IMovie '11 and Sony HXR-MC2000U

Hello, I was thinking about purchasing the Sony HXR-MC2000U AVCHD Camcorder, and was wondering if this camcorder was compatible with iMovie '11, or Final Cut Express 4. Either or would work. If anyone knows anything about this please let me know!
Thanks in advance!

Use MPEG Streamclip to rip the disc, and switch to a new camera.

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  • Sony HXR-NX5 and Sony HXR-MC50

    Has anyone used either the Sony HXR-NX5 or HXR-MC50 cameras with FCPX?
    I am especially interested whether FCPX can interpret large spanned clips and join them together correctly on import.
    Many thanks!

    FCPX does support both cameras. Although I have had one or two instances where it doesn't like the data on a SD card, because of one corrupt file, in which case FCPX crashes. (Most likely caused by a faulty SD card). In those cases, I have had to use Clipwrap to create Prores files before importing.

  • Old MacBook Pro, Snow Leopard, iMovie 09 and Sony DCR-SX41 Finally Solved!

    So this has been a real trial...
    Finally got video to import in iMovie09 using the DCR-SX41.
    The issue was that the Snow Leopard upgrade trashed a critical file. I found that out here:
    So I purchased the file from Apple, at $21.00.
    I downloaded and installed the file, and iMovie "found" the DCR-SX41 just fine!
    If you are just coming to this camera, the trick to getting it to work with a Mac is to find the "USB Mode" or "DVD create" button. To find the button:
    *Open the viewfinder
    *Look at the body of the camera, there are two rows of three "buttons".
    *On the top row of buttons, the extreme right button looks like an arrow piercing a DVD (or CD).
    *Making sure the camera is connected to the Mac with the USB cable (on external power is helpful), *Press the "pierced DVD" button.
    * On my mac, iPhoto 09 starts up, which is annoying. So I quit iPhoto9. It sometimes takes awhile to quit!
    *Start iMovie 09
    *Open "Import from Camera" under the "File" menu
    *The Import window will open, and it will say "Import from iSight".
    *In 30 to 120 seconds, yes, a long time, a window will pop up saying "locating DCR-SX41"
    *In another 2-4 minutes, the camera will be detected, and the memory cards will be read.
    *You can now select and import videos!
    The key is waiting for iMovie 09 to detect the camera. It takes forever!
    Good Luck!

    I have tried to download the MPEG STREAMCLIP, as suggested by apple, but after the download is done, when you clic on the icon on desktop, 2 folders appear. One with EXTRAS, with 2 options, About save as AVI.rtf, and another, Save as AVI.component, wich is the one I shoul finalize the instalation of the program, but, when I click on this option, a window appear a ! yellow exclamation mark over the Quicktime Player icon, with the message: 'THE MOVIE COULD NOT BE OPENED" THE SPECIFIED FILE FORK DOES NOT EXIST.".
    What else I have to do, to work?, Please, help me!!!!!

  • IMovie'11 and SONY HDRCX350VE import video

    iMovie'11 doesn't see my videos stored on internal memory. Files are in MTS format and although this camcorder is compatible with iMovie it doesn't work.
    Conversion of MTS files is the only issue ?
    (I work with an iMac, i7 processor).
    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Use MPEG Streamclip to rip the disc, and switch to a new camera.

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    The best way to do this is to take a SD card out of your camera and insert it into a card reader. Then you can import directly from the camera. Do this for all future movies you shoot. There is no need for a third party converter.  You can also connect your camera via USB and import directly from the camera. In this case, you need to hook up your camera to AC power, not batteries only.
    If the only copies you have of your mts files have been removed from the camera and are out of context (you did not preserve all the folders from the camera), then your best bet is to use a converter. The two that I hear most often are ClipWrap and Voltaic HD.

  • Final Cut Pro 5.1.4, iMovie 7.1.4 and Sony tapes - help...

