Imagemagick and xpm libraries - Sol 10 11/06 COmpanion cd

I just installed sol 10 11/06, and I need the imagemagick and xpm libraries that are supposidely on the companion dvd. Which package(s) are these libraries in? I don't want to install all the packages on the dvd. Is there a site where descriptions of all the packages on the dvd are located?
Thank you

As of Solaris 10 11/06 ImageMagick is part of the OS installation, rather than on the companion DVD:
bash-3.00$ pkginfo -l SUNWimagick
   PKGINST:  SUNWimagick
      NAME:  ImageMagick - Image Manipulation Utilities and Libraries
  CATEGORY:  system
      ARCH:  sparc
   VERSION:  11.10.0,REV=2005.
   BASEDIR:  /
    VENDOR:  Sun Microsystems, Inc.
      DESC:  ImageMagick - Image Manipulation Utilities and Libraries 5.4.7
    PSTAMP:  sfw1020050108052045
  INSTDATE:  Dec 28 2006 17:44
   HOTLINE:  Please contact your local service provider
    STATUS:  completely installed
     FILES:      166 installed pathnames
                   5 shared pathnames
                  14 directories
                  15 executables
               18034 blocks used (approx)(Solaris 10 11/06 Operating System Package List shows that SUNWimagick will be installed as long as either an Entire+OEM, Entire, Developer, End User installation type is used)
I think xpm may be part of the SUNWgnome-img-editor package, wihch is also part of the OS instalation:
bash-3.00$ pkgchk -l -p /usr/sfw/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/xpm
NOTE: Couldn't lock the package database.
Pathname: /usr/sfw/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/xpm
Type: regular file
Expected mode: 0755
Expected owner: root
Expected group: other
Expected file size (bytes): 20976
Expected sum(1) of contents: 422
Expected last modification: Dec 16 17:34:34 2004
Referenced by the following packages:
Current status: installedi.e. SUNWimagick and SUNWgnome-img-editor got installed as part of an entire Solaris 10 11/06 install, without using the Companion DVD.

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    With appreciation,

    That will not be an easy task, Christie.
    I am afraid, your cleaning session with Gemini may have actually removed originals. I have never used this duplicate finder tool, but other posters here reported problems. Gemini seems to replace duplicate original files in photo libraries by links, and this way, deleting images can cause the references for other images to break. And Aperture does not follow symbolic links - at least, I could never get it to find original files this way, when I experimented with this.
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    You have to find the originals yourself. If you can find them or restore them from a backup, Aperture can reconnect them. The reconnect panel can show you, where the originals are supposed to be, so youcan see the filename and make a Spotlight search.
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    Make a copy of the missing original you found in a folder outside the iPhoto library. You can either open the iPhoto library in Aperture and use "File > Locate Referenced file" to reconnect the originals, or simply reimport them. Then Lift&Stamp all adjustments and metadata to the reimported version.
    See this manual page on how to reconnect originals:  Aperture 3 User Manual: Working with Referenced Images  (the paragraph:  Reconnecting Missing or Offline Referenced Images)
    Are there quirks to merging iPhoto and Aperture libraries (by using the Import->Library) feature that I should be aware of?
    References images will stay referenced, managed will remain managed. You need to unhide all hidden photos in iPhoto - this cannot be done in Aperture.
    and not all the original pictures can be found by the libraries anymore, though some originals still do exist in other libraries.  Steps/process to fix?
    That is probably due to Gemini's replacing duplicate originals by links, and your best cause of action is to fix this before merging the libraries. Reconnecting can be done for your iPhoto libraries in Aperture.

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    1. Yes. Drag the libraries there, launch the applications with the Option key held down, and choose those libraries; the iPhoto one needs to be stored on a drive, partition, or disk image formatted as Mac OS Extended.
    2. Click here for information. If desired, run a tool such as GrandPerspective.

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    Depends on the version of the OS that you are using I would post on the forum for the version of the OS that you are using.
    Later version od Time machine will, definitely. If the version you have doesn't, then there are plenty of 3rd party back up utilities that wll do the job for you.
    If you're moving the iPhoto Library then remember the disk needs to be formatted  Mac OS Extended (Journaled)

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    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi Terence,
    I tried the option key thing when starting both.
    For itunes when I select the folder on the external drive it says 'could not locate library file' or something like that.
    For iphoto the iphoto library file is there but it is not one I can select (it is greyed out).
    Sorry, not sure which versions they are. Am currently re-importing my itunes library so can't check.
    iPhoto is not opening today. Yesterday it would.
    Both versions would be updated as far as they could go on snow leopard.

  • After moving my iTunes and iPhoto libraries to an external hard drive and deleting the originals i found i still had no space on my

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    after i had moved them and checked they could be found i trashed the originals and checked again that the could be found on the external hdd.
    all seemed to be ok.
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    any help please as i am loving tje mac but i am still quite new to it.

    Did you empty Trash?

  • How do I share my itunes and iphoto libraries with other users (accounts) ?

    Hi !
    I am trying to share my itunes and iphoto libraries with other users on my powerbook, but I seem to have problems with it.
    What is the best way to do it?
    Place an alias in my "shared" folder and access this with the applications from the different accounts ? This seems to workt for the itunes library, at least... Or do I have to mess with the righs managent ?
    I dont want screw up my nice mac...
    Thanx for the help in advance.
    PB G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Hi... and thanx for your help...
    I did not think that I would have to mess with my firewall, as long as I am talking of useres on the same computer, but I guess I was wrong.
    Your advice helps very much, but only as long as I am still logged in with my user name. I does not work when only my kids are logged in. There has to be a way to use these libraries without the need to log in the user that has created those folders...
    Thanx for your help
    PB G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

  • How to transfer iphoto and itunes libraries from NAS back to MacBook Pro

    I recently upgraded my MBP hard drive, and decided I'd like to move my iphoto and itunes libraries back to my local drive from my Synology NAS. I thought this would be easily achieved by copying the libraries from the NAS and pasting them in the desired locations in the MBP, as I did to get them to the NAS in the first place. This will not work.
    First off, when I try a simple copy and paste through finder, the transfer gets about half way through and suddenly stops with  "You can't copy "iPhoto Library" because it has the same name as another item in the destination volume, and that volume doesn't distinguish between upper- and lowercase letters in filenames".
    This occurs even if there is no Iphoto directory currently on the MBP.
    I contacted Synology, and they attempted to have me use a windows transfer protocol to transfer the libraries, but when transferring this way I am stopped half way through with an "Error -8084" code.
    I am aware that the MBP is formatted with MAC OS Extended (Journaled), and that the NAS is formatted differently, but there must be some way to get this back.
    My itunes library contains all my family's ipad, and iphone back ups, in addition to around 35 gb of music. Additionally, I don't want to lose Event info in Iphoto.
    Please help!
    Thank you

    Have you read for possible solutions over in the "More Like This" thread over here?-----------------------> 

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    Actually, it's just my photo library. My music seems to be there now.

  • ITunes Temp Files and previous libraries

    In ~Home/Music/iTunes folder are many Temp Files, (some text, and some iTunes database files), each about 1.2 MB. I also note a file "iTunes Music Library.xml, a text document 2.3 MB, and a folder "Previous iTunes Libraries" containing "iTunes 4 Music Library" and iTunes Music Library (Old). I am using iTunes 6.0.1. Can I safely delete these Temp Files and Old Libraries?

    You could always move them from where they are to the desktop, and then launch iTunes.
    If everything seems ok then they aren't needed.
    Or is that too simple? No, it's a Mac
    Colin R.

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