IMovie exporting failures

i have my vacation video edited to perfection with the sound at levels i am satisfied with. i cut some audio out of clips (like slow motion clips) and lowered audio on other clips. My music was lined up perfectly as well. i spent many hours getting my movie to perfection.
i tried telling it to export regularly, and through quicktime, but each time i exported the movie (which was many, many times) iMovie would not export the audio correctly. it even seemed to play audio from other clips on top of different clips. also i told it to cut the audio out of slow motion clips, but midway through the exported movie it would play the audio! it also changed the sound levels for my music clips. basically it wouldn't save most of the change i made on the clips.
i have tried restarting the program, and computer. i even tried starting completely over from scratch. the annoying thing is that iMovie is able to play the movie perfectly by itself, it just can't seem to export it.
Any advice?

I solved this sound problem by dividing my film into smaller 1:30 sections. i edited each small clip exactly how i wanted it. then i took the smaller clips and threw them all together and added in my music and it seems to work around the bug. I wish apple would fix the software bug so i didn't have to wait like two weeks to finally finish my project. thank you for the advice.

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    I have exactly the same issues
    'Very visible in dark areas and peoples faces where the no. of colors are too low. Filesize is reduced too.'
    In light you won't notice but the dark is just terrible.
    Important: It has not to do with interlace. Interlacing is not the problem. It's the dark areas en people faces!
    I thought I found the solution.
    Wat I did was:
    - Export as Quictime Apple Intermediate Codec
    - > If I use the Dimensions 'HD 1920 x 1080 16:9" it was terrible
    If I use the Dimension '1920 x 1080 HD' it was perfect.
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    Greetings from the middle of Germany
    G 5   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    Hello Sir Torsten,
    Glad you got it to work. I really think that Apple never intended for us to make long complex movies...I think they though iMovie would be a fun app to make short little entertaining movies so they didn't carefully investigate all the nuances before releasing it.
    For the most part, iMovie has worked great for most people. Just reading these discussions you can get some idea of the various projects that are being created and it is really remarkable from such a simple program. And, the other fantastic thing to remember is that so many of the problems we encounter DO have solutions or work-arounds!
    BTW, it is now cooler and wetter here, too

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    I had the same problem getting iMovies over to my AppleTV and found a solution that works for iPhone too.
    In iMovie click: Share>Share...>Quicktime (at top of box)>Expert Settings (under Compress Movie For)>Share (button at bottom of box)>Movie to iPhone (on Export: pick list). Click Save at the bottom of the dialog and you're off!
    I used this to convert several of the movies I had on my AppleTV and put them on my iPhone.

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    "MPeg Streamclip" is a free download. Get it and install it in your applications folder. It is a totally great application for doing all kinds of conversions. Export your iMovie project to Quicktime format. Then fire up MPeg Streamclip and drag your quicktime movie to the pane and drop it. Go to 'File' drag to 'Export to MP4' and another screen will open up. Choose "iPod" this setting works great for the Google videos. Trust the settings chosen by Streamclip. It may take a while to convert, but when finished, you wil be able to upload to the Google video upload page. You may want to do this before going to bed. It wil be ready when you get up! I have 4 videos on the Google site. I did all four by using "MPeg Streamclip" My latest upload is "Feather Falls 2006" Check it out and good luck

