IMAC powerpc G5 sporadically won't boot up?

A few weeks ago my IMAC decided sporadically not to start up. It did this quite a few times over a period of a couple of weeks and I put it down to user error (not that I don't know how to push a button, but, you know!!). Anyhow the last few mornings it has simply refused to boot up and I'm talking not even a flicker of life.
I have tried unplugging everything and starting it with just the power cord, pressing the power button firmly, softly, talking sweetly to it, ignoring it (you get my drift!) I have even set it to automatically start itself up on a morn and shutting itself down of an evening and that seemed to work, until the weekend. Again after most of the day pushing the power button it did come on (all applications working fine by the way), same happened today I worked on my other mac and kept trying the power button when all of a sudden one more try started the blummin thing!
What can I do??? It's driving me demented!
Thanks in advance

nothing, nada, zilch!! has worked fine, then for no reason one day it refused to come on when pressing the power button, yet a few minutes later it did. This has got steadily worse till at the weekend it wouldn't come on for hours...then it did, to say I'm confused....I had amended the prefs so that it automatically came on every day, I previoulsy had it starting only weekdays (I then didn't worry about it not coming on) and that worked fine till this morn when nothing, not a blip, flash, hum, fan or anything. But again about 2 hours later I tried again (after much trying in those two hours) and it hummed into life working perfectly?
Apart from that the machine is working brilliantly. Although a few weeks ago it springs to mind that the date did go back to the 1960's once.
Its pretty annoying to say the least, am hoping for a cheap option!! I did take the back off and blew a few cobwebs away but I don't really know what I'm looking at.
Thanks for any help you can give

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    Hi-NRG Bwoy wrote:
    I erased and re-installed by putting the iMac in Target Disk mode and using my MacBookPro as the host.
    Reet the SMC and the PRAM
     Cheat sheet to help diagnose and fix your Mac
    Perhaps you installed the wrong version OS X onto the iMac, you can't use the disk from another Mac.
    clean the disk.
    If it's not working then use this method to create a bootable 10.6 USB from the iMac machine specific 10.6 disk or the 10.6.3 retail disk on your other Mac, use it to boot the iMac with.
    How to erase and install Snow Leopard 10.6

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    Hi! You've tried most things but try holding the "x" key down at boot and if that doesn't work try the shift key. have you tried the hardware test disc? Tom

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    That "you have viruses" message was a fake, designed to scare you into purchasing the scammer's fake software. Apple has information and instructions for removal:
    For additional information, see also:
    If you do a forum search on Mac Defender, Mac Protector or Apple Security Center (this fake has a lot of diffeent names) you will also find a lot of threads about this.
    If you gave these crooks your credit card information, immediately contact your credit card company and report the fraud. I'd further suggest that you request that they put a block on your account and issue a new card number or you may find unauthorized transactions appearing in our account.
    I doubt that this caused damage to your Windows boot - I've not seen any reports of this happening - but I can't be certain. Get this fake junk removed and see where things stand.

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    Message was edited by: productiondesignermatt
    Message was edited by: productiondesignermatt

    Ok, now it appears to have booted, but the disk is still in there. I'm doing a full Time Machine backup (justincase), but after that... what to do?
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    If your backup's up to date it might be less hassle to erase the internal and clone back from the backup. Don't allow the update next time it appears - you're not the only one having problems it would seem.
    Note; the message "updating boot partitions" is a standard message that appears after a repair run. It won't go away and should be ignored.
    Provided the message "The volume Macintosh HD Seems to be OK" in green has appeared, your disc fle system is fine.
    Message was edited by: noondaywitch

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    Try starting in Safe Mode, with the Shift key depressed during startup until you either get a desktop or a message saying that you are in Safe mode. If this gets you a desktop, don't use the computer just yet. Do a regular restart. If you still get a desktop, it's probably OK. If not, post back.
    If the computer has been stored off wall power for any time, or unplugged from the wall every night, the internal logic board battery is likely dead. That can cause startup issues. However, on this model iMac, it takes the same effort to get to the battery as it does to replace the hard drive. Although neither is considered a "user-serviceable" part, should you feel comfortable with dealing with computer innards, google for "iMac G4 takeapart" to find instructions. Illustrated instructions are out there and they may help you assess your comfort level with home repair.

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    Thanks so much for taking the time to respond to my question. Yes, I had read that article and done each of the steps recommended, but have had no luck. I'll look into your suggestion of removing the hard drive and trying it a Firewire or USB enclosure. I don't have either one as an external device, so will have to determine first whether or not this would be cost effective.
    iMac 233MHz Mac OS X (10.2.x) Original Bondi Blue, Rev. A

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    Does anyone know what's wrong with my Mac ?
    Please Help !!
    - Ben
    1st gen 20" iMac G5 (1.8 GHz)   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    To The Apple Discussion Boards!
    Except for your keyboard & mouse, disconnect all devices from your computer & repair disk & permissions from your Tiger DVD.
    Repairing permissions from the Tiger DVD
    Boot up from your Tiger Install DVD while holding down the "c" key.
    Select the language you wish to use, and then choose "Disk Utility" from the menu bar.
    Your HD should appear in a panel on the left hand side of the window which opens. Select it and then click on the "repair disk" button in the right hand section of the window.
    If Disk First aid is able to complete the repair now click on the "Repair permissions" button.
    Once this process has been completed restart your computer. About Disk Utility's Repair Disk Permissions feature

