Import audiofile

Can anyone help me with an import audiofile problem?
I want to import a mp3 file with a voice recording. After that I want to add midi instruments (drums, bass etc.). In order to make a sharp mix I would like the mp3-file to be lined out in a certain tempo. I don't really know how many BPM the mp3 is in.
Can I get Garageband to analyse this and line out the mp3?

After bringing the mp3 file into GB select the recorded region and in the Track Editor be sure Follow Tempo & Pitch is unselected. This way you can adjust the Project BPM without affecting the original.
Then try to estimate the beat as close as you can and set the bpm. You maybe can use the Metronome to get as close as possible. Then you can create your beat. If there is drift in the tempo (depending on the original recording) you may need to keep your beats short and loop them, OR play along with the recording for a while or throughout to match its tempo.
You could also try using Enhance Timing on the original but I don't know how good the results will be.

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    Follow tempo is not available on imported audiofiles that haven't been created with Logic.
    Logic tags the beats when it bounces audiofiles, so if you are using audio files within Logic, place them in the arrange, bounce them out, and then reimport them - Logic will have added the beats meta data to the files and follow tempo will now be available.

  • Error code -120

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    i see all the files in the finder and if i copy them to another drive, i am able to import them into logic...
    any ideas ?

    When do you get this error?
    Best of luck.

