Impdp exclude some table grants

I exported a schema containing tables. Each table has grants provided to other schemas.
for example:
the schema CSFDS_BAR grants SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE on the table EXAMPLE to the schema CSFDS_FOO
and SELECT on the same table to the schema QUX.
I would like to import the datapump to another schema: ERHPQ_BAR; and remap the grants of the table EXAMPLE of CSFDS_FOO to ERHPQ_FOO but exclude the grant provided to QUX.
I use the following parameters to remap the schemas.
Grants to CSFDS_FOO are correctly remap to ERHPQ_FOO. But I haven't a way to exclude the grants to QUX.
I tried EXCLUDE=OBJECT_GRANT:"GRANTEE in ('QUX')" but failed.
Please advice.

"The error I got is
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
ORA-39001: invalid argument value
ORA-39071: Value for EXCLUDE is badly formed.
ORA-00920: invalid relational operator"
this Error you get because you can not use the wrong syntax for Exclude in your command
I tried your suggestion but it only exclude the grants provided the grantor not the grantee.
AFAIK , you can not do what you want.

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    Hi all,
    how to exclude some tables . For example, I have Oracle
    export file which contains a hundred tables, but I want to import all the tables except one, i.e. its (some table name) . Can I achieve this goal?
    thanks in advance.

    It depends on your Oracle Release.
    Up to Oracle *9.2* you have just the classical export/import utility.
    So, you'll have to list the Tables you want to Import with the following parameter:
    )Starting with *10.1* you have the Datapump (expdp / impdp). With this new utility you have the very useful parameter EXCLUDE. It works like that:
    EXCLUDE=TABLE:"='<table>'"Please find a link about this topic:
    Hope this help.
    Best regards,

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    You can use rules and include them in the rule set, lets say you dont want LCR to be queued for table_1 in schema SALES, write two rules one for DDL and another for DML with NOT logical condition.
    rule_name => 'admin.SALES_not_TALBE_1_dml', condition => ' (:dml.get_object_owner() = ''SALES'' AND NOT ' ||
    ' :dml.get_object_name() = ''REGIONS'') AND ' ||
    ' :dml.is_null_tag() = ''Y'' ');
    rule_name => 'admin.hr_not_regions_dlll',
    condition => ' (:dml.get_object_owner() = ''SALES'' AND NOT ' ||
    ' :ddl.get_object_name() = ''table_!'') AND ' ||
    ' :dsl.is_null_tag() = ''Y'' ');
    just go through this document once,
    Edited by: user8710159 on Sep 16, 2009 5:21 PM

  • EXPORT at schema level, but exclude some tables within the export

    I have been searching, but had no luck in finding the correct syntax for my situation.
    I'm simply trying to export at the schema level, but I want to omit certain tables from the export.
    exp cltest/cltest01@clprod file=exp_CLPROD092508.dmp log=exp_CLPROD092508.log statistics=none compress=N

    Think in simple first.. you use the TABLES Clause..
    exp scott/tiger file=empdept.expdat tables=(EMP,DEPT) log=empdept.log
    In case if you scehma contains less number of tables.. !!
    Logically if you have large number of tables, I say this solutuion might work ...all around... alternative solutions to solve the problems.. If you have hundered of tables... in your schema....
    Try to Create a New Schema and using CTAS create a tables which are skippable in the Current Scehma.
    Do an Export and once the Job Done.. you recreate the backup fom New schema
    and Import to DB (Destinaiton)
    - Pavan Kumar N

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    However, we need to know
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    2) still need the table structures to be imported even no data is wanted.

