Images broken in DW CS4 LiveView & browser preview.

Hey everyone, need some major help here.
I'm very new to dreamweaver. I am experienced with graphics and art but anything related to code I epicly fail at... So talk with me like I'm three if possible.
I built my first site for my small sword making business recently, and managed to get it on the web:
I'm happy with the site visually but I know there are some underlying hidden flaws. First being how it functions in DW itself.
I know plenty of people run into the issue of not being able to see their images while in design view, but mine is the exact opposite.
My images show up as a tiny blue question mark box in Live View... As well as when I preview it in a browser localy on my machine.
I think I know why it might be happening but dont know how to fix it...
When I insert an image DW codes it as such:
<img src="/images/madintro.jpg" width="470" height="267" />
The problem seems to lie in DW adding the "/" in front of "images"
when I manually go in and take out the "/" the image shows magically shows up as it should.
Why has dreamweaver suddenly defaulted to making bad code? what did I do to cause this issue? And obviously how can I change it back to work again and make the image show in my DW workspace?
I'm sure it lies in my crappy knowledge of understanding how to use templates.
If anyone could I would love a comrehensive critique of the site I built and how to clean it up, how to make the code right, and get things working as they should to propor standards.
Here is the code for the homepage:
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            <p><img src="images/Forge.jpg" width="170" height="152" border="2" /></p>
            <p>The Mad Dwarf Workshop is the swordsmithing work of Andy Davis and David DelaGardelle, but it is also an extended group of like minded individuals who have a love and passion for history, mythology, nature, ancient craftsmanship, and the good Lord Above. The Workshop was founded in November of 2004 in Newcastle Indiana by the two young craftsmen.</p>
            <p><img src="images/sign.jpg" width="170" height="147" border="2" /></p>
            <p>Together they began to chase their life long dream of learning how to forge swords like the ones read about in the epic sagas and mythologies they loved since childhood.</p>
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          Welcome to the official website of Mad Dwarf Workshop. Home of hand crafted knives, swords, and fine art by David Delagardelle &amp; Andy Davis. Please take a moment to look around and view some of our work, learn about our craft, and  take a look at some pieces currently for sale. We hope you enjoy your stay and find either a treaure to call your own, or  inspiration  for the trail ahead.         
          <h2>Featured work:<br />
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            Last revised
            <!-- #BeginDate format:Am1 -->May 19, 2010<!-- #EndDate -->
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            Site built by <a href="" style="color: #666;">David DelaGardelle</a></font></span><font color="#666666"><br />
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I know its kinda a lot to ask but I know zero people in person who can help me, and am extremely desperate and absolutely obsessed with making this site the very best I am capable of.
Any resources, videos, tips, whatever would be beyond appreciated!...
Thank you so much!
Dave D.

I know plenty of people run into the issue of not being able to see their images while in design view, but mine is the exact opposite.
My images show up as a tiny blue question mark box in Live View... As well as when I preview it in a browser localy on my machine.
I think I know why it might be happening but dont know how to fix it...
When I insert an image DW codes it as such:
<img src="/images/madintro.jpg" width="470" height="267" />
The problem seems to lie in DW adding the "/" in front of "images"
when I manually go in and take out the "/" the image shows magically shows up as it should.
Why has dreamweaver suddenly defaulted to making bad code? what did I do to cause this issue? And obviously how can I change it back to work again and make the image show in my DW workspace?
Yes, the slash is exactly the problem. That is known as a Site-root relative link.These types of link are good to use in Templates because they are always the same. They don't need to be "fixed' when you generate a page from your Template into a different folder.
The downside of using Site-root reltive links, is that you can't access the files locally. You must get the page from a web server. One exception to that is using Preview in Browser (PIB) "Temp" files.
Read this Tech Note about setting up a Testing Server so you can see these files in Live View and PIB:
If you want to switch back to using Document relative links, then setthe Relative to: field to be "Document" in the "Browse for file" dialog (folder button next to Link field in PI). This setting is sticky, so all future link will use the same setting.
Hope this helps,