  • Flex error 1034: Type Coercion Failed

    I extended the File class as AudioFile.  I only added one new property "category".  I intend to filter files out of a directory structure and keep the AudioFile objects in a simple indexed array.  I also want to add category info to the AudioFile object's "category" property.  The error is thrown after I call getDirectoryListing, assign the returned File objects to "content:Array", and then I iterate through "content" assinging each File object to an AudioFile object.  I thought that sense AudioFile is an extension of File that this would not be a problem.  The heart of the issue is how getDirectoryListing returns File objects but I need AudioFile objects.  My next instinct is to override the getDirectoryListing method but I can not find the class declaration for File.
    Is there a way to cast the File objects as AudioFile objects?  Should I be using a different strategy for assigning category info to the File objects?  Maybe I should not be extending File class at all.  I am kind of stuck.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Here is my code.  Please note that this is my first flex/air/actionscript I ever wrote.  I am using Flash Builder 4.5 and my target is Air Desktop.  The extended class AudioFile is in
        import flash.filesystem.File;
        public class AudioFile extends File
            public function AudioFile()
            public var category:String;
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""
                            applicationComplete="init()" width="386" height="581"
            <s:VerticalLayout paddingTop="6" paddingLeft="6" paddingRight="6" paddingBottom="6"/>
                import AudioFile;
                import flash.filesystem.File;
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                private var audioObj:AudioFile = new AudioFile();
                protected function init():void
    // Center main AIR app window on the screen
                    nativeWindow.x = (Capabilities.screenResolutionX - nativeWindow.width) / 2;
                    nativeWindow.y = (Capabilities.screenResolutionY - nativeWindow.height) / 2;
                    // Get notified when minimize/maximize occurs
                    addEventListener(NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent.DISPLAY_STATE_CHANGING, onDisplayStateChange);
    // Handles when the app is minimized/maximized
                protected function onDisplayStateChange(e:NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent):void
                    trace("Display State Changed from " + e.beforeDisplayState + " to " + e.afterDisplayState);
                private var masterList:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
                private var dgArray:Array = new Array();
                private var initDG:ArrayCollection;
                public function initData():void {
                    var initDG:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(dgArray);
                private function analyze():void {
                    // ActionScript file
                    var sourceDir:AudioFile = getSourceDir();
                    var fileList:Array = new Array();
                    var dirList:Array = new Array();
                    function transverseDirStructure(sourceDir:AudioFile):Array {
                        var flag:Boolean = false;
                        var dirList:Array = new Array();
                        var fileList:Array = new Array();
                        do {
                            var contents:Array = sourceDir.getDirectoryListing();
                            for(var i:int=0;i < contents.length; i++) {
                                // test for isDirectory
                                var file:AudioFile = contents[i];
                                if (file.isDirectory == true) {
                                else {
                            if (dirList.length == 0)
                                flag = false;
                            else {
                                // recursion
                                fileList = fileList.concat(transverseDirStructure(dirList,fileList));
                        } while (flag == false)
                        return fileList;
                    function filterExtensions(fileList:Array):Array {
                        var cleanExtensionsList:Array = new Array();
                        for each (var i:AudioFile in fileList) {
                            if (i.extension == ".wav" || ".aiff") {
                        return cleanExtensionsList;
                    function filterSize(fileList:Array):Array {
                        var cleanSizeList:Array = new Array();
                        var maxFileSize:int = 350000;
                        for each (var i:AudioFile in fileList) {
                            if (i.size < maxFileSize) {
                        return cleanSizeList;
                    function categorizeAudioFiles(fileList:Array):Array {
                        var masterList:Array = new Array();
                        var flag:Boolean = true;
                        var categories:Array = new Array();
                        for each (var i:AudioFile in fileList) {
                            for each (var x:String in categories) {
                                if ( > 0) {
                                    // Add name of category to the extended property.
                                    i.category = x;
                        return masterList;
                    fileList = transverseDirStructure(fileList);
                    fileList = filterSize(fileList);
                    fileList = filterExtensions(fileList);
                    fileList = categorizeAudioFiles(fileList);
                private function generateRandom():void {
                private function setDestination():void {
                    var file:AudioFile = new AudioFile();
                    file.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, dirSelected);
                    file.browseForDirectory("Select a directory");
                    function dirSelected(e:Event):void {
                        txtDestination.text = file.nativePath;
                private function getDestination():AudioFile {
                    var destinationDir:AudioFile = new AudioFile();
                    destinationDir.nativePath = txtDestination.text;
                    return destinationDir;
                private function getSourceDir():AudioFile {
                    var sourceDir:AudioFile = new AudioFile();
                    sourceDir.nativePath = txtBrowse1.text;
                    return sourceDir;
                private function setSourceDir():void {
                    var file:AudioFile = new AudioFile();
                    file.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, dirSelected);
                    file.browseForDirectory("Select a directory");
                    function dirSelected(e:Event):void {
                        txtBrowse1.text = file.nativePath;
                // Control logic
        <mx:Form width="373" height="113" id="formChooseDirectory1">
            <mx:FormHeading label="1. Choose A Source Directory..." width="315" fontSize="13" fontFamily="Verdana" color="#CF71FF"/>
            <s:Button label="Browse..." fontFamily="Verdana" fontSize="13" color="#CF71FF" id="btnBrowse1" enabled="true" click="setSourceDir()"/>
            <s:TextInput width="333" id="txtBrowse1" enabled="false" text="C:\Users\RokaMic\Bangin Beats"/>
        <mx:Form width="373" height="231" id="formAnalyze">
            <mx:FormHeading label="2. Analyze Samples..." fontFamily="Verdana" fontSize="13" color="#00D8FF" width="245"/>
            <s:Button label="Analyze" fontFamily="Verdana" color="#00D8FF" id="btnAnalyze" enabled="true" click="analyze()"/>
            <mx:DataGrid editable="false" enabled="true" fontFamily="Verdana" color="#00D8FF" width="337" dataProvider="{initDG}">
                    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="File name" dataField="filename" color="#00D8FF" fontFamily="Verdana"/>
                    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Category" dataField="category" color="#00D8FF" fontFamily="Verdana"/>
        <mx:Form width="374" height="173" id="formGenerate">
            <s:Button label="Generate Drum Kits" width="342" height="52" fontSize="18" fontFamily="Verdana" color="#00FF06" id="btnGenerate1" enabled="true" click="generateRandom()"/>
            <mx:FormItem label="How Many?" fontFamily="Verdana" fontSize="13" color="#00FF00" width="340">
                <s:HSlider width="206" stepSize="1" value="1" minimum="1" maximum="25" id="sliderHowMany" liveDragging="true"/>
            <s:Button label="Destination..." color="#00FF00" id="btnDestination" enabled="true" click="setDestination()"/>
            <s:TextInput width="332" id="txtDestination" enabled="false"/>

