Imlib_context_free() starting Conky ....

I am trying to run Conky on ArchLinux x86_64, with LXDE.
This is what I did.
$ sudo pacman -S conky
$ mkdir ~/.conkyrc
$ cp /etc/conky/conky.conf ~/.conkyrc
$ conky
Then I get this ...
Conky: missing text block in configuration; exiting
***** Imlib2 Developer Warning *****  :
              This program is calling the Imlib call:
              With the parameter:
              being NULL.  Please fix your program.
... So I check the conky.conf copied file to see if I have the TEXT argument.  Here is it.
# Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo
# Any original torsmo code is licensed under the BSD license
# All code written since the fork of torsmo is licensed under the GPL
# Please see COPYING for details
# Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen
# Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. (see AUTHORS)
# All rights reserved.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
alignment top_left
background no
border_width 1
cpu_avg_samples 2
default_color white
default_outline_color white
default_shade_color white
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders yes
draw_outline no
draw_shades no
use_xft yes
xftfont DejaVu Sans Mono:size=12
gap_x 5
gap_y 60
minimum_size 5 5
net_avg_samples 2
no_buffers yes
out_to_console no
out_to_stderr no
extra_newline no
own_window yes
own_window_class Conky
own_window_type desktop
stippled_borders 0
update_interval 1.0
uppercase no
use_spacer none
show_graph_scale no
show_graph_range no
${scroll 16 $nodename - $sysname $kernel on $machine | }
${color grey}Uptime:$color $uptime
${color grey}Frequency (in MHz):$color $freq
${color grey}Frequency (in GHz):$color $freq_g
${color grey}RAM Usage:$color $mem/$memmax - $memperc% ${membar 4}
${color grey}Swap Usage:$color $swap/$swapmax - $swapperc% ${swapbar 4}
${color grey}CPU Usage:$color $cpu% ${cpubar 4}
${color grey}Processes:$color $processes ${color grey}Running:$color $running_processes
${color grey}File systems:
/ $color${fs_used /}/${fs_size /} ${fs_bar 6 /}
${color grey}Networking:
Up:$color ${upspeed eth0} ${color grey} - Down:$color ${downspeed eth0}
${color grey}Name PID CPU% MEM%
${color lightgrey} ${top name 1} ${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1} ${top mem 1}
${color lightgrey} ${top name 2} ${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2} ${top mem 2}
${color lightgrey} ${top name 3} ${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3} ${top mem 3}
${color lightgrey} ${top name 4} ${top pid 4} ${top cpu 4} ${top mem 4}
So the TEXT argument is there.
And the strangest thing is that it will work if I don't have the ~/.conkyrf/conky.conf file.
Any suggestions?
Last edited by Mordillo98 (2012-03-14 20:35:32)

... As a workaround, it seems that I can just modify the /etc/conky/conky.conf file after I make a backup of it, and it will work fine.  I already played with some variables and it works great.  However, this is a global setup and would like to have a profile setup instead under ~/.conkyrf/conky.conf

Similar Messages

  • [SOLVED]After a logout/in , can't start conky as user.

