Images for artwork

recently i discovered that i can add artwork for albums myself. however i had some troubles.
some pics i add works just fine, but some has troubles.
like some pictures shows only while ipod touch in horizontal position, and when in vertical its just black screen. and some artwork shows black screen at any position. in my opinion it has something to do with size of the images(most of them are 1024x768)
anyone else has experienced problems like that? and have any solutions to the problem?

Sometimes I'll create an album called "other" which contains a bunch of songs by one artist from a bunch of different albums.
Why not simply create a playlist with all these songs rather than messing up the tags/names?
iTunes seems to pick one of the images as the main one.
It uses the first track in the album.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Furthermore, if iTunes has erroneously downloaded an album cover for you that you want to change, you'll have to highlight the group of songs you wish to change and go to 'info'. Click on the 'album artwork' tab and delete the artwork that's there before adding your own, otherwise iTunes keeps both and only the first one will continue to show as the default.
    If you want to download the correct album covers (or a different/cleaner/more accurate version) just go to the Images section of Google, type in the album name and copy the image of what you're looking for. No need to save the image, just copy and paste it. iTunes saves it on its own.

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    <itunes:image href=" g-contast.jpg" />
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    Haven't created too many podcasts, but in this one
    before we included the audio files, we added the images in iTunes.
    Select the file, then go to File>Get Info, here you can add metadata, and in Artwork add an image.
    Then upload this file to your server. Works for audio files anyways.
    You don't see the image in the web podcast, but you do in iTunes after you download each item, in "Show item artwork" in lower left. Click on the image and it zooms out.

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    Dear Pakars
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    Are you asking how to include images in a report? If so, take a look at the declarative blob support documentation -
    Hope this helps,
    Author of Pro Application Express:
    REWARDS: Please remember to mark helpful or correct posts on the forum, not just for my answers but for everyone!

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    I had the same problem and looked all over as well. I
    ended up reopening my video clips in Final Cut..
    adding one frame at the start of my still frame and
    then rerendered it out to iweb. it works.. shows up
    in the itunes store as well.
    I can try that, but that ruins the fade in from black effect. I'm hoping there is an easier way. If not, maybe future versions...
    G5 Power Mac   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

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    I would think that having someone set the images with icc profiles and then adjusting their own browser to correctly display such images would cause the exact same problem you say my solution does. It would give the image editor an impression of the image that nobody else is going to see. I don't know anyone that uses icc profiles for web work. In general I don't think you will find many people who have set their browsers to correctly view images that have these profiles. So it seems like someone that has will be thinking the images look great on their system but not on someone else's.
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    I am not trying to battle with you over who is correct I just want to understand what your saying.

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    It seems that all you have is a raster image, presumable PNG24 or JPEG, in RGB.
    It may have been created as raster artwork in Photoshop, or it may have been created as vector artwork with the help of Illy, or as a mixture of vector and raster artwork in either application, or both combined.
    If you just need to have a raster representation in black and white based on the current colour image, you may try this, in a new RGB document (View>Smart Guides are your friends):
    1) File>Place the image (you may tick Link or untick and have it embedded);
    2) Create a rectangle with black fill (R = G = B = 0), at least as large as the image, and place it behind the image (you may ClickDrag with the Rectangle Tool between opposite corners, then Ctrl/Cmd+X+B);
    3) Select all and in the Transparnecy palette flyout click Make Opacity Mask with both Clip and Invert Mask ticked.

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    So the question is simple: is there any way to set a "master" image for an album in iTunes, so that it will appear whenever the album is displayed rather than the image from a particular track?
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    Thanks much in advance.