    i copied this from your code:
          function categorizeAudioFiles(fileList:Array):Array {
                        var masterList:Array = new Array();
                        var flag:Boolean = true;
                        var categories:Array = new Array();
                        for each (var i:AudioFile in fileList) {
                            for each (var x:String in categories) {
                                if ( > 0) {
                                    // Add name of category to the extended property.
                                    i.category = x;
                        return masterList;
                    fileList = transverseDirStructure(fileList);
                    fileList = filterSize(fileList);
                    fileList = filterExtensions(fileList);
                    fileList = categorizeAudioFiles(fileList);
    does that contain line 129?  if so, where are those last 5 lines?
    they don't appear to be part of the categorizeAudioFiles() function so there should be a compiler error about that last }.  or, you've nested a named function somewhere.

  • Tempo problems with imported wav files

    Hey everyone, sorry if there's a quick fix for this in the forums that I couldn't find, but I've been having some tempo problems with imported .wav files.
    Long story short, my system couldn't handle playing all the tracks for a song while recording drums, so I bounced out an mp3 of the song and put it in a new Logic file so my drummer could just play along to that as I recorded him. Unfortunately, the original song is at 167 bpm, but I forgot to change the bpm in the new Logic file with the .mp3 file of the song to 167 bpm, so it was left at the default 120 bpm.
    So, the drums were recorded at the correct 167 bpm, but Logic thinks that those new drum .wav files should be played at 120 bpm, so when I import my drum tracks back into the original file, they do not play correctly at all.
    I could get record it all again, but I wanted to check if there was a way I could salvage what I already have, since my drummer lives about an hour away right now and can't just come over whenever he wants.
    Thanks for the help! I really appreciate it.

    First, do not use MP3 in Logic, the sound quality is less than AIFF, WAV or CAF, and Logic has to decode it for playback, making it a heavier burden on the CPU than an uncoded audiofile, such as AIFF, WAV or CAF.
    Secondly, audio files are independent of Logic's tempo. If you bounce down an audio file in any format (other than Apple Loop), it will play back at the same speed, +regardless of Logics' tempo setting+, either at recording or playback. Logic doesn't 'think' anything. The BPM is only important to MIDI tracks, or to the spacing between audio files. The audio files themselves *are not affected* by the tempo setting. If you import an audio file of tempo 167 into a 120 BPM project, the file will still play at 167, only Logic will indicate the wrong bar positions.
    regards, Erik.

  • How can I compress the audiofiles on my hard drive as it is full.

    I have just bought a Classic and have been busy converting my audiofiles to AAC files to sync to my iPOD. However, my hard drive is now full but I am under the impression that if I copy any files back to my external hard drive I will lose them when I sync with my iPOD.
    Is there any software I can use to compress the file size of the audiofiles I am storing in MY MUSIC within MY DOCUMENTS. My iPOd indicates that I have used 11.85 gig out of a possible 80 gig but my PC indicates that the hard drive is full with 38.5 gig taken up out ofa possible 40 gigs. I have no other significant files on my PC.
    I am sure this is common problem. Please help

    A 40GB drive is only going to have ~37.5GB, not 40GB or 38.5GB.
    If your 40GB HD has 38.5 GB used, you better (quickly) delete some files as Windows needs room on the boot drive to function properly.
    Generally, you should have at least 10%-15% free space on the boot drive.
    have been busy converting my audiofiles to AAC files
    Are you deleting the original after you convert them?
    What are you converting them from? iTunes and the iPod can play WAV, AIFF, MP3, AAC and Apple Lossless so if they are alreay in one of these formats, you do not need to convert them.
    As Meg noted an external HD is probably your best option.
    You can use it to store all your music and also make a backup (very important) of your internal 40GB drive.
    You can get 250GB external drives for $50-$100.

  • Is this slow performance when importing CD's into iTunes ?