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    "Type","ID","New CUID","Title","Severity Code","Severity","Details"
    "CrystalEnterprise.Folder","3715","AYEywY5nSSNHoy1.hQm8NZ8","APPLICATION Universes","4","Error","Unknown export failure."
    "CrystalEnterprise.MetaData.DataConnection","4874","AStHrjF7ETVNvIIvq4xffXs","APPLICATION CONN","4","Error","Unknown export failure."
    "CrystalEnterprise.Universe","3600","AYtNIib.5cdHuy0oa7Mm3yA","APPLICATION UNIV48 Summary","4","Error","Unknown export failure."
    "CrystalEnterprise.Universe","3599","Aeih7_KjLvpEoKViEcsfxNc","APPLICATION UNIV48","4","Error","Unknown export failure."
    "CrystalEnterprise.CustomRole","6658","Aaw6myUxTcdCsXdSV0vIEyM","Admin_Access","4","Error","Unknown export failure."
    "CrystalEnterprise.CustomRole","193","AVog52Tl72ZGvIReeqKndUA","Full Control","4","Error","Unknown export failure."
    "CrystalEnterprise.CustomRole","6659","AXZTQBwYYptJttalHxxbYqQ","User_Access","4","Error","Unknown export failure."
    Source Type: BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.x
    System: DC38-SNR-WEB01
    User: Administrator
    Authentication: Enterprise
    Destination Type: Business Intelligence Archive Resource (BIAR) File
    BIAR file: C:\Users\joness\Desktop\test.biar
    Import universes
    Import custom access levels
    Import universe and connection objects that the selected documents use directly, as well as any other universe and connection objects they depend on.
    ID: 3715
    Title: APPLICATION Universes
    Details - Error: Unknown export failure.
    ID: 4874
    Details - Error: Unknown export failure.
    ID: 3600
    Title: APPLICATION UNIV48 Summary
    Details - Error: Unknown export failure.
    ID: 3599
    Details - Error: Unknown export failure.
    ID: 6658
    Title: Admin_Access
    Details - Error: Unknown export failure.
    ID: 193
    Title: Full Control
    Details - Error: Unknown export failure.
    ID: 6659
    Title: User_Access
    Details - Error: Unknown export failure.
    Error! Failed to write out object IDs map to ids file.
    Any idea?
    Thanks in advance....

    This thread is being moved from "BusinessObjects General" forum to "BusinessObjects Enterprise Administration" forum to be more in-line with the nature of the question.

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    Have you moved or deleted the Event files?

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    Hey there BryceBo,
    It sounds like you tried to install iMovie 10, but there was an issue when you ran the application and it was not showing al of your events and projects. You tried deleting the app, but the App store still shows it as in stalled.
    Here is what I would try next. Quit the App Store, and then with iMovie in the Trash, empty your trash and restart your computer. Then re open the App store and try to redownload iMovie again from the Purchases tab.
    From: Mac App Store: Finding your purchased apps
    When iMovie finishes installing and you open it up, you should be prompted to update your Projects and Events. If not you can manually update it from the File menu:
    Open iMovie.
    From the menu bar, choose File > Update Projects and Events.
    Press the Update button in the dialog that appears.
    To update projects and events stored on external drives:
    Verify that the iMovie Projects and iMovie Events folders are stored on the top-level of the drive.
    Open iMovie and choose File > Update Projects and Events.
    Updated projects and events are stored in a new library. In iMovie, you’ll see updated events listed in the sidebar and updated projects inside an event at the top of the list named Updated Projects. In the Finder an “iMovie Library” file is created alongside your original “iMovie Projects” and “iMovie Events” folders.
    From: iMovie (2013): Updating projects and events from previous versions of iMovie
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.

  • Failure to complete iMovie export

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    The pc says something like: Failure during creating the file. Cant open or create the export file.
    Is it a problem of the progamm? Is it impossible to export it in that codec ? Should I use another export codec ?
    Greets Stefan

    Sry I didnt find any Premiere Elements in my selection, next time I post it directly here.
    Im using a windows hp 7 64 bit, Adobe premiere elements 10, last version of Quick time and running an account with admin privilegs. I also opened the programm with admin power, just to see if anything happens, but still the same.
    My camera films in 1920 x 1080 25p, so I guess its proogressive. For the audio I dont care if its 5.1 or mono, because my microphone is a mono microphone.
    I made some pictures of my settings, sry all in german:
    Greets Machun

  • IMovie export file type selection for iDVD

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    What are the trade-offs for subsequent incorporation of these file types into iDVD? For example, is one of better quality - especially in light of all future source clips being AVCHD?

    Old Toad:
    Thank you for the suggestions. My dilemma is HD storage. For example, one Project (~63 minutes) is derived from Hi8 .dv clip consuming 12.67GB. After export as .m4v the Project's resultant file is only 738.4MB, and I expect a QT .mov export to be ~2.74GB - both of which consume less space than the source file. I've ~40 Hi8 tapes to convert, plus am adding footage with my new camcorder. Therefore my plan, possibly flawed as I am new to all of this, is to import source Events, build Projects, export to best-mode for later iDVD, then delete the source Event and Project to save space. Otherwise I'll be out of space before I can capture all of my Hi8 content.
    Your suggestion, whcih is greatly appreciated, would require me to start generating iDVD projects immediately for best quality - yet I hesitate because I want to build DVDs based on a comprehensive inventory of the old footage. Is there a best-quality export from iMovie for subsequent incorporation into iDVD?