    I logged out of my xfce session. Logged back in and conky did not start.
    I now get this error:
    xxx@xxx~]$ conky -c ~/AccuW_2/accuw.Toronto.conky
    [1] 1442
    bash: -c: command not found
    [xxx@xxx ~]$ conky: no process found
    No changes at all were made to the computer. No software was uninstalled/reinstalled.
    Here is my conky config that I've been using for months:
    ## killall conky && conky -c ~/AccuW_2/accuw.Toronto.conky &
    # 1e_Accuweather_USA_Images script by TeoBigusGeekus
    ### Begin Window Settings ##################################################
    # Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
    own_window yes
    # Use the Xdbe extension? (eliminates flicker)
    # It is highly recommended to use own window with this one
    # so double buffer won't be so big.
    double_buffer yes
    own_window_type normal #override
    own_window_transparent yes
    #own_window_hints undecorated,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
    own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
    own_window_colour black
    own_window_class Conky
    own_window_title tedbell
    ### ARGB can be used for real transparency
    ### NOTE that a composite manager is required for real transparency.
    ### This option will not work as desired (in most cases) in conjunction with
    ### own_window_type override
    # own_window_argb_visual yes
    ### When ARGB visuals are enabled, this use this to modify the alpha value
    ### Use: own_window_type normal
    ### Use: own_window_transparent no
    ### Valid range is 0-255, where 0 is 0% opacity, and 255 is 100% opacity.
    #own_window_argb_value 150
    #minimum_size 310 0 ## width, height
    maximum_width 310 ## width, usually a good idea to equal minimum width
    gap_x 10 ### left &right
    gap_y 10 ### up & down
    alignment top_right
    #################################################### End Window Settings ###
    ### Font Settings ##########################################################
    # Use Xft (anti-aliased font and stuff)
    use_xft yes
    xftfont MonoCondensed:bold:size=10
    # Alpha of Xft font. Must be a value at or between 1 and 0 ###
    xftalpha 1
    # Force UTF8? requires XFT ###
    override_utf8_locale yes
    draw_shades yes #no #### <<<--- To see it easier on light screens.
    default_shade_color black
    draw_outline yes #no #### <<<--- Amplifies text if yes
    default_outline_color black
    uppercase no
    ###################################################### End Font Settings ###
    ### Color Settings #########################################################
    default_shade_color gray
    default_outline_color black
    default_color DCDCDC #Gainsboro
    color0 ffe595 #Teo Gold
    color1 778899 #LightSlateGrey
    color2 FF8C00 #Darkorange
    color3 7FFF00 #Chartreuse
    color4 FFA07A #LightSalmon
    color5 000000 #NavajoWhite
    color6 00BFFF #DeepSkyBlue
    color7 00FFFF #Cyan #48D1CC #MediumTurquoise
    color8 FFFF00 #Yellow
    color9 FF0000 #Red #A52A2A #DarkRed
    ##################################################### End Color Settings ###
    ### Borders Section ########################################################
    draw_borders no
    # Stippled borders?
    stippled_borders 0
    # border margins
    border_inner_margin 5
    border_outer_margin 0
    # border width
    border_width 0
    # graph borders
    draw_graph_borders no
    ##################################################### End Borders Secton ###
    ### Miscellaneous Section ##################################################
    # Boolean value, if true, Conky will be forked to background when started.
    background no
    # Adds spaces around certain objects to stop them from moving other things
    # around, this only helps if you are using a mono font
    # Options: right, left or none
    use_spacer right
    # Default and Minimum size is 256 - needs more for single commands that
    # "call" a lot of text IE: bash scripts
    text_buffer_size 256
    # Subtract (file system) buffers from used memory?
    no_buffers yes
    # change GiB to G and MiB to M
    short_units yes
    # Like it says, ot pads the decimals on % values
    # doesn't seem to work since v1.7.1
    pad_percents 2
    # Maximum size of user text buffer, i.e. layout below TEXT line in config file
    # (default is 16384 bytes)
    # max_user_text 16384
    ############################################## End Miscellaneous Section ###
    ### LUA Settings ###########################################################
    ## Above and After TEXT - requires a composite manager or blinks.
    # lua_load ~/Conky/LUA/draw-bg.lua
    #${lua conky_draw_bg 10 0 0 0 0 0x000000 0.6}
    ## ${lua conky_draw_bg corner_radius x_position y_position width height color alpha}
    ## OR Both above TEXT (No composite manager required - no blinking!)
    lua_load ~/Conky/LUA/draw-bg.lua
    lua_draw_hook_pre draw_bg 5 0 0 0 0 0x000000 0.0
    ####################################################### End LUA Settings ###
    # The all important - How often conky refreshes.
    # If you have a "Crey" try: 0.2 - smokin' - but watch the CPU useage go UP!
    update_interval 1
    ## ${image ~/Conky/images/red_1.png -p 0,15 -s 67x40}
    ## ${image ~/Conky/images/red_1.png -p 165,52 -s 125x75}
    ## $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/acc_int_images
    default_bar_size 100 12
    # stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen
    ${color0}${time %A %d %b %Y} ${color1}--${color0} Scarborough, ON ${color1}--${color0} ${time %T}${color}\
    ${texeci 500 bash $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/acc_int_images}\
    ${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/cc.png -p 220,25 -s 67x40}
    ${execpi 600 sed -n '1p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/messages}
    ${font Instruction:size=20} Now ${execpi 600 sed -n '29p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}${goto 120} FL ${execpi 600 sed -n '30p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}${font}
    ${color0}Wind: ${color}${execpi 600 sed -n '31p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond} ${execpi 600 sed -n '32p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}\
    ${color0}Today Tonight${color}
    ${color0}Hum: ${color}${execpi 600 sed -n '33p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}\
    ${font Toronto Subway:size=14}${goto 170}${color6}${execpi 600 sed -n '26p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}${color}\
    ${goto 210}${color9}${execpi 600 sed -n '27p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}${color}\
    ${goto 245}${color6}${execpi 600 sed -n '32p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}${color}\
    ${goto 290}${color9}${execpi 600 sed -n '31p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}${color} ${font}
    ${color0}Bar: ${color}${execpi 600 sed -n '34p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}\
    ${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/tod.png -p 160,100 -s 67x40}\
    ${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/ton.png -p 235,100 -s 67x40}
    ${color0}Cloud: ${color}${execpi 600 sed -n '35p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}
    ${color0}UVI: ${color}${execpi 600 sed -n '36p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}
    ${color0}Vis: ${color}${execpi 600 sed -n '38p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}
    ${color0}DP: ${color}${execpi 600 sed -n '37p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}°
    ${color0}Sunrise: ${color}${execpi 600 sed -n '39p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}\
    ${goto 160}${color0} Sunset: ${color}${execpi 600 sed -n '40p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}
    ${color0}Moonrise: ${color}${execpi 600 sed -n '41p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}\
    ${goto 160}${color0}Moonset: ${color}${execpi 600 sed -n '42p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}
    ${color0}9 DAY FORECAST ${color1}${hr}${color}
    ${color1}${execpi 600 sed -n '5p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}\
    ${execpi 600 sed -n '10p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}\
    ${execpi 600 sed -n '15p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}${color}\
    ${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/6.png -p 5,232 -s 67x40}\
    ${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/11.png -p 120,232 -s 67x40}\
    ${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/16.png -p 220,232 -s 67x40}
    ${font Toronto Subway:size=11}
    ${color6}${execpi 600 sed -n '8p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}°\
    ${color6}${goto 180}${execpi 600 sed -n '13p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}°\
    ${color6}${goto 283}${execpi 600 sed -n '18p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}°
    ${color9}${execpi 600 sed -n '9p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}°\
    ${color9}${goto 180}${execpi 600 sed -n '14p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}°\
    ${color9}${goto 283}${execpi 600 sed -n '19p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}° ${font}${color}
    ${color1} ${execpi 600 sed -n '20p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}\
    ${execpi 600 sed -n '1p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}\
    ${execpi 600 sed -n '6p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}${color}\
    ${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/21.png -p 5,310 -s 67x40}\
    ${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_2.png -p 120,310 -s 67x40}\
    ${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_7.png -p 223,310 -s 67x40}
    ${font Toronto Subway:size=11}
    ${color6}${execpi 600 sed -n '23p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}°\
    ${color6}${goto 180}${execpi 600 sed -n '4p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}°\
    ${color6}${goto 283}${execpi 600 sed -n '9p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}°
    ${color9}${execpi 600 sed -n '24p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}°\
    ${color9}${goto 180}${execpi 600 sed -n '5p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}°\
    ${color9}${goto 283}${execpi 600 sed -n '10p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}° ${font}
    ${color1} ${execpi 600 sed -n '11p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}\
    ${execpi 600 sed -n '16p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}\
    ${execpi 600 sed -n '21p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}${color}\
    ${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_12.png -p 5,385 -s 67x40}\
    ${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_17.png -p 120,385 -s 67x40}\
    ${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_22.png -p 225,385 -s 67x40}
    ${font Toronto Subway:size=11}
    ${color6}${execpi 600 sed -n '14p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}°\
    ${color6}${goto 180}${execpi 600 sed -n '19p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}°\
    ${color6}${goto 283}${execpi 600 sed -n '24p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}°
    ${color9}${execpi 600 sed -n '15p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}°\
    ${color9}${goto 180}${execpi 600 sed -n '20p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}°\
    ${color9}${goto 283}${execpi 600 sed -n '25p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}° ${font}
    ${color0}COMPUTER ${color1}${hr}${color}
    ${font Instruction:size=7.5}
    ${color1}CPU0:${goto 70}${color7}${cpubar cpu0}${goto 70}${color1}${cpubar cpu4}${goto 80}${color5}${cpu cpu0}%${color}${goto 190}${color7}${execi 8 sensors | grep 'Core 0:' | cut -c16-17}°
    ${color1}CPU1:${goto 70}${color6}${cpubar cpu1}${goto 70}${color1}${cpubar cpu4}${goto 80}${color5}${cpu cpu1}%${color}${goto 190}${color6}${execi 8 sensors | grep 'Core 1:' | cut -c16-17}°
    ${color1}RAM:${goto 70}${color4}${membar}${goto 70}${color1}${cpubar cpu4}${goto 80}${color5}${memperc}%${color4}${goto 190}$mem/$memmax${font}
    ${color0}DISK ${color1}${hr}${color}
    ${color1}sda: ${color9}Write: ${diskio_write /dev/sda} ${color3}Read: ${diskio_read /dev/sda} ${color8}Temp: ${color8}${execpi 15 hddtemp -n /dev/sda} °
    ${font Instruction:size=7.5}
    ${color1}/:${goto 70}${color2}${fs_bar /}${goto 70}${color1}${cpubar cpu4}${goto 80}${color5}${fs_used_perc /} %${color2}\
    ${goto 190}${fs_used /}/${fs_size /}
    ${color1}/home:${goto 70}${color8}${fs_bar /home}${goto 70}${color1}${cpubar cpu4}${goto 80}${color5}${fs_used_perc /home} %${color8}\
    ${goto 190}${fs_used /home}/${fs_size /home}
    ${color1}../sda3:${goto 70}${color0}${fs_bar /media/sda3}${goto 70}${color1}${cpubar cpu4}${goto 80}${color5}${fs_used_perc /media/sda3} %${color0}\
    ${goto 190}${fs_used /media/sda3}/${fs_size /media/sda3}${font}
    ${color0}NETWORK ${color1}${hr}${color}
    ${color1}wlan0: ${color9}Down: ${downspeedf wlan0}${color3}Up: ${upspeedf wlan0}
    ${color8}RX${goto 110}${color8}TX${goto 200}${color8}Total
    ${color} ${execi 300 vnstat -i wlan0 | grep "today" | awk '{print $2 $3}'}\
    ${color}${goto 110}${execi 300 vnstat -i wlan0 | grep "today" | awk '{print $5 $6}'}\
    ${color}${goto 200}${execi 300 vnstat -i wlan0 | grep "today" | awk '{print $8 $9}'}${color}
    ${color} ${execi 300 vnstat -i wlan0 | grep "yesterday" | awk '{print $2 $3}'}\
    ${color}${goto 110}${execi 300 vnstat -i wlan0 | grep "yesterday" | awk '{print $5 $6}'}\
    ${color}${goto 200}${execi 300 vnstat -i wlan0 | grep "yesterday" | awk '{print $8 $9}'}${color}
    ${color0}Last Week:${color}
    ${color} ${execi 300 vnstat -w -i wlan0 | grep "current week" | awk '{print $3 $4}'}\
    ${color}${goto 110}${execi 300 vnstat -w -i wlan0 | grep "current week" | awk '{print $6 $7}'}\
    ${color}${goto 200}${execi 300 vnstat -w -i wlan0 | grep "current week" | awk '{print $9 $10}'}${color}
    ${color0}${time %B}:${color}
    ${color} ${execi 300 vnstat -m -i wlan0 | grep "`date +"%b '%y"`" | awk '{print $3 $4}'}\
    ${color}${goto 110}${execi 300 vnstat -m -i wlan0 | grep "`date +"%b '%y"`" | awk '{print $6 $7}'}\
    ${color}${goto 200}${execi 300 vnstat -m -i wlan0 | grep "`date +"%b '%y"`" | awk '{print $9 $10}'} ${color}
    Can anyone tell me how to get it to be able to run as user again. I've traced the problem down to that.
    Last edited by tedbell (2012-08-14 11:22:09)

    DSpider wrote:
    tedbell wrote:
    P.s. In never needed the '&' to run this. If it matters, I edited my bash rc to alias the command to just 'conky'
    alias conky='killall conky && conky -c ~/AccuW_2/accuw.Toronto.conky &'
    Ok, there's your problem. When you're running "$ conky -c ~/AccuW_2/accuw.Toronto.conky", you're effectively running:
    $ <insert 'conky' alias here> -c ~/AccuW_2/accuw.Toronto.conky
    Or in other words:
    $ killall conky && conky -c ~/AccuW_2/accuw.Toronto.conky & -c ~/AccuW_2/accuw.Toronto.conky
    Heh. Told you this belongs in the newbie section.
    There's an "-c ~/AccuW_2/accuw.Toronto.conky" appendage at the end that Bash doesn't know how to interpret.
    I guess I never noticed the problem because conky always autostarted. I deleted the line and restarted and everything works now. Thanks!
    Mods. move this to newbie or better yet delete it, it's embarassing.

