IMovie PAL project imports to FCPx as NTSC

I've just downloaded the trial version of FCP X and imported an iMovie project into it. The original miniDV footage was shot in PAL, it's in iMovie as PAL but FCP X shows it as NTSC. Is there any way I can change this or should I bin the project and try again, or does it not matter? The ultimate destination is a PAL DVD.

The only thing I can think of is that you have imported your PAL video into an existing NTSC project.
If this happens FCP X will attempt to convert the PAL so it matches the NTSC.
Incidentally, every PAL DVD player that I have used has been able to play NTSC video perfectly.
So if your original material is NTSC you can simply make an NTSC DVD in the knowledge that it will play on almost every PAL player.

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    I understand your concern. I don't know for sure yet myself as the client had yet to mail the discs to Italy last time I talked to them.
    However, I would check to see if the people on the forum are saying they won't work because they made a mistake in changing the parameters in ifoedit or if everything was correct and it still didn't play. Also, once you make the discs, even if everything is correct, they certainly won't play in American DVD players that aren't multi-region.
    Also, ifoedit is a really simple free program you can download. If you google it you should be able to find it quickly.
    From the quick look at the link I gave you, it looked like a rudimentary explanation of how to do it. I need to find for you the web site I found when I did this a couple months ago. I know I saved the info somewhere on my hard drive. I will try to find it later tonight after my kids go to sleep, ha!
    Yes, the files you need to change are the ones that are created when you export to folder in Encore. The .VOBs and the .IFO extensioned files (that you open and edit in the program). After you change the IFO files, you can take those files including the .VOBs into a dvd burning program like nero or roxio and burn a dvd-video (not data).
    If you have to change the language of the menus and all that, than you'll have to re-author the dvd in encore anyway you may as well do it through encore.

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    Hi seanie84
    Check your timeline. It sound as if you have made your project in NTSC and not in PAL.
    FCP has a default of NTSC when you start a new project from new unless you change all the defaults when you installed FCP.
    If not this then your film footage maybe NTSC and when you first put a clip on the time line it would have asked you if you wanted to set the timeline to the same as the clip, if you said YES then it could be that, if so make a new timeline and then copy all footage from old timeline and if asked say NO to "the make timeline same as footage".
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    Thanks John.

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    When you say : «bad idea not to export at least a master in full res» how can I do this ?
    What I meant was that for EVERY single project you work on you should always at the end export a QT movie self-contained with same settings as a Master.
    So that is something to do next time you edit and complete a project, for this particular situation you posted about I told you already what to do.

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    Do not use H.264. Use Pro Res or send the timeline straight from Final Cut to Compressor an a PAL preset (or one that you make yourself.) I prefer sending out self-contained versions in case I need to re-rencode or want to make items for various formats.
    Movie setting up Compressor *in case you need it) is [here|] Make sure to use PAL and/or make sure you make your preset PAL

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    Does anyone have any ideas?

    If in iMovie 06 have a project with 20 clip in iMovie 08 found less clips but everyone is complete. Entire clips are missing.
    1) If you are counting "rendered" clips in the "Project.PKG > Media folder," they are not included in the import. You will have o move them manually if you want them.
    2) If you are counting clips included in the source bin, then I don't know if they are supposed to import or not. (I.e., I don't use the built-in HD import option in iMovie '08.) You can check and see if these are your missing clips. if they are, then add them to the HD project before import and see if they are imported to iMovie '08. If they aren't, then you may need to send a feedback to Apple regarding this issue.
    And the order in which are imported is not the same as in the original project
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    Please Help Me.
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    Thank you. 

    here are the warning signs I get when trying to format......
    Warning: The directory ‘/private/tmp/501’ will not be included in the final disc.
    Warning: The file ‘objcsharing_ppc4294967294’ found in the VIDEO_TS folder will not be included in the final disc.
    Warning: The file ‘objcsharing_ppc501’ found in the VIDEO_TS folder will not be included in the final disc.
    Warning: The file ‘objcsharing_ppc92’ found in the VIDEO_TS folder will not be included in the final disc.
    Warning: The file ‘VOB_DATA.LAY’ found in the VIDEO_TS folder will not be included in the final disc.
    Warning: The file ‘WESLEY_GROUPS.layout’ found in the VIDEO_TS folder will not be included in the final disc.

