Image size increase

I am working on a text type logo design and want to increase it size and when increase size the image loos it quality so what can i do to remain the image quality same?

Udaya Shankara Gandhi wrote:
This is baically a java forum. Do you mean it to require a java program that will do the lossless expansion of the image given?Agreed that it is an incredibly unclear question, but see the post history; there are other questions about manipulating images in Java code.
But is it really necessary to ask this question again? It has been asked a million times already, browse a little bit through the existing questions on the subject by googling "java2d scaling quality".

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    Have you followed the performace suggestions in the interMedia documentation? I don't see how you could have obtained the increase you claim, but perhaps a database that is very poorly tuned for images? Or, more likely, the file size does not indicate actual disk space used, and instead indicates a extent. I will ask the performance folks if this increase is even possible.

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    Yes. I don't optimize before importing and have iWeb's option turned off. I have a tutorial on using Web Site Maestro: Old Toad's Tutorial #12 - Using Web Site Maestro to Publish to MobileMe.. It's a little dated but can help you a little. The WSM help file is very good.
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    Smile Always

    I assume you have made some changes to this out of box search 
    you will have to take help from a CSS expert to select the div of this image and resize it. it has to be updated in css file on the server
    You can use developer(f12) tool in IE to test that 

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    I presume Elements, like full-blown Photoshop, has no real organisational ability at all (as far as I can see). Basically you load, work on and re-save one photo at a time, to whatever folder you want the result in.
    I do find annoyances in Aperture, but what I like is the versioning aspect of it when changes are made to a photo. There's no need to create an adjustment layer, or duplicate an image before work in order to retain the original.
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    As it turns out, the way to make the image appear larger on the page is to edit and increase the size of the signature "box" on the pdf (under Forms > Add or Edit Fields), to considerably larger than the form might indicate.  Otherwise, the signature is constrained to the just the size of the small field on the pdf.  Interestingly, as soon as you do so, the signature appears "bolder", likely just because there is more of it.  Thanks for your suggestions!

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    <p><img id="p_image" height="411 width=312 source={src} styleName="image"/></p>
    The image is not appearing.  If I decrease the height to 50 it appears (obviously skewed though) and is positioned below the text.
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    Why does the space below the paragraph increase as the image height increases?
    Images attached.
    Any help is appreciated.
    Thanks, peter

    I think the effect you are seeing is a result of how the lineHeight is set up. By default, the lineHeight will be calculated as 120% of the size of the largest thing on the line -- in your case, this is the inline graphic. This is designed to leave space between the line before and the line with the graphic. So it is taking the height of the graphic, multiplying by 120%, and making this the distance between the previous line and the line with the graphic. So the bigger the graphic, the bigger the space above the graphic. Normally this works well with text, but in this case you may want to get closer to "set solid". You can do this by setting the lineHeight to 100%. Or you may wish to leave a couple of percent for the descenders of the previous line. Or, another alternative that may work well for you if you really know exactly where you want the line set, you could measure the graphic, add on the number of extra pixels to leave for the descenders, and make the lineHeight a constant. So you could do something like this:
    <img lineHeight="104%" height="411"/>
    or this:
    <img lineHeight="423" height="411"/>
    Obviously you would still need to specify the source and any other parameters you want on the image.
    Note that if you are trying to fit a 200 pixel high graphic into a 200 pixel high container, you will hit the same problem -- in order to fit the graphic, the container will have to be slightly bigger than the graphic in order to fit the descenders on the last line. This is true even if the last line contains only the graphic, and no descenders (or text) at all.
    Hope this helps,
    - robin

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    This is an example of using Image>Resize>Reveal All.
    If you rotate a layer, using free transform or Image>Rotate>Free Rotate Layer,
    then setect the move tool, you should see a bounding box well outside the original image.
    This is the part of the photo you can't see after rotating the layer.
    If you then were to go to Image>Image Size>Reveal All, elements makes those areas visible.
    The only thing about rotating images or layers at angles other than 90 degree increments,
    is that might degrade the image some.

  • As  increase DPI, image size is also  increase in photoshop scripting ?

    as  increase DPI, image size is also  increase in photoshop scripting can please tell me what  will the reason for that?