    Lee and Rob,
    Thank you both for your responses.
    Rob, thank you sir... I appreciate greatly some possible solutions to implement.  The CollectionPreseter sounds very interesting.  I am relatively new to Light Room 3 (working through Kelby's book at the moment tryng to learn), so please excuse any lightly thought out questions.
    You mentioned the idea of setting up multiple collections where each would have its own preset.  So lets talk about a possible workflow scenario in order to help me understand whether I comprehend the functionality of what this plugin could do.
    Lets say I have 3 Collections with each having one preset assigned.
    Is it possible ->
    Workflow A
    That after I import photos and then assign into Collection 1, CollectionPreseter will assign the defined preset on Collection 1.
    Once applied, does the ability exist to then move the pictures from Collection 1 into Collection 2 (while keeping Collection 1 preset) to apply it's preset and then lastly Moving the pictures from Collection 2 (while keeping Preset 1 and 2) into Collection 3 to apply its preset? with Final Export.
    Workflow B
    Would the flow have to be something like this based on above:
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    Reimport and place into Collection 2 (preset 2 is applied). Export and Save.
    Reimport and place into Collection 3 (preset 3 is applied). Export and Save Final.?
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    Thank you...

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    using dbms_crypto package
    Assumption: TE is a user in oracle 10g
    we have a table need encrypt a column, this column SYSDBA can not look at, it's credit card number.
    tha table is
    SQL> desc TE.temp_sales
    Name Null? Type
    1. grant execute on dbms_crypto to te;
    2. Create a table with a encrypted columns
    SQL> CREATE TABLE te.customer_credit_info(
    2 cust_credit_id number
    3      CONSTRAINT pk_te_cust_cred PRIMARY KEY
    5      enable validate,
    6 card_type varchar2(10)
    7      constraint te_cust_cred_type_chk check ( upper(card_type) in ('DINERS','AMEX','VISA','MC') ),
    8 card_number blob,
    9 expiry_date date,
    10 cust_id number
    11      constraint fk_te_cust_credit_to_cust references te.customer(cust_id) deferrable
    12 )
    13 storage (initial 50k next 50k pctincrease 0 minextents 1 maxextents 50)
    14 tablespace userdata_Lm;
    Table created.
    SQL> CREATE SEQUENCE te.customers_cred_info_id
    2 START WITH 1
    5 NOCYCLE;
    Sequence created.
    Note: Credit card number is blob data type. It will be encrypted.
    3. Loading data encrypt the credit card number
    truncate table TE.customer_credit_info;
    input_string VARCHAR2(16) := '';
    raw_input RAW(128) := UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_RAW(CONVERT(input_string,'AL32UTF8','US7ASCII'));
    key_string VARCHAR2(8) := 'AsDf!2#4';
    raw_key RAW(128) := UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_RAW(CONVERT(key_string,'AL32UTF8','US7ASCII'));
    encrypted_raw RAW(2048);
    encrypted_string VARCHAR2(2048);
    for cred_record in (select upper(CREDIT_CARD) as CREDIT_CARD,
    from TE.temp_sales) loop
    dbms_output.put_line('type:' || cred_record.credit_card || 'exp_date:' || cred_record.CREDIT_CARD_EXP_DATE);
    dbms_output.put_line('number:' || cred_record.CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER);
    input_string := cred_record.CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER;
    raw_input := UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_RAW(CONVERT(input_string,'AL32UTF8','US7ASCII'));
    dbms_output.put_line('> Input String: ' || CONVERT(UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2(raw_input),'US7ASCII','AL32UTF8'));
    encrypted_raw := dbms_crypto.Encrypt(
    src => raw_input,
    key => raw_key);
    encrypted_string := rawtohex(UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_RAW(encrypted_raw)) ;
    dbms_output.put_line('> Encrypted hex value : ' || encrypted_string );
    insert into TE.customer_credit_info values
    end loop;
    4. Check credit card number script
    input_string VARCHAR2(16) := '';
    raw_input RAW(128) := UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_RAW(CONVERT(input_string,'AL32UTF8','US7ASCII'));
    key_string VARCHAR2(8) := 'AsDf!2#4';
    raw_key RAW(128) := UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_RAW(CONVERT(key_string,'AL32UTF8','US7ASCII'));
    encrypted_raw RAW(2048);
    encrypted_string VARCHAR2(2048);
    decrypted_raw RAW(2048);
    decrypted_string VARCHAR2(2048);
    cursor cursor_cust_cred is select CUST_CREDIT_ID, CARD_TYPE, CARD_NUMBER, EXPIRY_DATE, CUST_ID
    from TE.customer_credit_info order by CUST_CREDIT_ID;
    v_id customer_credit_info.CUST_CREDIT_ID%type;
    v_type customer_credit_info.CARD_TYPE%type;
    v_EXPIRY_DATE customer_credit_info.EXPIRY_DATE%type;
    v_CUST_ID customer_credit_info.CUST_ID%type;
    dbms_output.put_line('ID Type Number Expiry_date cust_id');
    open cursor_cust_cred;
         fetch cursor_cust_cred into v_id, v_type, encrypted_raw, v_expiry_date, v_cust_id;
    exit when cursor_cust_cred%notfound;
    decrypted_raw := dbms_crypto.Decrypt(
    src => encrypted_raw,
    key => raw_key);
    decrypted_string := CONVERT(UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2(decrypted_raw),'US7ASCII','AL32UTF8');
    dbms_output.put_line(V_ID ||' ' ||
    V_TYPE ||' ' ||
    decrypted_string || ' ' ||
    v_EXPIRY_DATE || ' ' ||
    end loop;
    close cursor_cust_cred;