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    Oooh, do tell more. How do you do what you are suggesting?
    Navigate to your iMovie HD project in the Finder. Control-click the project icon to open the "contextual menu options." Select "Show Package Contents" to see the files/folders contained in the project package. Open the "Shared Movie" folder. Inside you should see an "iDVD" folder. Opening it you will find the "" that represents the currently saved contents of the the project's timeline to include titles, transitions, effects, etc. (This is the data that would normally be sent to iDVD if you were going to burn a DVD of your finished project.) Simply copy the file to another location or HDD so it can be imported in its entirety to iMovie '08.
    NOTE: Never tried moving/removing this file from the package as I thought it might have the potential to corrupt the iMovie HD project and am in the habit of working from work/backup files in case there is ever a problem. (I.e., just don't like restarting from scratch if I can avoid it.)

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    iMovie 1 to HD6 - is one product in up-grade
    iMovie'08 to 11 - a compleatly different program with no relation to iMovie 1 - HD6 what so ever.
    iMovie'08 to 11 are in my opinion no gain at all over iMovie HD6 only a severe loss of functions.
    BUT I USE - miniDV tape = interlaced SD-Video and for this iMovie HD6 is the best tool - if one doesn't go for FinalCut Express or Pro (not Pro-X) - as these are realy the best ever done - for my video works.
    So I would stay in iMovie HD6 and complete the Movie - or -
    Start all over in Video-editor of choice (the one You like)
    There are no working transcioding tools to move project over from iMovie HD6 to ANY THING ELSE - Not iM'08-11 or FinalCut any version - transitions, texts and other editings will not travel over in an editable form if at all.
    Yours Bengt W

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    how do I import an iMovie HD project to my new Final Cut Pro X from an external hard drive?

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    Thanks for the reply and sorry it took me so long to get back. QT Pro is $30, and iMovie 6 comes with iLife '06, which is $80. Any way that you know of to get version 4 of iMovie? TY

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    Can Final Cut Express import an iMovie '08 project? If it can, how much of the edit makes it into Final Cut? Transitions? Audio edits? Titles? etc?
    Will his iMovie timeline basically be recreated in Final Cut Express and all his raw clips come over as well?

    You can open and edit projects created with iMovie using Final Cut Express.
    To open an iMovie project:
    1 In Final Cut Express, choose File > Open.
    2 In the dialog that appears, select the iMovie project you want to open.
    The iMovie project opens in the Browser and contains the sequence and the clips as
    they appeared in the iMovie Clips pane.
    Important: Final Cut Express does not import iMovie sound effects, audio levels, or
    transitions. All other applied effects are imported.
    3 Double-click the sequence to open the iMovie project in the Timeline.
    4 Render the sequence.
    The imported clips are linked to the original media files captured in iMovie (found in
    the iMovie project’s Media folder). These files are iMovie DV Stream files and are
    encoded differently than the QuickTime files Final Cut Express captures. Keep the
    following in mind:
    DV Stream files do not have timecode tracks, so media imported from iMovie
    project files cannot be recaptured. All imported source media must be backed up
    for future reediting.
    Imported iMovie DV files might not play back or print to tape in real time without
    being rendered first.

  • Importing unfinished iMovie 4 project into iMovie 9

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    I would recommend finishing them in the old version.
    Alternatively, if you can get a copy of iMovie 5 or iMovie 6, there is an upgrade path from iMovie 4.
    You can import imovie 5 or 6 files into iMovie 09, but you will lose music, transition, and effects. You only keep the edits.

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