IFS1.1 and IMAP Server

I am new to iFS1.1 and I am trying to set up the iFS environment. We have succesfully installed iFS and we have even created users in the system through the iFS manager. Now, we want to use the email facilities.
I have an instance of IMAP server running names IMAPserver. How do i send and receive emails.
I beleive that we can use the Netscapse navigator 4.7 to access the emails usingthe IMAP server. But i am not able to set this up with the email client.
I gave the name of the incoming IMAP server as
imapserver.cdr.com (where cdr.com is equivalent of yourcompany.com). But once i d this, the netscape messenger is saying that unable to connect to sever. it may either be busy or down. Please let me know.
Additionally, I want to send emails out of the ifs to the outer world. How do i accomplish this. Should i install the sendmail email software.
Any pointers would be helpful.

Please see http://technet.oracle.com:89/ubb/Forum36/HTML/000058.html and let us know if you have more questions.

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    I got this to work!  My Unified Messaging Service was originally setup to Specify an Exchange Server.  That is where I had put the  DNS name of the  CAS server (and that DNS entry pointed to several CAS servers).  I changed the Service to Search for Exchange Servers instead and used that same DNS name in the Active Directory DNS Domain Name.  When I do the test of this service, it tells me it Failed to locate a Domain Controller via DNS, but that is just informational.  It also says it successfully connected to the Exchange CAS server with the autodiscover.xml.  Now my mailboxes on both Exchange 2007 and 2010 are able to receive voicemail messages with this one Service configured.

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    Carlos Barros

    Hello Neithan.
    Assuming Preferences > Mailbox Behaviors > Move deleted messages to the Trash is ON, does having Store deleted messages on the server ON or OFF make a difference?
    Does the problem persist if you take the account offline, then back online (e.g. by means of Mailbox > Go Offline/Online)?
    Do you have any Mail plug-ins? In the Finder, go to each of the following folders (if they exist). What do you see there?
    To make accurately reporting that information easier, open /Applications/Utilities/Terminal, type the following command (you can just copy it here and paste it in Terminal), and press <Return>. You can then copy the output of that command from Terminal and paste it in your reply to this post:
    ls -1 /Library/InputManagers /Library/Mail/Bundles ~/Library/InputManagers ~/Library/Mail/Bundles
    Note: For those not familiarized with the ~/ notation, it refers to the user’s home folder. You can easily locate any of the folders referred to in this post by copying the folder path here, doing Go > Go to Folder in the Finder, and pasting the folder path there.

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    Hey irenes883!
    Here is an article that can help you troubleshoot this issue:
    iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Mail
    Take care, and thanks for visiting the Apple Support Communities.

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    Hi RThomas.
    What type of mail account is this (POP, IMAP, .Mac)? If POP, what are your Preferences > Accounts > Advanced > Remove copy from server settings?
    You may be able to get rid of those messages in Mail doing Edit > Cut (⌘X) (for best results do it with only one or a few messages at a time), but you may need to remove them from the server first. Does this account allow web access?
    You may find the Account Info window useful to solve this problem -- choose Get Info (⌘I) from the Action menu (gear icon) located below the mailboxes list in the main Mail window.

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    Any wisdom I might use?

    Alex -
    Thank you. I now have POP and IMAP running fine.
    But Outgoing SMTP and Incoming SMTP are acting strangely. SMTP is enabled. Allow incoming mail is checked. Hold outgoing mail is unchecked. Relay outgoing mail through host is checked and should relay through (my poncacity.net username)@mail.poncacity.net. Password for poncacity.net account is entered. All is saved.
    I stop Mail Service. Open General tab. Start Mail Service. Everything that is supposed to run starts up and says "Running". Then somewhere along the line for no reason Outgoing SMTP and Incoming SMTP changes to "Stopped".
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    I also sent a test msg from my other email address to this one. So far, it hasn't arrived.
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    Thanks for any help or insight you may provide.

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    My problem is 10.8 client and 10.6 server.
    10.6 server have email server running (pop and imap), when i configure same email account (pop) on 10.7 machine  and 10.8 machines , 10.7 machine works , but 10.8 pop does not working
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    the same mail account connect to another 10.7 machine  with POP and IMAP for testing reason , it works with out any issues
    POP server is running and this email account's users profile enable POP and IMAP mail settings.
    thanks in advance.