  • How to avoid a table to be selected by a user with 'select any table' grant

    I want a table to be non selectable for a particular user even if that user has a 'select any table' grant.
    either the query can return no rows or an error message, it doesn't matter.
    how can I achieve this with a standard database configuration? I mean I am not allowed to use any tool of Oracle like vault etc..
    thanks in advance...

    Fine-grained access control (aka VPD, more or less) is part of Enterprise Edition. It is not a separate tool. See Oracle Database Editions
    You can read about it here Using Oracle Virtual Private Database to&amp;nbsp;Control&amp;nbsp;Data Access
    The main thing to understand is the predicte-generating function, and all the opportunities there. This example is from a presentation I once gave to a local Oracle users group.
    The policy (not shown) specifies FGAC_PKG.FGAC_PREDICATE_FNC as the predicate-generating function. If the user has role FGAC_DEMO_ALL_COMPANIES_ROLE then his view is not restricted; if his username does not appear in the COMPANY_AUTHORIZATION table he will get an error when querying the protected table; otherwise he will be restricted to see only the companies he is authorized for. So this has some elements that may be useful to you.
        e_not_authorized exception;
        PRAGMA exception_init(e_not_authorized, -20667);
        RAISE e_not_authorized;
        RETURN (-1);  -- will NEVER get here (have already raised an error)
       WHEN e_not_authorized  then
         RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (sqlcode,
                                  sqlerrm||'Access to '|| in_object ||
                                  ' requires access to at least one company, but none have been authorized.' );
       out_predicate   VARCHAR2 (400);
       c_filter_predicate constant varchar2(400) :=
          'WHERE USER_NAME = USER)';
       c_bypass_filtering_role VARCHAR2(30) := 'FGAC_DEMO_ALL_COMPANIES_ROLE';
       v_authorization_count NUMBER;
       c_error_predicate constant varchar2(400) :=
               in_schema||'.'||in_object||''') = 0';
      IF DBMS_SESSION.is_role_enabled (c_bypass_filtering_role) THEN
          out_predicate :=  NULL;
         SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_authorization_count
            WHERE USER_NAME = USER;
         IF  v_authorization_count = 0 then
           out_predicate :=  c_error_predicate;
          out_predicate :=  c_filter_predicate;
        END IF;
      END IF;
      RETURN out_predicate;

  • Exclude a table from time-based reduction

    Iu2019d like to exclude a table from time-based reduction. How can I do this ? Is there any manual how to do customizing in TDMS ?

    Thank you Markus for your annotation.
    AUFK is technically declared as an Master Data Table, but stores orders. Standard
    TDMS provides a reduction of this file and in the client copies we did via TDMS a lot of  records disappeared when we selected time-reduction.
    Now we fond out that some Transactions as OKB9 or KA03 refer to old internal orders. So we would like to maintain the customizing, to exclude AUFK from reduction. But this is not possible in activity TD02P_TABLEINFO, because no changes can be done to the tables, which have got the transfer_status 1 = Reduce.
    You can manipulate the Transfer-Status in file CNVTDMS_02_STEMP before getting to activity  TD02P_TABLEINFO, but I wonder whether this is the way one should do.
    Any idea ?
    Regards p121848

  • How to exclude a table when doing dbcc checkdb

    when running dbcc checkdb(mydb). it will go through all tables. Is it possible to exclude a table from dbcc checkdb?