  • How to start conky colors at startup?

    I just installed conky-colors in my machine. But have no idea how to set it to start automatically on boot. Can you please help?
    If i can run the command "conky -c ~/.conkycolors/conkyrc" after the whole desktop is loaded....

    Gcool wrote:I think GDM gets those settings from ~/.xprofile instead. Try adding it there.
    Thanks a lot mate! It worked! At first It got stuck after loading conky.. So, I did some more digging and added -d  (to run it as a daemon) to the line : "sleep 5 && conky -d -c ~/.conkycolors/conkyrc" and it worked!
    Thanks a lot guys!

  • Conky doesn't start

    This is what I get when I try to start conky:
    [phnx@002 ~]$ conky
    Conky: desktop window (1c00049) is subwindow of root window (121)
    Conky: window type - desktop
    Conky: drawing to created window (0x1800001)
    Conky: drawing to single buffer
    I have to use Ctrl-C to stop it.
    When I try to start conky as root:
    [root@002 ~]# conky
    No protocol specified
    Conky: can't open display: :0
    ***** Imlib2 Developer Warning ***** :
            This program is calling the Imlib call:
            With the parameter:
            being NULL. Please fix your program.
    [root@002 ~]#
    What is going wrong?

    mimosinnet wrote:
    I am using my gentoo desktop configuration in archlinux (xdm + FVWM). I set the root window at the login prompt (conky, root-tail, fvwm-root). To be able to do this, I need conky to be executed as root and I am getting the error message lnx mentioned in the first post. I would very much appreciate any hints. Thanks!
    You should start a new thread for this; it is a separate issue.
    medeg wrote:1

  • Conky disappers when Gnome-Desktop starts

    Hi there,
    I've installed conky as a systemmonitor and would like to let it start when my Gnome-Desktop starts. To achieve this, I put the "conky"-command under System -> Preferences -> Session. In principle this works, because when Gnome starts, I can see that conky is startet, too.
    But when Gnome starts Metacity, conky ist shifted to the background (or whatever). With "top" I can see, that it's still running, but I can't see it anymore.
    Does anyone know, how I can start conky automatically when Gnome starts up?
    If you're interested or may it helps - here is my .conkyrc:
    # Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
    own_window yes
    own_window_type override
    own_window_transparent yes
    own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
    # Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
    double_buffer yes
    # fiddle with window
    use_spacer yes
    use_xft yes
    # Update interval in seconds
    update_interval 3.0
    # Minimum size of text area
    # minimum_size 250 5
    # Draw shades?
    draw_shades no
    # Text stuff
    draw_outline no # amplifies text if yes
    draw_borders no
    xftfont Arial:size=10
    uppercase no # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
    # Stippled borders?
    stippled_borders 3
    # border margins
    border_margin 9
    # border width
    border_width 10
    # Default colors and also border colors, grey90 == #e5e5e5
    default_color white
    own_window_colour black
    own_window_transparent yes
    # Text alignment, other possible values are commented
    #alignment top_left
    alignment top_right
    #alignment bottom_left
    #alignment bottom_right
    # Gap between borders of screen and text
    gap_x 10
    gap_y 10
    # stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen
    ${color orange}SYSTEM ${hr 2}$color
    $nodename $sysname $kernel on $machine
    ${color orange}CPU ${hr 2}$color
    ${freq}MHz   Load: ${loadavg}   Temp: ${acpitemp}
    ${cpugraph 000000 ffffff}
    NAME             PID       CPU%      MEM%
    ${top name 1} ${top pid 1}   ${top cpu 1}    ${top mem 1}
    ${top name 2} ${top pid 2}   ${top cpu 2}    ${top mem 2}
    ${top name 3} ${top pid 3}   ${top cpu 3}    ${top mem 3}
    ${top name 4} ${top pid 4}   ${top cpu 4}    ${top mem 4}
    ${color orange}MEMORY / DISK ${hr 2}$color
    RAM:   $memperc%   ${membar 6}$color
    Swap:  $swapperc%   ${swapbar 6}$color
    Root:  ${fs_free_perc /}%   ${fs_bar 6 /}$color
    home:  ${fs_free_perc /home}%   ${fs_bar 6 /home}$color
    CDRom:  ${fs_free_perc /mnt/cdrom}%   ${fs_bar 6 /mnt/cdrom}
    DVD:  ${fs_free_perc /mnt/dvd}%   ${fs_bar 6 /mnt/dvd}
    ${color orange}NETWORK (${addr eth0}) ${hr 2}$color
    Down: $color${downspeed eth0} k/s ${alignr}Up: ${upspeed eth0} k/s
    ${downspeedgraph eth0 25,140 000000 ff0000} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph eth0
    25,140 000000 00ff00}$color
    Total: ${totaldown eth0} ${alignr}Total: ${totalup eth0}
    Inbound: ${tcp_portmon 1 32767 count} Outbound: ${tcp_portmon 32768
    61000 count}${alignr}Total: ${tcp_portmon 1 65535 count}
    ${color orange}LOGGING ${hr 2}$color
    ${execi 30 tail -n3 /var/log/messages.log | fold -w50}
    ${color orange}FORTUNE ${hr 2}$color
    ${execi 120 fortune -s | fold -w50}

    Gnome lays its desktop above the root-window in its own borderless window. But conky is drawn directly to the root-window so the Gnome Desktop is always on top of it. The only workaround is to configure conky to run it its own window or not start the gnome-desktop executable.

  • [solved] Issue with conky and Kde 4

    I have a small issue with conky and KDE 4.2. I start conky with a script which I stored under ~/.kde/Autostart. The script is simple and looks like this..
    conky -c ~/.conkyrc_kde4
    This works fine. But when I restart the first KDE and check with ps, I have 2 instances of conky running. The instances keep on growing with the number of restarts.
    I think kde tries to restart all the apps which were running when the session was terminated. Is there a way to change this behavior in general or all the programs or for only a specific program like conky ?
    Last edited by rangalo (2009-07-28 19:02:17)

    I did
    Systemsettings > Advanced > Session Manager > Start with an empty session
    and put everything you want in Autostart