    Try checking the Authentication Type for the POP account.  It is located in Mail > Preferences > Accounts > selected account > Advanced
    10.8 tends to use Apple Token.  I think you will need to use a type of MD5 Challenge-Response or Password.

  • Settings for incoming and outgoing Email server. Like incoming IMAP server or outgoing I'm at server

    How can I fix my settings in my end up incoming and outgoing email accountS For Yahoo so that I can send and receive emails.  Mite I add that my facebook is linked to my Yahoo account so that's my primary email account I have no trouble with my gmail accouts! Help please! And thank you in advan
    ce! Crazyboo.'

        I know email is an important form of communication and I would love to help!  Please try incoming server settings: mail.comcast.net , port: 110, security: none and outgoing server settings:
    smtp.comcast.net , port: 25, security: none.  If you are still unsuccessful please contact Comcast as suggested by Ann154.  Thank you!  ^TB

  • What is POP, POP3, and IMAP When I Setup My Email Account in the HP ePrint App?

    I have done as much research as I can do in regards to setting up the HP ePrint App Email Accounts.  If you do not see your email information listed here, feel free to post it below or contact your internet service provider, phone or email company, or whomever else that might know this. I am certain there are many more that could be added but this is a rather extensive list.  I hope you find what you need to finish setting up your email applications.
    I have noticed information differs from website to website but as I have learned over time, with domain masking and companies buying out other companies, I just researched all the information I could find and that way if one of the hostnames or ports don’t work, then you can continue to view further into this page to see if that information is the same. At that point, if you can’t find what you need here, I would say you have done all that you can do before contacting the appropriate support team for your email information.  
    Most of the links are active and the ones listed below should send you directly the pages I pulled this information from but only a few of them were from the actual support sites themselves (Apple support was vague, as well as Microsoft, Macintosh, and commonly used ISPs). Save yourself some time by searching here first. I hope you find what you need in this one-stop-shop and if you get an email address not listed here please post it below and I will add it to this original document.
    Lastly, as this information is from forum-based and other unofficial websites, I would like to add that this is a copy/paste/edit-for-easy-reading document I created in my spare time. This is a very long document so I do recommend using the search and find quick keys to search for the email you need but the top part of this has definitions as to what servers, ports, and hostnames are and the basic setup in case you need to know what these options are used for and what they mean.
    Below are the most common settings needed to set up most POP3/IMAP Email Clients or Devices:
    The following information below can be found at http://www.swestcom.com/Support/q4.htm
    “What is POP3?
    Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) is a standard mail protocol used to receive emails from a remote server to a local email client. POP3 allows you to download email messages on your local computer and read them even when you are offline."
    "What is IMAP?
    The Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is a mail protocol used for accessing email on a remote web server from a local client. IMAP and POP3 are the two most commonly used Internet mail protocols for retrieving emails. Both protocols are supported by all modern email clients and web servers."
    "Main difference between IMAP and POP3:
    The POP3 protocol assumes that there is only one client connected to the mailbox. In contrast, the IMAP protocol allows simultaneous access by multiple clients. IMAP is suitable for you if your mailbox is about to be managed by multiple users."
    "What is SMTP?
    Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is the standard protocol for sending emails across the Internet. SMTP uses TCP port 25 or 2525 and sometimes you can have problems to send your messages in case your ISP has closed port 25 (How to check if port 25 is open?). To determine the SMTP server for a given domain name, the MX (Mail eXchange) should have more information."
    "When setting up:
    POP - choose POP and the incoming server port will default to 110
    IMAP - choose IMAP and the incoming server port will default to 143
    All other settings are the same.
    Username = [email protected]
    Password = the password you set up when you configured your mail box
    Incoming Mail Server = mail.yourdomain.com
    Outgoing Mail Server= smtp.yourdomain.com
    Outgoing Server Requires Authentication (typically found in advanced options or settings)
    Do NOT check "Log on Using Secure Password Authentication"
    Use the same Username and Password as Incoming or select "Use Same Settings as Incoming"
    Outgoing Server Port= 2525 or 587This is subject to change based on the individual preferences of your ISP"
    Note - Substitute your actual domain name for "yourdomain.com" and substitute the first part of your email address for "user."
