IMac ejects 10.4 installation disk at startup

I screwed my system up by means of a Stupid UNIX Trick (tm) in Single-User Mode, and now all system files (including the kernel) have been moved to the /tmp directory. When I go to reinstall the system, the iMac ejects the system disk at startup. Holding down 'C,' holding down 'Option,' etc. don't work. Never had any issues with the drive before, and it's running the latest firmware. What gives?
Alternately, is there anything out there that will get me a command prompt at startup so that I can un-gork my system, or at least move files to an external drive?

Thanks, but the problem is that everything on the HD has been moved, including the kernel and all operating system files, so booting into single-user mode doesn't work. It's actually how I messed things up in the first place -- I booted into single-user mode after having some problems booting normally, then ran fsck. fsck found problems with two Chinese-language files that I had for some reason put in the / directory; Chinese characters in filenames display as "???????" at the commant prompt.
So like some kind of genius, I typed "mv ./?* tmp" and hit enter, realizing about 1/100th of a second later what I'd done. Too late: 'ls' 'cd' 'mv' and other commands were no longer working, and thus my travails began.

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    Hi skogie!
    As BDAqua posted, if the PowerBook G4 meets the Tiger System Requirements, you must use a a Full Retail Version, of the Tiger Install DVD to upgrade.
    Additional info in these links.
    Using OS X Install CDs/DVDs On Multiple Macs
    What's A Computer Specific Mac OS X Release
    Software Update, Upgrade: What's The Difference?
    Tiger is available for purchase at The Apple Store (U.S.).
    If you know what to look for, a Full Retail Version, of the Tiger Install DVD, can also be purchased, sometimes less expensively, at some online Apple retailers, Amazon, eBay, FastMac, HardCore Mac, AllMac, etc.
    Be sure not to purchase grey, upgrade or machine specific CDs or DVDs.
    The disc should look exactly like the images in the above links, and not say Upgrade, CPU Drop-in DVD, or "This software is part of a hardware bundle purchase - not to be sold seperately." on it.
    Caveat Emptor!
    If any are presently available, examine these items very carefully, and if in doubt, ask questions of the seller before purchase!
    Tiger On eBay
    Once Tiger 10.4.x is installed, you can use the PPC 10.4.11 Combo Update, to upgrade to the current version.
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    Hi vamos!
    You could call Apple and see if you can get a set of replacements discs, for a small fee, or Tiger is available for purchase at The Apple Store (U.S.).
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    Be sure not to purchase grey, upgrade or machine specific CDs or DVDs.
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    Additional info in these links.
    Using OS X Install CDs/DVDs On Multiple Macs
    What's A Computer Specific Mac OS X Release
    Software Update, Upgrade: What's The Difference?
    Shop Carefully, Examine All Documentation, And Good Luck!
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    There was another thread on this very topic recently, and many things were tried, but I don't know if anything ever worked and I was unable to find that thread.
    However, here is something from the MBP forum that sounds like it might also work for an iBook:
    DVD Stuck in MacBookPro--Silver Mac
    Good luck!

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    The disc plainly state:
    To  use the AHT, hold down the D key as the computer starts up.
    Works here. However, there was an issue with installing Lion that screwed this process up.
    Mount disc 2, run this command in the Terminal app, OPTION-click & hold Finder's Dock icon, and select RELAUNCH:
    defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 1
    That unhides all hidden files/folders.
    Now, drill down to /"Applications Install\ Disc"/System/Library/CoreServices/ and drag the .diagnostics folder into your Lion boot volume's /System/Library/CoreServices/ folder. That might require you to authenticate to copy the folder into the CoreServices subfolder.
    Run this command to hide the normally hidden files/folders and RELAUNCH the Finder again.
    defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 0
    This should allow the machine to boot into AHT when restarting and holding down the D key.
    If that doesn't do the trick, run this command in the Terminal app:
    sudo chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/CoreServices/.diagnostics
    At the Password: prompt, carefully type in your admin password, since nothing shows up on the screen, and hit the return key. Then, try another restart, holding down the D key.

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    PS: We did update to iOS 10.6 a while ago.

    In the meantime, if you really are on 10.6, you can try and repair the drive by using these options, both explained here. Safe Boot and fsck from single user mode.

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    "Tiger Tiger burning bright ..." (sorry for the poetic diversion ...)
    You can call Apple Customer Support, give them the serial number of the unit and pay $16 per disk to get new copies.  But they may not re-burn Tiger anymore.
    If that is the case, you have to consider buying Tiger disks from an online store, or move up in the cat family.
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    AppleMenu > About This Mac ... what is the memory amount and processor type?

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    Query by serial number
    Apple's warrenty database will identify the type of Mac you have.  Your serial number is securely sent, but you get only the name of your machine.
    This site provides more information, but lacks security.
    "A serial number is a unique, identifying number or group of numbers and letters assigned to an individual piece of hardware or software. It's used for various things depending on the product / brand but what is your Mac's serial number for and more importantly... what is it hiding and what can it do for you ?"
    This site provides more information, but lacks security too.
    "A serial number is a unique, identifying number or group of numbers and letters assigned to an individual piece of hardware or software. It's used for various things depending on the product / brand but what is your Mac's serial number for and more importantly... what is it hiding and what can it do for you ?"
       ( hint by K Shaffer  )

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    You can get replacement System Install & Restore CD/DVDs from Apple's Customer Support - in the US, (800) 767-2775 - for a nominal S&H fee. You'll need to have the model and/or serial number of your Mac available.
    If you're not in the US, you may need to go through the regional Apple Store that serves your location to find the contact number. Here's a list of links to all of those - Another resource:  International Support Phone #s.

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    Since you have a new hard drive, there is nothing on it, so you need to boot from an external source (and probably format the hard drive before installing an OS). Are you booting from the 10.6 install disk? Better yet - do you have a bootable backup clone or at least a Time Machine backup?

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    Thank you in advance for your answers!

    willemhb wrote:
    My iMac 27" is freezing during re-installation of the complete machine from Leopard OS X installation disk.
    Can we assume you mean your Snow Leopard installation disc & that it is a grey one that came with this iMac?
    27" iMacs are new enough that they can't run Leopard (OS 10.5), nor can they run some of the earlier versions of Snow Leopard. The installer on the disc should check for this & refuse to attempt an install if it is the wrong one, but if you are trying to boot from the disc to start the install it will never get that far. This is because the earlier OS versions lack the necessary extensions to support the latest hardware in the iMac. Thus, a safe boot won't help since there is still no source for them.
    Also, if you have installed any aftermarket memory modules, it is possible they are not fully up to spec & incapable of running Snow Leopard. You may be able to verify this by starting up from the Apple Hardware Test, which you run from the original grey system disc by following the instructions printed on it. If you get an error with "MEM" in it, it means one or more memory modules is defective. If they are aftermarket ones, contact the supplier for replacements. If they are Apple-supplied modules they are covered by a one year Apple warranty (or 3 year one if you bought the Applecare protection plan).

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    robinmarie1018 wrote:
    I put the installation disk in the MBP only to see if is the cd that is the issue. Whn I put it in the imac5,2 the installation stops and I cant seem to even get to the disk utility screen
    As I mentioned in my initial post, this will not work because the original media shipped with a Mac is specfic to that Mac. Therefore attempting to use the Installation Disk from an iMac on a MBP or vice versa will NOT WORK.

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