    So I have about an eight year-old Sony TRV 330 camcorder and am desperate to transfer old tapes to iMac - got rid of old Windows Vista to get an iMac that'd make this possible. Hooked it up numerous times (firewire/IEEE 1394, camera) opened iMovie 08 and nothing - it actually always defaults to built-in iChat camera. Read up on line and it was recommended to try using iMovie 06 to transfer footage, then to export to iMovie 08. Downloaded 06, still the same. Procured Final Cut Pro 5.1.4, hooked up firewire, nothing - not even iChat camera popped up in capture screen, although I noticed audio input channels were moving with the present audio in the room.
    What am I missing? From what I've read, this is not an impossible task. How come my computer(s) do not seem to be able to even detect the camera? The obvious answer is there is something wrong with firewire and/or camera, but I know both work because I tried them on the very old laptop of a friend of mine (which she got rid of days ago) and all I did was plug it all in and footage started playing on iMovie capture screen.
    I can't tell you how much this is needed. Thanks so much in advance.

    After reading this in earnest, I realized this is what I've been doing all along, Miller. End result always the same.
    There is a prompt:
    "Unable to locate the following external devices:
    Apple FireWire NTSC (720X480)
    Your system configuration may have changed, or your deck/camera may be disconnected or turned off.
    Please check your connections and click "Check Again," or click "Continue" to set external device to None."
    What am I missing? Again, I know firewire works, as does camera. Again, when in Log and Capture, it always defaults to iChat, which I cannot seem to disable and, even so, the computer doesn't seem to be recognizing the camera. Again, I understand the camera is not technically compatible and well, outdated, but again, others seem to have had much success with the same mix of iMac, camera model and FCP.
    I am thinking, even with a brand-new HD camera, it will still default to the bloody built-in iChat camera.
    Still desperate. Sadly, I am poor and my livelihood depends on this.
    Wide open to any and all ideas, variations. There may even be one I haven't tried.
    Thanks so much in advance.

  • IMovie and Sony camera can connect, but nothing imports

    My iMovie and Sony HD camera can connect fine...I can control my camera from imovie, but when i click import, it plays (plays on camera and timer on imovie starts) but the screen remains blue and no video is actually imported.

    Did you try Sue's excellent suggestion of the Garage band trick anyway?
    Also, try deleting iMovie's preference file...the plist found in YourUserName->Library->preferences-> Close iMovie, trash the plist. iMovie will create another one when you launch iMovie again.
    Do you have the camcorder plugged directly into your computer's Firewire port? Some camcorders don't work properly if they are connected into another device. And, just to be sure, you do have the camcorder set to VTR, right?

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    Hi road.north,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below will help you determine which cameras are supported for iMovie '10
    Apple - iLife Help - iMovie Supported Cameras
    - Judy

  • Easiest way to import files from Sony HXR-MC50u

    The pro-"sumer" Sony HXR-MC50u camera doesn't seem to to be supported for iMovie 11 or Final Cut Pro.     Should I merely record on SD cards or memory stick and use a reader to import.  It might be slow... but what other options should I consider.

    Your experience with unlisted cameras is not typical.
    There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of camcorders or cameras shooting video and new ones are constantly proliferating.
    There is no way Apple (or any other company) can test every camera so those on the lists represent a tiny percentage of what are available.
    So long as the camera shoots an internationally approved format (DV, HDV, AVCHD etc.) it will almost certainly be compatible.
    In short the lists are therefore virtually useless unless you are buying one of the limited number of cameras that have been tested.
    Unfortunately a few camera companies insist on developing their own non-standardised formats.