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    Message was edited by: DanielC

    I copied the masters and previews from Aperture 2.1.4 via the Finder and then imported those into Aperture 3.0.3. I imported the Aperture 2 previews just to use as a guideline of what I wanted the images to look like in Aperture 3. Then I manually recreated the desired versions in Aperture 3). So I 'recovered' what I needed but of course if you have hundreds on 'missing' masters in your library (that are really there but Aperture is too blind to find them) this workaround isn't feasible. I only had four missing and they were based on master TIFFs I scanned three years ago.
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    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
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        <li><a href="../MP-About.html">About Us</a></li>
    <div id="mainContent">
      <p> </p>
      <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="content" -->
      <p>Merit Pump and  Equipment is an authorized dealer for <b><font color="#900">Kobe, Weatherford and Myers</font></b> pumps  supplying you with both pumps and parts. We are also a factory authorized pump  service center for your pump repair needs.</p>
      <p class="MsoNormalCxSpMiddle" style="line-height:normal;"> <b><font color="#900">Myers</font></b> offers a complete  line of submersible sump, sewage, effluent,   grinder, non-clog and wastewater pumps, controls, basins and accessories,  reciprocating, self-priming and pumping  systems for residential, agricultural, commercial, municipal and industrial applications.</p>
      <p class="MsoNormalCxSpMiddle" style="line-height:normal;"><b><font color="#900">Myers Aplex</font></b> offers a  complete line of high quality, medium to heavy duty reciprocating pumps for  both intermittent and continuous duty.</p>
      <p class="MsoNormalCxSpMiddle" style="line-height:normal;"> <b><font color="#900">Kobe</font></b> offers a unique  vertical plunger pump, as well as the Weatherford  horizontal   design for high pressure applications. The &quot;Kobe&quot; pump is  especially well suited for extreme pressure services up to 30,000 PSIG.</p>
      <p align="center" class="disclaimer" style="line-height:normal;"> </p>
      <p align="center" class="disclaimer" style="line-height:normal;"><em>Other Lines we carry  include LMI metering pumps, Hydra-cell pumps, Vector Peristaltic pumps,  Grinnell butterfly valves, Milliken Valves, All-Flo diaphragm pumps, Blancett  flow meters, Pacer pumps, Proco Products expansion  joints and others.</em></p>
      <p align="center" class="MsoNormalCxSpMiddle" style="line-height:normal;"> </p>
      <table id="Table_01" width="740" height="60" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
          <td><a href=""><img src="../Merit Pump Site Images/Service1.jpg" alt="" width="195" height="60" border="0" /></a></td>
          <td><img src="../Merit Pump Site Images/Service2.jpg" width="172" height="60" alt="" /></td>
          <td><a href=""><img src="../Merit Pump Site Images/Service3.jpg" alt="" width="184" height="60" border="0" /></a></td>
          <td><img src="../Merit Pump Site Images/Service4.jpg" width="189" height="60" alt="" /></td>
      <!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
      <p align="center" class="MsoNormalCxSpMiddle" style="line-height:normal;"> </p>
      <div id="footer">
        <p><span class="footer">© 2006 Merit Pump &amp; Equipment CO. All rights reserved. | Home | About | Contact | FE Myers | Kobe Triplex |</span></p>
        <p><span class="footer">975 Lincoln Way West, Wooster, OH 44691 | PO Box 960</span></p>
      <!-- end #footer --></div>
    <!-- end #container --></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgDown:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"});

    1. file:///C: /Users/John/Desktop/Design/Merit%20Pump%20Website/MeritPump_ Template.dwt '
    1.1 Suspicious are always these strings starting with file:///, what means, "DW thinks that every file you have linked to is outside the local root folder":
    1.2. Don't use spaces in folders/filenames. Spaces get converted %20, you could use underscores eg.
    2. ../MP-Kobepumps.html
    Where is this file located? Please control your path in DW, maybe you need ../../, maybe you can do without it, depending on which level the file is situated/nested.
    ... maybe you can post a link to your page, no matter how it looks like.Hans-G.