    Email Ports
    For networks, a port means an endpoint to a logical connection. The port number identifies what type of port it is. Here are the default email ports for:     
    POP3 - port 110
    IMAP - port 143
    SMTP - port 25
    HTTP - port 80
    Secure SMTP (SSMTP) - port 465
    Secure IMAP (IMAP4-SSL) - port 585
    IMAP4 over SSL (IMAPS) - port 993
    Secure POP3 (SSL-POP) - port 995.
    For Mozilla, Outlook, Windows mail, Windows Live, Outlook 2003-2010, Entourage for Mac OS, and Mail for Mac OS follow this link: http://help.outlook.com/en-ca/140/cc875899.aspx    (this website has not been looked over for validation but may assist in other leads towards the right direction)
    Have you ever wished you could use your AOL email account with something else, something more powerful, something more convenient than AOL, something like Outlook, Windows Mail, Outlook Express, or The Bat!? Thanks to the wonders of IMAP, you can.
    If you set up your AOL email account in any email client capable of IMAP, you can receive and send messages easily. Even the AOL folders — Spam, Saved, Sent Items and your Trash will be there automatically. Of course, you can also use POP to fetch incoming mail in an uncomplicated fashion.
    For instructions on how to assist you with this you can also follow this link: http://email.about.com/od/aoltips/qt/Access_an_AOL_Email_Account_with_any_POP_IMAP_Email_Program.htm
    Set Up POP or IMAP E-Mail on an Android G1 How do I set up POP or IMAP E-Mail on an Android Device?
    From the home screen, tap Applications > Settings > Accounts & sync > Add account > Manual setup.
    On the Incoming settings screen, in the Protocol drop-down menu, select IMAP or POP3. We suggest you select IMAP because it supports more features.
    In the Email address and Username text boxes, enter your full e-mail address, for example [email protected], and then select Next. Your user name is the same as your e-mail address.
    In the Password text box, enter your password.
    In the IMAP server or POP3 server text box, enter your IMAP or POP server name. For information about how to look up the server settings you need to complete this step and other steps in this procedure, see “How do I find the server settings” later in this topic.
    In the Security type drop-down menu and Server port text boxes, specify the POP or IMAP settings that you looked up in step 5, and then tap Next. Your e-mail application will check your IMAP or POP settings.
    On the Outgoing server settings screen, the Login required option should be selected for you, and the Username and Password text boxes should be filled in.
    In the SMTP server text box, enter the SMTP server name you looked up in step 5.
    In the Security type drop down menu and Server port text box, specify the SMTP settings that you located in step 5, and click Next.
    In the Account name, text box, enter a name for your account (for example “Office 365 email” or “Work email”). In the Your name text box, enter the name you want displayed when you send e-mail to others (for example “Tony Smith”), and then select Finish Setup.
    What else do I need to know?
    If your e-mail account is the type that requires registration, you must register it the first time you sign in to Outlook Web App. Connecting to your e-mail account through a mobile phone will fail if you haven't registered your account through Outlook Web App. After you sign in to your account, sign out. Then try to connect using your mobile phone. For more information about how to sign in to your account using Outlook Web App, see How to Sign In to Your E-Mail Using a Web Browser. If you have trouble signing in, see FAQs: Sign-in and Password Issues or contact the person who manages your e-mail account.
    Information below provided by: http://www.defcon-5.com/support/index.cfm?docid=95
    POP3: pop.mail.yahoo.com Port 995
    SMTP: smtp.mail.yahoo.com Port 465
    ESMTP should be enabled
    SSL: YES
    User name must not include the @yahoo.com
    POP3: pop.gmail.com Port 995
    SMTP: smtp.gmail.com Port 465
    ESTMP should be enabled
    SSL: YES
    IMAP: imap.aol.com Port 143
    SMTP: smtp.aol.com
    SSL: NO
    ATT World Net:
    POP3: ipostoffice.worldnet.att.net Port 995
    SMTP: imailhost.worldnet.att.net Port 465
    SSL REQUIRED for Incoming and Outgoing
    NOTE: With Cox you can only use their SMTP servers while on their network.
    POP3: pop.central.cox.net
    SMTP: smtp.central.cox.net
    ESMTP should be enabled
    SSL: NO
    East Cost
    POP3: pop.east.cox.net
    SMTP: smtp.east.cox.net
    ESMTP should be enabled
    SSL: NO
    West Cost
    POP3: pop.west.cox.net
    SMTP: smtp.west.cox.net
    ESMTP should be enabled
    SSL: NO
    POP3: pop3.comcast.net Port 110
    SMTP: smtp.comcast.net Port 587
    ESMTP should be enabled
    SSL: NO
    User name must NOT include @comcast.net
    Comcast SMART ZONE:
    POP3:  sz-pop.mail.comcast.net Port 995
    SMTP: smtp.compcast.net Port 587
    ESMTP should be enabled
    SSL: NO
    User name must NOT include @comcast.net
    POP3: pop.earthlink.net Port 110
    SMTP: smtpauth.earthlink.net Port 587
    ESMTP should be enabled
    SSL: NO
    User name must include @earthlink.net
    Hughes Net:
    POP3: mail.hughes.net Port 110
    SMTP: smtp.hughest.net Port 25
    ESMTP should be enabled
    SSL: NO