    I recently purchased a SONY HXR-NX5U professional camcorder, and want to be able to connect an external, wired, STEREO mike to it. But I don't quite understand HOW to do it. ANY SUGGESTIONS?
    The camera has 2 XLR mike-sockets, each of which is obviously for a MONO, not STEREO, mike.
    And the wire of the STEREO mike that I want to be able to connect has a STEREO MINIPLUG (3.5mm), not an XLR plug, at the end
    Is the solution about CONNECTING this external STEREO mike as simple as doing what I've TRIED to do (but doesn;t seem to work) -- which is: (a)insert, into the camera's 2 XLR-sockets,  2 XLR-plug-to-phonosocket adapters, (b) plug into those 2 phonosockets a Y-Connector which, at the "Y" end, has 2 phonoplugs and which, at the 3rd end, has a STEREO MINISOCKET for the microphone, and (c) then insert the STEREO mike's miniplug into the Y-connector's minisocket?
    That's what was recommended to me and which I've tried, but it doesn't seem to work. Maybe I just don't understand yet how to turn off the camera's built-in mike and turn on this external STEREO mike -- but the built-in mike keeps working and this external stereo mike -- hooked-up this way -- stays inactive.
    ALSO, I've been told that hooking up a STEREO mike this way -- assuming it works -- would give me REDUCED SOUND-QUALITY. Is that actually so? And if so, why -- and what can I do about it?

    A few things...
    1. If you are still hearing the internal mic check the switches on the side panel and make sure the internal is not being fed to channels 1 or 2. The ability to mix internal/external mics is a feature of the camera.
    2. How are you powering the mic? If it doesn't have it's own battery/power supply it is expecting phantom power from the camera which it will not be receiving via the adaptors.
    3. If the mic has its own power you should be able to do this via the Y cable provided the inputs are set to MIC and the side switches are set to INPUT 1 and INPUT two for each channel.
    Hope this helps. Feel free to give our support team a call at 800 883 6817 if you'd like to discuss with a Sony tech.

  • Can no longer import from VHS to iMovie HD via Sony TRV-340E

    For the last few weeks I have been successfully importing alot of my old home videos into iMovie 4.01.
    The set up is a typical AV pass-through arrangement:
    VHS (via component cables) to:
    Sony TRV-340E (no tape inserted) (via 6-4 pin Firewire) to:
    iMac G5
    Then yesterday I upgraded to iMovie HD and updated straight away to 5.02.
    Now when I play the tape in the VHS, it will show up on my cameras LCD screen but not on the G5.
    I know this is an iMovie problem because:
    If I play the VHS, and then put a tape in to the camera, then click import in iMovie, I can see that iMovie grabs a split second of video from the VHS before starting to import from the DV tape.
    I hope Apple can fix this soon because I have to return both the camera and iMac soon!

    Yes, some analog to DV converters don't work in iMovie HD 5.0.2 like they do in iMovie 4.0.1.
    I'm not holding my breath for a fix since this has been a known issue for eight months:
    You can send feedback to Apple at:

  • Advantages of FCE HD over iMovie HD (with Sony HDR HC3)?

    I'm new to the digital Video world. Sadly I'm always a bit crazy and thought to buy a camera which will be a bit more future proof and decided to go for a Sony HDR HC3. I was using iMovie 6 HD with it and can import movies fine (ok not full speed on my 2Ghz iMac G5 but I can live with that), I can cut them but I can't realy render them as normal movies out of iMovie. Actually I can't do anything with them it always turns out to be a very bad jerky output format. So reading the iMovie forum, it seems thats normal behavior. People say it needs to be sent back on camera tape and get it converted by the camera to DV and then use it. Actually importing DV and then writing a DVD or encoding it to an other fileformat really works well.
    So my question is, can FCE HD handle HDV better? Like export it to normal DVD? Meaning like rendering the 1440 x 1080 interlaced to the DVD non interlaced resolution?
    iMovie shows me the Project is 1080i-25 (yes I'm using PAL). So I asume it merges the two half pictures to one 1080 and that results in 25 frames/sec...
    Any experiance with FCE and Sony HC3 here? Roughly 300 Euros/$300 is a bit too much to buy it and it turns out to be not much of a difference then iMovie (for exporting and handling HDV).
    Thanks for your help and feedback!