  • Unable to set browser preview options

    I posted this a few days ago and didn't get any responses, so
    am trying again in case I'll have better luck today. :-)
    I hope someone can help because this problem, which suddenly
    occured, is makign it impossible for me to do any work in
    Dreamweaver and that's driving me crazy... :-0
    I feel a bit silly about this - but for some reason I am
    unable to set the browser preview options in my preferences. I'm
    using Dreamweaver 8 on a Mac OX10.3.9, and trying to designate
    Firefox 1.5 as my default primary browser, and Safari 1.3.2 &
    IE5 as secondary options. When I first open Dreamweaver I get a
    message saying 'Unable to read Preview in Browser Preference.
    Please remove all browsers form the list and add them again". So I
    remove them all and when I try to add them back, none of my choices
    show up in the box. Then I restart and the old ones are still
    there. If I try to change the check in the box that indicates
    primary or secondary browsers, my program crashes. Anyone have a
    clue what's going on? Thanks so much for any help...

    This - file:///ether/Patricia Yenawine/images/oxblood_med.jpg
    - tells me
    that your local root folder is on a network shared drive. I
    am guessing
    that your problem stems from the fact that network
    permissions/protocols are
    interfering with your ability to successfully write your
    cache files and
    your browser preferences.
    Do you have the same problem with sites that are truly local
    to your
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "amysue102" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:e48hoq$ba0$[email protected]..
    > Originally posted by: Newsgroup User
    > Open DW, select a site, create a new page, and insert an
    image from within
    > that site to insert on the page. Without saving the page
    > copy
    > the code and paste it into a reply here, please.
    > Murray,
    > Thank you! for helping...
    > I followed your direction - here's the code:
    > <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
    > "">
    > <html xmlns="">
    > <head>
    > <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=ISO-8859-1" />
    > <title>Untitled Document</title>
    > </head>
    > <body>
    > <img src="file:///ether/Patricia
    > width="158"
    > height="115" alt="oxblood bowl" />
    > </body>
    > </html>
    > May Blessings rain upon you!
    > Amy

  • How do I update/edit/change an image map in Fireworks CS4 or CS5?

    I've created an imagemap in Fw CS4, exported the image + html file, and it works ok.
    1. I closed Fireworks, then ran it again and re-opened the exported PNG, and could see the hotspots, and could edit/update/add/remove them.
    2. I closed Firewoks again, then moved the exported .png image (the original was a PNG as well) and html file to a different folder.
       Problem: When I open the (exported) image, I can no longer edit the hotspots. The image map still works (in a browser), however.
    Doesn't the HTML file define the hotspots?  How do I update or edit an image map in Fireworks? Do I need to re-import the HTML file somehow? Fw help isn't very helpful on this topic.
    I've also found that Fw seems to change the PNG when exporting it. Is it adding some kind of metadata to the exported PNG?
    I've made sure the "Show slices and hotspots"  button is on. This is really puzzling!
    Environment: Windows XP SP3, Fireworks 10.03.011

    Thanks to you both.
    I think I understand what's happened, and yes, I've overwritten my original PNG
    sigh. Fireworks doesn't really make this obvious!
    That renaming tip is great! We already have a process for making PNGs of marked-up PDFs (so the extension is .pdf.png), so this will fit in just nicely!
    You both ROCK!

  • Pasted lightboxes do not show when uploaded but do on browser preview

    I created the lightbox display on the first page and then as i worked from page to page i would paste the original lightbox to the new page and replace the images and the captions but when i upload the site it doesn't show the lightboxes on the pages that i pasted the lightbox into it is just blank but the headers and footers are ok. The lightbox shows in the browser preview with all the images and captions.
    all the images are there in the assets folder

    Search the knowledge base for NET Red X and try out the solutions there.  If you are using .NET 2005 make sure to focus on the ones for it first.  It is usually either a web.config setting or not having the asp_client folder in the correct place.

