IMAC 2011 with Microsoft Office 2011

The PowerPoint has got corrupted in 2013 while I am getting regular updates in Word , Excel .
How do I reinstall Power Point ?

This forum is for troubleshooting Apple Software Update for Windows, a software package for Windows designed to update Apple products that run on Windows, and not related to Microsoft Office in any way. I suggest you post Office related questions on Microsoft's own forums for their Mac products.

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    Reference your first post - I download and use dmg files, so either I'm lucky or they are supported.
    I would try the disk reinstall since at this point there doesn't seem to be many options.
    Do you have a backup? You could restore the Microsoft Office 2008 folder.

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    Yes it is.

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    You do not need a new license. The license file will be found in /Library/Preferences/ and is named, Be sure it gets transferred and you will be fine. I see no reason why the file would not be in your Time Machine backup nor any reason why it would be restored.
    Please visit Pondini's Time Machine FAQ for help with all things Time Machine. You may need help figuring out how to restore your current backup to a new machine.

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    If you upgraded to Lion or Mountain Lion, and did not upgrade to Office 2008 or later, that may be part of the problem.  Try LibreOffice, OpenOffice, NeoOffice, Google Docs, or Zoho Docs.  See my FAQ* for link:

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    Me again:
    A colleagues more formal description of the problem:
    We have had a major problem with people working directly off of the afp reshares with MS Word.
    Word creates "Word Work Files" and usually is able to store them in either "Share/Temporary Items/uid/TemporaryItems/" or "Share/.TemporaryItems/folders.uid/TemporaryItems" as long as permissions are correct.
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    Is Apple compatible with Microsoft Office?
    Any computer is compatible as long as it can read and write Office files. But for perfect (or at least near perfect) compatibility, you would want to purchase Office 2011 for Mac.
    How can I transport from Windows to Mac?
    You can't directly transport any installation of Windows. All PC's come with a machine specific version of Windows intended for that PC. They don't have all of the hardware drivers the retail disks cover.
    If you want Windows on your Mac, you would first purchase a full version copy (NOT an upgrade disk) of Windows 7 or 8. Those are the only supported versions on newer Macs. You install it through the supplied Boot Camp utility that comes with the Mac to create a new partition for Windows, and then install the retail copy of Windows you purchased.
    The reason only these versions of Windows are supported is the same basic reason as a machine specific version of Windows for a PC. Apple only includes the necessary Mac hardware drivers for Win 7 or 8 on new Macs.
    Once Windows is installed, you could then install the version of Office for Windows you already own. The nuisance of a Boot Camp partition is that you have to physically boot to either Windows or OS X, so you can only use the apps of the OS you're in at the time. To use both at once, you'd have to use virtual machine software (Parallels, VMware, VirtualBox) and then install Windows within that. Then you'd be able to run Windows inside of OS X and have access to both at the same time.

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    No! Even Office 2004 will not run under Lion and newer. You can check out and iWorks applications to replace Office.
    Check your applications for Mavericks compatibility here:
    Note: a new version of Office for Mac is expected later this year or early next year. Buying Office 2011 now is buying old software. There will be no credits for older versions. The next version of Office will be subscription. This is the best option I know currently for subscription. This includes a free update to the new version when it's released.
    Office 365 Home Premium 1yr Subscription
    Regular List Price: $99.99  Price: $71.49 (price varies)
    Licensed for one user to install on up to five devices (Mac or PC)
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.

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    mariamvb wrote:
    Is the apple software compatible with Microsoft office? May I know if I will be able to save al of my work from Microsoft office to the apple software?
    It sounds to me that you are migrating from a PC computer to a Mac.
    To the extent that you are using Microsoft Office on your PC, you should just purchase Microsoft Office 2011 for your Mac.  All of your Word, Excel and PowerPoint files should open easily in Office 2011.  Your contact/mail program, Outlook, is now also supported in Office 2011, but I personally have no experience in cross-platform data transfer for Outlook.  Somewith with cross-platform Outlook experience, please jump in!

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    Yes. Snow Leopard includes Rosetta, which will allow Office 2004 and Quicken 2007 to run. Office 2008 and 2011 are Intel native and will also run under SL.

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    Office 2008 and 2011 are compatible with OS X Mavericks.
    If you are using Office 2008, I highly recommend you to reinstall the latest Office 2008 update > Note that Office 2008 is not supported by Microsoft anymore

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    As with a lot of software, it depends on the version of Word, and what features the author used.
    Technically, Office 2010 for Windows and 2011 for Mac are supposed to be feature compatible. As are Office 2007 for Windows, and 2008 for Mac.
    However, if a person using Office 2010 / 2011 used a feature that only exists in that version and sends the file to someone using Office 2007 / 2008, they would very likely have trouble opening the file, or having it display as intended.

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    I am afraid I have reverted to Snow Leopard as I was having one problem after another with Lion and for every problem I was solving, two new ones cropped up. I won't bore you with a long list, but one example is whenever I clicked on a single saved document to view, Microsoft Word would open not only that particular document, but also half a dozen other ones as well. Also, my Canon printer did not operate properly nor would Aol. With a lot of other weird stuff happening every day, the final straw was when my Time Capsule wouldn't backup properly, but just 'hang' indefinitely.
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