  • 2 Conky Problems-Suddenly scrunched formatting and IP set to

    I have 2 problems with conky, I'm not sure if they are related. First, conky started displaying all scrunched up with much of the formatting wrong. I did not make any configuration changes at the time. I'm sure that I can go through my conkyrc and adjust everything so that it's looking correct again, but I'd rather not unless I have no other choice.
    Second, a while after starting conky, the IP changes from my correct IP, to
    I've exhausted my google-fu and I don't know what is wrong. Thanks ahead of time for any help!
    # Conky configuration
    # Configuration Section #
    # Boolean value, if true, Conky will be forked to background when started.
    background no
    # Use Xft (anti-aliased font and stuff)
    use_xft yes
    xftfont sans:size=7:bold
    update_interval .75
    total_run_times 0
    own_window yes
    own_window_transparent yes
    own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
    double_buffer yes
    minimum_size 280 1900
    draw_shades yes
    draw_outline no
    draw_borders no
    draw_graph_borders no
    stippled_borders 8
    # The next line appears to be depricated
    # border_margin 4
    border_width 1
    # Default colors and also border colors
    default_color white
    default_shade_color black
    default_outline_color black
    default_bar_size 155 10
    alignment top_left
    gap_x 0 #gap from left
    gap_y 0 #gap from top
    no_buffers yes
    uppercase no
    cpu_avg_samples 3
    net_avg_samples 3
    override_utf8_locale no
    text_buffer_size 512
    # Main Layout Section #
    # Arch Image
    ${image /home/tim/Pictures/Arch.png -s 50x47 -f 5000}
    # Top Info Line#
    ${voffset -12}${offset 30}Arch Linux
    ${offset 36}Uptime: $uptime
    ${offset 42}$nodename - $sysname $kernel on $machine
    ${offset 48}Pacman: ${execpi 1000 /home/tim/Scripts/} #This is the pacman update line. This requires a cron job run regularly. Currently a copy can be found in /home/tim/Scripts/ The Cron copy in at /etc/cron.hourly/
    # Main Bar: CPU
    ${voffset -5}${font sans:size=15}${color lightgrey}C${font sans:size=11:bold}PU${voffset 3}${hr 2}${font}
    $alignr${voffset -20}AMD Phenom II
    ${voffset 5}CPU 1:
    CPU 2:
    CPU 3:
    ${alignr}${voffset -48}${offset -150}${cpu cpu1}%
    ${alignr}${offset -150}${cpu cpu2}%
    ${alignr}${offset -150}${cpu cpu3}%
    ${alignr}${voffset -48}${offset -190}${freq 1}MHz
    ${alignr}${offset -190}${freq 2}MHz
    ${alignr}${offset -190}${freq 3}MHz
    ${alignr}${voffset -24}${offset -80}${color #cc2222}Total=${cpu cpu0}%
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${color}Temp=${hwmon temp 2}C
    ${voffset -5}${cpugraph cpu0 000000 cc2222}
    ${color cc2222}${voffset -7}${cpubar cpu1 7,90}${offset 5}${cpubar cpu2 7,90}${offset 5}${cpubar cpu3 7,90}
    # Main Bar: Memory
    ${font sans:size=15}${color lightgrey}M${font sans:size=11:bold}EMORY${voffset 3}${hr 2}${font}
    ${alignr}${voffset -20}$memperc% - $mem/$memmax
    # RAM Usage Bar
    ${voffset 7}${color lightgrey}RAM:
    ${voffset -12}${offset 35}${color DarkSlateGray}${membar 10,245}
    # SWAP Usage Bar
    ${color lightgrey}Swap:
    ${voffset -12}${offset 35}${color DarkSlateGray}${swapbar 10,40}
    # Main Bar: Processes
    ${font sans:size=15}${color lightgrey}P${font sans:size=11:bold}ROCESSES${voffset 3}${hr 2}${font}
    ${alignr}${voffset -20}${color lightgrey}$color$running_processes ${color grey}of $color$processes ${color grey}processes running
    ${voffset 5}${color}Name
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${offset -100}PID
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${offset -50}CPU %
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}MEM %
    # Process List: Top CPU
    ${color orange}CPU usage${color}
    # Line 1
    ${color FFBF40} ${top name 1}
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${offset -100}${top pid 1}
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${offset -50}${top cpu 1}%
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${top mem 1}%
    # Line 2
    ${color FFD580} ${top name 2}
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${offset -100}${top pid 2}
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${offset -50}${top cpu 2}%
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${top mem 2}%
    # Line 3
    ${color FFEABF} ${top name 3}
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${offset -100}${top pid 3}
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${offset -50}${top cpu 3}%
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${top mem 3}%
    # Line 4
    ${color FFFFFF} ${top name 4}
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${offset -100}${top pid 4}
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${offset -50}${top cpu 4}%
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${top mem 4}%
    # Process List: Top Memory
    ${color orange}Mem usage${color}
    # Line 1
    ${color FFBF40} ${top_mem name 1}
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${offset -100}${top_mem pid 1}
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${offset -50}${top_mem cpu 1}%
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${top_mem mem 1}%
    # Line 2
    ${color FFD580} ${top_mem name 2}
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${offset -100}${top_mem pid 2}
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${offset -50}${top_mem cpu 2}%
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${top_mem mem 2}%
    # Line 3
    ${color FFEABF} ${top_mem name 3}
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${offset -100}${top_mem pid 3}
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${offset -50}${top_mem cpu 3}%
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${top_mem mem 3}%
    # Line 4
    ${color FFFFFF} ${top_mem name 4}
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${offset -100}${top_mem pid 4}
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${offset -50}${top_mem cpu 4}%
    ${alignr}${voffset -12}${top_mem mem 4}%
    # Main Bar: Disks
    ${font sans:size=15}${color lightgrey}D${font sans:size=11:bold}ISKS${voffset 3}${hr 2}${font}
    #List of Disks w/ usage bars
    ${color Red}Root:${color white}${fs_free /} f/o ${fs_size /}
    ${voffset -12}${offset 125}${color DarkRed}${fs_bar 10,5 /}
    ${color Orange}home:${color white}${fs_free /ubuntu} f/o ${fs_size /ubuntu}
    ${voffset -12}${offset 125}${color DarkOrange}${fs_bar 10,27 /ubuntu}
    ${color LightSlateGray}tc1:${color white}${fs_free /media/truecrypt1} f/o ${fs_size /media/truecrypt1}
    ${voffset -12}${offset 125}${color DarkSlateGray}${fs_bar 10,80 /media/truecrypt1}
    ${color LightSlateGray}tc2:${color white}${fs_free /media/truecrypt2} f/o ${fs_size /media/truecrypt2}
    ${voffset -12}${offset 125}${color DarkSlateGray}${fs_bar 10,80 /media/truecrypt2}
    ${color LightSlateGray}tc3:${color white}${fs_free /media/truecrypt3} f/o ${fs_size /media/truecrypt3}
    ${voffset -12}${offset 125}${color DarkSlateGray}${fs_bar 10,80 /media/truecrypt3}
    ${color LightSlateGray}tc4:${color white}${fs_free /media/truecrypt4} f/o ${fs_size /media/truecrypt4}
    ${voffset -12}${offset 125}${color DarkSlateGray}${fs_bar 10,155 /media/truecrypt4}
    ${color LightSlateGray}tc5:${color white}${fs_free /media/truecrypt5} f/o ${fs_size /media/truecrypt5}
    ${voffset -12}${offset 125}${color DarkSlateGray}${fs_bar 10,155 /media/truecrypt5}
    ${color LightSlateGray}tc6:${color white}${fs_free /media/truecrypt6} f/o ${fs_size /media/truecrypt6}
    ${voffset -12}${offset 125}${color DarkSlateGray}${fs_bar 10,3 /media/truecrypt6}
    ${color LightSlateGray}tc7:${color white}${fs_free /media/truecrypt7} f/o ${fs_size /media/truecrypt7}
    ${voffset -12}${offset 125}${color DarkSlateGray}${fs_bar 10,135 /media/truecrypt7}
    ${color LightSlateGray}tc8:${color white}${fs_free /media/truecrypt8} f/o ${fs_size /media/truecrypr8}
    ${voffset -12}${offset 125}${color DarkSlateGray}${fs_bar 10,135 /media/truecrypt8}
    ${if_mounted /media/truecrypt9}${color LightSlateGray}tc9:${color white}${fs_free /media/truecrypt9} f/o ${fs_size /media/truecrypt9}
    ${voffset -12}${offset 125}${color DarkSlateGray}${fs_bar 10,135 /media/truecrypt9}${voffset 12}${endif}${voffset -12}
    ${color LightSlateGray}Dropbox:${color white}${execi 60 ~/Scripts/} Used of 6G
    ${voffset -12}${offset 125}${color SlateGray}${execibar 60 ~/Scripts/}
    # Main Bar: Networking
    ${font sans:size=15}${color lightgrey}N${font sans:size=11:bold}ETWORK${voffset 3}${hr 2}${font}
    ${alignr}${voffset -20}${color}${font} In:${tcp_portmon 1 32767 count} Out:${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 count} ALL: ${tcp_portmon 1 65535 count}
    # Speed Graphs
    ${voffset 5}$alignc${addr eth0}
    ${color DarkGreen}${downspeedgraph eth0 30,140 006400 006400 3400}${alignr}${color DarkRed}${upspeedgraph eth0 30,140 8B0000 8B0000 175}
    ${alignr}${voffset -3}${offset -140}${color DarkGreen} ${downspeed eth0}/s
    ${voffset -12}${offset 140}${color DarkRed} ${upspeed eth0}/s
    ${voffset -12}${color DarkGreen}Dn${color LightGray} ${alignr}${color DarkRed}Up${color}
    # Main Bar: Weather
    # overlandpark=USKS0450
    # Find new locations with the following Command
    ${font sans:size=15}${color lightgrey}W${font sans:size=11:bold}EATHER${voffset 3}${hr 2}${font}
    Location: ${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --datatype=CN}
    Conditions: ${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --datatype=CC}
    # Now Conditions
    ${color SkyBlue}${font ConkyWeather:size=36}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --datatype=WF}${font}${color}
    # Column 1
    ${voffset -40}${offset 50}Temp: ${color orange}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --datatype=HT -iux}${iconv_start UTF-8 ISO_8859-1}°${iconv_stop}F${color}
    ${offset 50}Bar: ${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --datatype=BR -i}
    ${offset 50}Bar: ${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --datatype=BD -i}
    # Column 2
    ${voffset -37}${offset 125}Wind: ${color orange}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --datatype=WS -i}${color}
    ${offset 125}From the ${color orange}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --datatype=WD -i}.${color}
    ${offset 125}Gust: ${color orange}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --datatype=WG -i}${color}
    # Column 3
    ${voffset -37}${offset 200}UV: ${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --datatype=UI}
    ${offset 200}Rise: ${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --datatype=SR}
    ${offset 200}Set: ${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --datatype=SS}
    ${voffset 10}Tomorrow
    ${color SkyBlue}${font ConkyWeather:size=36}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=1 --endday=1 --datatype=WF}${font}${color}
    # Column 1
    ${voffset -40}${offset 50}High: ${color orange}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=1 --endday=1 --datatype=HT -iux}${iconv_start UTF-8 ISO_8859-1}°${iconv_stop}F${color}
    ${offset 50}Low: ${color LightSkyBlue}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=1 --endday=1 --datatype=LT -iux}${iconv_start UTF-8 ISO_8859-1}°${iconv_stop}F${color}
    ${offset 50}Rain: ${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=1 --endday=1 --datatype=PC}
    # Column 2
    ${voffset -37}${offset 125}Wind: ${color orange}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=1 --endday=1 --datatype=WS -i}${color}
    ${offset 125}From the ${color orange}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=1 --endday=1 --datatype=WD -i}.${color}
    ${offset 125}Gust: ${color orange}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=1 --endday=1 --datatype=WG -i}${color}
    # Column 3
    ${voffset -37}${offset 200}UV: ${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=1 --endday=1 --datatype=UI}
    ${offset 200}Rise: ${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --datatype=SR}
    ${offset 200}Set: ${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --datatype=SS}
    ${voffset 10}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=2 --endday=2 --spaces=5 --datatype=DW}
    ${color SkyBlue}${font ConkyWeather:size=36}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=2 --endday=2 --datatype=WF}${font}${color}
    # Column 1
    ${voffset -40}${offset 50}High: ${color orange}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=2 --endday=2 --datatype=HT -iux}${iconv_start UTF-8 ISO_8859-1}°${iconv_stop}F${color}
    ${offset 50}Low: ${color LightSkyBlue}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=2 --endday=2 --datatype=LT -iux}${iconv_start UTF-8 ISO_8859-1}°${iconv_stop}F${color}
    ${offset 50}Rain: ${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=2 --endday=2 --datatype=PC}
    # Column 2
    ${voffset -37}${offset 125}Wind: ${color orange}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=2 --endday=2 --datatype=WS -i}${color}
    ${offset 125}From the ${color orange}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=2 --endday=2 --datatype=WD -i}.${color}
    ${offset 125}Gust: ${color orange}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=2 --endday=2 --datatype=WG -i}${color}
    # Column 3
    ${voffset -37}${offset 200}UV: ${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=2 --endday=2 --datatype=UI}
    ${offset 200}Rise: ${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --datatype=SR}
    ${offset 200}Set: ${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --datatype=SS}
    ${voffset 10}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=3 --endday=3 --spaces=5 --datatype=DW}
    ${color SkyBlue}${font ConkyWeather:size=36}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=3 --endday=3 --datatype=WF}${font}${color}
    # Column 1
    ${voffset -40}${offset 50}High: ${color orange}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=3 --endday=3 --datatype=HT -iux}${iconv_start UTF-8 ISO_8859-1}°${iconv_stop}F${color}
    ${offset 50}Low: ${color LightSkyBlue}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=3 --endday=3 --datatype=LT -iux}${iconv_start UTF-8 ISO_8859-1}°${iconv_stop}F${color}
    ${offset 50}Rain: ${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=3 --endday=3 --datatype=PC}
    # Column 2
    ${voffset -37}${offset 125}Wind: ${color orange}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=3 --endday=3 --datatype=WS -i}${color}
    ${offset 125}From the ${color orange}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=3 --endday=3 --datatype=WD -i}.${color}
    ${offset 125}Gust: ${color orange}${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=3 --endday=3 --datatype=WG -i}${color}
    # Column 3
    ${voffset -37}${offset 200}UV: ${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --startday=3 --endday=3 --datatype=UI}
    ${offset 200}Rise: ${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --datatype=SR}
    ${offset 200}Set: ${execi 3600 conkyForecast -C ~/Scripts/Files/conkyForecast.config --datatype=SS}
    # Conky Cant Render Much More than This.
    tmp1 ${hwmon temp 1}
    CPU ${hwmon temp 2}
    tmp2 ${hwmon temp 3}