    Thanks, Mark. When I run dbcc checkdb(mydb), it across a table and take over 18 hours and still waiting.
    the message is:
    Checking mytable: Logical pagesize is 2048 bytes
    The total number of data pages in this table is 1365692.
    The total number of pages which could be garbage collected to free up some space is 2923.
    then I stop it manually.
    Possibly something wrong with the table. When I run dbcc checktable on this table, it' also keep me waiting and never end. then I can't finish dbcc checkdb because of this table. the size of this table is about 3G. How to resolve this problem?

  • Exclude some columns during TDMS transfer

    Good morning.
    We need to exclude some columns during our TDMS transfer.
    For example, we have a table with 10 fields at the sender, we only need 8 fields to show up at the receiver.
    I have reviewed all my TDMS documents and TDMS on-line help but found no info about  this.
    Did any expert do similar thing before?

    SAPUSERSS wrote:
    > We need to exclude some columns during our TDMS transfer.
    > For example, we have a table with 10 fields at the sender, we only need 8 fields to show up at the receiver.
    > Thanks!
    Hello ,
    Another potential workaround could be to use Scrambling rules for such fields
    and in the scrambling logic force the fields values to SPACE so that in the reciever those fields (Columns) are not transferred
    with any data.

  • Oracle Entity Framework: some tables won't update the entity data model

    I've successfully connected to an oracle database, and I've set up an entity data model project in Visual Studio 2010.
    Using "Update Model from Database" on the EDMX file, some tables that I select are imported, but others do not appear. Is there something about these tables that prevents them from being imported?
    Jonathan Poor
    Rubin & Poor, Inc.

    When I tried this the first time, I missed a message that answers my question:
    The table/view does not have a primary key defined and no valid primary key could be inferred. This table/view has been excluded. To use the entity, you will need to review your schema, add the correct keys, and uncomment it.
    Another table was brought in because the entity model managed to infer a primary key:
    The table/view does not have a primary key defined. The key has been inferred and the definition was created as a read-only table/view.

  • Protect some table rows

    Hi all,
    How can I protect some table rows from update, delete...? I have users with update, delete,… privileges but I do not want they to change some rows of the table…

    if your are using 11gR1 and above
    Read-Only Tables in Oracle Database 11g Release 1
    In previous Oracle releases, tables could be made to appear read-only to other users by only granting the SELECT object privilege to them, but the tables remained read-write for the owner. Oracle 11g allows tables to be marked as read-only using the ALTER TABLE command.
    ALTER TABLE table_name READ ONLY;
    ALTER TABLE table_name READ WRITE;
    refer :
    Handle:      user9106065
    Status Level:      Newbie
    Registered:      Feb 5, 2010
    Total Posts:      16
    Total Questions:      9 (9 unresolved)
    Posters, please mind these common-sense rules when participating here:
    - When asking a question, provide all the details that someone would need to answer it. Consulting documentation first is highly recommended.
    - When answering a question, please be courteous and respectful; there are different levels of experience represented here. A poorly worded question is better ignored than flamed - or better yet, help the poster ask a better question.
    - It is considered good etiquette to reward answerers with points (as "helpful" - 5 pts - or "correct" - 10pts).
    - See more tips in the FAQ
    Thanks for doing your part to make this community as valuable as possible for everyone!
    - OTN

  • Fail to import some tables when restoring a export dump

    I have a export dump get by oracle 11g database. I want to restore this dump into a new database. When i am importing the dump some tables restoration get fail. Reason of this there is invalid views and packages creating.
    Pls some one help me to resolve this problem.

    Share impdp command that you have typed for import and also describe the user which has done the export

  • Excluding certain tables with import

    I would like to know if there is any way to exclude certain tables when performing an Oracle import. We have certain tables which do not need to be imported, and would significantly help space if some tables could be excluded. Thanks.