    My new iMac 20" arrived this weekend. Since then I've been getting acquainted, being new to Macs. I wanted to build up my iTunes library, so I grabbed a box of my CDs and began importing them one by one. I was expecting my new iMac to really fly through them after reading the reviews of how much faster the new Core 2 Duo are over previous iMacs. I remember a table of stats in the MacWorld reviews, and for iTunes test, these machines were clocked at under 2 minutes for whatever it was they ripped in iTunes. YMMV certainly applies, but I was setting my expectation that my iMac could rip a CD in 2 - 3 minutes.
    Umm, my experience is way off that. In fact, I would say my iMac took about as long to rip a CD as my 7 year old Dell PC with 256 MB of mem and a first gen Pent 5.
    I decided to pick a CD and time how long it takes to import on my iMac, then take same CD and time how long it takes to import into iTunes on his new PC.
    CD - Rush, Moving Pictures, 7 songs, 39.8 min, 403.1 MB
    Encoding - AAC, 192 kbps
    My rig - iMac 20", 2 GB RAM, 256 MB VRAM, Core 2 Duo and 250 HB with latest version of OS X
    My son's rig - intel D955xbklkr socket 775 atx mobo, intel pentium D840 3.2 GHz processor, Corsair twinx pc5400 DDR2 667 Mhz mem ( 2 x 1024 mb ), HD - Seagate 250 GB SATA2 7K with 16 MB buffer, Pioneer DVR-111D DVD burner, and XFX 7600GS extreme graphics card, Win XP Pro, SP2 ( we built this beast with gaming in mind, with his own money ) * the CPU and memory are NOT overclocked and no other tweaks. just build it, install it and run it.
    The results:
    iMac - 7 minutes
    PC - 2 minutes
    I ran the import twice on each machine and came up with the same results.
    Neither machine was running anything else at the time.
    Granted there are some differences between the machines that should account for some differences, especially on the hard drive, with SATA2 and a nice 16 MB cache ( it's one sweet HD ) on the PC, but this difference is huge. We're not talking 20, 40 or 60 % faster on the PC. This was > 3x faster, so basically over 300% faster.
    Anyone have an idea ? Without digging into the specs, I'd say the DVD drives should be able to read equally fast, the Core 2 Duo 2.1 GHz with 4 MB cache should be equal if not superior to the older, D 820 3.2 GHz, the memory is the same speed, but I'm not sure about system bus speed on the P C ( 800 MHz ? ). Graphics cards don't factor into this equation, but the HD probably plays a big role, and I think the Seagate in my son's PC has the iMac beat hands down.
    What are other iMac C2D owners seeing for average import times ?

    When you say your superdrive rips, the import speeds are typically around 20x, what encoding method and bit rate are you using ?
    I imported another CD and watched for what import speed numbers were displayed. Routinely, they hovered around 8x and sometimes up to 12 or 13x, but never higher. I was told by someone at our local user's group meeting that ripping at AAC 192kbps was a double-pass, I think that was the words they used, and therefore slower. ( Many members thought 7 minutes to rip was typical ) I'm not so sure if that means the drive will only spin at half it's rated max speed ? Anyway, I walked over to my son's PC with the CD and ripped it at AAC 192kbps to his iTunes library. The numbers I saw were from 18x to frequently 23, 24 and sometimes briefly to about 26x. His drive has a max of 40x. By my reasoning, anything that would cause iTunes to rip this CD at a slower speed, whether due to the encoding rate or the CD's surface condition, should affect both computers equally, yes ? Yet the drive on the PC performed on average at twice the rate of the iMac. I think it's safe to say the rip speed is comfortably within the operating margins of both drives.
    I'm not yet fully convinced this is normal for an iMac. My CD are in excellent shape. I'm the only one who uses them and I handle them with about as much care as the old audiofiles used to when they handled their vinyl LPs ( well, at least not as far as wearing cotton gloves and sweeping the dust off ). Most of them have absolutely no visible scratches or oily finger prints on their surfaces. I might experiment and see what rates I get if I use MP3 or a lower bit rate for AAC.