    Gusar wrote:The scrunching is a change in freetype. It's intended. So you'll have to readjust all voffsets. No idea about the IP.
    Thanks, I spent some time reformatting everything. It's good to know that this wasn't a bug

  • Conky won't stay below other windows...

    I'm currently using conky with a conkyrc from my Ubuntu laptop which works quite well... Problem is, when Compiz is started, Conky suddently wants to stay on top of all other windows. Restarting conky fixes the problem, but I'd rather not restart conky everytime i login to the system... Anyone know how to fix this?
    Also. Is there a way to add conky to compiz' widget-layer and still have it below all other windows? Basically, I want it on the desktop unless i hit a key, which makes it come on top of everything.
    Heres my conky configuration:
    # Use Xft?
    use_xft yes
    xftfont DejaVu Sans:size=8
    xftalpha 0.8
    text_buffer_size 2048
    # Update interval in seconds
    update_interval 1
    # This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
    # Set to zero to run forever.
    total_run_times 0
    # Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
    own_window yes
    own_window_transparent yes
    own_window_type override
    #own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
    # Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
    double_buffer yes
    # Minimum size of text area
    minimum_size 240 0
    maximum_width 240
    # Draw shades?
    draw_shades no
    # Draw outlines?
    draw_outline no
    # Draw borders around text
    draw_borders no
    # Stippled borders?
    stippled_borders 0
    # border margins
    border_margin 5
    # border width
    border_width 1
    # Default colors and also border colors
    default_color white
    #default_shade_color black
    #default_outline_color white
    own_window_colour white
    # Text alignment, other possible values are commented
    #alignment top_left
    alignment top_right
    #alignment bottom_left
    #alignment bottom_right
    # Gap between borders of screen and text
    # same thing as passing -x at command line
    gap_x 5
    gap_y 35
    # Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
    no_buffers yes
    # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
    uppercase no
    # number of cpu samples to average
    # set to 1 to disable averaging
    cpu_avg_samples 2
    # number of net samples to average
    # set to 1 to disable averaging
    net_avg_samples 2
    # Force UTF8? note that UTF8 support required XFT
    override_utf8_locale yes
    # Add spaces to keep things from moving about? This only affects certain objects.
    use_spacer none
    ${alignc 35}${font Arial Black:size=26}${time %H:%M}${font}
    ${alignc}${time %A %d %Y}
    SYSTEM ${hr 2}
    ${voffset 3}${font StyleBats:size=16}q${font}${voffset -5} Uptime: ${alignr}${uptime}
    ${voffset 3}${font OpenLogos:size=16}B${font}${voffset -5} Kernel: ${alignr}${kernel}
    ${voffset 3}${font StyleBats:size=16}A${font}${voffset -5} CPU1: ${cpu cpu1}% ${alignr}${cpubar cpu1 8,100}
    ${voffset 3}${font StyleBats:size=16}A${font}${voffset -5} CPU2: ${cpu cpu2}% ${alignr}${cpubar cpu2 8,100}
    ${voffset 3}${font StyleBats:size=16}g${font}${voffset -5} RAM: $memperc% ${alignr}${membar 8,100}
    ${voffset 3}${font StyleBats:size=16}j${font}${voffset -5} SWAP: $swapperc% ${alignr}${swapbar 8,100}
    PROCESS ${hr 2}
    ${font}${top name 1} ${alignr}CPU:${top cpu 1}% MEM:${top mem 1}%
    ${font}${top name 2} ${alignr}CPU:${top cpu 2}% MEM:${top mem 2}%
    ${font}${top name 3} ${alignr}CPU:${top cpu 3}% MEM:${top mem 3}%
    ${font}${top name 4} ${alignr}CPU:${top cpu 4}% MEM:${top mem 4}%
    HD ${hr 2}
    ${voffset 4}${font Pie charts for maps:size=14}7${font} ${voffset -5}Free space:
    ${voffset 6}${fs_free /}/${fs_size /} ${alignr}${fs_bar 8,100 /}
    NETWORK ${hr 2}
    ${if_existing /proc/net/route wlan0}
    ${voffset -6}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}O${font} Up: ${upspeed wlan0} kb/s ${alignr}${upspeedgraph wlan0 8,100 F57900 FCAF3E}
    ${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}U${font} Down: ${downspeed wlan0} kb/s ${alignr}${downspeedgraph wlan0 8,100 F57900 FCAF3E}
    ${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}N${font} Upload: ${alignr}${totalup wlan0}
    ${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}T${font} Download: ${alignr}${totaldown wlan0}
    ${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}a${font} Local Ip: ${alignr}${addr wlan0}
    ${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}b${font} Public Ip: ${alignr}${execi 1 ~/.scripts/}
    ${else}${if_existing /proc/net/route eth0}
    ${voffset -6}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}O${font} Up: ${upspeed eth0} kb/s ${alignr}${upspeedgraph eth0 8,100 F57900 FCAF3E}
    ${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}U${font} Down: ${downspeed eth0} kb/s ${alignr}${downspeedgraph eth0 8,100 F57900 FCAF3E}
    ${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}N${font} Upload: ${alignr}${totalup eth0}
    ${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}T${font} Download: ${alignr}${totaldown eth0}
    ${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}a${font} Local Ip: ${alignr}${addr eth0}
    ${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}b${font} Public Ip: ${alignr}${execi 1 ~/.scripts/}
    ${endif}${else}${if_existing /proc/net/route eth1}
    ${voffset -6}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}O${font} Up: ${upspeed eth1} kb/s ${alignr}${upspeedgraph eth1 8,100 F57900 FCAF3E}
    ${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}U${font} Down: ${downspeed eth1} kb/s ${alignr}${downspeedgraph eth1 8,100 F57900 FCAF3E}
    ${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}N${font} Upload: ${alignr}${totalup eth1}
    ${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}T${font} Download: ${alignr}${totaldown eth1}
    ${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}a${font} Local Ip: ${alignr}${addr eth1}
    ${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}b${font} Public Ip: ${alignr}${execi 1 ~/.scripts/}
    ${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}4${font} Network Unavailable

