Im having problems connect ing iTunes to my debit card

What do I do

With the Error 2, let's try a standalone Apple Application Support install. It still might not install, but fingers crossed any error messages will give us a better idea of the underlying cause of the issue.
Download and save a copy of the iTunesSetup.exe (or iTunes64setup.exe) installer file to your hard drive:
Download and install the free trial version of WinRAR:
Right-click the iTunesSetup.exe (or iTunes64Setup.exe), and select "Extract to iTunesSetup" (or "Extract to iTunes64Setup"). WinRAR will expand the contents of the file into a folder called "iTunesSetup" (or "iTunes64Setup").
Go into the folder and doubleclick the AppleApplicationSupport.msi to do a standalone AAS install.
Does it install properly for you?
If instead you get an error message during the install, let us know what it says. (Precise text, please.)

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    If your phone is in recovery mode (You see the iTunes graphic on the phone), you MUST connect the device to a computer and restore the operating system.  There is no supported way to get around it.  The device had a problem installing the update and it crashed.  Sorry.

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    Close your iTunes,
    Go to command Prompt -
    (Win 7/Vista) - START>PROGRAMS>ACCESSORIES, right mouse click "Command Prompt", choose "Run as Administrator".
    (Win XP SP2 n above) - START>PROGRAMS>ACCESSORIES>Command Prompt
    In the "Command Prompt" screen, type in
    netsh winsock reset
    Hit "ENTER" key
    Restart your computer.
    If you do get a prompt after restart windows to remap LSP, just click NO.
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    In the "Arrangement" tab of "Displays" system preference, you can drag the display pictures to match the actual arrangement, drag the menu bar to the other display, or enable mirroring.

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    Lately, I have been seeing a lot of posts with users trying to use their Macs/iMacs to mirror their streaming video from their Macs to an HDTV.
    There are, actually, many alternatives to choose from than just from a Mac.
    You need to have or invest in a WiFi capable router for all of these examples.
    Apple TV only integrates with WiFi and newer Mac hardware. So, if you want to have total integrated experience, if you have a 2011 Mac or newer, you might as well pay the $100 for the AppleTV box.
    If you have a older Mac, like I have noticed many users do, then you have other options.
    If you want to elimate long cable clutter and having your Mac at the mercy of your TV all of the time,  you can still use the AppleTV box independently or purchase cheaper alternative media streaming boxes from Roku, Sony, Boxee or any number of electronics manufacturers that now have media streaming boxes and media streaming capability built into DVD/Blu-ray players.
    These eliminate long cable clutter by being close to the HDTV where shorter, less expensive cables can be used.
    Another alternative for iPad users is to use an iPad with the USB/HDMI video adapter and use your iPad as the streaming box. This ties up your iPad in much the same way as it does with your Mac, but again the iPad can be close to the TV and use minimal cables to the TV.
    Another alternative to is to use a combination of an iPad and your Mac to stream content that is only available to stream online from a computer. In this case, you can use a desktop remote app on your iPad and Mac. A good and cheap Desktop Remote app is Splashtop Remote. This allows you to completely connect your iPad remotely, over Wifi, to your iMac desktop. The app streams both video and sound to the iPad which is still connected to your HDTV. The resultant stream video picture will be smaller than the size of your HDTV, but it will still be plenty large enough to watch. Again, if you own a iPad and an Intel Mac, this method also allows minimal cabling to the TV.

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    Many thanks for the screenshot. (The key to these is knowing which particular .msi file is being mentioned by the message.)
    (1) Download the Windows Installer CleanUp utility installer file (msicuu2.exe) from the following Major Geeks page (use one of the links under the "DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS" thingy on the Major Geeks page):
    (2) Doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file and follow the prompts to install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. (If you're on a Windows Vista or Windows 7 system and you get a Code 800A0046 error message when doubleclicking the msicuu2.exe file, try instead right-clicking on the msicuu2.exe file and selecting "Run as administrator".)
    (3) In your Start menu click All Programs and then click Windows Install Clean Up. The Windows Installer CleanUp utility window appears, listing software that is currently installed on your computer.
    (4) In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any Bonjour entries and click "Remove", as per the following screenshot:
    (5) Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC and try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly this time?
    (Assuming that the QuickTime and Safari messages were also citing bonjour64.msi, you should also then be good to go with those installs too.)

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    Welcome to AD!
    I have a regular post for the top 3 or 4 fixes for that 9808 error. Obviously you are going to skip #1, since you've already tried it. Let me know how you get on with the next 2.
    The top 3 fixes to itunes error 9808 seem to be
    1) Go to Start > Control Panel > Internet Options > Advanced, make sure that SSL 3.0 is checked and TLS 1.0 is checked. Also under Security make sure that the “Check for server certificate revocation (requires restart)” is unchecked. Then click ok and fire up iTunes.
    2) The culprit was Norton. The users are set up as Admin and Standard. I have Parental Controls turned on in both Vista as well as Norton. Admin users had no problems connecting to iTunes. Standard users would get the error. I had to go to Norton’s Personal Firewall and add the program “iTunes Helper.exe” and set the option to “Allowed” (”iTunes.exe should already be in the Allowed category.) in order for the standard users to be able to connect.
    3) close iTunes if you have it open right now. Then go to C:/Documents and Settings/username/Local Settings/Application Data/Apple Computer/iTunes. Delete or cut the preferences.xml file which contains your iTunes preferences. Then go to C:/Documents and Settings/username/Application Data/Apple Computer/iTunes and delete or move the preferences.xml file. For Mac users, there is only one file you must delete or move a to a new location and is located at User > Library > Preferences > Restart iTunes and it will recreate those two (or one) files with the default settings. Feel free to set your preferences back to what they were and then connect to the iTunes store and enjoy!
    And #4, see if you can get into the iTS from a different windows admin account on the same PC.

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    Hello hurleygirl63,
    Thank you for the details of the issue you are experiencing with iTunes.  I recommend following the steps in the article below:
    How to restart the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS) on Windows
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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