IMovie: video clip distortion

i'm trying to edit a short video together in iMovie '09. some of the clips are showing up stretched out and distorted, causing people to look as though they're being reflected off a funhouse mirror. um, not exactly the look i'm going for.  any tips on how to remedy this?

You have an aspect ratio problem with your Movies.  How were the movies created that have the problem?

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    Try this:
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    That worked, thanks. MPEG Streamclip has saved the day for me a few times in the past when Apple products weren't cutting it so I am glad it's out there.
    iMovie was jealous at first and wasn't playing nice with the clips - when I added transitions, iMovie was cutting parts of the different clips in here and there where I hadn't edited. The solution was deleting the transitions I had added, quitting iMovie and starting it again then adding the clips again after the restart.
    Anyway, thanks for the tip Matti!

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    Format: Apple OpenDML JPEG, 640 x 480, Millions 16-bit Integer (Little Endian), Mono, 44.100 kHz
    As post in your other topic, this looks like it should be compatible.
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    This sounds like part of your original problem. Suggest you try importing the same files to an alternative platform and/or possibly an alternative user account to see if the problem is "global" on your system and "limited" to your system only. Suspect you may have a bad install or corrupted application that may simply be generating unusable "thumbnails" here. You basically need to isolate the problem to see if it is in OS and/or application. For instance, did you update to iMovie v7.1 before or after installing Leopard or better yet, have you installed all of the updates?

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    Thank you!

    I had the same question recently. Go to the right of this box and a little above, into the Search Discussions window. Type in this: Is MPEG2 the answer
    You will find my question, and the great answers I got. Follow those directions and you will be all set!

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    When you move or copy the compound clips with their events into an external drive all the events should be there. Not clear on why you want to move them into a single event. You can drag and drop from one event to another.
    Why are you using compound clips? You can simply copy the project from each machine with used media onto the external drive and that should do it.

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    Hi Craig,
    I also got the second problem. The storyboard on iMovie trailer has all these missing videos. If I import them on my iPad it doesn't find them.
    If you find a solution it would be much appreciated to share it here ... I'll do the same.

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    To select multiple clips, hold down the command key as you click multiple clips. Then you can drag them all at once.
    To drag all clips at once, select one, then Edit/Select All. Then drag them all.

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    IMovie is Video clip oriented - meaning that Audio can not be put in first and video/photos added later.
    So to do this I use black photos that I fill up the Video with first
    Then Add audio
    Then add Video/photos by Cutaway function or exact replacement (in time).
    This is so much easier in any version of FINALCUT where one can build Audio first then create the video ontop of this.
    Yours Bengt W

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    Free option - Soundflower (
    Non-free option - Piezo (available from the AppStore)

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    Here is a method for extracting a still from iMovie 09.
    Are you working in iMovie and realize that certain frames in the movie would be perfect as photographs? Here is how to extract them...
    *To get a still frame from an Event*, right-click on the frame and select "Add Still Frame to Project". The still will be added to the end of the current project. Right click on the still frame in the project and select "Reveal in Finder". You will see a jpeg file that is highlighted. Drag this jpeg file in the finder to the iPhoto icon on your dock.
    *If you want a still from a project*, rather than an event, the process is similar, except you right-click on the frame and select "Add Freeze Frame", and it adds the freeze frame at the end of the clip rather than at the end of the project. Right-click/reveal in Finder, drag JPEG to iPhoto icon in dock.
    *If you are not using iPhoto*, and just want to save to your desktop, click Reveal in Finder as above, then COPY, then PASTE to desktop.
    Hint: If you do not want to clutter up your iMovie Project with stills at the end that you would have to go back and delete, then create a separate iMovie Project just for your stills, and follow the instructions for capturing stills from an Event.
    Note: If you do not have a right mouse button, then control-click will work instead of right-click.

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