    own_window_type override
    #own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
    own_window_type desktop
    own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
    Last edited by initbox (2009-01-10 21:52:05)

  • Conky doesn't show (XFCE 4.8) and keeps asking password? [SOLVED]

    I've finally got XFCE4.8 all dressed up the way I want it to look.
    Only problem left is Conky:
    1.It simply doesn't show on the desktop.
    2.It keeps asking for a password?
    If i start conky via terminal i get this:
    [sven@myhost ~]$ conky
    Conky: desktop window (1400003) is subwindow of root window (15d)
    Conky: window type - override
    Conky: drawing to created window (0x2000001)
    Conky: drawing to double buffer
    My .conkyrc looks like this:
    own_window yes
    own_window_colour 0F0D0D
    use_spacer right
    use_xft yes
    # Update interval in seconds
    update_interval 1
    # This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
    # Set to zero to run forever.
    total_run_times 0
    # Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
    own_window yes
    own_window_transparent no
    own_window_type override
    own_window_hints undecorate,below,skip_taskbar,sticky)
    # Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
    double_buffer yes
    default_color 808080
    own_window_colour 333333
    use_xft yes
    xftfont Droid Sans:pixelsize=11
    # Stippled borders?
    stippled_borders 0
    # border margins
    # border width
    border_width 1
    alignment top_left
    gap_x 5
    gap_y 5
    # --- Colours, Sizes, Fonts & Margins --- #
    minimum_size 1356 0
    #stippled_borders 3
    #border_inner_margin 9
    # --- Text --- #
    draw_outline no
    draw_borders no
    uppercase no
    draw_shades no
    # --- if-up_strictness --- #
    if_up_strictness link
    ${color}CPU0: ${color ffffff} ${execi 5 sensors | grep -A 0 'Core 0' | cut -c15-21} | ${color}CPU1: ${color ffffff} ${execi 5 sensors | grep -A 0 'Core 1' | cut -c15-21} | ${color}HDD: ${color ffffff} ${execi 60 sudo hddtemp /dev/sda | grep -A 0 '/dev/sda' | cut -c24-29} | ${color}RAM: ${color ffffff} $mem | ${color} Total Down: ${color ffffff} ${if_up eth0}${totaldown eth0}${else}${if_up wlan0}${totaldown wlan0}${endif}${endif} | ${color}Total Up: ${color ffffff}${if_up eth0}${totalup eth0}${else}${if_up wlan0}${totalup wlan0}${endif}${endif} | ${color} Down Speed: ${color ffffff} ${if_up eth0}${downspeed eth0}${else}${if_up wlan0}${downspeed wlan0}${endif}${endif}| ${color}Up Speed: ${color ffffff} ${if_up eth0}${upspeed eth0}${else}${if_up wlan0}${upspeed wlan0}${endif}${endif} ${alignr} ${color} Battery: ${color ffffff} ${battery_percent}% ${color} | ${color ffffff}${time %A} ${time %e} ${time %B} ${time %G} - ${time %H:%M:%S}
    Any help is appreciated!
    Last edited by killerturtle (2011-06-29 15:30:40)

    jasonwryan wrote:You should look at using visudo to make this script run with the hddtemp call...
    Ok, thx; I'll look into that.
    Now still to solve the first problem....

  • [HELP] Conky: one or more $endif's are missing

    Today, I tried to custom a conkyrc file found in the web.
    I've at least one syntax problem when I try to start conky:
    [evasivefr@desktop ~]$ conky
    Conky: one or more $endif's are missing
    Conky: desktop window (120002e) is subwindow of root window (1a7)
    Conky: window type - override
    Conky: drawing to created window (0x2800001)
    Conky: drawing to double buffer
    I don't know really what I've done which cause this problem, can you help me please ?
    Here is my conkyrc:
    # Use Xft?
    use_xft yes
    xftfont DejaVu Sans:size=9
    xftalpha 0.9
    text_buffer_size 2048
    # Update interval in seconds
    update_interval 1
    # This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
    # Set to zero to run forever.
    total_run_times 0
    # Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
    own_window yes
    own_window_transparent yes
    own_window_type override
    #own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
    # Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
    double_buffer yes
    # Minimum size of text area
    minimum_size 180 0
    #maximum_width 250
    # Draw shades?
    draw_shades no
    # Draw outlines?
    draw_outline no
    # Draw borders around text
    draw_borders no
    # Stippled borders?
    stippled_borders 0
    # border margins
    border_margin 5
    # border width
    border_width 1
    # Default colors and also border colors
    default_color white
    #default_shade_color black
    #default_outline_color white
    own_window_colour white
    # Text alignment, other possible values are commented
    #alignment top_left
    alignment top_right
    #alignment bottom_left
    #alignment bottom_right
    # Gap between borders of screen and text
    # same thing as passing -x at command line
    gap_x 35
    gap_y 50
    # Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
    no_buffers yes
    # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
    uppercase no
    # number of cpu samples to average
    # set to 1 to disable averaging
    cpu_avg_samples 4
    # number of net samples to average
    # set to 1 to disable averaging
    net_avg_samples 2
    # Force UTF8? note that UTF8 support required XFT
    override_utf8_locale yes
    # Add spaces to keep things from moving about?  This only affects certain objects.
    use_spacer none
    TIME ${hr 2}
    ${alignc 35}${font Arial Black:size=20}${time %H:%M}${font}
    SYSTEM ${hr 2}
    Kernel  ${alignr}${kernel}
    RAM ${alignr}$memperc%
    CPU Freq ${alignr}${freq} Mhz
    CPU1 - ${cpu cpu1}% ${alignr}CPU2 - ${cpu cpu2}%
    CPU3 - ${cpu cpu3}% ${alignr}CPU4 - ${cpu cpu4}%
    Uptime ${alignr}${uptime}
    STORAGE ${hr 2}
    ${voffset -5}Home:
    ${voffset 4}${fs_free /home}/${fs_size /home} ${alignr}${fs_bar 9,60 /home}
    ${voffset -5}Data:
    ${voffset 4}${fs_free /mnt/data}/${fs_size /mnt/data} ${alignr}${fs_bar 9,60 /mnt/data}
    NETWORK ${hr 2}
    ${if_existing /proc/net/route eth0}
    ${voffset -6} Up ${alignr}${upspeed eth0} kb/s
    ${voffset 4} Down ${alignr}${downspeed eth0} kb/s
    ${voffset 4} Upload ${alignr}${totalup eth0}
    ${voffset 4} Download ${alignr}${totaldown eth0}
    ${voffset 4} Local Ip ${alignr}${addr eth0}
    ${voffset 4} Public Ip ${alignr}${execi 3600 /home/evasivefr/.scripts/conky/}
    ${else}${if_existing /proc/net/route eth1}
    ${voffset -6} Up ${alignr}${upspeed eth1} kb/s
    ${voffset 4} Down ${alignr}${downspeed eth1} kb/s
    ${voffset 4} Upload ${alignr}${totalup eth1}
    ${voffset 4} Download ${alignr}${totaldown eth1}
    ${voffset 4} Local Ip ${alignr}${addr eth1}
    ${voffset 4} Public Ip ${alignr}${execi 3600 /home/evasivefr/.scripts/conky/}
    ${endif}${else}${if_existing /proc/net/route wlan0}
    ${voffset -6} Up ${alignr}${upspeed wlan0} kb/s
    ${voffset 4} Down ${alignr}${downspeed wlan0} kb/s
    ${voffset 4} Upload ${alignr}${totalup wlan0}
    ${voffset 4} Download ${alignr}${totaldown wlan0}
    ${voffset 4} Signal ${alignr}${wireless_link_qual wlan0}%
    ${voffset 4} Local Ip ${alignr}${addr wlan0}
    ${voffset 4} Public Ip ${alignr}${execi 3600 /home/evasivefr/.scripts/conky/}
    Network Unavailable
    TEMP ${hr 2}
    M/B - ${platform f71882fg.2560 temp 2} .0°C ${alignr}GPU - ${exec nvidia-settings -q gpucoretemp | grep '):' | awk '{print $4}'}0 °C
    CPU1 - ${platform coretemp.0 temp 1} .0°C ${alignr}CPU2 - ${platform coretemp.1 temp 1} .0°C
    CPU3 - ${platform coretemp.2 temp 1} .0°C ${alignr}CPU4 - ${platform coretemp.3 temp 1} .0°C
    COOLING ${hr 2}
    CPU1: ${platform f71882fg.2560 fan 1} RPM ${alignr}CPU2: ${platform f71882fg.2560 fan 2} RPM
    Thanks !
    PS: If you see any others errors (syntax, or other) please tell me