    If by "default value" you mean you want to automatically infer the value of an attribute (which appear to be what the custom function is doing) then you can just write a rule to do that.
    e.g. to infer the value "0" for the attribute "the minimum tax rate", you use the rule:
    the minimum tax rate = 0

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    You can add multiple album artwork images to multiple tracks at the same time, but not through the Multiple Song Get Info pane. Each time you drag an image onto the Artwork box in this pane, the previous image is erased.
    To add multiple images, select your tracks in the main iTunes Window, and make sure that Artwork box under the Source Menu is visible. Then just drag the image you want to add to the tracks onto this pane, but make sure you FIRST add the image you want to appear FIRST. There isn't any way to reorder the images in a group of tracks - that has to be done in the individual track's artwork pane (Get Info>>Artwork tab).

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    Hello tiffgill,
    I recommend reviewing the following guidelines for page images for iTunes U:
    When creating your provider art for your iTunes 11 and iOS 6 or later provider page, keep the following in mind:
    Only submit artwork you can legally share.
    Provider art must be JPEG or PNG with appropriate file extensions (.jpg, .png).
    iTunes U Public Site Manager only supports RGB color profiles.
    Artwork must be at least 3200 pixels in width and 600 pixels in height with a minimum resolution of 72 dpi, with a maximum file size of 5MB.
    You can upload a single piece of art that iTunes U Public Site Manager can use across all platforms and devices (see sample below). If you upload a single piece of art you must also:
    Make sure that any text or logo is in the center of the artwork, in the Text/Logo Safe Area.
    The Minimum View is 994 x 600 pixels. Texts or logos should not exceed the Minimum View of 994 pixels and should not exceed 400 pixels in height.
    Ensure that you do not include any text or logos in the Tag Area, as this area is needed for iTunes-related tags. The Tag Area is part of the Minimum View and 200 pixels in height from bottom of the artwork.
    For more information and the iTunes Design Specifications, see
    You can find the full article here:
    Understanding provider page image guidelines _3.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/iTUPSM-CH5-SW2
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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    So, I have designed a logo for a web site and the site owner wants it for a business card and letterhead.  Saving an image for web is easy and I understand all that but how do I prepare a file for a printer?  I'm guessing this is just nipping in to the local print shop on the high street.
    Sorry for the basic question and I'd be as happy with a link to a tutorial as with the answer!

    Saving an image for web is easy...
    ...Which is why your workflow is backward. Design for print first; repurpose for web. Not the other way 'round.
    Proper advice on preparing the artwork for press is dependent upon specifics of the artwork and the printing parameters. You haven't provided any specifics at all. So your question amounts to asking someone to write you a manual on how to prepare artwork for presswork in an online forum post.
    Do a Google search for "preparing artwork for offset printing" or some such.

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    I would appreciate any step by step advice on how I might do this?
    Thanks in advance guys.

    As mentioned above you can use the mosaic option.
    Here is a tutorial that can expand this subject that I found online. t=15
    It is very simple with Photoshop and will help you lots!
    Hope this helps,
    Vicente Tulliano

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    Where should i copy the images I use in my pages. I ahev copied all the images in the images directory of portal30 in server.
    Please help.

    Please check the httpd.conf file in your server for /images alias. The /images alias will point to a directory. Copy your
    image files in that directory.

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    Any advice?
    Go to Solution.

    Guruthilak wrote:
    the earlier vi (using the JPEG) works fine. just increase the size of the picture control
    I figured this was the problem. And to the OP, I'm glad a bitmap worked, but no I didn't mean use any sort of LabVIEW programming at all. I meant open your image in Microsoft Paint, Press ctrl+A to select the whole thing. Then copy the image to the clipboard. Now select your front panel and press ctrl + v to paste it. No programming needed and the image is there. However, if you want to programmatically change it, you will need a picture control.
    CLA, LabVIEW Versions 2010-2013

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    Many Thanks

    Batch processing usually involves using actions you have recorded.  In Action you can insert Path that can be used during processing documents.  Path have some size so you may want to only process document that have the same size.  Look in the Actions Palette fly-out menu for insert path.  It inserts|records the current document work path into the action being worked on and when the action is played it inserts the path into the document as the current work path..

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