  • Converting GIF images to JPG - display problems in browser

    I am currently writing a program that uses the ImageIO package (javax.imageio.*) to take GIF and PNG images and convert them to JPG images. The program seems to convert them correctly, especially for the PNG images, but the converted GIF images don't open in a browser. They open just fine in Windows Picture and Fax viewer, but when I try to open them in IE or Firefox, it only diplays the little red 'x'.
    Is anyone familiar enough with Images and the ImageIO package in Java that they may have some insight on why these converted GIF files won't display in a browser.

    In my [website|>, all the images are JPG files,
    By default iWeb '09 converts images to JPG (yes, it's true)...
    ...unless you use masked images*
    Crop your images (with Preview) before you paste them in iWeb. Don't use mask, Unmask an image if it's masked. That's the trick!
    (* images with transparency areas (ex : some PNG and GIF), rotation and shapes in iWeb make also PNG files in your website.)

  • Solution to using Site Root with Sub-folders on Testing Server & Browser Previews

    Hi Everyone
    Have found an elegant solution when using Site Root relative linking for a website, that allows browser previews, even when the testing server uses sub-folders and the live code references just the server site root " / " of the live server and not the sub-folder structure of the testing server.  This is really useful when you don't want to use document relative linking, which normally takes care of this problem in Dreamweaver.
    The solution is to use sub-domains referencing the sub-folders on the testing server, so the sub-folders appear as the root of each website and the html code pointing to the site root works correctly on both testing & live servers without alteration.
    Testing Server Setup
    One testing server domain is used for all client development work:
    For example:
    On the testing server there are multiple sub-folder (one for each client website being developed):
    For example: , ,
    Live Server Setup
    The site code needs to be developed with the final live server folder structure (url references) in mind:
    For example: (with all pages referencing the root of the live site server)
    Page URLs on Testing & Live Servers
    Testing server url:
    Live server url: (without /clientA/ sub-folder)
    Browser Previews Don't Work
    You want to be able to run browser previews on the testing server while developing the website.  To do this you normally have to reference the sub-folder structure of the testing server in the url for things to work right:
    For example
    What do you do, when you can't keep switching all the urls in the code from pointing to the sub-folder to pointing to the site root, and you don't want to use document relative linking?
    One Solution - Sub-domains on Testing Server
    In your domain hosting (outside of Dreamweaver) setup a sub-domain to point to the testing server sub-folder.
    For example:  Sub-domain points to (sub-folder)
    So now when you reference the sub-domain it sees the sub-folder as the site root and all your problems are solved.
    Dreamweaver Site Definition Setup
    Site Definition under "Local Info"
    Links relative to: Site Root
    Site Definition under "Remote Info" (live server)
    Access: FTP
    FTP host:
    Host directory: /
    Site Definition under "Testing Server" 
    Access: FTP
    FTP host:
    Host directory: /
    URL prefix:
    (location of the site's root folder on the testing server, the sub-domain redirection takes care of pointing to the sub-folder)
    This is just one solution but it works well for me as it doesn't have any cost associated with it under our hosting package where you can have multiple sub-domains setup.
    Hope this helps someone in a similar situation.

    Just Google it, or run out and buy a copy of David Powers' Foundations Dreamweaver CS4 with CSS, Ajax and PHP, a book that is never out of reach for me.  He details the process explicitly for both Mac and PC.
    For me, on W7, I edit the C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts file, and add the ip of my testing server along with the site alias -  site.local
    Then I add this same designation to my httpd.conf file in Apache on the testing server.  Finally I restart Apache.
    Now from my production machine if I browse to "http://site.local", I get to see either the default file in the root of the site on the testing server, or a directory of the site on the testing server (my testing server is a unix box running on my LAN at that ip address).  Furthermore, all of my root relative links now work as they would if the pages were being browsed from the live server.

