Im sure this has been asked...

what 3rd party web cam works with a G4 dualie? The iSight camera is outta sight in price for me. Is anyone happy with a 3rd party web cam?

See if this helps

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    So, I know this has been asked before, but I'm just looking to see if anyone had heard from Apple on this at all. The minimum volume on my iPod Classic 160gb is too high, and I can't lower it. (AKA when I kill the volume, I can still hear music).
    I called them today, but the rep was pretty useless. He even dropped the "well, just press pause" line on me. Took him a while to understand that when I'm in bed or studying, etc. the minimum volume is too loud, and I wanted to be able to set it lower.
    The best workaround I've found so far is to buy headphones with their own volume control, but I just can't help but feel that someone shouldn't have to by additonal gear after buying this thing on account of such a basic feature exclusion.
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    Wow, easy there company boy!
    I've heard all of what you spit up before.  And for your point of "Well, in several cases, people have complained (here in these discussion pages), that they expect the volume to be zero when turned to minimum position" that kind of ties in to why Apple should fix this.
    And's pretty much a given that "you and I have different interpretations of what constitues too loud" This is where the option to adjust the minimum volume comes in to play.  (I relly feel bad for you. Honestly. Having to live everyday of your life this way must be just brutal)
    The wording would be pretty simple too. " Be aware there are many instances of the minimum volume being too loud, so think twice before dropping a few hundred bucks on this"
    And, you're right. It is horrible to 'whine' about being ripped off and asking if there is a possible fix for the issue. I really do apologize for that. I should just suck it up and not voice my opinion that this is not fair to consumers, and Apple shouldn't fix a known issue with a product.
    I did reset & restore, I figured that was pretty much implied since I said I spoke to Support.
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    Just my thoughts to add to the excellent answers above.
    • BRAND of DVD used - Matters when doing Video-DVDs
    Memorex, NoName etc cheap brands usually do NOT work
    I only Use Verbatim (more organic dye in these)
    • Type of DVD - matters
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    - DVD+R are a more modern sort - BUT PLAYS BADLY or not at all on older DVD-players
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    • BURN SPEED - matters
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    I set this down to x2 or x4 max.
    Yours Bengt W

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    Those dates are when a backup was automatically made by Firefox, not dates when you saved specific bookmarks. Try restoring the backup from the day before you deleted all those bookmarks. It will restore the entire backup file - not just what you deleted, you will lose any bookmarks that you saved after the date of the file you restore.

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    adding toolbars puts them all below the navi bar and it looks weird.
    i know this has been asked many times but the answer's always "add toolbars".

    Look here. .com%2Fkb%2FHT1495&answerid=16777216&

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    The best procedure is to download Lion once but don't install immediately.
    First, locate & copy the installer - preferably to another drive. Having done that you can then go ahead with the 1st install.
    Subsequently copy the installer in turn to each other drive and install as required.
    Note: the installer will be automatically deleted at the end of the installation if on the same drive as the new installation.
    If you do what several posters have suggested you will be downloading the installer multiple times - which won't cost you as long as you log in to the App Store with the same ID & password. However, It will again take the download time and the install time.
    Note also: When you login to install on another drive connected to your 1st Lion installation App Store won't give you the option of another install unless you hold the Option key while clicking on purchases.

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    Thanks, RALPH

    Well I ended up getting the PowerMac Dual 2.5 from my friend. The local tech support guy told him the processors when out on the unit and he decided to get a new one. This unit sat in his basement I would say a good couple months packed away. After he gave it to me last week I plugged it in with not much hope. However, to my surprise it actually powered up and has been working great now! It has not given me a single issue. I even purchased Techtools Pro and ran the tests and everything came back pass.
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    Is it fairly easy to remove the cooling unit and do a better inspection? I am sure there is people how mapped out detailed instructions on how to do this. However, I was just wondering form someone first hand if this was not that hard. Nothing more then patients and common sense?
    Thanks again