    User name must include @hughes.net
    POP3: pop.va.metrocast.net Port 110
    SMTP: smtp.va.metrocast.net Port 25
    ESMTP should NOT be enabled
    User name MUST be full email address
    SSL: NO
    POP3: pop 3 . live. com  port #995.
    SMTP: smtp.live. com port #25
    SSL: YES
    ESMTP: should be enabled
    User name must have the full email address
    POP3: pop.netzero.com Port 110
    SMTP: smtpauth.netzero.com Port 25
    ESMTP should be enabled
    SSL: NO
    User name must include @netzero.com
    POP3: incoming.verizon.net Port 110
    SMTP: outgoing.verizon.net Port 25
    ESMTP should be enabled
    SSL: NO
    The following information is according to a forum comment at the bottom of this webpage concerning HOTMAIL and mail server settings:
     “As other web based email services, Hotmail is using the HTTP protocol for connecting you to your mailbox. If you want to send and receive Hotmail emails using an email client software, then your software must support Hotmail HTTP access for your email account. Some email clients, such as Outlook Express or Microsoft Outlook, offer builtin support for Hotmail accounts, so you only have to select HTTP when you are asked to select your email account type and select Hotmail as the HTTP Mail Service Provider.”
    Mail Server Settings for Hotmail using the Microsoft Outlook Connector
    If you are using Microsoft Outlook & the Outlook Connector, you can define your Hotmail account just like any regular POP3 email account:
    Hotmail Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - pop3 . live. com  (logon using Secure Password Authentification - SPA, mail server port: 995)
    Hotmail Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) -smtp . live . com (SSL enabled, port 25)
    Additional information from this website has not been confirmed or validated as of yet but it does include additional information or perhaps corrected information. If the above steps do not fix the problem with setting up an email account for the HP Apps then read on:
    Yahoo! Mail Settings
    Yahoo Mail offers standard POP3 access for receiving emails incoming through your Yahoo mailbox, by using your favorite email client software. To setup your email client for working with your Yahoo account, you need to select the POP3 protocol and use the following mail server settings:
    Yahoo Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - pop.mail.yahoo.com (port 110)
    Yahoo Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) - smtp.mail.yahoo.com (port 25)
    POP Yahoo! Mail Plus email server settings
    Yahoo Plus Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - plus.pop.mail.yahoo.com (SSL enabled, port 995)
    Yahoo Plus Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) - plus.smtp.mail.yahoo.com (SSL enabled, port 465, use authentication)
    · Google GMail Settings
    The Google GMail service offers email client access for retrieving and sending emails through your Gmail account. However, for security reasons, GMail uses POP3 over an SSL connection, so make sure your email client supports encrypted SSL connections.
    Google Gmail Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - pop.gmail.com (SSL enabled, port 995)
    Outgoing Mail Server - use the SMTP mail server address provided by your local ISP or smtp.gmail.com (SSL enabled, port 465)
     MSN Mail Settings
    The MSN email service allows you to use the MSN POP3 and SMTP servers to access your MSN mailbox.
    MSN Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - pop3.email.msn.com (port 110, using Secure Password Authentication - SPA)
    MSN Outgoing Mail Server - smtp.email.msn.com (select "My outgoing server requires authentication")
     Lycos Mail Settings
    The Lycos Mail Plus service allows you to use POP3 and SMTP servers for accessing your Lycos mailbox.
    Lycos Mail Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - pop.mail.lycos.com (port 110)
    Outgoing Mail Server - smtp.mail.lycos.com or use your local ISP SMTP mail server
     AOL Mail Settings
    The AOL email service is a web based system, designed for managing your AOL mailbox via HTTP IMAP access. Unlike Hotmail, you can use any email client to access your AOL mailbox, as long as it supports the IMAP protocol.
    AOL Incoming Mail Server (IMAP) - imap.aol.com (port 143)
    AOL Outgoing Mail Server - smtp.aol.com or use your local ISP SMTP mail server
     Mail.com Mail Settings
    The Mail.com email service allows you to use POP3 and SMTP servers for accessing your Mail.com mailbox.
    Mail.com Mail Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - pop1.mail.com (port 110)
    Outgoing Mail Server - use your local ISP SMTP mail server
     Netscape Internet Service Mail Settings
    The Netscape e-mail system is web-based, which means you can access their e-mail from any Internet connection. Netscape Internet Service also supports AOL® Communicator, Microsoft® Outlook, Microsoft® Outlook Express, and other POP3 e-mail software. The outgoing mail server needs SSL support, so make sure your email client software supports SSL connections over the SMTP protocol.
    Netscape Internet Service Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - pop.3.isp.netscape.com (port 110)
    Netscape Internet Service Outgoing Mail Server - smtp.isp.netscape.com (port 25, using a secure SSL connection)
    Tiscali Mail Settings