  • Dreamweaver browser preview works but not on live site?

    my dreamweaver browser preview works perfectly, the live site appears different?
    how can i fix this issue. this is the url
    the first image the disired appearance
    the second image live web appearance (NOT DESIRED)

    below is the source:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <title>ciesla design site 01</title>
    <link href="CSS/layout.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
              background-color: #FFF;
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <div id="wrapper">
      <div id="logo"><a href="index.html"><img src="images/CIESLA DESIGN LOGO-01.png" width="800" height="120" alt="ciesla design logo" /></a></div>
    <div id="navagation">
      <ul id="MenuBar1" class="MenuBarHorizontal">
        <li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="about.html">About</a></li>
        <li><a href="work.html">Work</a>    </li>
        <li><a href="contact.html">Contact</a></li>
      <div id="headerImg"><img src="images/aboutimagered.jpg" width="800" height="250" alt="portsmouth nh" /></div>
      <div id="bodyArea">
      <div id="left">
        <p>An Industrial designer from Pratt Institute established Ciesla Design in 2009, a visual solutions based design group. Our Mission is to develop inventive and fresh design. We have developed a comprehensive approach to our design process, employing an innovative interpretation of market research and a unique visual aesthetic. We work intimately with our clients to achieve the most personalized and effective brands and products.</p>
    <div id="right">
    <p>mail inquiries to:</p>
        <p>[email protected]</p>
    <div id="footer">Copyright2009</div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgDown:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"});
    below is the css:
    @charset "UTF-8";
              margin: 0px;
              padding: 0px;
    #wrapper {
              background-color: #FFF;
              width: 800px;
              margin-right: auto;
              margin-left: auto;
    #wrapper #logo {
              height: 200px;
              background-color: #FFF;
    a img {
              border-top-style: none;
              border-right-style: none;
              border-bottom-style: none;
              border-left-style: none;
    #wrapper #navagation {
              height: 50px;
              width: 800px;
              margin: 0px;
              float: none;
    #wrapper #headerImg {
              height: 250px;
              background-color: #FFF;
              background-image: url(../images/IMG_800x533.png);
              margin-right: auto;
              margin-left: auto;
    #wrapper #bodyArea #left {
              width: 550px;
              background-color: #FFF;
              float: left;
              font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
              font-size: 12px;
              color: #333;
    #wrapper #bodyArea #right {
              width: 250px;
              background-color: #CCC;
              float: right;
              font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
              font-size: 12px;
              color: #333;
    #wrapper #bodyArea #footer {
              height: 40px;
              clear: both;
              width: 0px;
              padding-top: 50px;
              padding-right: 20px;
              padding-bottom: 20px;
              padding-left: 0px;
              margin-top: 0px;
              margin-right: 0px;
              margin-bottom: 0px;
              margin-left: 0px;
    p {
              font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
              font-size: 12px;
              color: #333;
              margin: 20px;

  • Does anyone know why all of a sudden any new parent divs I add won't display in browser preview?

    Does anyone know why all of a sudden any new parent divs I add won't display in browser preview?

    yes styles are applied. What does not show up are the container divs - they all have the thin purple borders.
    The "Blog Lovers" image shows up but it is inside the #blogindex div - which seems to be invisible because the elements inside #blogindex div are just piled on top of each other. (see below html) This is now happening on all the pages of this site.
    (I test a different site in DW and I was able to add divs and borders and content inside divs just fine.)
    <!-- start #blogindex --> 
         <div id="blogindex">
            <div id="blog_image1"><img src="images/bloglovers.gif" alt="Blog Lovers" /></div>   
             <div id="blog_image2"><img src="images/gcblogheader350x70.jpg" alt="Gina Charles Blog" /></div>
          <div id="blogindex_text">
          <p class="blackbolditalic">Visit the blog for happenings, highlights and conversation! </p></div>
       <!-- end #blogindex -->  -scroll 1/2 way down page to see the "Blog Lovers" pile up!