    Just in playing with it, I added an extra ${endif} at the end of the network section and the error went away.   Since I only have one network connection, I don't know if it breaks something else or not.

  • [SOLVED]Emerald/compiz draws window decoration around conky...

    Hi! I've recently installed conky for the first time ever and wish to use it as a simple clock. I have edited the .conkyrc to achieve this, however when I start conky, compiz draws the emerald theme around my conky clock.
    Having looked around the web, a common suggestion seems to be to add:
    To my Window Decoration Window Matching config (it's usually set to "Any") in order to exclude conky from having window decorations drawn. Unfortuntely, this doesn't work.
    Another suggestion was to add "-conky" to "Any", giving me:
    any -conky
    However, this removes window decorations from ALL windows.
    Here is my conky config:
    # set to yes if you want tormo to be forked in the background
    background no
    cpu_avg_samples 2
    net_avg_samples 2
    out_to_console no
    own_window_type normal
    # X font when Xft is disabled, you can pick one with program xfontsel
    #font 7x12
    #font **
    # Use Xft?
    use_xft yes
    # Xft font when Xft is enabled
    xftfont AvantGarde LT Medium:size=16
    # Text alpha when using Xft
    xftalpha 0.8
    # mail spool
    mail_spool $MAIL
    # Update interval in seconds
    update_interval 1
    # Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
    own_window yes
    # Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
    double_buffer yes
    # MPD host/port
    mpd_host heaton
    mpd_port 6600
    # Minimum size of text area
    minimum_size 230 5
    maximum_width 230
    # Draw shades?
    draw_shades no
    # Draw outlines?
    draw_outline no
    # Draw borders around text
    draw_borders no
    # Stippled borders?
    stippled_borders no
    # border margins
    border_margin no
    # border width
    border_width no
    # Default colors and also border colors
    default_color white
    default_shade_color black
    default_outline_color black
    # Text alignment, other possible values are commented
    #alignment top_left
    #alignment top_right
    alignment bottom_left
    #alignment bottom_right
    # Gap between borders of screen and text
    gap_x 13
    gap_y 7
    # Add spaces to keep things from moving about? This only affects certain objects.
    use_spacer no
    # Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
    no_buffers yes
    # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
    uppercase no
    # stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen
    ${color #ffffff}${time %H}${color #ffffff}${time %M}
    Any help would be appreciated thank you.
    Last edited by Izobalax (2008-07-18 15:11:33)

    Ashren wrote:Put this is: "own_window_hints undecorated,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,sticky" in your .conkyrc.
    You sir/madam, are an absolute star. May kisses rain on you from Heaven always.
    I only have one problem left.
    My clock text is surrounded in a block of black background. How do I remove this so that the text stands purely on it's own, with a transparent background?

  • Conky displays on top in openbox. [Solved]

    Probably a dum question, but I have been trying out openbox lately.  But conky when it starts displays on top of everything.  I am coming from fluxbox where it diplays properly on the bottom layer. 
    here is my and conkyrc
    # Set wallpaper
    eval `cat ~/.fehbg`&
    cp ~/.gtkrc-2.0_conf ~/.gtkrc-2.0&
    ## Apps after openbox starts
    (sleep 2 && pypanel)&
    # set to yes if you want Conky to be forked in the background
    background no
    cpu_avg_samples 2
    net_avg_samples 2
    #out_to_console no
    # Use Xft?
    use_xft yes
    # Xft font when Xft is enabled
    xftfont snap
    own_window_colour 222222
    # Text alpha when using Xft
    xftalpha 0.8
    # Update interval in seconds
    update_interval 1
    # Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
    own_window yes
    own_window_transparent yes
    own_window_hints undecorated,below,skip_taskbar
    own_window_type override
    # Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
    double_buffer yes
    # Minimum size of text area
    minimum_size 120 1
    # Draw shades?
    draw_shades no
    # Draw outlines?
    draw_outline no
    # Draw borders around text
    draw_borders no
    # Stippled borders?
    stippled_borders no
    # border margins
    border_margin 1
    # border width
    border_width 1
    # Default colors and also border colors
    default_color white
    default_shade_color white
    default_outline_color white
    # Text alignment, other possible values are commented
    #alignment top_left
    alignment bottom_left
    #alignment bottom_right
    #alignment top_right
    # Gap between borders of screen and text
    gap_x 2
    gap_y 2
    # Add spaces to keep things from moving about? This only affects certain objects.
    use_spacer no
    # Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
    no_buffers yes
    # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
    uppercase no
    ${font Arial-size=8}┌─${font}[ ${sysname} ${kernel}
    ${font Arial-size=8}├────${font}[ CPU: ${cpu} %
    ${font Arial-size=8}├────${font}[ Memory: ${memperc} %
    ${font Arial-size=8}├────${font}[ Uptime: ${uptime}
    ${font Arial-size=8}└────${font}[ Battery: ${battery}
    ${font Arial-size=8}┌─${font}[ Filesystems
    ${font Arial-size=8}├────${font}[ / : ${fs_used /}/${fs_size /}
    ${font Arial-size=8}└────${font}[ /home: ${fs_used /home}/${fs_size /home}
    ${font Arial-size=8}┌─${font}[ Packages
    ${font Arial-size=8}└────${font}[ ${execi 120 python /home/semperfiguy/bin/}
    Last edited by semperfiguy (2008-01-05 14:52:55)

    Your problem is the Own_window_type option being 'override', I believe. Set that to 'desktop' and hopefully you'll be good to go. (if not, I can post my .conkyrc here, which works fine in openbox and you can copy the relevant parts of it out)

  • [Solved] Lua with Conky gives unwanted background color

    I've Googled and ransacked the forum looking for an answer. I have Conky with lua on KDE4 and I cannot run both together without creating an unwanted background. After getting sidetracked with KDE4 transparency considerations, I discovered that if I start Conky without Lua, I can get proper transparency. If I start Conky with Lua enabled I get a background color. The Lua script doesn't seem to have any background settings. I'm not sure what files are relevant to post, the conkyrc and or the Lua script, which is quite large. I'm reasonably au fait with Conky but this is the first Conky I cannot get to function correctly. My basic question is how to use Lua without starting a background color. Here is where I got the original files … -your.html . Of course, I can post the relevant Lua file if necessary but, as I  mentioned, it is quite large and I'm not clear on forum rules regarding posting large files of this type. Here's how Conky starts Lua:
    lua_load ~/.conky/avi9526_conky.lua
    lua_draw_hook_pre Widgets
    Thanks for your time.
    In case anyone is interested, changing line 1236 of the Lua script to cairo_set_source_rgba(CairoContext, 0.6, 0.61, 0.62, 0.0) did the trick.
    Last edited by Foxblood (2013-04-28 14:07:15)

    If you set your minimum_size and maximum_width variables you can make it any size that you want.
    So, lets say that you are using a 1280x1024 screensize.
    You can set your minimum_size to be 1200.  If you don't provide a second option, you are specifying the width.
    Then, if you set your maximum_width to be 1280,  or, if you want a 1 pixel gap on either side 1278,  then your conky will not go off the sides of the screen, and if you use any align option, then it will stay within that specified width.
    P.S.  The reason that it doesn't go all the way across your screen right now, is because there is not enough information being displayed to warrant anything larger.
    Last edited by Knute (2010-08-09 21:22:17)

  • Conky-cli - awesome-client = no go?