    The Tiscali email service allows you to use POP3 and SMTP servers for accessing your Tiscali mailbox.
    Tiscali Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - pop.tiscali.com (port 110)
    Outgoing Mail Server - use your local ISP SMTP mail server
    Freeserve Mail Settings
    The Freeserve email service allows you to use POP3 and SMTP servers for accessing your Freeserve mailbox.
    Freeserve Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - pop.freeserve.com (port 110)
    Outgoing Mail Server - use your local ISP SMTP mail server
    Supanet Mail Settings
    The Supanet email service allows you to use POP3 and SMTP servers for accessing your Supanet mailbox.
    Supanet Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - pop.supanet.com (port 110)
    Outgoing Mail Server - use your local ISP SMTP mail se
    AT&T SMTP IMAP Server
    SSL Port 465
    SSL Port 993
    Iphone POP/IMAP Setup
    Although I am sure it is out of scope for HP to assist with iPhone setup with mail, contact, calendars, etc so here is a PDF with pictures and a walkthrough from:
    This hyperlink seems inactive so you may have to copy and paste for a direct walkthrough of this comprehensive pdf.
    Lastly if the above information is incorrect or does help, here is one last website to provide you with a complete list that I found located at att.com to assist their customers trying to setup emails in conjunctions with their apps.
     Popular POP and IMAP e-mail providers and their incoming server names
    Popular POP and IMAP e-mail providers and their incoming server names
    What are the AT&T outgoing (SMTP) server names?
    ISP E-mail servers
    This information has been retrieved from the proper e-mail provider support pages. This is not an exhaustive list, please refer to your e-mail provider for additional information and compatibility.
    Outgoing Servers
    AT&T outgoing SMTP server policy
    Incoming Servers
    Users must contact their e-mail service providers for server addresses not included in this list.
    Incoming POP3 server uses default port of 110.
    Incoming IMAP4 server uses default port of 143.
    When using SSL (Secure Socket Layer):
    The incoming POP3 port needs to be set to 995.
    The incoming IMAP4 port needs to be set at 993.
    Internet Service Provider (ISP)
    Incoming Server Address
    POP: pop.1and1.com
    IMAP4: imap.1and1.com
    More information at 1and1.com Article.
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 110
    IMAP4: 143
    username only
    POP3: 110
    Airmail.net (Internet America)
    username only
    (See Windstream)
    Ameritech (at&t Yahoo!)
    More information on support article.
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 995
    uses SSL
    AOL (America Online)
    Instructions and Disclaimer
    username only
    IMAP4: 143
    AIM Mail
    Instructions and Disclaimer
    username only
    IMAP4: 143
    AT&T Broadband Internet (ATTBI)
    AT&T Worldnet
    Informational only:
    AT&T WorldNet e-mail may not be accessible from any device e-mail client due to firewall restrictions implemented by AT&T WorldNet.
    See alternatives for accessing AT&T WorldNet:
    - Former AT&T Wireless customers
    - New and Existing AT&T wireless services customers
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 995 uses SSL
    Bell Atlantic (Verizon)
    Bell South
    username only
    Cable One
    More information at Cable One.
    username only
    username only
    username only
    More information at Clearwire Article.
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 110
    More information at Comcast Article.
    username only
    POP3: 110
    ComNetcom.net (Earthlink)
    Compuserve Classic
    username only
    Coqui (Puerto Rico)
    More information on support article.
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 110
    Cox Central
    More information at Cox Article.
    username only
    POP3: 110
    Cox East
    More information at Cox Article.
    username only
    POP3: 110
    Cox West
    More information at Cox Article.
    username only
    POP3: 110
    Cox Business
    More information at Cox Business Article.
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 110
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 110
    pop3.excite.com - Requires "Premium/Gold" subscription for POP3 access. More information at Excite.com Article.
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 110
    Flash (SBC Yahoo!)
    More information on support article.
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 995
    uses SSL
    Gmail (Google Mail)
    Instructions and Disclaimer
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 995 uses SSL
    Go Daddy.com
    More information at Go Daddy.com Article.
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 110
    More information at Grande Article.
    username only
    POP3: 110
    GTE.net (Verizon)
    Hughes Direcway
    More information at Hughes Direcway Article.
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 110
    Ix.Netcom.com (Earthlink)
    Insight Broadband
    mail.insightbb.com (SSL must be enabled for remote access)
    More information at Insight Broadband Article.
    username only
    POP3/IMAP4 is not available.
    More information on support article.
    Lightfirst (Avenew)
    Mac.com (Apple Computer)