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    screen won't come on when I start, instead of the familiar start chime I get two beeps when I attempt to start.
    Tried to start in safe mode, reset pram and I still get a black screen and two beeps with the power light indicator blinking.
    OSX 10.4.11, wireless keyboard
    Message was edited by: Gary Tate
    Message was edited by: Gary Tate

    well I went and removed the 256 ram in the bottom and the computer booted sucessfully.
    So from this can I say it's is either the ram or the bank on the logic board holding the user installed ram is bad (requiring a new logic board?)
    Will have to find a good set of ram somewhere to install and see if it boots, thus showing the ram I took out is bad.....????
    Thanks for the help

  • IMac turned off suddenly, won't boot from hard drive/CD drive

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    Here is what I have:
    27" iMac with:
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    4GB RAM
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    Win7 on Bootcamp
    Lion is installed, but I have the Snow Leopard install disc.
    The system had just been recently reformatted so there wasn't really much on the computer itself other than an update to Mountain Lion and a Win7 install via Bootcamp. Other than that, nothing was recentlly installed.
    What happenes is I was browsing and all of a sudden it completely shut down. No warning, nothing. Completely shuts down.
    Okay.. weird... but when I try to load Mac back up, the Apple logo appears and then after a while of supposedly loading, the screen goes to a plain white screen until I force the computer off. Something similar happens when tryin gto boot into Windows: I get to the "Starting Windows" screen but after that everything goes black and I have to shut down manually.
    Great. Now I'll just go into recovery and fix all of this right? Wrong. Can't boot into recovery either. Similar end result: white screen.
    Last thing I tried is reinstall OS X Snow Leopard. After loading for about 1-2 minutes, the usual white screen appears after trying to boot from the disc.
    I am at a loss. I don't think its the hard drive, because the problem occurs even when trying to boot from the disc. My suspicion is the RAM has gone bad. But, before I go the hardware route, is there any suggestions or recommendations anyone could make first?
    In advance, I really appreciate anyone who replies and tries to help.

    I had the EXACT problem today. EXACT. Discs wouldn't boot, I did get the application disc to run the AHT but it said all was fine.
    I called my buddy who said something about unplugging for a minute then holding power button while plugging the power supply back in. I thought it would be futile since we already did all the SMC reset procedures to no avail, PRAM reset didn't do anything, etc, etc... But what do you know, up pops the disc utility and my iMac is now restoring from time machine. It's not done yet, so I can't say it worked... BUT it's the farthest we got tonight. Could not get disc utility up via CMD-R or OPTION keys... but powering down, unplugging for a minute or so, then holding power button while plugging the power supply back in did the trick. Hope this helps!

  • My iMac 27" (mid-2010) won't boot up.

    I had recently received a warning that the hard disk was nearly full.  Now what I get is the grey screen with the apple logo and spinning 'gear'.  For a brief time (1-2 minutes) there will be a status bar below the spinning gear.  This appears to show about 5% progress, then disappears and just the logo and spinning gear are left and it just stays like this.  I had hoped installing additional RAM would help and upgraded from 4 to 8 GBs (purchased through OWC).  This did not help.  I have tried booting up in safe mode (holding down the shift key) and the "DVRAM zap" (holding down the Control, Option R & P keys) when starting the computer.  I have also tried starting using the OSX Tiger install disk (10.4.3) while holding down the C key.  I keep getting the same result.  One thing to note is I am trying this with the wireless keyboard.  I do not have a USB keyboard.  Will these attempts be "recognized" with a wireless keyboard or do I need to use a USB keyboard?  Also, not sure what OS I'm running currently.
    Thank you for your help.

    Tiger will not boot a 2010 Mac.  The oldest operating system that might work is Snow Leopard (10.6).  Being it is mid-2010 iMac, it has to be the pre bundled 10.6 installer disc that came with it from Apple labelled iMac.  If you are missing that disc, call AppleCare.
    DVRAM is not what it is called. NVRAM and PRAM can be reset, if the machine is under 4 years old.  Over 4 years old, the PRAM battery may be too old and cause the machine to be frozen until the PRAM battery is replaced.   
    A too full hard drive often lends itself to a corrupted directory and trouble booting up.  Once your hard drive exceeds 85% capacity, it should be cleared, and excess data archived away on other other media that you don't regularly backup in a clone or otherwise.
    Upgrading the RAM may help speed things up, but does nothing to help the hard drive is too close to capacity.
    So the big question is, is your data backed up or not?
    If not, you may need to get a larger hard drive to recover data to as documented here:
    You need to get a USB keyboard, preferably an Apple or MacAlly if you want to boot the machine with the startup manager.

  • Upgraded imac to mavericks, now won't boot, stuck on white screen then reboots in a loop

    i have a imac that i upgraded to mavericks, it wont boot up now, sticks on white screen for a while the reboots and sticks again, if i reinstall osx will it delete all my data- i tried to start the new install in recovery mode but it kep saying incorrect username and/or password, but i ts not incorrect and when i hit the forgot password link nothing happens

    If you can get it to boot once the first thing you should do is backup all your data using Time Machine or better yet create a Bootable Clone using SuperDuper or Carbon Copy Cloner. What Apple says to do to trouble shoot is in Gray screen appears during startup. 
    I would also recommend running Apple Hardware Test in Extended Mode, if no errors appear the first time run the test 2-3 more times. Each Extended Mode test will take 30-60 minutes.

  • Imac 24" 2.8GHz won't boot from any device

    Have an Imac Intel Metal unit.  24" with 4GB Ram.  Will not boot from anything.  It chimes loudly, the grey apple appears, the gear spins and then freezes.  Then nothing.  tried booting from several external drives.  Even pulled out the internal Hard Drive.

    Hey MacMyDayTF,
    Troubleshooting steps for those symptoms are outlined in the following document. I'd go through the steps within to see if that resolves the issue:
    Mac OS X: Gray screen appears during startup

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