    The reason why I ask is some weired behavior I have with IMovie 6 HD/Quicktime 7 on the latest Tiger release:
    I can import HDV from my Sony HC3 perfectly, and also export every unedited material to the camera perfectly. But when the HD material needs to recoded for use on DVD or as quicktime movie or just when you add titles effects etc. Output is getting very jerky.
    To test I did the following. I recorded a 360 degrees turn in a room in HDV. It shows perfectly smooth on the camera screen when playbacked, smooth on TV etc. Smooth means as you see it when turning your head..
    So now I import it in HDV into iMovie. If i take the unedited film and want it to export it to any other format like DVD or an MPEG4 movie, things get jerky, the 360 degrees turn doesn't look nice anymore.
    I read in other forums, that thats in issue with HDV and you should let the camera convert it to DV, so the cuted material needs to be transfered back to the camera, and then let it convert it to DV.
    OK, so if I import HDV converted by the camera to DV its perfectly smooth, also on DVD on quicktime movies etc.
    When I import HDV in iMovie, and put a title text in the movie for like 10 secs out of the 20. iMovie will split the clip to two 10 sec ones and render the text in the first block. If I record it back as HDV on the camera tape and then reimport it with beeing converted as DV the following happens:
    The first 10 secs with the title are jerky, the second 10 secs are smooth as before.
    This needs to be related with the IMovie/Quicktime encoding, not with the camera (I have two of it to see if its not the hardware). So I'm really thinking It's either an iMovie problem an Quicktime problem or both together...
    So if FCE would handle the rendering process different... It would be worth to get it...
    Any ideas?

  • Editing footage with sony HXR-MC50E what cable or program do I need to transfer

    Editing footage with sony HXR-MC50E what cable or program do I need to transfer footage to computer and into Final Cut Pro?
    I am editing with Final Cut Pro
    I have a Mac
    My footage is on the HXR-MC50E

    One small correction-- you do not use File-->Import. You must use Log and Transfer in FCP 7 or Import From Camera/Import Media in FCP X. In FCP 7 the clips will be automatically converted to ProRes upon import. In FCP X you can choose to work with the native files (re-wrapped to .mov) or you can optionally transcode to ProRes. When importing in FCP X, enable the 'create optimized media files' option to convert to ProRes. If you do not enable this option the files will remain in their native codec.

  • Having issue trying to import large (23min) clip into iMovie 08 and FCEx 4.0.1

    Through my iMac 2.0GHz 2GB ram, Intel Core Duo using OS 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard).  Try to no success to import a 23 min AVCHD clip into either
    iMovie 08 or FCEx 4.0.1.  I know my mac, OS and software are antiquated by today's current editions, but that said never had this issue before.
    Footage was shot with Sony NX5u camera using SDHC (class 10) media.  The event I shot has 54 video clips on the card.  All but this large clip
    will import. So I don't think it's some kinda of file structure issue.  Otherwise I think none of the clips would have imported into to either editing program.
    Each (iMovie 08 and FCEx) will begin the import process for this large clip. iMovie begins to import, but in the end only 11:28 of the full 23 min. get imported.
    FCEx after beginning to import eventually aborts the import.  I know in the past I've been able to import long clips (15-20min) with no issues.  Maybe
    someone here has a solution.  Dare I say I need to bump my ram up to 6GB, upgrade to Yosemite, upgrade to latest iMovie or FCPX.  Considered trying
    Adobe Premier.  Right now I'm wide open for any suggestions on how to tackle this problem.