    Well, a workaround is to fake the oracle import utility by precreate a not right table which you don't want import.
    Example, I want import all objects from scott to other schema toto, except the emp table. You know the emp's scott table:
    TOTO@DEMO102> conn scott/demo102
    SCOTT@DEMO102> desc emp
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    EMPNO                                     NOT NULL NUMBER(4)
    ENAME                                              VARCHAR2(10)
    JOB                                                VARCHAR2(9)
    MGR                                                NUMBER(4)
    HIREDATE                                           DATE
    SAL                                                NUMBER(7,2)
    COMM                                               NUMBER(7,2)
    DEPTNO                                             NUMBER(2)I have duplicate into emp2 which won't exclude :
    SCOTT@DEMO102> desc emp2
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    EMPNO                                              NUMBER(4)
    ENAME                                              VARCHAR2(10)
    JOB                                                VARCHAR2(9)
    MGR                                                NUMBER(4)
    HIREDATE                                           DATE
    COMM                                               NUMBER(7,2)
    DEPTNO                                             NUMBER(2)
    SCOTT@DEMO102> Well, as toto, I create a table emp with other structure :
    SYSTEM@DEMO102> conn toto/toto
    TOTO@DEMO102> desc emp
    ORA-04043: object emp does not exist
    TOTO@DEMO102> create table emp (col1 number);
    Table created.
    TOTO@DEMO102> desc emp
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    COL1                                               NUMBERAt this point, I export the scott's schema :
    E:\oracle\ora102\BIN>exp system/demo102 owner=scott file=e:\files\expscott.dmp log=e:\files\expscott.log
    Export: Release - Production on Wed Sep 20 20:50:14 2006
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Produc
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    Export done in WE8MSWIN1252 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
    About to export specified users ...
    . exporting pre-schema procedural objects and actions
    . exporting foreign function library names for user SCOTT
    . exporting PUBLIC type synonyms
    . exporting private type synonyms
    . exporting object type definitions for user SCOTT
    About to export SCOTT's objects ...
    . exporting database links
    . exporting sequence numbers
    . exporting cluster definitions
    . about to export SCOTT's tables via Conventional Path ...
    . . exporting table                              A          2 rows exported
    . . exporting table                              B          4 rows exported
    . . exporting table                          BONUS          0 rows exported
    . . exporting table                              C          0 rows exported
    . . exporting table                         CARLES      40811 rows exported
    . . exporting table                        CECILIA          2 rows exported
    . . exporting table                        CUBITTM         25 rows exported
    . . exporting table                           DATA          4 rows exported
    . . exporting table                           DEPT          4 rows exported
    . . exporting table                            DIM          2 rows exported
    . . exporting table EMP 14 rows exported
    . . exporting table EMP2 14 rows exported
    . . exporting table                        WORKERS          1 rows exported
    . exporting synonyms
    . exporting views
    . exporting stored procedures
    . exporting operators
    . exporting referential integrity constraints
    . exporting triggers
    . exporting indextypes
    . exporting bitmap, functional and extensible indexes
    . exporting posttables actions
    . exporting materialized views
    . exporting snapshot logs
    . exporting job queues
    . exporting refresh groups and children
    . exporting dimensions
    . exporting post-schema procedural objects and actions
    . exporting statistics
    Export terminated successfully without warnings.
    E:\oracle\ora102\BIN>Then import with ignore=y :
    E:\oracle\ora102\BIN>imp system/demo102 fromuser=scott touser=toto file=e:\files
    \expscott.dmp log=e:\files\imp_to_toto.log ignore=yHere the log result :
    Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    Export file created by EXPORT:V10.02.01 via conventional path
    import done in WE8MSWIN1252 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
    . importing SCOTT's objects into TOTO
    . . importing table                            "A"          2 rows imported
    . . importing table                            "B"          4 rows imported
    . . importing table                        "BONUS"          0 rows imported
    . . importing table                            "C"          0 rows imported
    . . importing table                       "CARLES"      40811 rows imported
    . . importing table                      "CECILIA"          2 rows imported