    POP3 access will not work with "alias" accounts.
    More information at Mac.com. Related articles 25275, 51729, and 86685.
    username only
    POP3: 110
    IMAP4: 143
    POP3: 110
    More information at Mediacom Article.
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 995 uses SSL
    MEdia Net
    POP3 access is currently not available to MEdia Net e-mail accounts. Please access MEdia Net e-mail through the device browser.
    POP3: 110
    Mindspring (Earthlink)
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 110
    username only
    POP3: 110
    For subscribers that use (and pay for) MSN as their Internet Service Provider, MSN provides POP3 access to their e-mail. More information on configuring e-mail applications, see Microsoft Article 930008.
    Alternatives for accessing MSN from a mobile device:
    - Former AT&T Wireless customers
    - New and Existing AT&T wireless services customers
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 995
    uses SSL 
    MSN Hotmail
    MSN Hotmail is a HTTP e-mail service so a POP3 server name is not offered by MSN Hotmail. While some 3rd party e-mail servers allow access to Hotmail accounts, this may put e-mail security at risk. AT&T will not house 3rd party e-mail server information.
    Alternatives for accessing MSN Hotmail from a mobile device:
    - Former AT&T Wireless customers
    - New and Existing AT&T wireless services customers
    NetAddress or Usa.net
    POP3: 110
    Network Solutions
    Network Solutions Support Page
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 110
    NetZero (United Online)
    NetZero E-mail Support Page
    username only
    POP3: 110
    Netscape E-mail Support Page
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 110
    NVBell (SBC Yahoo!)
    More information on support article.
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 995
    uses SSL
    OptOnline Support Article
    username only
    PacBell (SBC Yahoo!)
    More information on support article.
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 995
    uses SSL
    - or -
    PeoplePC Support Article
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 110
    Pipeline (Earthlink)
    POP3: 110
    Prodigy (SBC Yahoo!)
    More information on support article.
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 995
    uses SSL
    Qwest in Albuquerque, New Mexico
    POP3: 110
    Road Runner
    "xxxx" equals the users e-mail domain, which can be in the region format ("cfl.rr" for Central Florida or "nyc.rr" for New York City) or simply "roadrunner". The domain can be found after the @ symbol in the e-mail address i.e. [email protected] or [email protected]
    Road Runner Support Pages - Choose the appropriate region/state and select the Help menu to locate e-mail settings as they are different based on each region/state.
     username only
    POP3: 110
    More information on support article.
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 995
    uses SSL
    More information on support article.
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 995
    uses SSL
    More information at Surewest Article.
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 110
    More information on support article.
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 995
    uses SSL
    username only
    POP3: 110
    Verizon (custom server)
    POP3: 110
    Verizon (Yahoo! Mail)
    More information at Verizon Yahoo! Article.
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 110
    More information on support article.
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 995
    uses SSL
    Server information varies on product.
    Contact Information
    More information on support article.
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 110
    pop.mail.yahoo.com - Requires a monthly subscription fee for POP3 access.
    More information on support article.
    See Alternatives for accessing Yahoo! E-mail:
    - Former AT&T Wireless customers
    - New and Existing AT&T wireless services customers
    username only
    POP3: 995
    uses SSL
    Yahoo Small Business
    "Forwarding" must be disabled and "POP access" must be enabled. Yahoo Small Business Support Page
    SPAM/Bulk folders should be emptied if receiving errors occur.
    full e-mail address
    POP3: 110
    If you are viewing information on devices or services, please note: content reflects instructions for devices and services purchased from AT&T. Some differences may exist for devices not purchased from AT&T.
    Don't forgot to say thanks by giving "Kudos" if I helped solve your problem.
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    Just to recap, this is a collection of ports I have collected over time for people who needed this information when setting up the HP ePrint app so that they could view their email from within the app.  I am certain other applications also need this information.  Although lengthy, I could not find a more comprehensive place to retrieve this information.  Feel free to post additional information, faulty information, or other related topics below as this is simply a collection of data and it would be practically impossible to test all of them. Thank you!
    Don't forgot to say thanks by giving "Kudos" if I helped solve your problem.
    When a solution is found please mark the post that solves your issue.
    Every problem has a solution!

