IMac Problems - Screen Starts to go Haywire

Hi All,
Over the last day or so I've been getting a weird behaviour out of my iMac.  While I'm happily working along, the screen will start going haywire - flickering and doing weird things - to the point where I need to power off and power back on the computer in order to do anything.  The problem is that, when I try logging in again, while the computer is booting up, it might start doing the same thing -- I may not even be able to boot fully before the computer starts doing the same thing.
I've posted a video on YouTube showing exactly what's happening: PDskLzHk1tJPGaZPbA7nPqcCxX
I have booted up into the Lion recovery partition and run a disk verify - it came back clean.
I'm currently reinstalling Lion to see if that will help.  It doesn't seem to happen when I'm booted up in the recovery partition, so that leads me to believe that it might not be a hardware problem. 
Any thoughts/ideas from the community?

This means your GPU is disconnecting itself from the motherboard, what machine do you have??? This problem was common for the Thinkpads T4x series. 
There are three possible ways of fixing it, one is put a stack of sticky note and apply pressure to the GPU.
Then there is the motherboard reflow, there is video on youtube showing you how to do it.
Then finally change the motherboard or get a new laptop.  
Jin Li
May this year, be the year of 'DO'!
I am a volunteer, and not a paid staff of Lenovo or Microsoft

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    Unfortunately, you are not communicating with Apple here - we are all other users volunteering our time to help with technical problems.
    Here is a list of Apple contacts; there is no email address  - you will need to write a letter to their corporate headquarters or call them:
    Although, it appears that your problem is with a third party store and that you have won in court - did you get your money back? 24" iMacs have not been made since 2009 or 2010. Now there are 21" and 27" iMacs.

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    Some things you can try:
    1. Try a new user account, create one in System Preferences -> Users and Groups, test to see if the issue still persists in this new user account, this will give us a lot of information. (if the problem is the same or it vanishes, let us know)
    2. Make sure all your software is up-to-date, Apple Logo -> Software update.
    3. Unplug all 3rd party devices, just keep in the necessary, Power, Keyboard + Mouse, no ethernet or external hard drives etc.
    4. Reset the PRAM
    5. Reset the SMC
    6. Boot to the recovery partition (CMD + R on startup until you see a spinning cog with an apple logo, then let go) -> Choose english as the main language -> Choose Disk Utility -> Select your hard drive from the left pane of Disk Utility (NOT Macintosh HD, the one that will look similar to: 1TB ST3200WAJS) -> Select the 'First Aid' tab -> Bottom right of the window it will say 'S.M.A.R.T Status: ________' ... What does it say after smart status?
    7. While still inside the Recovery Partition, select Macintosh HD -> First Aid (tab) -> Verify Disk -> Repair Disk (unless it says the volume Macintosh HD appears to be OK) -> Verify Disk Permissions -> Repair Disk Permissions (if there are differing permissions on the disk)
    Let us know if the issue still persists, but make sure you do all of those steps correctly and post back as much information as possible (PRAM takes two chimes at startup, unplug the power cable for 15 seconds, plug it back in, wait 5 seconds, turn on... make sure you follow all articles)
    Good Luck!

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    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    Hi Jan,
    If you have another firewire Mac you can check if the HD of your Mac is OK by connecting them with a firewire cable and use target-mode. That way I found out my HD was just fine.
    It also offers you the chance to run a diagnostic program to check if anything else is fine. I used TechTool to do that. But everything checked out fine.
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    Judging by your name I'm guessing I could've anwered this in Dutch.

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    I found that although the optical drive would read and write to normal cds and dvds, the machine would NOT boot from the grey start-up disks I had on hand. ( I have two imacs, and I tried both sets of dvds without success.)
    I zapped the PRAM, and used disk utilities via firewire connection from my other 20" imac to check the hardrive and make repairs. Disk Utilities couldn't find any problems. So, using disk utilities from the other imac, I erased the first imac's harddrive and then used the install dvds on the second imac to install the original OS to the hard drive of the first imac.
    (looking on the hard drive of the first imac, I can see all the contents)
    However, the first machine will not start up. It just switches from black..... then grey..... and then black again.... over and over
    Why won't it boot from the newly installed OS on it's own hard drive?
    And Why won't it boot from the original install dvds?
    How can I get it to start up again?

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    you can try boot in single user mode by hold at start up CMD-S key on keyboard ,see if a comande line interface is show on screen
    try use D key on start up see if Apple Hardware Test is launch
    try  plug an external display if you can
    try boot with ALT key see if bootmanager is show
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    All electical producs have defects.  Apple products are not immune.
    To rule out a software problem try:
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    Reset iPod touch:  Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
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    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory defaults/new iPod
    - If still problem make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.  If the iPod is defective you will walk out with a replacment.

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