    . . importing table                      "CUBITTM"         25 rows imported
    . . importing table                         "DATA"          4 rows imported
    . . importing table                         "DEPT"          4 rows imported
    . . importing table                          "DIM"          2 rows imported
    . . importing table "EMP"
    IMP-00058: ORACLE error 904 encountered
    ORA-00904: "DEPTNO": invalid identifier
    IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 904:
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    . . importing table "EMP2" 14 rows imported
    . . importing table                        "EMP25"         14 rows imported
    . . importing table                         "EMP3"          0 rows imported
    . . importing table                         "EMP6"         14 rows imported
    . . importing table                      "WORKERS"          1 rows imported
    IMP-00041: Warning: object created with compilation warnings
    "CREATE FORCE VIEW "TOTO"."VW_EMP2"                            ("EMPNO","ENA"
    "select "EMPNO","ENAME","JOB","MGR","HIREDATE","SAL","COMM","DEPTNO","TMS2" "
    "from emp2"
    IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 904:
    IMP-00003: ORACLE error 904 encountered
    ORA-00904: "DEPTNO": invalid identifier
    IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 1031:
    "E.COM', 1, 0, 0, "SCOTT", "EMP", '2006-04-24:23:28:56', 0, 51151, '2006-04-"
    "24:23:28:56', '', 0, 1171373, 0, NULL), 2097472, 8, ('2006-04-24:23:28:56',"
    " 22, 0, 0, 1171373, 0, 0, 2, NULL, NULL)) REFRESH FORCE AS"
    "select cast(empno-7000 as number(3)) empno, sal from emp"
    IMP-00003: ORACLE error 1031 encountered
    ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
    IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 12003:
    IMP-00003: ORACLE error 12003 encountered
    ORA-12003: materialized view "TOTO"."MV1" does not exist
    About to enable constraints...
    Import terminated successfully with warnings.Note that all assowiated objects were in error, but table emp was not import.
    SCOTT@DEMO102> conn toto/toto
    TOTO@DEMO102> desc emp
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    COL1                                               NUMBER
    TOTO@DEMO102> select * from emp;
    no rows selected
    TOTO@DEMO102> select * from emp2;
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE       COMM     DEPTNO
          7369 SMITH      CLERK           7902 17/12/80                    20
          7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN        7698 20/02/81        300         30
          7521 WARD       SALESMAN        7698 22/02/81        500         30
          7566 JONES      MANAGER         7839 02/04/81                    20
          7654 MARTIN     SALESMAN        7698 28/09/81       1400         30
          7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01/05/81                    30
          7782 CLARK      MANAGER         7839 09/06/81                    10
          7788 SCOTT      ANALYST         7566 19/04/87                    20
          7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17/11/81                    10
          7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08/09/81          0         30
          7876 ADAMS      CLERK           7788 23/05/87                    20
          7900 JAMES      CLERK           7698 03/12/81                    30
          7902 FORD       ANALYST         7566 03/12/81                    20
          7934 MILLER     CLERK           7782 23/01/82                    10
    14 rows selected.
    TOTO@DEMO102> If I drop emp table, and re-import, emp table will be import as well.

  • Exclude a table while exporting a table

    Hi ALL
    I want to take an export of a DB excluding one table on oracle 11g. please help me.

    There is no such option with the old export utility. You can only list the tables you want to include in your export.
    Are you on production env ? Is it a very big table ? Are you exporting for further import in 9i ?

Maybe you are looking for

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    This new BB 10 Calendar is horrible compared to my 9900. Adding simple appointments takes much more time and it is quite cumbersome and this is the biggest drawback so far for me. 1. In the Agenda view how can I force it to show all my future appoint

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    I have iLife on DVD. I cannot upgrade iMovie as App store tells me that my present iMovie installtion is not connected to my Apple account. How is it possible to register my iLife (DVD) with my account?

  • HT4061 Can you download a movie to your ipad if you don't have it with you?

    Can you download a movie to your ipad if you don't have it physically with you. I'm going out of town tomorrow and want to download a movie now, but my Ipad is at home.

  • Receive Flash Islands data in flex-Dictionary ?

    Hi@ all, i´m developing a bigger Flash Islands application i need to loop over ~10 000 entrys to find a searched object. It is now realized inside an ArrayCollection, like all examples i found. Is there a faster way to solve the iterating problem? i´