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    The iPhone (iOS Device) and the Mac will only Sync from the day that both start using the same App ID or OS X 10.8.2 whichever is the earlier.
    The "Sync" as Apple calls it was different before this time.
    The "Sync" is only "Display on all Devices" and does not involve anything else (if you delete a message on one device it remains on the other)
    The iMessages are "pushed" at the devices that have the Apple ID or iPhone number and when the iMessages has been sent that is it.
    It will not re-sync if you remove the iMessage.
    I really don't use iMessages on my iPhone enough to even try "Load earlier Messages".
    If you have synced (Backup) the iPhone onto the Mac using iTunes it is apparently possible to extract the messages from the Backup.
    However I don't sync this way and  don't know the names of the apps involved.
    9:06 pm      Wednesday; February 19, 2014
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

  • "no un-bridged adapter" - and yes, I know this has been asked many times before :)

    OK, so I installed vmware workstation 10 on windows 8.1 update. I got the above error. "No problem" I thought, and followed the community and googled advice, I:
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    2) disabled my antivirus (Kaspersky)
    3) ran the installer "As administrator" (I'm a member of the local administrators group, so hopefully anything else that doesn't require elevated permissions would be OK)
    Result: Virtual Network Editor does not show VMnet0, but I see it in C:\ProgramData\VMware\netmap.conf
    #This file is automatically generated.
    # Hand-editing this file is not recommended. = "HostOnly"
    network0.device = "vmnet1" = "NAT"
    network1.device = "vmnet8" = "VMNet0"
    network2.device = "vmnet0"
    Looking at the properties of my network adapter (Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I217-LM) I see the vmware bridge protocol and the vmnetbridge service is running.
    So next I try the "restore defaults" in the network editor - no change. I try removing the protocol from the adapter and I get error 0x80070005 but if i click OK and go back into the properties, it's gone. I can't add it back, because I'm told it's marked for deletion. So I reboot, try to add it, and I get access denied, but again if I close the dialog, and go back, the service is now there.
    I'm just in a workgroup and i have not applied any Group Policies...
    Happy to try any suggestions...

    Uninstalling AntiVirus and or EndPoint Security software has been discussed a considerable number of times and has been discussed for many years and uninstalling any given AntiVirus and or EndPoint Security software is SOP when dealing with some issues with VMware Type 2 Hypervisors, especially when there are Network related issues.  At times both Avast and Kaspersky as well as others have been mention in these forums and at times in the product release notes too.

  • Bluetooth. This has been asked before but no answer.

    Why is there no function in Siri, or other app, to switch on/off wifi and bluetooth on the iPhone. It's such a pain especially when in the car.

    There has been no answer because we're not Apple here, just users like yourself.  We have no idea as to why Apple does or doesn't do something.  Speculation is strictly forbidden by the Terms of Use of this forum.
    Feedback to Apple goes here:

  • I know this has been asked multiple times but there still hasn't been an answer: my iTunes 10.2.2 will freeze my entire mac upon opening...

    ... and it's been doing this for a while. PLEASE, I need a solution. It started off (many moons ago) as occasional freezing when listening to music and then one day it froze and stayed frozen. So I restarted my computer and after that, iTunes was never the same. I deleted the version I had and downloaded the newest version. At first, it took a whole night (and by night I mean 12 hours or so) to put all my music back in iTunes and once that was done it would attempt to determine the gapless playback. After a while the number it would reach before it froze got smaller and smaller until it just stopped trying and froze my whole computer the minute I opened it. I mean, I can't click on ANYTHING once the iTunes icon stops bouncing. iTunes will pop up and then that's it for my computer. I tried leaving it alone for an extended period of time to see if it would unfreeze itself and it doesn't.
    PLEASE, I need a solution, as I'm sure many other people do as well. All I see are threads about similar issues with no solution handy. I've repaired disk permissions, I've deleted the little whatever that I was supposed to delete (and it ALMOST helped but didn't really), I've reinstalled and reinstalled, and it gets so frustrating because nothing is working.