  • Cannot send email ("IMAP" server?)

    I got an iPhone 5c last week. Verizon set up my email accounts. I receive everything to my two cox.net mailboxes just fine on my new phone.
    Whenever I attempt to send an email I get the following error message:
    Cannot Send Mail - the user name or password for SMTP:(my email)@smtp.cox.net is incorrect.
    Under "settings", it says the server is  "IMAP." Just IMAP. No option to change or edit servers appears to exist, either.
    Now, on my iPad, my incoming mail server is "pop.cox.net" and my outgoing server is smtp.cox.net. No issues there. Always has been - and thought it was on my phone, too.
    I have deleted all of my mail accounts several times, and re-added them, only to have this "IMAP" server on my mail accounts, and appears to be what is preventing me from sending mail.

    A new Mac comes with 90 days of free tech support from AppleCare.
    AppleCare: 1-800-275-2273

  • I get nothing but error messages, -"Your IMAP server wants to alert you to the following: 113 that mail is not available" or 364? there are hundreds stacked up.You must give answers to how to fix these when we do "search" add the error code number

    I get nothing but error messages, -
    "Your IMAP server wants to alert you to the following: 113 that mail is not available"  or  the same with:  364? 
    Now there are hundreds stacked up on my desktop.
    I cannot find the answer anywhere. You need to  give answers to how to fix these errors because when I  "search" "error code" or the number there is NOTHING. NOTHING!  Yet you give us these stupid error codes
    then you do not give us ANYTHING on how to fix these. These error codes make me so mad it makes me hate outlook, and hate the developers and hate microsoft.  How in the world can you give us ERROR codes without the explanation of what
    to do or how to fix it. You need to  add each  error code number in your "search" then explain what it is and how to fix it.  I am not a tech. I am a lawyer. I have googled the entire string of error code and nothing is clear.
    So, for the last several years, I get these error codes. Also, there is another error code that won't go away--it is the password error code that asks if I want to store the password. Yes, so I say YES. but it pops back. I am sick of this. This is the reason
    I hate Microsoft and I love google. #1 they respond to error, #2 them try to fix them you do not. I paid the full price to buy the OUtlook 2010, almost $500 just to get outlook, and all I got was error codes. I could not even open it because all I would get
    was that error codes and NO ONE knew how to fix them. WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM that you cannot fix the stupid error codes that you imbed? PLEASE HELP

    I understand how frustrated you are when facing such an issue, maybe I can provide some suggestions on the problem.
    Based on the description, you should be using an IMAP account setup in Outlook. As for the error message, usually it's caused by a corrupted message on the Server. I suggest you logon the Webmail site, check if sending/receiving emails works well.
    If you find any unusual emails that cannot be read or sent, try deleting them to try again.
    I also suggest you create a new profile to setup the IMAP account:
    Contact your Email Service Provider to get the correct and latest account settings, since you have been using Outlook for years, some settings may have been changed while you haven't been informed.
    For the steps to setup an account in Outlook 2010, please refer to:
    I hope this helps.
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support

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