    So, I've recently switched to Awesome from Xmonad (yes, it's MUCH easier to configure, unless you know haskell of course). Everything has gone fairly well except that I can't get conky-cli to work with the awesome-client statusbar.  I'm running the patched version of conky and I've followed the tutorials on the awesome website, but for whatever reason all that appears in the statusbar are dashes used as placeholders for the textboxes. I've tried this using the non-patched conky-cli, also unsuccessfully.
    I'm running awesome-git, which appears to be v2.3.rc1.25.g96fe2ec (Productivity Breaker).  The following are my sample configs (I've disabled the other conky stats until I know this is working):
    [thayer@dublin:~] $ cat .conkyrc
    background no
    no_buffers yes
    out_to_console yes
    update_interval 1
    uppercase no
    use_spacer none
    total_run_times 0
    0 widget_tell clock ${time %a %b %d %I:%M%P}
    Relevant portion of .awesomerc:
    statusbar bottom
    position = bottom
    width = 0
    height = 0
    textbox clock { align = "right" text = "-" }
    If I run conky on its own, it spits out the expected text:
    [thayer@dublin:~] $ conky
    0 widget_tell clock Wed Apr 16 08:04pm
    And my .xinitrc file:
    conky | awesome-client &
    urxvt &
    exec awesome
    Last edited by thayer (2008-04-17 03:13:54)

    omega_0815 wrote:
    That should get conky to work, if it doesn't work try starting conky without piping to awesome-client in .xinitrc.
    I have conky running here with awesome-git for the same reasons you mentioned, but I will take a look at amazing this weekend.
    Hope that solves your issue.
    Thanks omega, I had actually tried that syntax before, but it didn't work for me.   BUT... since you mentioned that it DOES work for you, I decided to poke around a bit more and I figured out that if I add 'text' as well as the statusbar name it works fine:
    0 widget_tell bottom mpd text $mpd_smart
    0 widget_tell bottom spacer1 text ::
    0 widget_tell bottom cpuload text ${cpu cpu1}% / ${cpu cpu2}% ${loadavg 1} ${loadavg 2 3}
    0 widget_tell bottom spacer2 text ::
    0 widget_tell bottom cputemp text ${i8k_cpu_temp}c ${freq_g 1}/${freq_g 2}GHz
    0 widget_tell bottom spacer3 text ::
    0 widget_tell bottom memory text $memperc% ($mem)
    0 widget_tell bottom spacer4 text ::
    0 widget_tell bottom power text ${if_empty ${exec awk '{print $2}' /proc/acpi/ac_adapter/AC/state | grep 'on-line'}}${else}${endif}$battery $battery_time
    0 widget_tell bottom spacer5 text ::
    0 widget_tell bottom network text ${if_empty ${exec ifconfig wlan0 | grep 'inet addr:'}}${downspeed eth0}K/s ${upspeed eth0}K/s${else}${exec iwconfig wlan0 | grep 'Signal level' | cut -d= -f3 | awk '{print 100+$1 "%"}'} ${exec iwgetid | cut -d\" -f2 | awk '{print $1}'} ${downspeed wlan0}K/s ${upspeed wlan0}K/s${endif}
    0 widget_tell bottom spacer6 text ::
    0 widget_tell bottom clock text ${time %a %b %d %I:%M%P}

  • [SOLVED] dwm + dzen2 + conky-cli misconfigured

    I have been trying to pipe conky status to dzen2 and it is doing my head in.
    My .xinitrc
    # ~/.xinitrc
    setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp &
    eval `cat ~/.fehbg` &
    numlockx &
    xscreensaver -no-splash &
    # Dzen & conky
    conky | dzen2 -fg '#dcdcdc' -bg '#3f3f3f' -ta r -fn '-*-terminus-*-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*' &
    # Start dwm
    exec ck-launch-session ~/Scripts/dwm-start
    background no
    out_to_console yes
    update_interval 2
    total_run_times 0
    use_spacer none
    double_buffer yes
    ${if_existing /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/present}^fg(#999999)BAT^fg()${battery_percent}%${else}AC${endif} * CPU ${cpu cpu1}% RAM ${memperc}% * / ${fs_used_perc /}% /home ${fs_used_perc /home}% * PKG ${execpi 900 ~/Scripts/} * ${if_existing /proc/net/route ra0}Down ${downspeedf ra0}K/s Up ${upspeedf ra0}K/s ${else} ${if_existing /proc/net/route eth0} Down ${downspeedf ra0}K/s Up ${upspeedf ra0}K/s${endif} ${endif}* ${time %I:%M%P}
    Start dwm script
    conky | while read line; do
    xsetroot -name "$line";
    done | while true; do
    dwm > /dev/null; done;
    Could anyone point me at what I am doing wrong? I have tried following examples in the forums, including this one and this one -- but I either end up with dwm 5.7.2 in the corner, or conky prints out the ^fg etc...
    Any help would be appreciated at this point...
    Last edited by jasonwryan (2009-11-20 06:11:51)

    Thanks for the suggestions Skanky. The broken line in conky was a copy/paste error into the browser - it is a single line conky (I've edited the OP to reflect that).
    I think it is a problem with the way conky-cli and dzen work together. If I run:
    echo "testing" | dzen2 -fg '#dcdcdc' -bg '#3f3f3f' -ta r -fn '-*-terminus-*-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*' -p
    it prints as expected.
    Similarly, if I comment the conky | dzen2 line in .xinintrc and just run conky-cli from the start script it works...
    Trying to get then to work together, however, is another matter.
    Some progress: it seems that it is being drawn - if I Mod-Shift-q the dwm status bar briefly disappears and I can see conky momentarily. I tried starting conky | dzen2 after dwm but that didn't work.
    I have also added some options, which seem to have helped, my .xinintrc entry now looks like:
    conky | dzen2 -x '500' -e '' -fg '#dcdcdc' -bg '#3f3f3f' -ta r -fn '-*-terminus-*-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*' -p &
    Last edited by jasonwryan (2009-11-19 16:57:13)

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    I've noticed that one of the Sony recommended accessories for some of the new camcorders on their website include the Sony wired remote with a zoom rocker. However it isn't specified if this connection is actually LANC compatible and, if so, could an

  • Avod full table scan help...

    HI , I have sql with some filter and all the have index. the table size is huge index is there in explain plan though index it's going for full table scan it's not recognizing index. i used index hint/*+ INDEX (SYM.SYM_DEPL,SYM.SYDB_DE_N18) */ though

  • Can't access AirPort Snow from the utility... :-(

    dear all, a couple of days ago I got a 2nd hand AirPort base "Snow", with the idea of setting up a wifi network at home but still having the PowerMac G4 connected via ethernet, as it doesn't have an AirPort card and I don't really want to install one

  • Job is not executing

    Hi, I scheduled one package in test server but when I am scheduling that package on Live server it is not executing job is showing in user_jobs table but it is not executing. could any body suggest what is the problem? Regards Gagan

  • APDU VERIFY command with Towitoko reader

    Hi guys, In OpenCard Framework I cannot verify the PIN on a SLE4442 card from the Towitoko reader. I use a CardContact CTAPI4OCF driver that implements a CT-API Cttwkw32.dll Towitoko driver. I use the following Verify (APDU) command: int[] Command =