    Your example uses straight text links.  Nothing fancy, no complicated JavaScripts are used.  Just a lot of manual linking.
    Each page contains a different PREVIOUS and NEXT link depending on where it appears within the site.
    Hopefully this answers your question.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Is there any way to increase the contrast of the slider in the Table of Contents? It becomes very hard to see as you slide down a presentation. This has been asked before, a few years back. Has a solution been provided?

    I designed an interactive script using Captivate 7. It works like a branching scenario, and is currently in use by about 350 phone operators, soon to be over 750. Everybody is pretty happy about it, but I am getting complaints - especially form the older people - that the slider in the TOC is very hard to see, and I agree - as you scroll down the TOC entries, the slider becomes lighter and lighter in color. Is there any way to tweak it so that I can increase contrast, or recolor it in a darker tone? I know this was discussed a couple of years ago, but I don't know if the issue was addressed by Adobe, or if anyone has come up with a solution.

    I designed an interactive script using Captivate 7. It works like a branching scenario, and is currently in use by about 350 phone operators, soon to be over 750. Everybody is pretty happy about it, but I am getting complaints - especially form the older people - that the slider in the TOC is very hard to see, and I agree - as you scroll down the TOC entries, the slider becomes lighter and lighter in color. Is there any way to tweak it so that I can increase contrast, or recolor it in a darker tone? I know this was discussed a couple of years ago, but I don't know if the issue was addressed by Adobe, or if anyone has come up with a solution.

  • Installing on a 2nd computer (i know this has been asked)

    So ive researched the forums and learned that you can install logic on a desktop and a laptop. i installed it perfectly fine on my desktop. then i tried on my lap top but when i put in the registration number, it said its already been used. is there i second registration number i need to install it on my laptop as well?
    thanks, xander

    Make sure the laptop is not on a network with the desktop during installation. Other than that, I'm not sure what the problem could be.

  • I know this has been asked before...

    After about nine months, my Northbridge chipset fan has gone from simply noisy to an irritating vibration.  I know that the Zalman Fanmate 2 will slow it down to 5000 rpm, but it sounds like the fan is on its way out.  I'm reluctant to spray it with WD 40 because I don't want to remove the fan unless I'm going to replace it.  I did e-mail tech support at MSI and they probably will send me a new fan.  What are some other good aftermarket options?  I appreciate any advice that people can offer.  BTW, other than the fan, I've had no problems with the board, which is about as good as you can get without going to SLI. 

    Will it fit on the Neo-4 Platinum?  It seems to me that I have a few options here:
    (1)  Buy a Zalman Fanmate 2 and turn down the fan.  It used to run regularly at 7,670 RPM, but lately, it's running at 8,000 RPM+ and is rattling things.  Yet, Speedfan says the temp of the Northbridge is 17 or 18C, so it's not overheating.
    (2)  Buy a general four channel fan controller.  I like the Zalman that fits in the 3.5 bay, but my case has a plastic door that closes, so I may need one with just push buttons.  Any advice on that is appreciated.  The problem with that idea is that the back fan is a 120mm Antec Smartcool and the front is the Antec 120mm that came with the case set on medium.
    (3)  Buy a Vantec Iceberg copper heatsink and fan, some Arctic Silver 5 and the Arctic Silver clean kit, pull the motherboard out (next time I get the case with a removable motherboard tray) and install it.
    (4)  Buy this( or (, cut some pins off with my Dremel Moto-Tool and install.
    (5)  Buy this (, cut some pins off--probably still won't fit though--and install.
    My video card just clears the Northbridge but probably can be worked around.  Next to it I put an Antec blue LED cyclone blower to help keep the card, and the system, cool.  On high, it's still not that loud.  Even with two 120mm Antec fans, the system still hits 41C during gaming.  Thanks for the advice so far guys.

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