    Hi JJMACK,
                      I am using adobe  Flex with  Photoshop scripting . I am sending  Flex file  with parameter to generate .psd.Right now i am able to generate 72 DPI with proper image size while  I am generating  .psd with  250 DPI with Improper Size.
    This is my  flex parameters
    MgrPSAction.instance.FinishLayoutToPhotoshop(curFl , savedType ,TemplateConstant.TM_LEFT,getPSDImageName(objItem,TemplateConstant.TM_LEFT_RIGHT), objItem.LayoutTMLWidth,objItem.LayoutTMLHeight ,pageDPI,returnPhotoshopHandler,
    true,setWidth , setHeight,formatQty); ----- Page DPI - > like 72 or 250 paasing  from here.
    below is Scirpt ot resize
    function openFileAndResize(xp,yp,wi,hi,imagepath)
    var fileRef = new File(imagepath);
    var curRefDoc =;
    var curw = curRefDoc.width;
    var curh = curRefDoc.height;
    var resW;
    var resH;
    var scw = imgObj.wi/curw;
    var sch = imgObj.hi/curh;
    var scale ;
    if(scw > sch)
    scale = scw;
    scale = sch;
    resW = curw * scale;
    resH = curh * scale;
    if(imgObj.isAdjustImage == "true")
    resW = resW * parseFloat (imgObj.scaleOrg);
    resH = resH * parseFloat (imgObj.scaleOrg);
    // Resize Image=======================================================
    var idImgS = charIDToTypeID( "ImgS" );
    var desc226 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idWdth = charIDToTypeID( "Wdth" );
    var idPxl = charIDToTypeID( "#Pxl" );
    desc226.putUnitDouble( idWdth, idPxl, resW);
    var idHght = charIDToTypeID( "Hght" );
    var idPxl = charIDToTypeID( "#Pxl" );
    desc226.putUnitDouble( idHght, idPxl, resH );
    var idIntr = charIDToTypeID( "Intr" );
    var idIntp = charIDToTypeID( "Intp" );
    var idBcbc = charIDToTypeID( "Bcbc" );
    desc226.putEnumerated( idIntr, idIntp, idBcbc );
    executeAction( idImgS, desc226, DialogModes.NO );
    // Select Image=======================================================
    var idsetd = charIDToTypeID( "setd" );
    var desc263 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
    var ref138 = new ActionReference();
    var idChnl = charIDToTypeID( "Chnl" );
    var idfsel = charIDToTypeID( "fsel" );
    ref138.putProperty( idChnl, idfsel );
    desc263.putReference( idnull, ref138 );
    var idT = charIDToTypeID( "T " );
    var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );
    var idAl = charIDToTypeID( "Al " );
    desc263.putEnumerated( idT, idOrdn, idAl );
    executeAction( idsetd, desc263, DialogModes.NO );
    //Copy Image=======================================================
    var idcopy = charIDToTypeID( "copy" );
    executeAction( idcopy, undefined, DialogModes.NO );
    //Create Temp Layer for image adjustment =======================================================
    //var curDoc = getCurDoc('imagelayerdoc');
    //get Active Temp Layer for image adjustment =======================================================
    var curDoc = getCurDoc(layerAppName);
    app.activeDocument = curDoc;
    // Past Copy image in Temp Layer for image adjustment =======================================================
    var idpast = charIDToTypeID( "past" );
    var desc250 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idAntA = charIDToTypeID( "AntA" );
    var idAnnt = charIDToTypeID( "Annt" );
    var idAnno = charIDToTypeID( "Anno" );
    desc250.putEnumerated( idAntA, idAnnt, idAnno );
    executeAction( idpast, desc250, DialogModes.NO );
    Please reply if have answer...

  • HT1198 I shared disk space and my iPhoto library as described in this article. When creating the disk image, I thought I had set aside enough space to allow for growth (50G). I'm running out of space. What's the best way to increase the disk image size?

    I shared disk space and my iPhoto library as described in this article. When creating the disk image, I thought I had set aside enough space to allow for growth (50G). I'm running out of space. What's the best way to increase the disk image size?

    Done. Thank you, Allan.
    The sparse image article you sent a link to needs a little updating (or there's some variability in prompts (no password was required) with my OS and/or Disk Utility version), but it worked.
    Phew! It would have been much more time consuming to use Time Machine to recover all my photos after repartitioning the drive. 

  • How to increase the image size without losing resolution in iPhoto?

    Dear All
    I have pics i took with my phone which is not an iphone, just little sony ericsson phone.
    Is there a way to increase the image size without losing resolution in iPhoto please? Or cheap 3rd party software or shareware perhaps?
    thank you very much.

    iPhoto has no way to do that. You'll need an external editor for the job. Not all have the capability. I know Photoshop has.
    You can set Photoshop (or any image editor) as an external editor in iPhoto. (Preferences -> General -> Edit Photo: Choose from the Drop Down Menu.) This way, when you double click a pic to edit in iPhoto it will open automatically in Photoshop or your Image Editor, and when you save it it's sent back to iPhoto automatically. This is the only way that edits made in another application will be displayed in iPhoto.

  • Monitor image has increased in size, and is very unsharp

    for no reason I can think of the image (all) increased in size and is very fuzzy. This happened as I was looking at the screen - was not touching anything at the time - I don't think. Might I have hit a function key and not known it, and made the image bad??? Menu bar runs off screen to the right.

    Go to System Preferences/Universal Access/Seeing tab, and turn the Zoom Off.
    Good Luck.

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