  • IMovies - Export Using Quicktime - can't find the finished file - help please!

    Please help.  I exported several imovies projects to a designated file on my mac, using Share - Export using Quicktime and then I uploaded them to Youtube. 
    I did this successfully several times, now when I export a project, it takes about 45 minutes to export it, then I can't find them anymore.
    I have read several threads, which suggest looking in the iMovie projects folder and locate your project Right-click to get to "show package contents" and they are not there.
    It looks as if it goes through successfully, no errors but this is so annoying as I am wasting hours sharing and then can't find it.  Please help anyone.

    Hi Gee
    I originally spent about 10 hours uploading 3 clips directly from imovies to Youtube to a private channel and they couldn't find any signs of my 3 uploads.  So I read threads that said export to Quicktime from imovies and then load them to Youtube that way.  I did that for 3 short, 10 minute videos and it worked fine.  It changed the thread to .mov and it worked.
    Then perhaps I changed something (not sure what) but now when I use Export to Quicktime, it spends 1 hour or so doing the motions and completes but when I go to the allocated folder to retrieve it.  It can't be found.  I read threads and this seems to be a regular occurrence but I haven't read any replies that has solved this issue.
    Hope that's clearer.

  • IMovie export version 6.0.3?

    What’s happened to iMovie 6.0.3? Everything was fine until I upgraded to OS 10.4
    It seems like every time I upgrade my OS, I run into a whole new set of problems with iMovie. I now find out that I can no longer export by clicking on the time line and play through to camera. Supposedly I can only do it by going to the “share” window. Now I can’t even do that! I select video camera, set the black in and out seconds and then click on the share button. The progress window flashes on then off real fast and a dialogue box says I’ve lost connection with the camera. This happens every time.
    Now I’ve been down this path a few times before with the other versions. I’ve gone through the whole litany of solutions. On/off with the camera, Different cables, change cameras. I set them all up on my iMac with version 4.0.1. They check out OK.
    I’ve dumped the “plist”, preferences set for “play through to camera”. I’ve run permissions and diskwarrior. Import works fine but not export. David Pogue lists a work around for the timeline export, but that doesn’t work either.
    I’ve grown quite fond of iMovie over the years (I’ve been with it since the initial version) and was willing to put up with it’s quirks and marveled at it’s great innovations, but it seems that every time the innovators come up with something new another part suffers some degradation.
    If I can’t find a solution I’m going to have to go back to an earlier version, if that’s possible, to get that timeline export back to working. I use timeline export quite often to make back ups and support my iMovie 4.0.1 on my iMac. The camera is the TRV-520 using Hi-8 digital tape.
    OK, experts, and you know who are, I’ve followed your advise on many occasions and was not disappointed. Can you tell me what I’m missing or what I’m doing wrong? Where do I go from here?
    Any help most appreciated.

    Hi Thomas:
    I am sorry to hear about your problems.
    Do you have the latest QuickTime Version installed?
    There is another workaround where you "Share" the
    movie as a Full Quality QuickTime File and then
    re-import to a new imovie project.
    Then share the new to the camera. I know that seems a
    bit too much to have to do.
    (please don't yell at me...just trying to help :))
    Thanks for answering Sue. I'm not going to bite the hand that tries to help me. I've read many of your help suggestions on this forum and you think of things that just don't occur to me.
    I have pro QT pro 7.1.3. Also QT player version 7.1.2. Is this a problem? I can't seem to get rid of QT player without affecting QT pro. Before upgrading to 10.4
    I had the same QT situation, no problem with export. Can you help with this situation? It will be one possible cause eliminated. If it doesn't help, I'll come back to try something else. Please stay with me on this.
    15'' powerbook G4,1.67, 1 GB DDR SDRAM   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   iMac

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    As for the titles, the first title I'm actually able to edit, working from top left along each row, is Centered. That is unreasonable. It makes most of those titles useless. At the very least we should be able to change the color. Why? Against light-colored images, white text doesn't show up well. I have an image of the sky I would like to use, so I can't use any of the titles before Centered. I did notice a large portion of the titles that I can edit are some form of Gil Sans. I can also edit Four Corners, Boogie Lights, and Pixie Dust, which couldn't be edited in the previous version of iMovie. I'm not sure what is up with that.

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