  • TS1387 I am importing CD's into iTunes.  There were 3 different selection for the CD I put in and I accidently selected the wrong one, Now how do I change it?  It seems to only recognize it as the wrong CD now.

    I am importing CD's into iTunes.  The CD that I put in had the option of 3 different CD's and I accidentally chose the wrong CD name.  Is there a way to change it?  It now seems to only recognize that CD as the wrong one.

    When you say your superdrive rips, the import speeds are typically around 20x, what encoding method and bit rate are you using ?
    I imported another CD and watched for what import speed numbers were displayed. Routinely, they hovered around 8x and sometimes up to 12 or 13x, but never higher. I was told by someone at our local user's group meeting that ripping at AAC 192kbps was a double-pass, I think that was the words they used, and therefore slower. ( Many members thought 7 minutes to rip was typical ) I'm not so sure if that means the drive will only spin at half it's rated max speed ? Anyway, I walked over to my son's PC with the CD and ripped it at AAC 192kbps to his iTunes library. The numbers I saw were from 18x to frequently 23, 24 and sometimes briefly to about 26x. His drive has a max of 40x. By my reasoning, anything that would cause iTunes to rip this CD at a slower speed, whether due to the encoding rate or the CD's surface condition, should affect both computers equally, yes ? Yet the drive on the PC performed on average at twice the rate of the iMac. I think it's safe to say the rip speed is comfortably within the operating margins of both drives.
    I'm not yet fully convinced this is normal for an iMac. My CD are in excellent shape. I'm the only one who uses them and I handle them with about as much care as the old audiofiles used to when they handled their vinyl LPs ( well, at least not as far as wearing cotton gloves and sweeping the dust off ). Most of them have absolutely no visible scratches or oily finger prints on their surfaces. I might experiment and see what rates I get if I use MP3 or a lower bit rate for AAC.

  • No import from audio cd

    itunes - latest version 7.1.1 - freezes on import of audio files from cd, does not matter whether original new cd's or self burned. have to exit with force quit,
    when I then try to copy an audio file from the cd via drag-and-drop to the computer, I receive an error message, error -36, telling me that there is aproblem in reading the file.
    deleted all itunes preferences in the library folder, did not change anything
    then repaired permissions on the volume, great, could import one cd, on the second itunes freezes again.
    needed to repair permissions again, great, can import another cd
    so now I have to repair permissions every time I want to import audio files
    I have no problems importing mp3 files
    anybody here, who knows how to fix this annoying problem?
    G4 titanium power book   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    does itunes make use of other programs in reading
    cd's, would it make sense to delete preferences of
    such progs?
    It doesn't look like that's the case. It appears to all be handled by threads inside iTunes. So I don't think you'd be able to find the preferences to delete.
    one more thing, the problem of not being able to copy
    audiofiles from cd to hd only occurs when I have
    tried to import the cd into itunes, fresh inserted cd
    will allow to copy audio files, but once I have tried
    itunes, it is no longer possible, so obviously itunes
    screws up something.
    My guess, and it's just a guess, is that there's a bug in the CD/DVD drive on those machines, or a bug in the driver for that hardware and iTunes causes the problem to show up. If you know someone with an external USB or Firewire drive, you might try borrowing it and see if it works.
    You could also try this software:
    and see if it behaves any differently. Maybe it accesses the audio in a different way.
    I have no idea why it was fine with the old HD, but it doesn't work with the new one. Perhaps it's a question of how some part of the OS gets loaded into RAM because the 120GB drive needs more RAM or something. But that's just another wild guess.