    Hi M
    First thing that comes to mind is - Have You just installed FinalCut on
    Your Mac. There are a known problem with this so that You have to
    go to Library folder and move out FCE or pro files to make share back
    to camera to work in iMovie.
    my notes:
    This can happen with iMovie 3 or iMovie 4. This does not occur with iMovie HD 5.0.
    The solution is to temporarily move the following files from /Library/QuickTime / to the Desktop:
    Final Cut Pro HD
    ? DesktopVideoOut.component
    ? DVCPROHDVideoOutput.component
    Final Cut Express HD
    ? DesktopVideoOut.component
    Restart the computer and try exporting from iMovie to your camera.
    When you need to use Final Cut Pro HD or Final Cut Express HD again, drag these files back to /Library/QuickTime / and restart the computer.
    Yours Bengt W

  • IMovie 11 and Virtual Memory

    I am shooting high school basketball video with two Sony HD cameras:
    1 camera follows the action on the court, the other stays on the clock.
    I then use iMovie 11 to superimpose the clock video using Picture-in-Picture onto the game footage.
    Both cameras shooting highest HD at 30 fps.
    Last basketball season, I was using iMovie 09 on a MacBook Pro, Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB RAM, 256GB SSD. I would import Video 1, import Video 2, superimpose Picture-in-Picture, share to iDVD, burn videos, no worries.
    This basketball season, I am using iMovie 11 on a Mac Pro, dual Intel-6-core, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD. I am having some kind of problem with memory (I think).
    I boot my Mac Pro. I import 1-hour Video 1, it takes 11 minutes. If I now import the 1-hour Video 2 (with no reboot), it takes about 30 minutes.
    If I boot my Mac Pro, import 1-hour Video 1 in 11 minutes, then reboot the Mac Pro again, the 1-hour Video 2 takes 11 minutes.
    When I share to iDVD to burn standard DVDs, if I reboot before sharing in iMovie 11 to iDVD, it takes about 30 minutes. If I do not reboot, it takes about 2 hours.
    When I export to Quicktime in iMovie 11 at 1920x1080 to burn on a Blu-Ray disc using Toast without a reboot, the export fails 4 times out of 5. If I reboot before exporting to Quicktime, the export always works.
    On my MacBook Pro, using iMovie 09, of course all the times were slower because of fewer/slower cores, but I was never rebooting constantly.
    So, as I write this, iMovie 11 on the Mac Pro is working away to export a Quicktime so I can burn it to Blu-Ray in Toast.
    I have 16GB total RAM:
    Free: 13.2GB
    Wired: 824.5MB
    Active: 1.7GB
    Inactive: 281.7MB
    Used: 2.7GB
    VM Size: 118.5GB
    Page Ins: 152.8MB
    Page outs: 204KB
    Swap Used: 344KB
    Using about 5 cores for exporting the Quicktime (502.1%).
    In another thread, I saw someone recommend using Onyx to in between imports or exports as a way to clean up memory.
    But, that same thread also talked about how the poster's VM would get up to 4GB and that was when he used Onyx.
    Is my VM size unusual? I cannot seem to find definitive information on the VM size and whether something is not right on the Mac Pro, or whether this is normal.
    I hope someone in this forum can help. In the meantime, I just reboot my Mac Pro in between every import or export, which (to me!) is a little crazy.
    Thanks much for any help or advice. If I can provide other details, please let me know.

    This is all being done on the internal SSD. 512GB total space.
    When I started my latest two-video import, I had 460GB of free space.
    After importing two videos and generating Quicktime video for Toast to burn a Blu-Ray, plus leaving the last game's Quicktime on the SSD, I now have 199.5GB free as I burn standard DVDs. (I get two Quicktime videos per Blu-Ray, so every other game I have an extra Quicktime sitting on the internal SSD taking up about 30GB space.)
    After I have finished burning DVDs, within iMovie, I move the iMovie Project and associated video files from the internal SSD to a DROBO external drive unit.
    So, once I am done with today's work, and after all the files including Quicktimes are moved to the DROBO, I expect to have over 480GB free.
    That is a relevant question, thanks for asking, I should have included that in original post.

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