  • Image that spreads across entire web browser

    I want to design a web page that has 3 separate sections in
    the page where the design/image goes across the entire web browser
    window without repeating and stays that way even when the browser
    is resized. Making a table with 3 rolls only contains each image
    within the space designated for that table roll and the background
    surrounding the table still looks different.
    Do I need a Javascript or something?
    Thanks for your feedback.
    Viola J.

    So here are my screenshots.
    1st one shows the image on a slide in captivate
    2nd one shows the image preview in the Library
    last image shows it in web browser or published view:
    I spoke to technical support today and they could only tell me to copy and past into a new file. I've done that and still getting the same error. Even worse now my audio is having issues. I cleared my cache settings like Lilybiri suggested but nothing seems to work.

  • Error in browser preview

    Error in browser preview
    Hi, I have a problem and do not know what to do to solve it.
    I'm doing my web move. In the Design tab and Preview the entire composition is ok, I see everything perfect (video and text)
    But when I preview in the browser or ftp stay in a text disappear me, the images move from site, the videos also disappear some.
    Why is? What do I do wrong?
    I put three pictures of the process. Why do the videos and text appearing on your site??
    I go crazy
    Thank you!

    I've found errors! !!!!!
    The html embed youtube videos (that personalize as) had a parameter mismatch makes everything.
    Thanks anyway for your answer

  • Browser preview stopped showing design update

    I am new to Dreamweaver, and whenever I make changes to the
    page, I will preview the changes using browser preview. After
    making several previews back and forth, my browser suddenly stopped
    displaying the latest design updates. I have done every suggestion
    mentioned about resetting, & clearing caches in my browser, but
    i don't see the latest design update I did. In dreamweaver design
    view, I can see the image I added, but when viewed in the browser,
    what I see is the design prior to the addition of the new image.
    What else can I do to correct this? When I use a different browser,
    I see the new design.

    Which browser isn't working?
    Also make sure that you are looking at localhost and not
    remote site. I do
    this sometimes and get the same result.
    "marsdenz" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fid7nc$n23$[email protected]..
    >I am new to Dreamweaver, and whenever I make changes to
    the page, I will
    > preview the changes using browser preview. After making
    several previews
    > back
    > and forth, my browser suddenly stopped displaying the
    latest design
    > updates. I
    > have done every suggestion mentioned about resetting,
    & clearing caches in
    > my
    > browser, but i don't see the latest design update I did.
    In dreamweaver
    > design
    > view, I can see the image I added, but when viewed in
    the browser, what I
    > see
    > is the design prior to the addition of the new image.
    What else can I do
    > to
    > correct this? When I use a different browser, I see the
    new design.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Can't boot windows 7 installed by bootcamp

    On my iMac I installed windows 7 x64 professional by bootcamp. I did the instalation with 4GB RAM. Windows boots perfectly! After that i change my RAM for 16 GB (4x4GB same plates). OS X booting is still perfect, but windows cant boot and it shows me

  • Grouping of Data in Advanced Datagrid

    Hii, I need to group the data in advanced datagrid. I used the Grouping collection class, but it it not working. My advanced datagrid has column will this have any impact on grouping. Thanks!! Vikas

  • Mtl_system_items_b tables web_status and orderable_on_web_flag

    Hi, I have updated the web_status='UNPUBLISHED' and orderable_on_web_flag='N' columns of mtl_system_items_b table but still I am able to search for the item in iStore 11.5.10. Can you please let me know what needs to be done so that the items are not

  • Airplay on iPad has just stopped working with Apple TV2

    As of today, Airplay on my iPad with Apps that were working (eg TED, ABC iView) transmitting video and sound to Apple TV2 has ceased working. When the Airplay logo on the iPad app is pressed it remains white, not changing to blue as it normally does.

  • Kailua 1.0.2 released

    Our open source project that provides the "forgetten API" for ADO.NET -