on a new server . If it starts in a upgrade mode , it is ok ....yes
    Handle:     user11919409
    Status Level:     Newbie (10)
    Registered:     Dec 7, 2009
    Total Posts:     102
    Total Questions:     28 (22 unresolved)
    why do you waste time here when you rarely get any answers to your questions?

  • Which two statements are true about WHERE and HAVING clause ?

    Which two statements are true about WHERE and HAVING clause ?
    1. WHERE clause can be used to restict rows only
    2.HAVING clause can be used to restrict groups only
    3.HAVING clause can be used to restrict groups and rows
    Plz help me in dis ques...which two will be correct...i think its 1 and 2...but not sure.

    863180 wrote:
    Plz help me in dis ques...which two will be correct...i think its 1 and 2...but not sure.If you are not sure then you do not fully understand HAVING.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Ipod Touch First Generation: Problem with Touch Screen.

    why oh why does it freak out all of the time. I'll be using it for a bit and it will be completely normal and then either the entire screen or just parts of it (so i can work around it its just a hassle) become unresponsive or clicking in other place

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    Hello: I have a USB 720 modem that I have been using on my Intel Macbook Pro with OS 10.5.8. I just bought a Mac Pro tower with OS 10.6.4, downloaded the VZAccess update 7.0.5, installed it and can not connect. When I do it says, "Error Connection fa

  • How to make Dictation give me a new paragraph?

    I've learned how to make Dictation do most of the things I want as far as formatting, quotation marks, and capitalization goes, but it definitely does not work for me when I say "new line" or "new paragraph". It treats new line by leaving one space b