  • Motion 4 imports no audio!

    hi everyone,
    i cant import any audio into motion 4.
    when i click on a audiofile in the browser it plays, but when i click import or drag it into canvas: nothing.
    the audio editor in the timeline only shows an empty audiofile.
    i removed and re installed quicktime and motion but nothing changed.
    hope everyone can help me.
    thanks in advance

    What type of audio files are you trying to import into Motion?
    Here are the types that are supported from the Motion documentation:
    Audio Formats
    You can import audio files with sample rates up to 192 kHz and with bit depths up to 32 bits. Mono and stereo files are supported. Multichannel audio files are also supported. Motion supports the following audio file types:
    AAC (AAC files are listed in the Finder with the .m4p file extension.)
    QuickTime Audio, with support for the following audio codecs:
    8-bit Unsigned (Little Endian/WAV)
    16-bit Integer
    24-bit Integer
    32-bit Integer
    32-bit Float
    64-bit Float
    ALaw 2:1
    AMR Narrowband
    Apple Lossless
    IMA 4:1
    MACE 3:1
    MACE 6:1
    MPEG-4 Audio
    Important: You cannot import rights-managed AAC files, such as those purchased from the iTunes Store.

  • No sound from imported sequence

    I am new to using Encore, and just trying to get a quick start from watching several videos.  I imported an mp4 as a timeline, and no problem with the sound.  But I imported a sequence as a timeline and there is no sound when I play the movie.  Thank you for any help.

    Stan, I don't know. How would I know?  I decided however to produce the video's as .m2v format, and imported on as a timeline then the audiofile and that seems ok, so I will go it that way.
    Thank you for your imput.

  • Importing Audition 3.01 scp files into CS6

    Hi! In the past I made some (scp) script files in Audition 3.01 to do (level/start/end) standarisation for audiofiles for radio broadcasts. Does anybody knows how to import these scp files into Audition CS6? Did some trial and error but unluckily I can't succeed ... Regards Hank.

    Since CS6 is a complete cross platform rewrite of Audition .scp files won't work in CS5.5 or 6, I'm afraid. The engine to use them just doesn't exist. The nearest thing that is available is the ability to Record Favorites. But these are only fairly simple sequences of shortcut keys. There are, as yet, no means of placing the cursor in scripts.
    Scripting has been requested as a feature to be returned to Audition at some future version together with much better help files for recording scripts or macros. I hope to see it return soon as I still have to revert to AA 3 or even 1.5 in order to do quick repetitive operations such as yours.

  • IMovie crashes after selcet import

    Today I updated my Powerbook. Some Keynote Updates, iPhoto, Quicktime ....
    Now I want to import a file in imovie, but if only select import, imovie crasehs. I repaird premission and also deletet the imovie.plist in preferences, but still the same problem. imovie also crashes if I try to drag&drop and file, for example just an audiofile.
    Any help?

    Today I updated my Powerbook. Some Keynote Updates, iPhoto, Quicktime ....
    Now I want to import a file in imovie, but if only select import, imovie crasehs. I repaird premission and also deletet the imovie.plist in preferences, but still the same problem. imovie also crashes if I try to drag&drop and file, for example just an audiofile.
    Any help?

  • Audio- & Videolength Importing Issue

    When i'm importing audio(wave) & videofiles (mp4) in Premiere Pro CS6, the files appear much shorter than they originally are.
    For example: My audiofile is 5seconds long, but when i import it i can only see/hear about a half second of it.
    How can i fix this?

    With such a short WAV file, the Conforming process, even if one only has a moderately fast system, is probably done so quickly, that one never sees the progress bar - it just never has time to display, and probably did complete 100%. It sounds like you did get the full PEK file (Audio Waveform Display), which is part of the Conforming process.
    Not sure what is happening in your case, and I think that we can safely rule out the Conforming process. Thanks for the info.
    Wish that I had some other thoughts, but maybe others will.
    Good luck,

  • Import quality

    how do i import from a CD at a higher quality? i met an audiofile in new york who said i can change the settings in itunes to import at 256 "somethings" (sorry for being a Philistine) rather than the default, lower quality. how and where do i do this in itunes? thanks.

    In iTunes, go to Preferences>Advanced>Importing.
    At 'Import Using:', choose the encoder you want to use.
    At 'Setting:' choose 'Custom' and in the next window choose 256 kbps at 'Stereo Bit Rate:'
    Hope this helps.
    Saw you found the answer after posting.
    Removed content posted again, because you referred to it in your reply.

Maybe you are looking for